
Chapter 379 Response

The excavation of Xinghuo has been fully launched, but because the methods they used are extremely mild, the domestic intelligence agencies did not respond immediately in a short period of time.

Of course, this does not mean that officials are not vigilant.

After all, the plan for the declassification of Chen Nian's identity was formulated several years ago, and hundreds of versions have been iterated so far.

In the office, Li Xiang sat across from Chen Nian, flipping through the latest documents issued by his superiors, and said:

"Currently we can feel that the confidentiality of the Spark team is declining."

"There is no way around it. The stall is getting bigger and bigger, like a small puddle growing into a big lake. It is no longer possible to ensure that there are no leaks like before."

"Especially, after the South Island incident, coupled with the launch of 096, the other party seemed to be awakened suddenly."

"They began to look away from the 'confrontation' itself, and instead focused on the root of the confrontation."

"There is feedback from the front line that the other party has already started an investigation, but the method is relatively mild. We don't plan to deal with it aggressively for the time being, otherwise it will be easier to reveal flaws."

"However, you have to be mentally prepared. It is very likely that the spark will be exposed within a period of time."

"And once Xinghuo is exposed, it will be really difficult for you to hide your identity again."

Hearing his words, Chen Nian nodded slightly.

For this situation, he had already prepared for it.

There are no secrets that will never be revealed in this world. If you are an expert specializing in a certain field, the situation will be better.

After all, the scope of personnel contact is relatively narrow, and the environment is closed enough, so the impact caused by technological progress can be gently dispelled.

But the problem is that the scope of my own involvement is too wide, and I have contacted too many people.

Even if the official can guarantee the loyalty of everyone, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone will not make mistakes.

As long as there are enough resources and sufficient driving force, it is only a matter of time before a professional intelligence organization wants to find Xinghuo, or even find itself.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Then how are you going to deal with it? Are you going to expose it directly?"

Before, Chen Guo had told Chen Nian that if faced with the issue of identity exposure later, the authorities would guarantee his life at all costs, but this was only a solution in extreme cases.

Except in extreme cases?

How is the daily work arranged? How to take advantage of the huge advantages brought about by your own uniqueness? Or to go further, since it has been exposed, how can Chen Nian's identity be used to further "kidnap" other countries?

In fact, Chen Nian himself had imagined this problem.

Is the identity exposure just to pretend to be aggressive?

Don't talk about it, pretending to be coercive can't bring actual benefits, if that's the case, the best choice is to bite the bullet and deny it.

The real purpose is still a word: to show muscles.

There is a saying that goes well, chasing a woman, you can't spend money on her, but you have to spend money to show her.

In an irreversible situation, Chen Nian's identity was exposed on a large scale naturally, and the internal logic was actually the same.

Use certain benefits to attract the largest investment, forcibly create a technological highland, and then build a central fortress in all aspects of economy, politics, and culture.

But how to do it, Chen Nian didn't have a good idea.

Hearing his question, Li Xiang on the opposite side smiled and replied:

"How to deal with it To be honest, the plan has been iterated to more than 100 versions, but the deterministic strategy has not yet come out."

"However, there is one principle that has not changed, that is, risk mitigation."

"Risk mitigation? How to say?"

Chen Nian asked suspiciously.

"Peel the onion, release your identity information layer by layer. One identity is almost used, the value is basically squeezed out, the risk is basically released, and then continue to release the next identity information."

"?? Take off your vest?"

Chen Nian asked back dumbfounded.

"Ah, that's pretty much what it means."

"In short, you don't have to pay too much attention to this matter, we will arrange it."

"Especially in terms of security, there is no need to think about it at all."

"Now the security measures against you are very mature and operate smoothly."

"From the nuclear fusion conference you attended this time, it can be seen that although it is non-contact, the risks are completely controllable."


Chen Nian nodded. After the meeting, he participated in the regular review meeting of the security team. It was at that time that he really felt that his current "undisturbed" life was spent. How much painstaking care the security personnel have put into it.

A very simple example, the reason why he was able to sit in the coffee shop next to the venue and drink coffee with Sebastian without any scruples was because the coffee shop had been strictly controlled and reviewed a month ago.

The two chatted for a while, Chen Nian casually looked at the date on the calendar, and then suddenly realized a problem:

"Is Wang Jiancheng graduating? No, Qiao Mai is graduating too, right?"

"Yeah. What's the matter, you haven't been in touch recently?"

"I have been in contact with Qiao Mai to continue his Ph.D. I know this. What is Wang Jiancheng planning to do?"

"He was talking all day long, and some time ago he told me that he had iterated the second version of Bai Ze AI. Later, I asked him about the specific situation. He was all reincarnation, so I didn't bother to talk to him."

Hearing this, Li Xiang couldn't help but want to laugh.

"He's like this, you don't know him yet. He won't reply when I ask him, but I heard from him before that he seems to be planning to start a business."

"It's changed again? Didn't you say you're coming to Chengfei?"

"Ghost knows him——to be honest, he is not suitable for any fixed company or research institution. His thinking is too jumpy, and the way of doing things is different from ours."

"Look, a normal person's jigsaw puzzles are all reasoned piece by piece according to the pattern, right? He is different. Wherever he thinks of, he first arranges it randomly according to the panorama in his mind, and then finds a way to connect the middle. This kind of People, it’s hard to say which organization dares to ask for it.”

Chen Nianshen nodded in agreement, and then said:

"Let him make trouble, anyway, he has money in his hands."

"You have a way out when you are young. It's a big deal to come back after you hit a wall."

"If he is really allowed to find his way out, maybe he will become the Musk of this era."

"Who is Musk?"

Li Xiang asked subconsciously.

Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment, then replied:

"A genius? A businessman?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Wang Jiancheng will definitely surpass him."

On the other side, Bloomberg was walking on the small road inside Xigong University.

In fact, he is no stranger to this school. After all, he also kidnapped a large number of talents from this school with his own hands.

However, the current Western Polytechnic University is no longer the slightly shabby university in his impression.

Brand new buildings, well-planned greenery, and newly erected statues.

This also confirms Bloomberg's speculation.

This school must be rich.

Where does their money come from?

If you don't do business, then you can only allocate funds.

However, Bloomberg did not have any clues about the reason, amount, and source of the appropriation.

Just the day before, he had read all the policy documents related to NPU in recent years. Although some financial appropriation data were recorded on them, they were all vague.

Bloomberg secretly slandered China's so-called "opaqueness", wishing to find the BBC to lead a wave of rhythm, demanding that all the funding details of major universities be disclosed, but obviously, he could not do so.

The intention is too obvious, and maybe all the people in a line will be eliminated. Even if he has this awareness, his colleagues will not be able to participate.

And relying on his authority alone is obviously not enough.

Therefore, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and go to Xigong University to try his luck first.


It is unrealistic to go directly to the teachers in the school. Their vigilance is higher than anyone else. The only chance is to contact the students here first and see if they can get useful clues from them.

His request is not high, and he doesn't need the other party to say any important scientific research project information, let alone reveal any inside information directly. What he asks for is just an impressive name, or some rumors that have been circulated among the students. Campus legends.

He believed that even these fragmented information hinted at an important answer.

He used to be very confident in himself, thinking that with his Caucasian appearance, eloquence and fluent Chinese, he would definitely attract the attention of a large number of girls, but the fact is that he far underestimated the scientific research of this school. atmosphere.

Most of the students walking on the road were in a hurry, and they didn't even want to look at him more. Even if he used asking for directions as an excuse, most of the answers he got were "check the map by yourself".

For a whole afternoon, he just wandered around the campus like this, and finally found nothing.

This disappointed him greatly, and at the same time he reassessed the difficulty of this task in his heart.

Giving up is actually an option, after all, he really doesn't need this project that much.

Thinking of this, Bloomberg couldn't help but relax. He had already made up his mind that if he really didn't have that luck, he would treat it as a visit to his old place today.


However, turning points often appear at unexpected times.

Just as he rounded the last corner and returned to the main road, his sight was suddenly attracted by the bulletin board standing on the side of the road.

The bulletin board was filled with various photos, and the content was the latest personnel change information.

Bloomberg instinctively walked closer and looked at the names of those people one by one.

There are resumes with a few sentences listed under the photos of these people. At first glance, there is basically nothing wrong with them.

But it was such a personnel change that suddenly inspired Bloomberg.


If NPU really benefits from the J-22 project, it means that someone from this school must have participated in this project and played a significant role.

This sounds like nonsense. After all, NPU itself has a deep foundation in the aviation field, and it is not surprising to participate in key projects.

But the problem is that the resources obtained by other universities of the same type, such as Beihang University, are far inferior to that of Xigong University.

Isn't that an obvious clue?

So, my first anchor point appeared.

The scope of searching for the mysterious organization was instantly narrowed from various scientific research institutions across the country to the small school of Xigong University.

Furthermore, scholars who are eligible to participate in major projects must have super technical skills and outstanding qualifications. Such people can be said to be one of the few in a university.

What he needs to pay attention to is the personnel change information of these people.

Of course, this information must have been embellished.

But one thing can be confirmed:

It is impossible for them to teach while the project is in progress.

Bloomberg's inspirations are constantly emerging. At this time, his brain is like a high-speed machine, quickly deducing the next step-by-step plan.

He quickly walked out of the gate of Xigong University, took a taxi and returned to his office.

When he saw the assistant, he said:

"Give me information about the personnel changes of all experts and professors in NPU in the past 10 years. I want to know who did not attend classes at the school during the period from 2001 to 2005!"

Hearing his words, the assistant was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately went to work.

Relying on the high-end talent profile established long ago, he got the result he wanted in less than two hours.

And this result was much better than he expected.

Only 3 people are eligible.

Also, two of them have no strong connection to the J-22 program.

only one person left

Chen Guo.

A top aerodynamics research scholar in China, before 2003, he had published many research results in the direction of turbulence, and also undertook the teaching work of related courses.

But after 2003, his research progress slowed down significantly, and his teaching work was also suspended.

According to official information, the reason for this change is that he participated in the research work of several public projects, but Bloomberg simply does not believe this.

The reason is simple, he does not believe that such a high-end talent would willingly devote himself to those mediocre projects.

Earth-shaking changes are taking place in the field of China Airlines, but you, as the leader, are not moved?

This is so unreasonable.

A smile appeared on Bloomberg's face. He knew that he had found one of those so-called "key points".

At the same time, other members of this massive intelligence-gathering operation had made similar progress as he had.

One name after another was dug out, and gradually formed a big net.

With the collection of information, each node on this network appears in turn, presenting an intricate relationship.

It is undeniable that due to Huaxia's preparations for a rainy day, it will take a lot of time to completely decrypt this net.

But at least they have a direction.

As long as any point on the net is broken, the hand holding the big net will appear in front of them.

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