Chapter 220 Mountain Leopard Brigade

After the exercise, Lin Feng and the senior management of the Ninth Brigade went to the director department for a meeting, and the leaders also commented on the exercise, summed up the exercise, and asked Lin Feng to report the summary of the exercise to the head of the military region in a written report.

The results of this exercise were finally reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and it is impossible to form a professional blue army unit without the support of the superiors, and at the same time, the key to the professional blue army unit is whether it belongs to the Southeast Military Region or the headquarters, and these problems need to be resolved.

After the comments, the minister visited the Mountain Leopard Brigade and looked at the Mountain Leopard Brigade that was different from the spirit of other troops, which made Gao Shiwei show his face in front of the other leaders again, which made him a little proud!

"Although you were defeated in the end this time, you were defeated. Originally, this exercise was unequal in strength, and we also wanted to see how the combat effectiveness of the troops after Lin Feng's training was, and Lin Feng's training of special forces was known to the whole army, and now I want to know how he commanded other troops, and now it seems that he really did not disappoint us!" the minister said.

"Thank you, Chief, for the compliment!" Lin Feng said in the queue.

"Now that you have also received the task from the headquarters to train our army's first women's special combat team, I hope you can continue to train an invincible women's special combat team. The minister said.

"Please rest assured that the task will be completed. Lin Feng immediately made a military order.

Subsequently, Lin Feng led the troops back to the station of the Mountain Leopard Brigade, and now there is only one week before the start of the Fire Phoenix training camp, Lin Feng asked the troops to reorganize, and everyone still has time to rest!

Then what Lin Feng didn't know, a huge reward was about to fall on him.

The military minister returned to the military headquarters with the materials of this exercise, and the other leaders of the military department admired Lin Feng after reading it. Now what they have to decide is to commend Lin Feng, what kind of establishment the professional blue army unit should be, and what kind of unit should be configured in this unit.

In the minister's mind, this unit should be a brigade-level unit, but the configured units should be at the division level, with motorized infantry regiments, armored regiments, army aviation regiments and aviation regiments, electronic information squadrons, plus all the units of the current Mountain Leopard Brigade.

If this unit is successfully formed and trained to give full play to its combat effectiveness, it will undoubtedly be powerful.

On the third day after Lin Feng returned to the station, the head of the military department came to the Mountain Leopard Brigade with a vote of generals.

Lin Feng, who received the order, gathered all the troops, including the armored battalion and the army aviation squadron, and came to the playground of the brigade to assemble.

"Take a break!"

"Stand ~ Positive!"

"Comrade Chief, the Mountain Leopard Brigade has been assembled, please instruct Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said loudly after saluting.

"Take a break!" said the minister, returning the salute.


Lin Feng saluted and returned to the front of the troops and ordered, "Take a break!"

Everyone rested for a while, and then Lin Feng returned to the far right of the line.

The minister came to the middle of the line and saluted.

Everyone in the Mountain Leopard Brigade immediately stood up from a short rest.

"Please take a break!"

Looking at the officers and soldiers who are all spiritual guys, the minister nodded with satisfaction, every time he sees the officers and soldiers of the Mountain Leopard Brigade, his spirit is always full, and sure enough, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals!

"I'm here today to announce the good news. Because of your heroic performance in the flood relief and outstanding performance in this exercise, I will now read out the order of the military headquarters. “

"Order: Grant the title of Iron-blooded Force of the Mountain Leopard Brigade! Lin Feng takes the flag!"

Then Lin Feng came out of the queue to the minister, and the military flag written by the commander himself from the minister's hand was unfolded to the team, and all the officers and soldiers of the Mountain Leopard Brigade saluted the military flag.

Then Lin Feng carried the military flag and returned to his position on the right side of the team.

The minister picked up the second document from the secretary's hand and said: "The Mountain Leopard Brigade is hereby awarded the collective first-class merit!" Lin Feng, Niu Endeavor, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong, Li Erniu, Tian Jun, Tian Ming, Chen Tianqi, Fu Yun, Wu Bin, Qin Guocheng, and Wu Tiancheng are awarded first-class merit!"

"Wang Qiang, Li Jian, Fang Guowei, Xu Jian, Qi Wei, Li Jun, Ling Yun, Song Jun, Liu Xiaoshan, Deng Jiuguang, Jiang Xiaoyu, Lu Yan, Zhang Chong, Forrest Gump, Ma Mingliang second-class merit. Other officers and soldiers were awarded third-class meritorious service!"

I didn't expect that this time the military department awarded the credit to everyone, even the soldiers who had just joined the army had a third-class merit, which was beyond everyone's expectations, and the military department was generous this time!

The soldiers had a smile on their faces, and who didn't want to make meritorious contributions! This commendation was due to many reasons. It is also the result of several achievements of the Mountain Leopard Brigade.

I saw the minister pick up another document and read it out:

"Awarded the rank of Colonel Lin Feng, Niu Endeavor, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong, Li Erniu, Tian Jun, Tian Ming, Chen Tianqi, Fu Yun, Wu Bin, Qin Guocheng, Wu Tiancheng, Qiang, Li Jian, Fang Guowei, Xu Jian, Qi Wei, Li Jun, Ling Yun, Song Jun and other military ranks to be upgraded by one level. "

"Liu Xiaoshan and Deng Jiuguang awarded the rank of lieutenant!"

"The Mountain Leopard Brigade was upgraded and expanded into the Mountain Leopard Brigade, with Lin Feng as the brigade commander and deputy division level.

It is directly under the direct management of the military department and entrusted by the Southeast Military Region.

The original information squadron was expanded into an information brigade.

The Mountain Leopard Brigade is attached to an armored regiment, an army aviation regiment, a motorized infantry regiment, and an aviation regiment.

The shadow special brigade was re-established on the basis of the direct company and three special combat teams of the original Mountain Leopard Brigade.


Looking at the order announced by the minister, except for a few military chiefs who knew the contents, the personnel of the Southeast Military Region and the Wolf Tooth Base were stupid, but they did not expect the Mountain Leopard Brigade to become the Mountain Leopard Brigade, which broke away from the Wolf Tooth and became a unit directly under the headquarters.

"Alright, the good news is announced! celebrate the rest of yelves!" said the minister, who had finished announcing the order.

"Okay, let's disband the troops!" The minister finally smiled, but seeing that no one moved, the minister came to his senses and said, "I forgot, you won't move without Lin Feng's order, Lin Feng!"

"Here!" Lin Feng gave the flag to the ox next to him and came out of the line to the front of the team: "Disband!

With Lin Feng's order, the troops returned to their respective stations under the leadership of their respective commanders, and the expansion of the troops was a good thing for them.

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