
Chapter 261 The Conspiracy Revealed

Sudan, North Darfur.

Liu Guangyu's "interview" has basically been completed.

Through his local activities during this period of time, he has mastered a complete chain of evidence.

The international arms companies headed by the United States do have links with Darfur armed groups. They have sent a large amount of military supplies to the Darfur region through three routes: sea, land and air.

These materials and equipment not only include individual weapons, armor, and communication supplies, but even according to information accidentally disclosed by some militants, the new batch of equipment also includes more heavy weapons.


The tank is also among them, but it is not clear what model it is.

Such a discovery surprised Liu Guangyu. He keenly realized that if the United States only wanted to disturb the local situation and create chaos in a small area, they would not need such a large amount of money.

You know, throwing these things into Darfur, not to mention the local government troops, and even the entire Sudan, has formed a dimensionality reduction blow.

Yes, Sudan is not without heavy equipment, even they have fighter jets.

But in front of the most advanced armor, even fighter jets can hardly suppress it effectively.

Could it be that what they really want to do is to foster a puppet regime?

If this is the case, then the "Military Observation" plan that was drawn up before must be put aside.

This is not a pool of muddy water, this is a swamp.

A chill rose up Liu Guangyu's spine.

He suddenly understood that that opponent was indeed not as simple as he had imagined.

It is even possible that they voluntarily exposed the news of "new weapons entering Darfur" that was deliberately released at the beginning.

And their purpose is to attract us into the game!

They can't beat us economically, so they plan to drag us down militarily

Or to put it another way, they learned a lesson from the security war in Iraq, so they immediately intend to attach this lesson to us.

And, more frighteningly, they have pinpointed that we cannot turn a blind eye to the situation in Africa.

They are like patient hunters, preparing their bait little by little.

First, it caused riots in Darfur, and then, if they really entered the game and carried out peacekeeping or military observation activities, then they would gradually increase their leverage and use the so-called broken window effect to drag it down step by step.


We must find a way to notify the superior as soon as possible.

Liu Guangyu frowned and turned on the computer. He could actually reach the country through the network of the Revolutionary Front headquarters, but he had to be under supervision throughout the entire process of using the network, and there was no way to send additional information.

If you want to report this news, you must leave Darfur early.

But the problem is that this is not in line with your own itinerary plan, and it is easy to arouse the vigilance of the other party.

Therefore, my only option is to pass information through password ciphertext.

Put the information you have in the news reports you send out, and pass it out according to the agreed decryption method.

Doing so is extremely dangerous.

Because the situation has been different from the initial judgment.

If the United States is coming for us, then it may be a conspiracy to enter the Darfur region.

As long as he exposes even a little bit of flaws, the consequences may be death without a place to bury him.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Guangyu turned off the computer again.

He planned to talk to Khalifa again and find out what they said.


What if this is just an overreaction?

What if, they don't actually have such a "big" goal at all?

I hope so.

A few minutes later, under the leadership of the guards, Liu Guangyu once again saw Khalifa, who had gradually become familiar with him.

As soon as the latter saw him, he greeted him enthusiastically, patted him on the shoulder and asked:

"Liu, did you sleep well last night? Uganda's banana wine is not bad, right?"

Liu Guangyu laughed and replied:

“It tastes good, but always feels a bit weird”

"Hahahaha, there is no need to say it."

In fact, banana wine is a specialty of Uganda-it is a kind of fruit wine made from bananas, which are fermented after being trampled with feet.

The taste is very sweet, but the hygienic situation is very worrying.

After a few laughs, Khalifa continued to ask:

"Liu, do you have anything to do with me today? You didn't come here to talk to me about the banana wine last night, did you?"

Liu Guangyu quickly shook his head, and replied with the same smile:

"Of course not. Actually, I really need you to do me a favor."

"I wanted to see the countryside west of Darfur - it seemed like a real 'no man's land'."

"You know, I need to show the cruelty of war to the international community. This is my duty as a reporter."

"At the same time, this is also a good thing for you --- it will make your resistance more convincing."

Hearing his words, Khalifa nodded slowly.

Liu Guangyu almost thought that he had convinced him, but in the next second, Khalifa said:

"Liu, I can understand your thoughts."

"However, I have to regret to tell you that maybe you won't have the chance to leave the base for some time to come."


Liu Guangyu asked in surprise.

"There's no particular reason, it's mainly for your safety."

"In fact, not only you, General Hamidi has issued the same order to all troops."

"For some time to come, we will temporarily suspend fighting with the government forces to free up the negotiation window."

"If negotiations fail, we will continue to resist."

real or fake?

Liu Guangyu almost blurted out.

But fortunately, years of "undercover" experience suppressed his impulse.

How is this possible?

The Revolutionary Front organizations are not stragglers, they are a group of organized, strategic, and even disciplined armed groups.

It is impossible for them not to understand that the chips on the negotiating table are all played out.

How could the Revolutionary Front do such a stupid thing as declaring a ceasefire before negotiations started?

Who will believe it? !

Obviously, this is just an excuse.


An excuse to warn myself not to go any further, and to stay in the base honestly.

After a few seconds of silence, Liu Guangyu let out a long sigh.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Understood, then I will do as you arranged."

"However, I want to ask, how long will this situation last?"

"After all, my work here is basically over. If there is no new content, I can only leave early."

"It's hard to say."

Khalifa spread his hands and replied:

"It depends on the progress of the negotiations and the changes in the specific situation."

"However, I assure you that if you want to leave, we will find a way to send you away."

"Thank you so much!"

Liu Guangyu pretended to say sincerely.

But at this moment, he had vaguely realized something in his heart:

It's very possible that I can't walk away.

Otherwise, Khalifa wouldn't be so emphatic

After leaving Khalifa's office, Liu Guangyu's expression changed immediately.

If his conspiracy about Darfur was just speculation before he went, now he is almost able to draw a conclusion.

The order in Khalifa's mouth may not be true, but the ban on himself must be.

After all, until today, his activities have been relatively free.

Such a sudden major change must be because they will have important actions in the near future.

It must be reported to the country as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be uncontrollable!

Thinking of this, Liu Guangyu hurried back to the room to get the computer, and walked towards the special communication center of the headquarters.

He has always used the communication center's network to send "news reports" to the outside world. This is something he must do every day, and theoretically speaking, it will not arouse suspicion.

However, when he reached the gate of the communication center, he was stopped.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, we can't provide you with internet services today."


Liu Guangyu asked with a frown.

"Eh, maybe it's because the network fee is too high? I don't know. Anyway, it's an order from the superior."

There was an innocent look on the guard's face, and after a pause, he continued to add:

"Of course, Mr. Liu, this is not aimed at you."

"In fact, all of us have been banned from using the public network. The specific reason, if I can find out later, I will inform you."

"What about the phone? The phone doesn't work either?"

Liu Guangyu asked.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Liu Guangyu didn't say a word, and after saying goodbye briefly, he turned his head and left.

He finally understood that he was completely isolated.

It is very likely that his intentions have been exposed.

The reason why he didn't attack was purely because the other party was afraid of the country behind him.

But how long will this fear last?

Liu Guangyu couldn't help but panic rose in his heart.

My situation is very dangerous, and my time is running out.

Now, the Revolutionary Front has just changed its own management policy, and there must be some imperfections and deficiencies in it.

The simplest manifestation is that although he said that he should restrict himself from leaving the base, in fact, the guards at the gate of the base still turned a blind eye to him.

It is necessary to take advantage of this window to complete all the things that should be done.

At this moment, the achievements of Liu Guangyu's previous "interview" activities finally came in handy.

He clearly remembered that there was a satellite phone in the weapons shop in the black market in El Fasher.

But the problem is that there must be inextricable connections between the black market and armed organizations. If you borrow a phone rashly, it will undoubtedly be a "self-destruct" behavior.

He needs a careful and detailed plan.

And planning takes time

A few days later, Sudan, Khartoum.

In the embassy's office, Lin Tao looked at the latest report on the situation in Darfur, frowned and shook his head and said:

"It's not right."

"The contents of these reports were not written by Liu Guangyu."

"No, it should be said that most of the content is still created by him, but it should not be sent by him."

"Whether it is in wording, sentence structure or special word habits, the contents of these articles are completely different from the previous ones."

"Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but if you are a person who has been immersed in writing work all year round, you can see the difference at a glance."

"I feel that this thing is more like a report that was reprocessed by someone using Liu Guangyu's original materials."

"If this is the case, Liu Guangyu's situation is not optimistic."

Hearing his words, Ma Yu nodded heavily.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"I think so too—Darfur has completely become an island now."

"Although the communication and network are not interrupted, the real core news cannot be transmitted at all."

"Not only us, but also several other European and American media seem to have lost their voices—they can't get first-hand information."

"Coincidentally, at this point in time, all ties between the Revolutionary Front and the government forces were cut off, and the negotiators sent to each other had also withdrawn due to the expiration date, and both sides fell into a black barrier."

"We have to find a way to transfer Liu Guangyu back. If we let him stay there, his personal safety will be completely lost!"

"I even suspect that something may have happened to him now. Otherwise, why would the Revolutionary Front falsify his report?"

"Not necessarily."

Lin Tao shook his head slowly, and said:

"The bastards of the Revolutionary Front are not so bold. It's been a few years. It's not a trivial matter for us to die outside, let alone someone like Liu Guangyu who has a relatively large influence."

"Unless their core interests are really touched, they will not mess around."

"Judging from the previous contact with Liu Guangyu, he is a very mature and cautious reporter, and he should not make mistakes on these issues."

"He hasn't officially passed on the information to us so far, which can explain the problem."

"I feel that the purpose of the Revolutionary Front's falsified report is not to make us think that 'Liu Guangyu is fine', but to let the outside world think that 'everything is fine in Darfur'."

"They may be planning some major actions, which cannot be covered up at all, so they can only 'mute' all media."

"What type of major action?"

Mayu asked immediately.

"I don't know, but it is definitely not the kind of 'riot' we thought at first, and it is impossible to just fight for the autonomy of Darfur."

"I have a feeling they are coming for Khartoum."

"Khartoum? Just rely on them?"

Mayu asked in surprise.

In his mind, although the Revolutionary Front is strong, it is still a "civilian armed force" in the final analysis. It is possible to make trouble in Darfur and even establish an autonomous region. After all, it is possible to occupy the mountain as king.


Stop making trouble, the Sudanese government army is not so useless, right?

Seeing his unbelievable expression, Lin Tao's eyes became colder and colder.

Yes, even Ma Yu couldn't believe this judgment.

But...if this is really the strategy of the US side, how could they let their side guess it so easily?

The least likely thing is often the last thing that happens

Thinking of this, he said:

"There's no point in guessing here."

"It is necessary to report to the superior and use special investigative methods."

"We have to confirm the real intention of the other party immediately - we have been misled in the early stage, and now, every second counts."

"Contact me the Blue Helmets in South Sudan and tell them to get ready to intervene!"

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