Special Years

Chapter 530: Power 3 corner wings

Skydiving is a "brave" sport.

For young soldiers, it is normal for everyone to feel a little bit of fear for the first time.

But just like eating stinky tofu, you look terrible and smell scary, but after eating it once, as long as you like it, you will be obsessed. The food that makes my head buzz and eats is so addicting.

Zhuang Yan has gradually become accustomed to the feeling of jumping out from the cabin of the "air tractor" and then floating in the sky.

Parachute training is a long process, and it takes time to become an excellent skydiving veteran like Zhang Zhiang.

If you make two jumps a day, you can only jump a hundred times in three months.

The purpose of the hunter team's training here is not to train everyone to be an old paratrooper immediately, but to let everyone master the most basic knowledge of skydiving.

There are many kinds of umbrellas, and there are more types of umbrellas used in special forces.

When I arrived at the airport that day, checked the equipment in the big warehouse, and was about to perform a routine jump, it suddenly became lively not far away.

The warehouse at the airport is located in a remote location. Generally speaking, there are not many people here. Occasionally, there are ground staff who drag the planes out of the hangar next to them. However, there are no advanced fighter planes in this airport, and they are all old-fashioned models.

At first, the ground crew came to tow the plane, and everyone was still watching, commenting on their heads, and then gradually lost interest. When someone came, they just raised their heads, took a look, and then lowered their heads and folded their umbrella bags.

But this time was different. What the ground crew dragged out of the warehouse was not a plane, but something Zhuang Yan and others had never seen before.

"What is that? Look!" Zhang Yiyi cried out in surprise at first.

Zhuang Yan followed Zhang Yaoyi's eyes and looked out of the warehouse, and saw the soldiers from the ground crew drag out a few strange-looking objects from the warehouse in the distance.

It doesn't look like an airplane, it's weird, it's not big, it has big triangular wings, and there is a double seat under the wings, like a small rowboat that I rented when I was a kid at the youth park.


Zhuang Yan suddenly became interested.

He has always been very curious about new things.

"I've never seen this."

However, he felt that this thing was familiar, as if he had seen it before.

Not only solemnly interested, but everyone.

Han Zizuo, Sun Hongjian, and Lao Zhang, who were standing at the door, left everyone behind and walked towards the strange things over there.

Everyone put away their equipment, walked to the door, stood there and looked around, talking one after another.

"This thing looks very interesting! That little pocket can seat two people?"

"Didn't you see? There are two seats."

"Can this thing fly?" Su Huikai questioned this thing very much, imagining the appearance of sitting on it, feeling very unreliable.

"I don't think I can fly if I sit on it."

"You are so big, of course you can't fly!" Team member Kang Wenkai laughed.

Looking solemnly at the electronic watch in his hand, he said, "There is still a lot of time. Shall we go over and take a look?"

"Let's go in the past, what are you afraid of?" Private Yang Peng said, "Look at our Korean team, it seems that we are very familiar with others, and we are chatting happily."

Taking a solemn look, the situation was as Yang Peng said, Han Zizheng and a few officers standing beside the strange plane were having a lively chat.

It seems that Han Zizhen is also very interested in this thing. While chatting, he circled around this guy with triangular wings for several times, and finally even sat directly on it, looking east and west, like A child got a favorite toy.

Since the captain and others are acquaintances, then the captain's subordinates are naturally not outsiders!

Zhuang Yan said: "walk around, go and see, see what advanced technology is."

After he finished speaking, he didn't turn his head to go there.

Someone takes the lead, and there's a domino effect right away.

Everyone followed behind Zhuang Yan, talking in a low voice and laughing in a low voice, all the way with small cannons.

"Bring yourself, this is your soldier?"

A major in an Air Force camouflage uniform noticed Zhuang Yan and others approaching, turned his head to glance, and turned to Han Zixuan and said, "Is that the professional sniper unit you've been telling me to create?"


Han said to himself, looked up at his soldier, reached out and patted the monster plane, and asked, "Who said, what is this thing called?"

You look at me, I look at you, no one has ever played this thing and can't name it.

"I seem to have seen this thing," said solemnly.

Han said to himself, "Huh?" and turned his eyes to the solemn body.

"Where have you seen it?"

Seeing Han Zizheng asking a question, Zhuang Yan suddenly wanted to slap his mouth. Recently, he has tried to keep a low profile, talking less and training more, burying his head and working hard, so that he is afraid that Han Yan Wang will be eyeing him.

Without thinking, I couldn't hold back, and blurted out that I had seen it.

In fact, I really saw it, but I can't remember where I saw it for a while.

"I've seen it before, and I haven't seen it before."

Seeing Zhuang Yan's failure to answer right away, Han boasted a little disappointed and said, "Don't brag!"

Zhuang Yan was suddenly a little annoyed.

I really saw it, I just forgot.

I didn't expect to be bragged by Han Zizhen's joke.

"Captain, I've seen it before." This time, he wasn't afraid anymore. Being punished was a small matter, but his reputation was a big deal.

Am I the solemn kind of person who likes to brag? snort!

"You said, what's the name of this thing?" Han asked himself.

Zhuang Yan racked his brains and tried his best to search in his memory about the fact that the plane in front of him was not an airplane, and that a paraglider was not like a paraglider.

Suddenly, a light flashed in my mind!

He remembered where he had seen it!

"When I was at home, watching sports channels, there was this thing in foreign programs, it seemed to be called a paramotor..."

Zhuang Yan finally remembered.

Han boasted that he did not speak, and his face was expressionless.

Seeing him like this, Zhuang Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Shouldn't he remember it wrong?

"Okay!" Han Zizheng suddenly grinned and said, "I finally have some insight. You are not completely accurate. The scientific name of this thing is called a power delta wing, also known as a power hang glider, which is a field of aviation sports. A very popular light-powered aircraft in China, which emerged in Europe in the 1970s, can glide and land safely even without power in the air."

Having said that, he got up from the carrying compartment of the power delta wing, returned to the ground, and then circled the power delta wing for half a circle, looking like he couldn't put it down.

"Usually a powered delta wing can be used by two people, using a piston aero engine to drive the propeller, the wing and the fuselage are connected by suspension, and the pilot can control by moving the relative center of gravity of the fuselage and the wing. High gliding performance Even if the power is lost, the powered delta-wing aircraft can glide and land like an island. It has the characteristics of small size, light weight, easy to learn, safe and reliable."

Having said that, he asked Zhuang Yan, "Do you know what this thing is for?"

Said solemnly, "Fly!"

Han Zizheng was stunned, there was nothing wrong with this question, but it sounded wrong again.

The major next to him couldn't help laughing and said, "Bring yourself, your soldier is right, this thing is for flying."

Han Zi boasted with a wry smile: "That's right."

He looked at Zhuang Yan and asked, "Do you want to learn?"

Of course Zhuang Yan immediately nodded and said loudly, "I want to!"

Han said to himself, "Think beautifully!"

He pointed to the idle warehouse where everyone put their equipment, and said, "You jump out of your parachute first. When your parachute can jump to the parachute, at the end of next year, our special forces will have a powered parachute training. Parachutes will appear, and whoever can skydive well and can compete for a spot in the brigade will go."

"That's easy." Zhuang Yan said, "Team Han, I have a hunch that I can go."

"Okay, if you have the ability, you can go." Han said to himself: "Solemn, I appreciate your courage and confidence, but I remind you that compared with the parachuting veterans in the brigade, you are just a rookie, don't forget , the first skydiving team was the one who fell into a rolling gourd."

Being exposed by Han Zizheng, Zhuang Yan's face turned red again.

In Han Zixuan's opinion, a soldier with a solemn character must give him a bowl of cold water when he is arrogant to make him sober.

Anyway, his character was quite bearable. He was a little depressed at the time, but he jumped up and down immediately after that, and it didn't affect him at all.

The major next to him patted the solemn shoulder and said, "What's your name?"

"Report to the battalion commander, my name is Zhuang Yan."

Zhuang Yan is called according to his military rank, and the major is a full-fledged post.

Unexpectedly, the major burst into laughter and said, "No no no, I'm not the battalion commander."

Han Zizuo also laughed and said to Zhuang Yan, "Do you know who he is?"

Zhuang Yan murmured to himself, how do I know? I know you still need to explain? Isn't this nonsense?

Han claimed that of course he didn't know what Zhuang Yan was complaining about, he raised his chin towards the major~www.readwn.com~ and said to Zhuang Yan, "He is a researcher of the Airborne Corps Research Institute, his name is Zhang Neng, you can call him Researcher Zhang. "

After speaking, he pointed to the power delta wing next to him and said, "Many patents on this thing belong to him. It is a military model that Researcher Zhang has improved on the civilian model. By the way, I didn't ask you what the use of this thing is. Now? Now I tell you, this thing can be used for special operations, and our brigade also has parachutes, but you are not qualified to fly."

He turned his head, looked at everyone, and started the class.

"Our special forces have been equipped with a lot of flying-powered delta wings and parafoils in the past few years, but we have never had our own special models. In the past, all civilian sports models were used, so our researcher Zhang has We started working on this powered delta wing specially designed for our special forces in 2010. Don't underestimate this thing, it's better for you to use it in an infiltration operation than to sit in a helicopter."


Ask for a ticket! Ask for a ticket! Three thousand-character chapter, please don't raise books, raise dead ones.


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