An hour later, the patrol team finished patrolling the border and returned to its garrisoned post.

“Squad leader, you guys are back, there is nothing wrong on this road.”

Upon seeing their presence, the soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the camp greeted them with a smile.

“It’s okay, just saved a little rabbit along the way.”


Li Hai nodded, looked back at Lin Bei and said, “Xiaobei, when you get home, let it out.” ”


Lin Bei took off the military backpack behind him, pulled the chain that was not completely sealed, and took out the little hare they had rescued before.

When encountering these injured small animals in the wild, they are generally briefly treated first, then brought back to the outpost, and when their injuries are completely healed, they are released back to the mountains and forests.

“This rabbit is not simple, judging by the injury on its leg, it should have been pinched yesterday afternoon.

As a result, it was not taken away by the wolves last night, and today it happened to be met by us.

The class leader said that it is a blessing and a great life, and he will definitely be able to marry several aunts and wives in the future, and his children and grandchildren will be full of children, haha. ”

“Stinky boy.” Hearing Lin Bei’s ridicule, Li Hai scolded with a smile, and then looked at the soldier standing guard and asked: “Is the meal ready, this way down, my stomach is a little hungry.” ”

“It’s already ready, squad leader, just waiting for you to come back and eat, you guys go in quickly.”

“Well, put the equipment away first, and then let’s all eat.”

Li Hai said and was about to go forward, but at this moment, a corporal ran out of the house and shouted at him:

“Squad leader, regiment headquarters phone, there is an urgent task!”

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone’s faces suddenly changed slightly, this is the border line, and generally there is an urgent task means … Something big happened.

“You guys are waiting here!” Without much nonsense, Li Hai ran over quickly.

“It seems that we can’t eat this meal.”

Wen Hao, that is, the rat in Lin Bei’s mouth, smiled a little solemnly.

Lin Bei didn’t say a word, and directly gave him a chestnut on his head:

“What nonsense, the meal is there, it can still run with long legs, it won’t be a big deal, don’t worry.”

“You’re right, it’ll be fine, hehe.” Wen Hao grinned.

But anyone can see that his smile is a little far-fetched, everyone is not fools, they are soldiers on the front line of the border defense of the motherland.

Everyone has experienced real war, and some have even seen blood on their hands.

So they know how close to ordinary people a war that may be rare in ten or even a hundred years is to them.

The duty of the border post is to guard the border line and prevent any lawbreakers from sneaking across the border.

Therefore, in general, the superior will not give them any tasks, and once it is issued, it means that something big has really happened!

This matter is so big that it is necessary to use these border guards who are guarding the first line of the border!

In this way, time slowly passed minute by minute.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a minute, maybe ten minutes, Li Hai finally came out.

“Everyone gathers!”

Pedal on!

The people who had been prepared for a long time, without a word of unnecessary nonsense, directly lined up in a line, except for Li Wai, all nine people in the entire camp arrived.

“Brothers, don’t talk nonsense, just now the regiment headquarters called!

Five minutes ago, a military satellite in China had an accident during the recovery process, deflected from the designated place and fell to the west.

According to analysis, the fall site should be between the D9-E3 area of the YX border, but the exact fall location has not yet been analyzed.

Our outpost happened to be in this area, so the regiment headquarters ordered us to immediately block the border!

If you find someone crossing the border, shoot them immediately!

The large army has already set out, but it will take time to rush over, and before they arrive, we must firmly guard the section of the border we are responsible for, and we can’t even let a fly go, understand! ”

“Yes, guaranteed to complete the mission!” Everyone roared in unison.

“Everyone, travel lightly, don’t bring anything other than necessary weapons and ammunition, we must rush to the border as quickly as possible!”


At the same time, some people or forces with intentions have already known about a military satellite in Xia Guo that fell on the YX border.

After all, in the broad daylight, how could such a big movement be concealed.

“Immediately inform our border troops and ask them to bring this satellite back to me anyway.”

As long as anyone can bring it back, I will raise him to three levels and reward him with a million. ”

In the nearest country Y, an old man in a general’s uniform said to his subordinates.


“Send our special forces, even if they grab it, they will snatch this satellite for me, which is related to the development of our national space industry.”

As long as they can bring it back, they are the heroes of the country, and I give them the first class medal! ”

Other countries around have also sent personnel.


“Just received a mission to go to the YX border line and bring back the nuclear chip inside the crashed military satellite of Xia Guo.

The amount of the task is one hundred million, this bonus is too rich, immediately let our group’s mercenary squad near there rush over! ”

Some large mercenary groups have also received hiring assignments from countries around the world.


Xia Guo’s aerospace technology is one of the best in the world, although this military satellite is already obsolete, but it is also several generations ahead of many countries, naturally causing wolves to serve.

More importantly, this is a military satellite, and the nuclear chip in it must hold some information that has not yet been destroyed, which is more attractive to some countries than satellite technology!

So don’t say anything about a hundred million, if you can really get it, let them give a billion, two billion, it’s no problem.

How can the value of military data be measured by money!

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