Special Years

Chapter 210: Special salute!

The speed of the stuffy tanker is not fast, and Zhuang Yan thinks that this thing may only have a speed of tens of kilometers per hour.

Although the conditions are not comfortable, they are not uncomfortable either.

After all, he was a heavily trained soldier, and it was more comfortable to be in a stuffy tanker than to live in a makeshift tent in the wild.

But peeing has become a big problem.

Before getting on the bus, the leader of the brigade had made it clear that since the task was urgent, there would be no stops along the way, and it would drive to the point.

The journey is long, it is estimated that it will take 20 hours, and it is obviously not good to urinate in the carriage. This kind of stuffy tanker, peeing can smoke people to death.

However, the solution is always more difficult than the difficulty.

Soon, the soldiers invented an alternative solution - whoever wants to pee, let a comrade grab his armed belt behind his back, then unzip the pants, take out the man's weapon and snort out.

He does not know the specific destination, nor does he need to know the specific destination.

Because it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders.

Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't know if you shouldn't know.

Even if the train was bound for the battlefield, no one would back off.

Of course, all of them are roughly until they are going to Hubei Province to participate in a flood rescue.

Everyone's heart is more or less excited at this time, and no one knows what they are going to face.

Twenty hours is long and long, short and short.

Soon, after entering Hubei Province, the dark clouds in the sky were thicker than those seen in the sea training ground before, almost no place was dry, and it was raining everywhere the train passed. Engineers are busy and seem to be strengthening the **** to prevent the collapse.

The air, unknowingly, became tense.

At 4 am, in an unknown train station, the train finally stopped.

The iron chain across the door of the stuffy tanker was removed, and the squadron leader Zhou Huping shouted from below with an electric horn: "Get off! Get off!"

Everyone put on their rucksacks, put on life jackets, picked up shovels, and jumped out of the car.

The whole train station looked around, full of soldiers wearing life jackets.

"Don't stay here, take it out of the station! Take it out of the station and gather at the designated location!"

Obviously, the radio room at the train station had been requisitioned by the troops, and there was a sound of instructions from the radio.

Zhuang Yan quickly followed his comrades, gathered and ran outside the station.

Outside the station, I stood in a water-soaked open space for about 30 minutes. In the rain, a car came, and next to the license plate of the lead car was a sign with white and red letters - Flood Control and Emergency Rescue.

After receiving the boarding order, solemnly climbed into a Jiefang brand military vehicle, drove to the national highway in the dark, and headed for an unknown location again.

The road was very muddy, and a police car with a traffic policeman in front of the convoy drove in front of the convoy with red and blue lights flashing.

Shortly after leaving the station, there was stagnant water on the road, and the wheels rolled over the water, making a rushing sound.

He solemnly opened the tarpaulin and stuck his head out.

In the dark sight, it was pitch black all around, only the lights on the road were bright, and there were military convoys everywhere, and I had no idea how many troops were sent here.

Only occasionally see some local vehicles, but driving in the opposite direction and disappearing into the distance of the road.

Shaking along in the car for about two hours, the convoy was slow and occasionally a little blocked, as the road ahead had been swept away by the water and makeshift appearances had to be carefully passed.

After doing the train for more than ten hours, coupled with the exhaustion of the previous sea training, many people had fallen asleep leaning on their backpacks, and there were bursts of snoring in the dark.

I can't tell why, but Zhuang Yan couldn't sleep.

Sleepiness is like a child who is naughty and refuses to go home. He can't be coaxed back. He closed his eyes and squinted for a while, but he was still in good spirits when he opened his eyes.

Finally, it was early morning, and the sky was bright.

He solemnly lifted the tarpaulin behind the rear of the car to see what was going on outside.

When the scene outside the car came into the solemn line of sight, he was startled.

"my God!"

He couldn't help screaming, and the scream woke up a lot of people.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at it!"

Everyone crowded into the back of the car and looked around.

Every soldier was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Only then did Zhuang Yan know that this flood-fighting rescue was completely different from the previous situation when he was a recruit in the Eighth Iron Company to help N Town to repair the road to the reservoir!

This is simply the difference between heaven and earth. Compared with the situation here, the situation of the passage of the N Town Reservoir is almost like a child playing a house.

It was the most disturbing scene he had ever seen.

On the plain outside the car, there are patches of yellow muddy water everywhere, submerging farmland and crops, and the whole area seems to be soaked in water.

There were muddy people everywhere, in twos and threes, some carrying dirty furniture and sundries on their bicycles, bowing their heads, helplessness and sorrow in their absent-minded eyes.

There seemed to be many people in the distance, constantly stacking sandbags on the side of the road. In addition to the soldiers in military uniforms like themselves, there were also some ordinary people.

The rainstorm was like whip, the rice fields were flooded, the houses collapsed, the roads and bridges were washed away, and in the chaotic world, only some roofs, treetops and lonely slanted telephone poles remained...

The sight of the barren land makes people's emotions become like the weather, gradually gloomy.

The rain was still falling like crazy, and it didn't seem to want to stop.

The solemn heart hangs, the rain is not a good thing at this time.

That will bring more water.

I have seen some footage in the news of the squadron every day. Since June, the flood control work on both sides of the Yangtze River has not stopped.

However, when he was really there, Zhuang Yan realized that he couldn't describe this tragic situation in words.

Suddenly, there were several children standing on the side of the road. They looked like students, but they were not carrying schoolbags.

At this time, the school has long been closed...

"Look! Another uncle of the People's Liberation Army has come to help us!"

One of the little girls pointed to the military vehicle that solemnly adorned them and shouted at her partner: "Many PLA uncles!"

Then, the qualified friend stood on the side of the road and gave a Young Pioneer salute to the army vehicle team.

All the soldiers in the car suddenly became heavy breathing.

Suddenly, Lao Qi Luo Xiaoming stood by the car, raised his right hand silently, and gave a military salute.

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers, including Zhuang Yan, raised their right hands.


This is not a salute in any of the ordinances, and even, it does not comply with the ordinance.

Zhuang Yan doesn't know why the seventh is salute, but he knows why he salutes~www.readwn.com~ That little girl and her friends may not be the first to see the People's Liberation Army.

They saluted, representing a kind of trust.

"Uncle People's Liberation Army is here..."

These simple words made a whole carload of soldiers known as Jagged Men feel sore, and a feeling of being trusted and entrusted by others surged from the bottom of their hearts like spring water.

The convoy continued to drive forward, and the car behind blocked the view, and Zhuang Yan quickly couldn't see the little girl and her friends.

When I got back into the car, the relaxed atmosphere on the train had long since disappeared.

There was a heavy aura in the air. Outside the car, the scene of Wanli Zeguo still flashed outside the car like a movie slideshow.

For a long time, Lao Qi sat in the corner of the carriage, lowly, and said very firmly: "Brothers! It's time for us to work hard!"

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