
Chapter 280: Catch it

Click on the video uploaded by Li Xiang, and the first thing to introduce is the battlefield setting.

According to his setting, the background of this naval battle is that 12 brave-class destroyers went to a certain sea area to provoke. After receiving the warning message, 12 055 ships attacked the enemy.

Due to the contact and testing in the early stage, there is no difference in information between the two sides, and what they are fighting for is pure ship performance.

In the simulation, the ships of both sides adopted the "top configuration" configuration.

The Bravery class is equipped with Aster-15, Aster-30 plus NSM anti-ship missiles produced by Norway's Cosper, and there is also a 114mm naval gun, two Phalanx near-anti-aircraft guns, and two DS-30B weapon stations.

On the 055 side, in addition to the upgraded 130MM naval gun, it was also equipped with the most advanced Eagle-9E anti-ship missile and the upgraded Haihongqi-7 short-range air defense missile in advance.

It can be said that according to the current "public" technical level of China, this is already the limit of combat power that ordinary military fans can imagine.

However, even with such an upgraded configuration, 055 is still vulnerable to bravery-level attacks.

After the two sides enter the battlefield, the simulation begins immediately.

At this time, the distance between the warships of the two sides was 160 kilometers, the radars recognized each other, and the fire control radar was activated.

The brave class first launched a round of NSM missiles. After the missiles took off, they quickly entered the cruising state and began to approach the 055 fleet at a high speed of about Mach 0.93.

At this stage, although 055 detected the incoming missile, but because Haihongqi only had short-range anti-missile capabilities, it did not take off immediately to intercept it.

On the contrary, 055 chose the same strategy as the Bravery class and fired a salvo of Eagle-9E anti-ship missiles.

The maximum speed of this type of missile is about Mach 0.85, which is basically the same as that of NSM. After a short flight, the missiles of both sides reached their predetermined battle positions. Any change of direction maneuver.

The altitude of the NSM's sea-skimming flight was extremely low, which brought a huge challenge to the 055's air defense system. Although several sea red flags were launched, they did not cause effective interception at all.

In the first round alone, the missiles launched by the brave class hit four 055 ships, three of which were directly sunk, and one basically lost its combat capability.

In contrast, although the Eagle Strike-9 also hit a Bravery-class ship, most of them have been intercepted by the joint defense line of Ziyuan and Phalanx, causing very little damage.

The battle has progressed here, and the outcome is almost doomed.

After the second round of salvo, due to the sharp drop in firepower density, the 12 Brave-class ships were more able to deal with the 055's attack with ease. All have been blocked.

What's even more irritating is that due to the weak close-in defense system of the 055, the interception of the NSM by the 055 is basically ineffective. You can only watch the missile crash into the hull, causing a violent explosion.

In just half an hour, all 12 055 ships were sunk, while the brave class only paid the price of a minor injury

After watching the mock video, the entire forum didn't even recover for several minutes.

It wasn't until someone posted a thread questioning the accuracy of the simulation that no one followed up with the reply.

"In this simulation, the 055 has been weakened a bit seriously, right? Its air defense capability is not that weak, and the close-in defense system must also be upgraded. It is impossible for a single NSM to intercept it."

"Indeed, it has been weakened a bit. But overall, the combat effectiveness is still convincing."

"Even if the imprecise parts are completed and the 055's air defense and anti-missile capabilities are enhanced, there will not be much difference between victory and defeat."

"Maybe the first round can't tell the difference, but there is a huge difference between cold and hot shots. With the advantage of launch speed, the brave class can quickly form a saturated blow."

"As long as attrition is caused, it will lead to a snowball effect, and the balance of victory and defeat will tip over irresistibly."

"It is indeed the case. The 055 is still too weak. If possible, we should do a good job of upgrading the close-in defense and hypersonic missiles."

"Or take a step back, we should at least continue to strengthen the long board in the radar, and use the information advantage to make a difference."

"That's a return to asymmetric strategy"

Comments were sent out one by one, and the combat effectiveness of 055 was basically "concluded". The real military fans began to discuss the points that need to be optimized. Once the topic was extended, they inevitably began to discuss the needs of "strong military industry". various technical and industrial bases.

Some people mentioned the need for sea and air cooperation, some people mentioned that the basic lathe problem should be solved, and some people mentioned that the first thing to do is to get the materials for changing the cold engine to the heat engine.

It can be said that the discussions among professional military fans are quite objective.

But it was in such an objective atmosphere that Li Xiang finally took the bait that he had been waiting for for a long time.

"Talking about technology and industry every day is inferior. If you really want to change the backward situation, you must start reforming from the system!"

"Why is Courage strong? Cooperation! The anti-ship missiles are from Norway, the anti-aircraft missiles are from France, the close-in defense system is from the United States, and the ship's electrical system is multinational. Only the power is its own. Such close cooperation integrates global The most powerful technology in one, who is stronger if it is not strong?"

"Look at us, we are complacent, we don't want to make progress, we think how good we are, and we still try to use the system that has long been outdated to fight against the most advanced ideas and thoughts. If you don't fail, who will fail?"

"What's wrong with this country, it must be a system problem!"

"Freedom and not closure, cooperation and not barriers, the military industry market should also be open, open to the greatest extent!"

The comments one by one came out, and Li Xiang hurriedly identified the marks, carefully distinguishing which of them were intentionally rhythmic and which were rhythmically.

This is the case with public opinion monitoring work, and Chen Nian's term "fishing" is indeed very appropriate.

It takes a long time to make a nest, and it takes a lot of patience to wait for the fish to take the bait.

However, as soon as the nest starts and a fish bites the hook, more fish will come here immediately after.

And what I need to do is not to lift the threads one by one, but to wait until they are full and unable to swim, and then suddenly cast a net to catch them all.

Thinking of this, Li Xiang immediately called his superior and reported his progress.

After the information was received, the intelligence department quickly made arrangements, and a large number of problematic accounts were located, many of which were found to have overseas financial connections.

The identities of these people range from high to low, and many of them are professors, executives and the like.

However, no matter what their identities are now, it won't be long before they will have a common and indelible identity, that is.


On the other side, in the corner office.

Bob looked at the latest intelligence documents about 055 compiled by his assistant, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"So are you sure, 055 will not adopt a new generation of hypersonic anti-ship missiles?"

The assistant on the opposite side shook his head and replied:

"Not sure, I can only say that the possibility is not high."

"They have consumed a lot of resources and technical reserves in the early stage, but most of the resources have been invested in the aviation field."

"Judging from the current situation, their accumulation of naval power is insufficient. There may be small-scale breakthroughs, but it is difficult to form a decisive advantage."

"According to public information, this time the 055 project should belong to the continuation project of 052. Except for the obvious improvement of the power and radar system, the weapons and equipment will not be upgraded, and the combat concept is still um, outdated."

"In general, the discussions on the Internet are very objective. Compared with our Zumwalt, 055 does have a long way to go."

Hearing this, Bob nodded, but then said angrily:

"FUCK, even if it is the power system, it is also the responsibility of the May Club."

"If they weren't so stupid and allowed Huaxia to use the poison pill plan to get the Motor Sich factory, now Huaxia can't even manufacture usable gas turbines, and it will not pose any threat to us at all!"

"It's true, but sometimes things are just the way they are, and they can't be perfect."

"At least, the navy did not develop inexplicably like the other side's air force, which caught us off guard."

The assistant sighed. Like Bob, he had a lot of complaints about the May Club.

In his opinion, both Houston and his so-called "assistant" are just cowards eager for quick success but timid.

Perhaps because of his background in the intelligence department, every leader of the May Society is trying to obtain the greatest benefit at the smallest cost. Even if they only have a crutch in their hands, they are always looking for the fulcrum that does not exist. , wanting to pry up the whole earth.

But how is this possible?

No matter how great the leverage is, there is a limit.

If you act blindly without knowing your limit, the final result can only be to break the fulcrum and hurt yourself.

Bob continued to flip through the report in his hand, and after seeing the results of the wargame deduction between 055 and the Bravery-class destroyer, he asked:

"Is the result of this deduction accurate? What is the result of our own deduction?"

"Mostly accurate."

the assistant replied.

"However, just as the comments on the Internet said, this amateur deduction underestimated the anti-missile capability of the 055, and also underestimated the penetration performance of the Eagle-9."

"According to our own deduction, the exchange ratio between 055 and Burke-class destroyers is about 3:1, that is to say, three 055s are needed to achieve the combat effectiveness of a latest Burke-class destroyer."

"Similarly, when pushed to Zumwalt, the exchange ratio is probably between 5 and 8."

"Not 10?"

Bob asked subconsciously.

But soon, he also realized the absurdity of his question.

In a real war, how can a warship achieve a record of more than 10:1?

Maybe it can be done with the blessing of a perfect naval system, but if it is a single-ship confrontation, it can reach 5:1, which is already very high.

He shook his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

"5:1 is enough. After all, Zumwalt is not just a ship-to-ship attack ship. Its main battlefield is still on land."


The assistant replied in agreement, and after a short pause, he continued to speak:

"However, we now face other problems."

"The first question is, Houston in May, we have to find a way to get rid of him as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, under the premise that our two sides have already had major conflicts, follow-up actions will face various obstacles."

"I know."

Bob interrupted the assistant, and then said:

"You don't need to be involved in this matter. I have already applied to Congress. It won't be long before he will be removed from the May meeting."

"At that time, I will recommend you to enter the May meeting, and we will become the strongest foreign aid for both sides."

"If done right, we can wield more leverage in Congress"

Hearing Bob's words, the assistant was taken aback for a moment.

He vaguely felt that this matter had a great impact, but for a while he didn't know where the problem was.

After all, this is just a normal political operation. Putting one's own people in various departments is a common means of gaining the right to speak.

May will be

The assistant didn't think about it any further.

But what he didn't know was that due to the consecutive failures of the May Meeting, the trust level of this department had dropped to the bottom. Not only Bob's turret, but also other departments with real power were ready to move.

And this movement, like a crack in the giant dam, may completely destroy the US foreign strategic system in the near future.

However, they are still unaware of this.

After confirming Houston's fate, the assistant continued:

"The other thing is the Darfur incident."

"Currently, the Revolutionary Front's offensive against the Sudanese government is accelerating. With our help, a series of victories have been achieved."

"Currently, they are less than 500 kilometers away from the capital, Khartoum. It is estimated that they will be able to take Khartoum completely within three months."

"However, the other side also responded."

"They don't intend to take action, but they seem to want to deter externally and control the scope of chaos within Sudan..."

"The construction progress in Djibouti is accelerating, and it is expected that the first batch of troops will be stationed in a month or two."

"Their existence will have a major impact on the situation in Africa, and we should find ways to check and balance it."


Bob opened the drawer, took out a report from it, and handed it to the assistant.

The latter took a look at the report, his eyes gradually changed from calm to shock.

After a long silence, he opened his mouth and asked:

"Such a big move, won't..."

Bob shook his head and replied:

"I can't manage that much anymore."

"The age of confrontation has come early, and we must do whatever it takes."

Two days later, Bob's proposal was passed by Congress.

Subsequently, many ships stationed at various naval bases in the United States set sail one after another.

Their unified goal is the US Fifth Fleet Command located in Bahrain.

This is the first major expansion since the reorganization of the Fifth Fleet in 1995, and the purpose of this expansion is different from any mission of any other fleet:

Large-scale escort and peacekeeping.

And the goal is the Gulf of Aden.


In other words, it is the Red Sea, it is Djibouti, and it is about to settle there, the Chinese warship

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