
Chapter 303 The Escalation of the Crisis

(There will be another chapter later)

The reason why Chen Nian did not return to Chengdu, but flew directly from Shanghai to Dalian, was actually to escort the aircraft carrier during the final sprint time.

After all, although the 055 is equally advanced and complex, it is still much less difficult than a giant-level systematic project like an aircraft carrier.

For Huaxia, which has no experience in aircraft carrier manufacturing, perhaps an inadvertent detail will lead to major hidden dangers.

Therefore, there must be a person who is absolutely familiar with the aircraft carrier and is also technically strong enough to be responsible for the overall inspection.

It can be said that Chen Nian is the only candidate.


Of course, Mr. Liu also has this ability, but his body is too weak to adapt to such high-intensity work.

But even so, he still managed to complete a small part of the work, and handed over the information he had to Chen Nian as soon as Chen Nian arrived.

It is conceivable how deep his expectations for this aircraft carrier are.

Chen Nian did not dare to live up to Mr. Liu's expectations, and immediately devoted himself to work after arriving in Dalian.

There are less than 50 days left before the official launch of the aircraft carrier, and he has to complete the inspection of all the installations of the aircraft carrier.

This is not an easy job.

For ordinary people, perhaps an aircraft carrier is a larger ship, where planes can be parked in the cabin, and planes can be released on the deck, that's all.

But in fact, only the core module of an aircraft carrier includes dozens of parts such as flight deck, blocking device, radar, antenna, hangar, elevator, fuel, auxiliary engine, communication, power and so on.

What Chen Nian has to do is to lead the relevant professional and technical personnel to complete the inspection of all these parts one by one.

Of course, the significance of this work is not just to eliminate risks.

From another perspective, with Chen Nian present, he can use the detailed information he has to further improve the professional level of technicians and help them complete the "integration" in their own field.

On the side of the flight deck, Chen Nian stood in the center of a group of engineers who had undergone multiple screenings and reviews, pointed to the arresting wire on the ground and said:

".This arresting cable we are currently using is the ultra-polyethylene plus synthetic carbon fiber inner core steel cable produced by Juli Group. Compared with the old American polyester core arresting cable, it has stronger shear resistance and tensile strength. But the anti-friction ability is relatively weak."

"So, in the process of daily maintenance and use, we mainly need to pay attention to the fatigue degree of the winding part of the arresting cable."

"Especially in the pulley blocks and the positions with large curvatures such as the contact points of the tail hook, special attention needs to be paid."

"Because the internal friction of the twisted steel lock will wear out the cable core, which will lead to faster consumption of the cable core. If it is not replaced in time, it will damage the steel cable itself and cause the cable to break."

While talking, Chen Nian squatted down, pointed at the blocking cable and said:

"You see, the current healthy arresting cable will not have any oil stains, but the lock cylinder of this cable is wrapped with a layer of very fine dyed fibers. If you find abnormal coloring on the cable, you must pay attention."

The onlookers nodded one after another. In fact, their understanding of this blocking cable was not inferior to that of Chen Nian, but this step still cannot be omitted.

Chen Nian must ensure that everyone is completely clear and serious about every detail on the ship, and eliminate risks to the greatest extent.

"The electromagnetic arresting system we are using now belongs to the most advanced technology in the world. In terms of advantages, this device is small in size and high in flexibility. It can adopt a closed-loop control strategy in the process, which can significantly reduce the peak average force in the arresting process." than, it is more secure.”

"But again, the setup has flaws."

"At present, the energy density of the capacitor energy storage method we use is high—even sometimes it can be said to be too high, so the requirements for the load of the entire power system are correspondingly higher."

"At the same time, due to the requirements of intelligent design, the resistance setting of this system is real-time. If fighter jets of different weights are taken off and landed in a short period of time, it may cause short-term fatigue of the power system during repeated charging and discharging."

"In this case, just restart the system directly - don't worry, our energy storage is not a flywheel type, and the restart speed is very fast."

"Of course, this is also the most extreme situation. Under normal circumstances, this kind of problem is impossible."

In fact, the problem mentioned by Chen Nian is indeed a problem of extremely small probability, and its root cause is the problem of static stability of the medium-voltage DC system that Mr. Liu said before.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to start with the entire integrated power system of the ship and install more energy storage units to ensure the stability of power supply.

Going around, this is back to the so-called "battery" issue.

Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

When he first entered the field of scientific research, he always thought that each system, each technology, and each equipment were independent.

But until now, when the stalls have spread on a large scale, he discovered that most of the time, two seemingly unrelated projects also have a common connection.

The aircraft carrier and the high-speed rail share a set of capacitor solutions, and the J-22 and excavators involve similar hydraulic technology.

No equipment is superior to others. Only by solving the most basic problems can more complex problems be solved.

Chen Nian spent a whole day completing the inspection of the arresting system, and it wasn't until the sun went down that everyone packed up their things and left the deck to disembark.

The other engineers were still digesting today's inspection points, and wanted to classify and summarize the contents of Chen Nian's inspection and finalize a set of procedures.

Everyone was discussing with each other, and the speed couldn't help being a little slow.

The back of Chen Nian, who was walking in the front, was a little lonely. He subconsciously wanted to slow down and wait for the people behind, but suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

If they don't want to, in fact, they really don't need to care too much.

Just fix the problem.

However, after they stepped off the aircraft carrier and set foot on the hard ground, the engineers behind caught up one by one.

They took the initiative to start the conversation, chatting with Chen Nian about the details of the inspection just now.

"Chen Gong, I read the main points I wrote down just now, and I found a detail that can be optimized."

"Chen Gong, for the electromagnetic arresting device, I think we can set an index parameter. What I mean is, first conduct a limit experiment to determine the limit threshold."

"Chen Gong, if we want to completely solve the defects of the blocking device, we should improve the comprehensive power system as a whole. I plan to talk to Mr. Ma. Do you think it's okay to talk like this?"

Chen Nian walked forward slowly while answering everyone's questions.

Unknowingly, the original formation has changed.

Most of the people maintained the same speed, and one or two engineers who made new discoveries ran to the front, intending to rush to the laboratory to verify their conjectures.

Looking at their backs, Chen Nian couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Probably, this is the result he wanted.

The final sprint of the Deep Blue 16 project was carried out step by step, and everything was in order.

But on the other side, on the distant African continent, the situation has completely fallen into chaos.

In a certain office in the city center, Ji Feng silently looked at the map on the desktop, frowning tightly.

He is a financial officer of a certain Huaxia company stationed in Khartoum, and he is also the legendary "Old Sultan".

In fact, since CNPC first entered Sudan, Monsoon followed the team to this hot land.

For a full 7 years, his time here is even longer than the time he returned to China.

This is why, when the situation in Sudan is chaotic and most of the personnel have been evacuated with the large force, he still stays in Khartoum.

Because the work here really needs someone to preside over it, and he is not only the CFO of the subsidiary, but also the most experienced veteran who is most familiar with the situation in Sudan. He didn't even need the leader to speak, and he himself applied to stay.


From a certain point of view, this is also a kind of gambling behavior.

The bet is that after surviving this crisis, he can use this incident to make his way to the top.

At the very beginning, he thought that the turmoil would end as quickly as before. After all, the troubles in Darfur have not been a day or two, and there is no big storm every time.

However, as time passed day by day, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The Revolutionary Front's armed forces this time can no longer be called "armed".

They are an army!

Judging from the news reports, they not only have advanced equipment, but also have heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, and even several helicopters!

Moreover, their tactics are no longer the old style of swarming upwards with guns on their shoulders. From the pictures taken by the news, he even saw those little blacks who should not have received any serious military training play Introduced the tactics of step-tan coordination!

Even without any additional information, Ji Feng easily analyzed the truth behind it, that is:

Someone is supporting them, someone is training them.

And the black hand behind this scene is, without a doubt, Lao Mei.

After confirming this point, Ji Feng immediately adjusted his strategy.

He originally planned to take the left-behind employees through the chaotic period and resume normal business directly.

But now, Khartoum clearly cannot wait.

This place is bound to fall!

For the present, either evacuate as soon as possible, or find a way to seek asylum.

But unfortunately, neither of these two plans has made any progress so far.

Ji Feng sighed, raised his head to look at his subordinates, and asked:

"So what's the answer over there?"

The subordinate shook his head and replied:

"There is no final confirmation, but judging from the current situation, I am afraid it will not go well."

"The situation developed so fast that Khartoum was completely surrounded before everyone could react."

"They said they had contacted all the airlines before, but none of them wanted to land."

"We are currently in contact with domestic airlines, hoping to transfer the plane over and take a risk."

"But the problem is that the Khartoum airport has basically lost its function, and even the fuel cannot be replenished. Therefore, if the plane comes in, it has to land in Egypt first. Communication in this regard is also very difficult."

"What about the sea?"

Ji Feng interrupted him and continued to ask.

"It's even more difficult at sea. If you want to go, you can only go to Port Sudan, but now Port Sudan has been controlled by the Revolutionary Front, and they can't communicate at all."

"They'll keep trying, but the odds are low."

"All in all, they still recommend that we prepare the safe house as soon as possible and stick to the place first."

"Even if Khartoum really falls, the Revolutionary Front should not cause too much disturbance. After all, their purpose is to govern, not to vent their anger."

"That's not certain. After all, these little blacks are not professional soldiers. They can do anything."

Monsoon shook his head and answered.

He knows the real background of black Africa too well.

Don't look at some times, these people will put on the cloak of civilization, but as long as they are given a chance, they will tear off their disguise without hesitation.

Is the Revolutionary Front doing less dirty work?

They are like a swarm of locusts, never letting go of any piece of "food".

And now, they are about to capture Khartoum!

Don't talk about wantonly burning, killing and looting, if you don't do it well, it is possible to massacre the city.

Ji Feng couldn't help clenching his fists. After thinking for a long time, he said:

"Let's go in three steps."

"The first step is to keep in touch. If there is any news that you can evacuate, cooperate immediately."

"The second step is to seek asylum from the government army. We have a close relationship with the government army. It is impossible to cut it off now. Once Khartoum falls, it will inevitably be settled by the fall. It is better to gamble and bet that they can withstand it."

"The third step is to take out all the reserve funds, upgrade and strengthen the safe house, and at the same time, go to purchase a batch of weapons."

"Purchasing weapons?"

The subordinate looked at Ji Feng in surprise, and asked hesitantly:

"Are you sure you want to purchase weapons? If we take up arms, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to communicate with the Revolutionary Front."

"Give up your illusions and prepare to fight. Still communicating with them? Look at how the Revolutionary Front advertises us."

"Plunderers of oil resources, filthy thieves. Will they communicate with us? Impossible!"

"You have to think clearly, who is behind them!"

"So, don't be timid, buy a gun! Don't be blatantly provocative, but we must have weapons."

"This is our final bottom line. If they really plan to liquidate us, we must have the ability to resist."

Having said so much, the subordinates understood what Ji Feng meant.

He didn't intend to rely on these weapons to aid the government forces and to be tough with the Revolutionary Front.

It was to prevent his brother from being slaughtered unarmed in the worst case.

This is an extremely helpless choice, but it is also the only and last choice.

The subordinate let out a long sigh.

He looked out of the window, there was thick smoke condensed on the skyline, and the faint sound of artillery was constantly coming.

Those people are already very close to Khartoum.

And they who are trapped here have no way to escape.

Civil aviation cannot fly over, and civilian ships cannot enter Port Sudan, so...

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