Chapter 246 Sniper Training

"What are you talking about?" Shen Lanni was angry when she heard Ye Cunxin say that she wasn't even a soldier.

"What's the matter, you'll be angry when you say you!" Ye Cunxin, a tiger girl, said without fear of anything.

"You talk about it again!" Shen Lanni pushed Ye Cunxin with her hand.

The same Ye Cunxin who refused to suffer also pushed Shen Lanni: "I said what's wrong with you!"

The two began to move again, and Lin Xiaoxiao and the others quickly stepped forward to separate the two.

"What's going on with the two of you?"

"Alright, let go!"

The two who were separated glared at each other unconvinced.

"I said what's the matter with the two of you, pinch, pinch, pinch, and pinch together, is it as fun as a half-chicken?" He Lu asked loudly.

"Actually, you two are really good sisters, no one can do without each other, and no one can see it!" Tan Xiaolin said.

Lin Feng finished chatting with Zhang Yi and them, returned to the information center, drank some water, and then stood on the balcony looking at the female soldiers cheering on the tactical training ground.

"I didn't expect these female soldiers to slow down so quickly. Niu said as he looked at the strong resilience of the female soldiers.

Lin Feng heard Niu Dili's words and said, "Their resilience is much stronger than we thought!"

"A good Tan Xiaolin seems to have adapted to her role. He Chenguang said on the side.

"She finally understands what she should do now, now that she has recovered, let's start!" Lin Feng commanded.

"Yes!" the cow replied with an effort.

Then the rookies were taken to the shooting training range, where the shooting was not shooting at the range, it was a search to advance.

"I've already talked about the essentials of the subject, so I'll give you a demonstration. Lin Feng said.

After that, Lin Feng began to search and advance in the obstacles, shooting through the obstacles in various postures, and a set of movements was like flowing water in the same way, which was pleasing to the eye! After the rifle was over, he used a pistol, and the gun hit the ten rings, and when he used the pistol, the gun hit the hanging saucer.

The sound of broken porcelain made the rookies extremely excited, and the rookies applauded consciously after Lin Feng ended.

"What is there to applaud, this is the most basic thing of special forces. Lin Feng said, and then said to He Chenguang and the others, "How many of you are the same?"


Then He Chenguang, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei formed a combat team to carry out the action that Lin Feng had just demonstrated again, this time they showed teamwork to search for targets, alternately move forward, and cooperate with each other to advance. They used all the tactics they had taught the rookies.

"Stop! Gun inspection!" He Chenguang ordered.

The men then began to examine the guns to make sure they were free of loaded bullets before returning.

"Cover search forward, this subject is just an exercise. Lin Feng explained beside him.

"One practice is so good!" Tian Guo asked a little bit.

"So, how many exercises are there?" asked Ouyang Qian.

"Seven!" Lin Feng replied to Ouyang Qian's question.

"What do you have to do with seven exercises!" Ouyang Qian was surprised to hear that there were seven exercises.

"Seven exercises don't stop there, including helicopter gunships, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and multi-arm coordinated cover search and advance!" Niu replied as he stood.

"Oh my god!" Shen Lanni said in surprise.

"If you're lucky enough to stay on the women's special team, there's a good chance you'll practice until seven. Niu said hard.

"You also saw bullets flying in your ears just now, so this also shows the importance of trusting shooting, and only if you fully trust your comrades can you complete the training of this subject. Otherwise, people will not only hang themselves, but also hurt the hostages. Lin Feng continued Niu Li's words.

Then the rookies were trained in the cover search subject under the guidance of Niu Dili, from the clumsiness of the rookies at the beginning, to the fact that they could move freely later. This shows that they are also constantly growing.

Then Lin Feng's training requirements for rookies became more and more strict, which was only physical in the past, but now it is all-round. Taking the search as an example, Lin Feng set up various obstacles, carried the ammunition box through the half-human-high muddy water, and now continues to train in various ways.

During sniper rifle training, the bullet casing is placed on the ground during the aiming training, and the aiming training starts at half an hour at one end, and the bullet casing will fall off when you breathe a little more during the process, and this is the training.

There is also standing shooting training, which is also training in the shooting posture by filling a water bottle on the gun hanging, and the shooting posture must be maintained, and it is not allowed to change, otherwise it will be repeated.

"Yes, that's good, watch your breathing. I don't want to see a bullet casing fall to the ground again. As the first sniper of the shadow squad, He Chenguang is in charge of their sniper training.

"It's been half an hour, when is it a head! I'm hungry. Tian Guo said quietly.

"Don't speak, your breath is unsteady and you can't aim accurately. Ouyang Qian reminded beside her.

"I don't think it has much to do with breath, it's mainly about sniping posture to develop muscle memory. Azhuo said.

"Hey, flight attendant, you can be! Our chemical defense regiment is not a vegetarian. Tian Guo said unconvinced.

"I said cooking, kindness is not good to repay, right?" said Ah Zhuo, not to be outdone.


"Just think about having a big meal!" Azhuro countered.

Tang Xiaoxiao, who was on the side, couldn't hold on because his physical fitness was the weakest of the few.

"Barbie, does your elbow hurt?" He Lu asked when he noticed Tang Xiaoxiao's abnormality.


"Haven't you practiced aiming before?"

"I've practiced, I've practiced when I got out of the army, and I've practiced for ten minutes!" Tang Xiaoxiao said.

"That's over, the sin is bearable!" He Lu comforted after hearing Tang Xiaoxiao's words, "Otherwise, divert your attention, don't think about how you feel now, think about happy things."

At this moment, Tang Xiaoxiao moved uncomfortably because his elbow was on the ground, and the bullet casing fell off the barrel.

He Chenguang immediately noticed that Tang Xiaoxiao's bullet casing had fallen, and came to squat down in front of her.

Picking up the bullet casings on the ground, he said, "Barbie, yes? If I'm not mistaken, you've already dropped three times." Why am I so stupid!" said he continued to put the cartridge case on the barrel.

Looking at Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni, who were not convinced by each other, He Chenguang said: "You two, you are too angry, it is right to be young and vigorous, but it is not suitable to be a sniper." Take it easy, or you won't last long. "

"When is it a head?"

"I guess it's headless!" the female soldiers muttered in a low voice.

"I really want to aim like this for a day!"

"It's hard to say, it's a very difficult process to hear or form muscle memory. "

"Muscle Memory~"

"When we maintain a posture for a long time, muscle memory is formed. "

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