
Chapter 316 The Undeniable Condition

Two hours after Hu Shuming warned Abad, Monsoon's convoy passed through Singkat unhindered.

A thrilling crisis vanished without a trace, and at the moment when he saw the warship, Ji Feng almost shed tears.


Of course, there were not a few people who really shed tears. The officers and soldiers in charge of reception and maintaining order were inexperienced, and they couldn't even persuade them.

Some people even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the warship, but they couldn't pull it up.

The original touching scene added a bit of comedy for a while, and Hu Shuming, who was in charge of the command, couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to order the Marine Corps officers and soldiers to stand 200 meters ahead to guard against accidents.

However, the frightened revolutionary front did not dare to make any small moves. Until all the evacuees were placed on the Weishan Lake, the port was still calm.

On the deck of the Weishan Lake, everyone walked around excitedly and took pictures, while Hu Shuming stood beside Ji Feng and asked him about the latest situation in Khartoum.

".At present, we will withdraw more than 840 people in the next batch, including our embassy staff."

"I have already provided the route, including the precautions along the way, and the documents and materials that need to be prepared have also been explained."

"In theory, as long as there are no major changes in Khartoum, there will be no problem with the evacuation."

"What we have to consider now is the evacuation from Port Sudan."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Hu Shuming waved his hand and said.

"The sea distance from Port Sudan to Djibouti is only more than 1,000 kilometers, which can be covered in one day."

"After arriving in Djibouti, we will arrange to withdraw from Addis Ababa."

"The plane has already been contacted and will fly directly back to China."

"In general, as long as the road from Khartoum to Port Sudan can be passed through, there will be no danger in the future."

"Leave it to us, as long as it is in our hands, I guarantee that every compatriot can go home safely."

Hearing this, Ji Feng finally relaxed his long-term tension.

He held Hu Shuming's hand tightly and said:

"Leader, thank you for your hard work this time."

"We don't work hard, you are hardworking."

"It's such a long road, there is no one to help, and I have to touch it all by myself. Even if I think about it, I think it's very rare."

"Everyone can come back safely, thanks to you."

Ji Feng quickly waved his hands and replied:

"It's nothing to do with me. In fact, it mainly depends on you."

He said this not because he was humble. In fact, he knew better than anyone else that he was able to come safely from Khartoum this time because of whose strength.

Is it okay to arrange a vehicle?

No, if there is no pass obtained by the embassy, ​​I am afraid that these few cars will not even be able to get out of Khartoum.

Is it okay to plan the route?

no if not holding

Passports, any militant who blocks a car can ruin everyone.

Is it okay to have a good relationship?

In Xin Carter, didn't he still get stopped?

Why the sudden release, Ji Feng didn't know.

But he can guess...

Thinking of this, Ji Feng couldn't help but think of those foreigners who died in Xinkat.

Their motherland certainly doesn't want their countrymen to die outside like that, but obviously, they have nothing to do.

In this world, whoever has the biggest fist can gain more voice in the world.

Whoever is stronger can fight for more chances of survival.

This "rule" was displayed in the most naked way in this action.

After a moment of silence, Ji Feng continued:

"There are still many citizens of other countries stranded in Xin Carter, most of whom are from other countries in the Middle East and Africa."

"I reckon they're in danger -- the Revolutionary Front forces over there are a little bit off, not like those near Khartoum."

"It's really not a group of people - Singkat, including Port Sudan, does not belong to Hamidi's direct lineage."

Hu Shuming frowned slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he continued:

"To put it bluntly, they specialize in dirty work."

"Rather than saying they are controlled by the Revolutionary Front, it is better to say that they are controlled by the old US."

"Of course, this kind of 'control' is actually just a joke."

"Actually, it's ridiculous to think about it. These people's equipment is the best in the Revolutionary Front."

"But they have the best equipment and do the dirtiest thing."

"How do you say that sentence? 'Glad that power is in the hands of civilization', now it's completely reversed, 'sorrow that power is in the hands of barbarians'."

Ji Feng smiled involuntarily, and said with a slightly mocking tone:

"It's not a day or two - I have dealt with them a lot, and I can say that I know exactly what kind of virtue they are."

"When the North and South Sudan just split, I visited South Sudan."

"I have seen with my own eyes that the mercenaries in Blackwater slaughtered the surrounding villages in order to grab an oil field."

"Also, they faked the scene as an armed tribal conflict—you are a soldier, have you ever seen a tribal armed with a 5.56 bullet? I haven't seen one anyway."

"This continent is full of bloody storms, but I dare say that at least half of them are related to that rogue country."

"It's a fucking cancer, and I don't know what to do to wipe them off the face of the earth——Is it inappropriate for me to tell you this?"

Ji Feng suddenly realized that the person standing in front of him was a soldier.

Behaving too belligerently seems to be inconsistent with the opponent's philosophy

Hu Shuming waved his hand and replied:

"It's okay, just chatting casually."

"Besides, sometimes, I still hope that everyone can trust us more."

"Of course we don't desire war, but if someone insists on threatening us with war, then they will get the result."

Hu Shuming stopped his mouth in time and did not continue.

Not far away, the sunset on the sea had gradually set, and Ji Feng's satellite phone rang, and Lin Tao on the other end of the phone told him that the second batch of teams had already set off.

Hu Shuming also heard the content of the phone call. He patted Ji Feng on the shoulder and said:

"Let's go, the big troops are coming soon, we have to be ready."

"You have experience, and the overall management will be left to you for the time being."

"Tell the compatriots over there that beds and meals are ready."

"When everyone is here, we will go home together!"

A few days later, Chengdu.

The news of Sudan quickly spread to the country, and ordinary people were naturally excited about it, but from this incident, Chen Nian saw more things.

It is an irrefutable mistake to not do enough initial preparations. Secondly, it is also an extremely dangerous move to cross 1,000 kilometers and pass through the war zone.

We were lucky this time, but what about next time?

What if an accident happened to civilians during the evacuation?

You must know that most people, even the Chinese themselves, cannot see the saved majority.

Their eyes will only be fixed on the small group of people whose misfortune happened.


Don't mention the accident, even now, everyone who can be contacted has evacuated safely, and the media is constantly hyping that "the evacuation is not comprehensive" and "the process is not safe".

It is really difficult to stop their mouths.

However, Chen Nian didn't care too much about this situation.

What he was really thinking about was another question.

This incident exposed some shortcomings.

If we go back ten years, this deficiency will not affect the overall situation, because our development focus is still in China.

But it's different now.

Whether it is economic or other aspects, we are bound to "go out".

Then, how to protect the safety and interests of overseas facilities and overseas compatriots has become an issue that must be considered.

What to do if mines in Africa are hit? What if the air route in the Middle East is forced to be interrupted? What if an incident like that in Indonesia happens again and life safety is directly threatened?

The only way is to ensure the existence of our own strength all the time, to ensure that we can send a deterrent team to solve the problem directly as soon as the problem occurs.

At this point, it is a good idea to cross the river by feeling the eagle sauce.

Develop aircraft carrier formations, implement the global one-hour strategy, and build bases everywhere.

Doing this is equivalent to laying a net all over the world, and if there is a problem at any node, it can respond in time.


But embarrassingly, such a strategy is not appropriate.

Eagle Sauce's global strategic delivery capability was not established in a day, nor in a year, nor in 10 years.

Their current global strategic projection capabilities have been established after more than half a century of cumulative development.

Can we wait 50 years?

Obviously not.

In the final analysis, this is a "differential speed" problem.

The status quo is that technology and the economy are developing too fast, but the growth of "physical power" brought about by technology cannot keep up.

A very simple example, the J-22 has been born for more than four years, but the actual number of troops equipped with it is only a dozen or so.

In this case, it is impossible to completely reproduce the old American route.

By the time we slowly build aircraft carriers and bases, the advantages we have finally established overseas through technology may have almost been lost.

Therefore, we must find another way.

If the internal strength cannot be rapidly increased in a short period of time, it is better to go to the extreme and create a unique technique that can kill people without internal strength.

Such as Sunflower Book, Dugu Nine Swords, etc.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian let out a sigh of relief.

He tapped on the table lightly and wrote down the key to the problem on the paper:

Power projection.

As long as the "delivery" problem is solved, even if we don't have a base or an aircraft carrier formation, we can still generate a corresponding deterrent force.

After confirming this point, the thinking is very clear.

We need a quick-response team that can project its power around the world in a short period of time.

The equipment that this team relies on must be advanced enough to make up for the natural disadvantages brought about by "insufficient production capacity".

Of course, "nuclear weapons", which can exert the same effect, must also be ruled out, but they must not be used indiscriminately.

The scope of the answer narrowed down a lot in an instant, Chen Nian thought for a while, and wrote down a few constraints on the paper.

High delivery efficiency.

Relatively low construction cost of "global base".

Fast enough to build.

Absolute advantage in technology.

Combining these conditions, Chen Nian once again wrote down several potential options.

These programs include hypersonic manned aircraft, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicles, giant transport aircraft, space-based weapon platforms, and more.

But after careful consideration, Chen Nian discovered a problem.

All these solutions have their natural disadvantages and deficiencies.

And there is only one way to avoid these disadvantages.

That is.

Sew them together.

The equipment you want needs to have super high maneuvering speed, super long air time, super large load, and super destructive power.

What can meet these requirements at the same time?

There is only one answer.

Aerospace combat platform.

Sure enough, most of the time, the route of technological development is fixed.

Now, this project, I'm afraid it has to be started ahead of schedule.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian picked up the phone beside him and dialed Chen Guo's number.

After connecting, he exchanged a few simple greetings, and then said:

"I want to start a pre-research project related to air and space combat platforms."

"I need Spark to help me output a detailed technical development route and provide me with all the information including basic technology and implementation steps."

"For example, what level of launch vehicle technology needs to be achieved, what level of manned spaceflight technology needs to be achieved, what level of fuel technology needs to be achieved, and so on."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo on the opposite side said "yes" without thinking, and then continued to ask:

"How should this project be positioned? Although it is said to be pre-research, there must be a basic schedule, otherwise, I can't arrange resource investment."

Chen Nian thought for a moment, then replied:

"This will be the future flagship project of the aerospace industry."

Chen Guo instantly understood what he meant.

The so-called flagship project does not mean that it only does the "air and space combat platform", but that this project should be set as the "end point", and all technological development will be carried out around this project.

The technological breakthroughs generated during the process are the "instant benefits" of this project.

"It's clear, I'll arrange it."

"What about the project name? What is it called?"

"What's it called? Fluctuate? Tiangong? Nantianmen?"

Chen Nian hesitated for a moment, and finally said:

"There is no need to innovate. Let's call it Nantianmen."

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