Chapter 172 The evacuation is over

When the warship couldn't contact Lin Feng and them, Gao Yun immediately contacted the country. The military high-level attached importance to the shadow, and immediately agreed that Gao Yun could use drones to take off into the air for combat.

In fact, the shadow ultra-high-intensity training is now reflected, although there are only seven, but there is no fear at all in the face of more than 100 terrorists.

Lin Feng rushed out of the hostage camp with Xia Nan, and he tried to meet them very hard, and the three of them formed a circle to protect the two female comrades in the middle. Just like this, the battle formation began, plus He Chenguang's long-range support. And Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei were guarding Li Erniu's side.

The shadow personnel have now achieved the situation of seeing bullets, and have become one with one gun. Especially with Lin Feng, a perverted gunman, his combat effectiveness is off the charts!

At the same time, except for Lin Feng and He Chenguang, several other people had varying degrees of injuries to their hands and legs, but there were no injuries to the vital parts.

In this way, the two battle groups slowly approached, and soon formed a battle circle.

At this time, the firepower of the shadow squad was fully exerted, and soon Lin Feng's six people protected the two female comrades while fighting and retreating, and slowly retreated to the outskirts of the town, although everyone was injured to varying degrees, but it did not affect their combat effectiveness.

Thanks to the Shadow Men who brought more ammunition, they would have run out of ammunition long ago, but they also seized ammunition from terrorists.

At that moment, the Navy's drone flew over the town of Bassem and fired missiles at the terrorists. Immediately, a lot of reimbursement was made, which reduced Lin Feng's pressure.

Then the support helicopter from Iraq arrived, and the drone returned.

"Thank you!" said Deng Mei, who got on the plane.

Deng Mei and Xia Nan were then picked up by helicopter, while the Shadow's seven men refilled their ammunition and took their injured bodies to the place where the rebels and terrorists were transporting yellowcakes.

Although they did not receive instructions from their superiors, they knew it in their hearts. If this batch of yellowcakes falls into the hands of terrorists, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The seven people took a helicopter and landed two kilometers away from the location of the yellow cake using a wingsuit parachute.

Soon everyone lurked in the area where the yellow cakes were transported, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing lurked under the sentry post of the high-rise building, and successfully killed the terrorists on the high-rise building, and the two of them were on guard on the high-rise building.

While several others were ready to hide under the car and enter.

"Chief, the rebel representatives have five minutes to arrive!" a terrorist said to the leader.

Attention Snipers, we have entered, watch alert. I saw that everyone was under the car.

At this time, a helicopter made a sudden landing, and a general in military uniform got off the plane and hugged the leader of the terrorists.

Lin Feng in the distance couldn't hear what they said, and saw the leader of the terrorists in black preparing to hand over the necklace to the general, but after the leader answered a phone call, he made a gesture to his subordinates with his hands behind his back, only to see the terrorists suddenly shoot the soldiers, and the infighting began.

"Pilots, tanks control transport aircraft. Lin Feng ordered the two of them to control the cargo plane transporting Huang.

"I'm going to arrest the Chief!"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were in charge of the enemy supporting from the entrance.

Song Kaifei and Niu Endeavor teamed up to successfully kill the enemy on the plane, Song Kaifei sat in the driver's seat to start the engine, and Niu Endeavor was on guard in the rear cabin.

At this time, the leader who was arrested by Lin Feng suddenly shouted for the sake of freedom and committed suicide.

Another rebel helicopter fired at the vehicle Lin Feng was in, and Niu Lijian, who was in the back cabin, looked at the situation and saw that there was a weapon in the rear compartment of the plane, took out a bazooka and fired at the helicopter, and immediately reimbursed the helicopter.

"Ghost, enemy reinforcements are coming!" He Chenguang watched the enemy in the distance arrive in a car and reported.

"Everyone get on the plane!" Lin Feng ordered. He picked up the necklace that the leader had dropped on the ground and ran to the plane.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing immediately came down from the high-rise building and quickly ran towards the plane, Xu Tianlong and Li Erniu also came from hiding in the place, and soon everyone got on the plane, Lin Feng pressed the control switch of the hatch, and the rear hatch slowly closed, and the rebel bullets could only hit the plane, Song Kaifei drove the plane into the sky.

Song Kaifei piloted the transport plane to land at the airport controlled by the government army, and handed them the yellow cake, as for what they did, it didn't matter to Lin Feng. Of course, the necklace was not handed over to them, and they were going to take it back to China to see if it was useful.

Soon, Lin Feng returned to the Linyi with the injured team members. Several people who were already injured were again after the battle just now, including Lin Feng himself, who was hit by fragments of the bomb in his back and legs. Fortunately, it is not fatal.

After getting on the warship, Gao Yun arranged for the military doctor to treat their wounds, and everyone had a few wounds in the end anyway.

"This is the honor of a soldier!" In Lin Feng's words, this wound is the embodiment of the value of a soldier and a medal of merit for a soldier.

Since there were evacuated overseas Chinese on the warship, it was impossible for them to return to China by warship all the time, so after consultations, the neighboring countries agreed to dock the Huaxia warship and let all the overseas Chinese get off the warship and transfer to the plane to return to the car.

Later, after sending them to a neighboring city, Lin Feng and the others still took the Linyi to return to the motherland, and the same Linyi completed the evacuation of overseas Chinese and returned to China to recuperate.

Lin Feng and the others drifted at sea for another half a month, and finally arrived at the military port where they departed.

What they didn't know at this time, the head of the military department, Gao Shiwei, was already waiting for them at the base.

Because everyone knows about this evacuation mission, Lin Feng and his life are nine deaths!

They deserve this honor, and the commanders of the navy and air forces and the commanders of various military regions are now envious of Gao Shiwei, and with such a strong fighting force under his command, the seven of them can still retreat against the heavily armed terrorists.

I just want Lin Feng to start the training camp quickly, so that they can send troops to train.

It's just that what the commander of the navy didn't know was that a special operations team he sent sent to Lin Feng was sent to Lin Feng's door, of course, this is a later story.

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