
Chapter 358 Crushing

Forty nautical miles east of Chiwei Island, on board the destroyer May Rain.

The destroyer has already turned on its horsepower and is escaping towards Okinawa, while the captain Hideo Fukuda, who made the "reverse" decision, stood in the command room with firm eyes, constantly using his unique, magnetic voice to communicate with the enemy. The headquarters in Tokyo are communicating.

"Yes, yes, we have already begun to evacuate the sea area where the incident occurred, but our speed is too slow, and I am afraid we will not be able to escape the pursuit of the other party."

"No, we're not going to join the Reagan and other ships, that's too risky."

"War is on the verge of breaking out, and we must preserve ourselves as much as possible."

"Understand, understand, I have notified other ships to withdraw from the exercise, but the specific order needs to be issued by the headquarters."

"...we don't know what that is, maybe a small tactical nuclear weapon."

"Its power. In short, Chiwei Island has completely disappeared."

"The good news is that none of us have to fight for the island anymore."

Hideo Fukuda made an inappropriate joke-obviously, he also realized that this sentence was inappropriate, but he really couldn't control his mouth.

Because, his mood is really too tense.

Under the calm appearance, there is a violently beating heart hidden, as well as unparalleled and overwhelming fear.

At the moment when the missile exploded, the straight-line distance between the May Rain and Chiwei Island was actually only 20 nautical miles.

He witnessed the explosion with his own eyes, witnessed the island being wiped out in front of him, and also witnessed the rise of that weird mushroom cloud.

Yes, the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion was indeed different from what he had seen before—whether it was a nuclear weapon or a conventional large-yield bomb, when they exploded, the smoke produced by the violent combustion of the explosives must be overwhelming, Whether it is white or gray and black, all in all, its "transparency" will never be too high.

But this explosion mushroom cloud is very strange.

Its smoke is so faint that at a distance of 20 nautical miles, if it is not with the help of a telescope, it may not even be seen at all.

And even if you see it, you will be shocked by its ghost-like form.

It was as if the elusive, unobservable god of death was swinging its deadly scythe.

Hideo Fukuda had never seen anything like it.

He was almost terrified. At that moment, he remembered the explosion more than 60 years ago that he had seen from his parents, textbooks, and TV programs.

The fear engraved in his blood was awakened immediately, even if he was as firm as him, he almost collapsed on the deck.

He really felt the "illusion".

The smell of burnt flesh, the violent shock wave, the stinging eyes due to the strong light, and the slight coolness felt by the skin under the super high temperature

It took a full five minutes before he recovered from the hallucination of fear and realized that the coolness on his body was just wet from the sudden waves.

And after that, even though he fulfilled the duties of the captain as much as possible, arranged all the evacuation plans, and reported all the intelligence he had detected, he still couldn't recover from the violent shock.

On the other end of the phone, the liaison officer of the headquarters was still chattering about arranging the follow-up "combat" plan, but Hideo Fukuda couldn't listen anymore.

Because he captured the most critical sentence in that series of plans:

Return to the waters of Chiwei Island, establish a defense line, and prevent the opponent's fleet from approaching.

"Are you guys kidding me?"

Hideo Fukuda asked in disbelief.

"What are you kidding? According to intelligence, the opponent's aircraft carrier formation has begun to move closer to the waters of Chiwei Island."

"If we don't stop it, we may lose this island completely."

"No, the most important thing is not Chiwei Island, but the south side of it, do you understand?"

"Chiwei Island can be given up, but that island, absolutely not."

"How do you want me to stop them?"

Having said that, Hideo Fukuda calmed down instead.

He knew that he might be regarded as a death squad.

This is a task that I can't refuse--although everyone knows that the probability of such a task achieving the desired effect is very small, so what?

Compared with the loss of the key island, the upper management is obviously more willing to gamble with his old destroyer.

At that time, whether it is to force the Liaoning ship away, or to expand the conflict, it will be a steady profit for the island country

Hearing his question, the man on the other end of the phone replied:

"Fukuda-san, try your best - you can do anything except take the initiative to open fire."

"We can't give you reliable advice. You are the one at the forefront. You need to rely on your own judgment to make decisions."

"...I'm not asking for your advice. This is a rhetorical question."

"What I want to say is that we can't stop that fleet at all—perhaps, you should contact the US first, instead of really thinking that everything is normal after getting a reply of 'everything is normal'."

The phone fell silent, and Hideo Fukuda didn't intend to waste any more time, so he hung up the phone directly.

He knew that he could not count on anyone now.

The command would not allow him to retreat, nor would he increase support.

The reply from the US side was only the same "everything is normal, keep the battle position".

All other ships have withdrawn from the exercise and are preparing to retreat.

Only myself, will move in the completely opposite direction to them, to face that giant.

Thinking of this, Hideo Fukuda suddenly had a kind of tragic pride in his heart.

Yes, maybe he is the samurai who kills demons?

Maybe I'm going to build an immortal merit?

Maybe the opposite side is just a bluff, strong outside but dry in the middle?

Wonderful illusions gradually blinded Hideo Fukuda's mind like poison. In his bones, he was an out-and-out islander.

And as long as they are islanders, they will inherit their national character resulting from the small living space and turbulent living environment——the wild fantasy of the following restraints is almost the standard configuration of such islanders.

Hideo Fukuda took a deep breath and grabbed the radio commanding the entire ship.

A few seconds later, the May Rain began to turn at full speed and rushed towards the waters of Chiwei Island.

The Liaoning formation is still 100 nautical miles away. The May Rain does not intend to sit still, but crosses the non-existing Chiwei Island and continues heading west

3 hours later.

After judging that the risk of conflict has been basically eliminated, Luan Yijun has returned to the aircraft carrier. At this moment, he is observing the unobstructed sea ahead with satisfaction, marking the position that originally belonged to Chiwei Island on the chart.

"From now on, the actual control of this island will officially change hands."

"I'm thinking maybe we can do the same with another island."

"Things that cannot be won or won may be resolved with the launch of YJ-21H-in short, we must show our attitude."

"Things that cannot be obtained, even if they are destroyed, will not be given to them."

"In this way, no one will rob us"

Hearing his words, Cao Gangchuan couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahaha you. Old Luan, I didn't expect you to tell jokes. You seem to be in a good mood?"

Luan Yijun also laughed, and replied:

"Can you be in a bad mood? This time, the No. 2 plan is even better than we expected."

"Lao Mei is indeed not stupid. Just a damage report made them speculate on a series of subsequent developments."

"I guess they've figured out that we removed the electronic jamming and allowed their surveillance planes to go over Chiwei Island on purpose."

"After all, from that point on, the Reagan fleet suspended all training activities and completely entered a state of defensiveness."

"How should I put it? From a certain point of view, this is not a good thing-they are too sharp, and it will not be easy for us to confront them."

Hearing Luan Yijun's words, Cao Gangchuan nodded slightly.

"They're all old foxes who have been around for a thousand years. If you can't talk about this kind of thing well, then it's a bit outrageous."

"However, in fact, we are not as strong as they thought—the production of metal hydrogen is too low. I estimate that after the follow-up technology is announced, they will soon notice the abnormality."

"So, at the end of the day, we were just stalling for a while."

"That's enough—it gave us time to prepare. Whether the South Island really wants to move, or it's 'frightening off', it will be more calm."

Having said that, Luan Yijun couldn't help but sighed again.

During the past few months, he has been too depressed.

Although as a professional soldier, it is impossible for him to accept the influence of external pressure and public opinion, but the inner anxiety and anger are unstoppable.

There were many moments when he even really had the urge to attack the opponent recklessly, but the discipline engraved deep in his soul was the strongest rein, allowing him to quickly suppress his emotions.

But fortunately, at this moment, his emotions were relieved.


Although this is obviously not enough, although he is still longing for more fierce and comprehensive revenge, at least he can relax a little bit.

But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed the radar screen on the side.

Then, his expression became confused.

"What's the meaning of this May Rain ship? Still not leaving? Are you really planning to touch us?"

In fact, since the Liaoning formation sailed to the waters of Chiwei Island, the May Rain has been under the supervision of Rainbow-9.

Luan Yijun watched it fleeing in a panic after the explosion, and then, not knowing what happened, he turned around at a sharp angle and rushed back, crossing the waters of Chiwei Island, as if he was going to be a goalkeeper, and blocked his own route.

Luan Yijun didn't feel any threat, because he knew that when Lao Mei didn't dare to do it, the island country was even less likely to do it.

He just thought it was ridiculous—with such a small destroyer with a full load of only 6,000 tons, who was it trying to scare?

Hearing his words, Cao Gangchuan shook his head and replied:

"The high probability is that I want to touch porcelain and play a show war for Lao Mei."

"However, their calculations may be wrong."

"I guess, at this point in time, even if we really sink the May Rain, they probably won't have any reaction"

"Do you want to try?"

Luan Yijun asked half jokingly.

But he didn't expect that Cao Gangchuan would actually think about it seriously.

"The international risk is a bit high, but if it is done simply enough, it can still explain the past."

"The depth of the sea here is also sufficient, and it is not easy to salvage it in the short term."

"But the problem is, it may not be easy to sink the Mayrain before it detects it and sends a signal to the outside world."

"We currently only have two electromagnetic guns, and the rate of fire is too low. Even with electromagnetic shielding, they can't be leak-proof."

Luan Yijun stared at Cao Gangchuan dumbfounded, and now he felt as if he casually said that he wanted to teach someone a lesson, but in the end this kid started thinking about killing and dismembering his body.

"...I'm just saying that, what's going on in your mind?"

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Pull the 055 back, push the 052D up, if it really wants to touch the porcelain, just press it!"


A smile appeared on Cao Gangchuan's face.

Although he felt a little distressed for letting 052D go to the front line, he also knew that the bow armor specially upgraded for this drill would eventually come in handy

A few hours later, May Rain boarded.

Hideo Fukuda stood firmly in the command room, without any hesitation in his eyes.

At this moment, the distance between the small destroyer with an actual tonnage of less than 4,000 tons and the behemoth was less than one nautical mile. With the relative speed of the two sides of nearly 50 knots, the two ships would collide head-on in two minutes.

He is like a warrior sitting on horseback, the May Rain is his horse, and the Otto 127mm fully automatic naval gun is his sword.

But unfortunately, this sword cannot be used.

The only thing he can do is to let his body become a rock blocking the opponent's way forward.

Fukuda Hideo has no doubts about his ability, let alone the strength of his horse.

At this time, the two ships were less than 100 meters away, and both sides had lost the opportunity to repent and hesitate.

Hideo Fukuda closed his eyes.

He didn't intend to watch this painful scene.

After all, this ship is like his comrade in arms, his brother.

In the last few seconds, he seemed to be in a trance.

Then, there was a huge collision and roar, and the violent vibration directly threw him to the ground.

The sound of metal bending and breaking was harsh enough to make his teeth ache, but the screams of the crew members on the ship went deeper into his soul.

He could no longer bear such torture.

But when he opened his eyes in a daze and was about to check his results, he suddenly found out that

There is no result at all.

That 052D just ran over its own steed and the fragile May Rain.

On his hull, there are not even obvious signs of wear and tear.

In contrast, May Rain's bow has been completely destroyed, turning into a pile of twisted scrap iron.

If it weren't for the design of the watertight cabin, he even suspected that the ship would sink to the bottom of the sea soon——

But the instigator just walked away in such an arrogant manner.

Even the sailors on board didn't look back.

At this moment, he suddenly understood one thing:

It turned out that my so-called courage was just a joke in front of them.

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