
Chapter 289

Chen Nian rested at home for a total of more than two weeks, and no one came to disturb him during the period. He also spent the most relaxing time in 4 years.

However, while he was enjoying his vacation, the international situation became more serious day by day.

In the African region, the conflict in Darfur is intensifying. The capital of Sudan, Khartoum, is at stake. The military port of Djibouti is blocked by the Fifth Fleet. Two Type 052B destroyers in Guangzhou and Wuhan are in a difficult confrontation with several Burke-class destroyers and an aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt.

At the same time, due to the impact of the war in Sudan, many neighboring countries including Egypt and Ethiopia are ready to move. If it were not for China's repeated voices and its investment in Ethiopia as a deterrent, Ethiopia would almost take the opportunity to send troops to the border and seize the actual control of the Blue Nile River. up.

North Africa is so chaotic, and southern Africa is also not stable.

Although the Gauteng high-speed rail project went smoothly, due to the aftermath of Mandela's series of extremely stupid policies, South Africa's economy continued to deteriorate, partisan disputes became more serious, and even the capital Cape Town experienced large-scale turmoil.

Moreover, after seeing the "demonstration effect" in Darfur, the opposition has stepped up its ties with the US, trying to overthrow the black rule and rebuild the white order.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for society to maintain basic stability.

If it weren't for South Africa's own strong economic strength, I am afraid that the tragedy in Rwanda would repeat itself.


In fact, such incidents have already begun to emerge.

Congo, Gabon, Angola, Zambia, and Guinea have seen large-scale tribal armed conflicts. If there is no one contributing to the flames, I am afraid that even the United States will not believe it.

This is true in Africa, not to mention the Middle East.

The disputes surrounding oil are becoming more and more intense day by day, especially after the strength of the Fifth Fleet has been strengthened, the tension in the Persian Gulf has returned to the peak in nearly two decades, second only to the eve of the two wars.

Under such circumstances, several oil-producing countries that already have conflicts will naturally not miss the opportunity. For a while, what weapons of mass destruction, what dirty bombs, what poison gas bombs, what nuclear weapons

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and it is difficult to distinguish true from false.

Compared with these two regions at the center of conflicts, the situation in Europe and the Americas is relatively stable, but the economic fluctuations are still severe.

The aftermath of the economic crisis has not dissipated, and what makes the European and American markets worse is that the Chinese people have come.

The Huaxia businessmen who have accumulated a lot of money and made a fortune in a muffled voice finally made their move. In the European market, with the thunderous prestige of the "Moving Mountain" project, Huaxia Heavy Machinery almost swept the entire European market. In Baiqi, there are only a few old-school enterprises that have accumulated technology in finishing and are encouraged to maintain it.

But how long they'll last, who knows?

As for the US side, the impact they have suffered mainly comes from the fields of daily necessities and consumer goods.

Due to the explosive breakthrough of China's civil technology, the entire industrial structure has undergone a major transformation.

The most profitable thing now is no longer the export of primary products and handmade products, but the export of finished end products after the acquisition of technology.

This also led to the rapid accumulation of funds, and the US soon discovered that they could not buy many things.

This can be said to be harmless in a short period of time, but in the foreseeable future, if daily consumer goods continue to be out of stock, it will also be a major blow to the industrial development of the United States.

More importantly, the US side was surprised to find that 555 Fulton, which first entered the local area before the financial crisis, has gained a firm foothold and started to play its role as a "comprador".

The real estate market, which has only experienced a round of plummeting, inadvertently has an upward trend again.


It seems that these people felt that they didn't smash hard enough last time, so they wanted to pull up and smash again.

All in all, East Asia has become the only isolated island.

When everyone is struggling to survive, the rabbits are thinking about how to sweep the world.

in a room.

The meeting secretary reported the situation.

" the current situation is what it is."

"Although they paid a huge price, the situation in Africa has indeed been disturbed, and it has also caused some interference to our local investment."

"At present, this kind of interference has been controlled within a limited range."

"And, as our forces in Djibouti are gradually deployed, the unrest will be further suppressed."

"So, we believe that our current strategic layout in Africa has not been affected."

“At the same time, with the global economy in turmoil due to their irrational actions in Africa, this is our golden opportunity.”

"In the next stage, we should still advance the original plan step by step, deepen the resource strategy, and obtain the most fundamental bottom-level advantages."

"On the one hand, we must step up the development of various mineral resources in Africa, especially iron ore resources, and strive to reduce our dependence on the four major international miners in the short term."

"On the one hand, we must speed up the process of technological development, exchange technology for resources, and reverse the scissors gap."

"According to the previous plan, we need to complete the development of the African region within the next five years and completely solve the domestic resource dilemma"

Hearing this, the old man raised his hand to signal the secretary to pause, and then he said:

"Don't repeat things that are too macroscopic, everyone knows it in their hearts."

"You mainly talk about the preparations for several key conditions under these macro strategies, and specific items!"

The secretary paused and replied:

"In terms of matters, the first condition is the establishment of African influence, that is, it needs to compete with the Fifth Fleet and expand the presence of the Djibouti military port."

"In this regard, the Xinghuo team has entered the sprint stage, and it is estimated that it will take about one to one and a half years. After the 055 and 001 ships are launched, they will be sent to Djibouti immediately to form a confrontation."

"For the handling of the power vacuum period of this year and a half, the military side also gave opinions, and the air force will temporarily fill the position."

"Currently, the construction of the Djibouti airport has been completed, which can take off and land large transport aircraft and bombers."


The old man nodded.

He can naturally understand the secretary's implication. The so-called "can take off and land" means "can't actually take off and land." In the future, fighter jets represented by J-22 and J-20 should still be the main combat force of the Djibouti base. .

But as long as the airport is there, it's a serious deterrent, and it represents the ability to use the last resort if things get out of control.

"Except for Djibouti, what happened to the layout of Guinea?"

"Negotiations are in progress, but at present, the situation on the west coast of Africa is extremely turbulent, and the official control of Guinea has declined. If you want to open the situation, you still have to rely on the establishment of the Djibouti base."

The old man frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Guinea is our most critical source of iron ore in the future. Whether we can break the monopoly of Australian iron ore depends on our operations in Guinea."

"Notice to continue, increase the financial budget of the Spark team for the third and fourth quarters, speed up technology and equipment research and development, and seize the opportunity at any cost."

"We must let those 'friends' on the other side of the sea understand that the era when just a few warships can force us not to move around is over."

"They think whoever has the biggest fist can talk, so let's show them who has the biggest fist!"


The secretary nodded solemnly, and recorded the old man's plan on a piece of paper.

"At the next week's meeting, we will set the agenda and discuss your proposal. After the proposal is passed, we will implement it as soon as possible."

"Not as fast as possible, but as fast as possible."

The old man sighed softly and continued:

"We don't have much time, we must seize every minute and every second"

Two weeks later, the Xinghuo team's supplementary budget plan was approved. Under Chen Guo's operation, this "windfall" was quickly allocated to several key projects of the Xinghuo team.

Among them, the Deep Blue 16 project and the 055 project took the bulk of the additional budget.

According to Chen Guo's estimation, with the support of additional funds, the construction period of these two projects can be shortened by at least 20%.

In other words, by January 2008 at the latest, the first aircraft carrier and the first fourth-generation ship should be sailing on the sea

In the office, Chen Nian, who had just returned to Western Polytechnic University, sat across from Chen Guo, listening to his budgetary arrangements for the Xinghuo team.

In fact, this kind of budget report was done once at the beginning of the year, but due to a budget change, Chen Guo made a report to Chen Nian again.

".So basically so far, the budget completion of the Spark team will be controlled at about 80% according to your requirements, and the remaining 20% ​​is the risk margin."

"But I really don't understand. What exactly is your 20% budget going to be used for?"

"Metal hydrogen battery? According to the current progress, it won't cost that much money in the short term, right?"

"You know, our current annual budget is 220 billion, and 20% is more than 40 billion. Isn't it a bit wasteful to use it empty?"

"If it doesn't work, let's vote for the army. Their equipment really needs to be replaced."

Hearing this, Chen Nian shook his head firmly.

"No, the 20% of the budget must not be moved."

"Don't say you can't move, even the extra money I gave Xinghuo before, I was going to cut it off."

"40 billion looks like a lot, but in fact, it's not enough for what we have to do."

Chen Guo looked at Chen Nian suspiciously, and his heart skipped a beat after sensing the seriousness in the other's expression.

"Is something big going to happen?"

Chen Guo lowered her voice subconsciously and asked.

He had already accepted Chen Nian's ability beyond ordinary people's understanding from time to time. Before that, he had accurately predicted the economic crisis and a sabotage event that might have a major impact on China.

Then this time. What did he see again?

Chen Nian raised his head and looked at Chen Guo. After hesitating for a long time, he said:

"What would you think if I said that we might face a serious natural disaster?"

"Do you think I'm crazy, or"

"Tell me about the specific situation."

Chen Guo immediately interrupted Chen Nian's words, and her expression became tense.

If someone else said such things in front of him, then Chen Guo would definitely think that he must have watched too many disaster movies and see that he was suffering from paranoia.

But now, it was Chen Nian who spoke.

Then no matter how absurd it sounds, he must take it seriously.

Because that is very likely to be true.

Chen Nian took a deep breath. He knew that what he was going to say next might have a major impact on his fate.

One's own identity will become more elusive, and the official attitude may also undergo subtle changes.

Whether it's good or bad, he doesn't know, and he can't define it.

But he couldn't help it.

Because in his view, this is his inescapable responsibility.

For such a responsibility, even if they go through fire and water, they will not hesitate.

It's May now, and it's time for a showdown.


After some exchanges.

"Do you have any more detailed information? With this information, we can plan as accurately as possible."

Chen Guo spoke again.

There was no hesitation or doubt in his voice, but only firm "trust" and "urgency" to solve the problem.

"I have both."

"I will... write out the information I have obtained as comprehensively as possible, and then, I hope you can pass this information to your superiors."

"And, I ask the superiors to act as soon as possible to mobilize all available forces to prepare for this event."


Chen Guo nodded solemnly. Then, he stood up, picked up the phone, called the logistics team, and issued a notice to call the core members of the Spark team to hold an emergency meeting.

"I will immediately report this matter to my superiors. At the same time, we will conduct a round of discussions within Spark to output a preliminary response plan."

"You probably don't have a specific solution, otherwise, you wouldn't have this expression."

Having said that, Chen Guo showed a comforting smile on his face.

Then, he patted Chen Nian on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry."

"Since we now have complete information, there won't be too many problems in dealing with it."

"In the past four years, you have done so many things. This country is no longer what it was in 2003."

"Let's take ten thousand steps back. At worst, we can just evacuate them all in the most stupid way."

"Isn't it just a bigger economic loss at most? Isn't it just spending money?"

"Money, we have plenty."

"Even if it's not enough, we can... go grab it."

"The money that was 'robbed' back should be treated as our reserve fund."

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