Chapter 239 went to the rescue

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng immediately went downstairs!

"The shadow people gather!" came to the playground, Lin Feng ordered.

Looking at the personnel in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't take them all away, the rookies still had to train, and the number of people was not too many.

"Brigade commander, is there a mission?" asked Song Kaifei.

"Yes, this mission is not as good as before, so He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, and Xu Tianlong will carry out the mission with me, and the other personnel will work hard to continue to train the rookies, and I hope that when I come back, it will be better than now. Understood?" said Lin Feng.

And the rookies and actors in training looked at the instructors who were still like demons just now, and now they don't care about them, Li Yan and He Lu understand a little that there should be a task. Li Yan guessed, He Lu knew it because he had been on the battlefield for peacekeeping.

"This is the mission to go abroad to rescue scientists who are under house arrest by the Mi side, so there can't be too many personnel, and the language requirements are relatively high, so the three of you will train rookies at home first. Lin Feng explained, "Then disband, the training that should be trained, and the preparation that should be prepared." "

Subsequently, Niu Chuan took the three of them back to Caosheng to continue training the rookies, and Lin Feng and the four of them returned to the dormitory to start preparing.

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Feng took out the materials for making human skin masks and began to make new masks for the four of them.

After the mask was made, Lin Feng took a photo and sent it to the minister, and the minister immediately notified the relevant departments to start making several people's documents, of course, this document is real, but it is just used to cover up the real identity, it is estimated that Lin Feng will use this document when they go abroad to perform tasks in the future, so it is not easy to check even if they want to.

"Husband~~" Li Yan couldn't help but come to Lin Feng's dormitory, of course, it was very simple for Li Yi to go to Lin Feng's dormitory.

"I know you have your own responsibilities, but I want you to be safe and come back safely, because I am waiting for you at home. Li said in a choked voice.

"Don't worry, I'll be back safely. I can't bear to make you sad. I'll be back soon. Rest assured. Lin Feng comforted.

Lin Feng and the others, who were all ready, were waiting for the new documents.

After separating from Li Yan, Li Yan went to the training ground for training, and Lin Feng came to the information center to contact the political commissar.

"Commissar, I have a mission to leave for a while, and the family depends on you. Lin Feng said through the phone.

"Brigadier, don't worry. With me at home, stay safe. Political Commissar Xu said that he did not tell the political commissar what task Lin Feng was going to perform, and the political commissar was not unhappy. As a high-ranking military officer, Political Commissar Xu also knows what to know and what not to ask, he is only doing his job at home.

Soon, Lin Feng received a notice that the documents were ready, and their tickets to the United States were ready, of course, they were not in the same place, they were separated, and the reasons were also different.

Then Lin Feng and Lin Feng took a few people to Pudong Airport, got their documents at the side checkpoint of the airport, and looked at the name on the certificate, Li Feng. Lin Feng smiled. Of course, there are also background information of several people, Lin Feng was sent to study in the United States as an employee of the company. Of course, this company is also a certain department, so the person who picks up the airport is also his own person.

Li Qi, who was in the army, silently saw Lin Feng leave with his eyes, the whole person was out of state, Niu Endeavor didn't say anything, he knew what was going on.

After more than ten hours of flying, Lin Feng, no, now he is going to call Li Feng, landed at the airport in New York. When I came out of the customs, there was a Chinese person holding a sign outside to pick up the airport. This person is ostensibly an employee outside the company, but in fact he is an agent, but he is more deeply hidden.

As for Li Feng's information, he has been notified in China, and he only knows that his name is Li Feng, and he does not know Lin Feng's true situation.

"How is Su Chen's condition?" asked Lin Feng in the car.

"The current situation is that he is under house arrest and is not allowed to leave his residence, and everything is fine, but there are Mi people who persuade him every day. Lao Chen told Lin Feng about Su Chen's situation.

"That's good, what's the next trip?" Lin Feng asked Lao Chen.

"Xiao Li, you rest first today, and I will pick you up tomorrow morning to take you to the company to have a look, and then go to Cambridge in the evening. Lao Chen told Lin Feng about Lin Feng's itinerary, but he didn't show up when he came to the company to study, it was too obvious, so he still had to do it.

Several other people also flew to cities that were not enough, and the itinerary was similar to Lin Feng's, with jet lag on the first day, normal activities on the second day, and then action at night.

The next day, Lin Feng went to the company to study as planned. Then I took advantage of the night to go to Cambridge, and of course drove to Cambridge in front of Cambridge.

In the middle of the night after arriving in Cambridge, Lin Feng asked Lao Chen to drive around Su Chen's villa in a car, and found through radar detection that although Su Chen was under house arrest, it was not as strict as he imagined. This made Lin Feng a lot easier on this task.

After looking around, Lin Feng asked Lao Chen to drive the car farther away, so the two of them waited in the car, waiting for a few other people to come over.

At two o'clock in the morning, Song Kaifei and a few people arrived, seeing that everyone had arrived, Lin Feng asked them to be on guard on the periphery, and he sneaked into Su Chen's house by himself, of course, Lin Feng put some good things in the place where the guards were resting, so that they could sleep soundly.

Then Lin Feng came to Su Chen's bedroom, woke up Su Chen, and looked at the stranger in the room who appeared emptyly, but Su Chen was startled, and after seeing the faces of the Huaxia people clearly, he put his heart at ease and understood that this was sent by the motherland.

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