
Chapter 259 Metal Hydrogen Battery Starts, It Is Stepping into the Future

In Houston's view, it is impossible for Huaxia to solve the flight control problem of strategic bombers in a short period of time, but in fact, even if Chen Nian's latest plasma device is not considered, the H-20's flight control system has reached a fully usable standard .

After all, after more than 20 years of evolution and development, the B-2's originally extremely complex flight control system has also become relatively simple due to the development of electronic technology and intelligent technology.

The technology provided by the system is mature and stable, and it is much more practical than the technology of B-2.

Now, with the blessing of the plasma device, the mobility of the H-20 is bound to go up a level.

It is even possible that it will become the most maneuverable strategic bomber after the Tu-160.

Office 603, in Tang Changhong's office.

Chen Nian flipped through the information while explaining his plasma design.

"The plasma device, or the plasma jet exciter, its essential principle is to generate a high-energy jet through spark discharge, which is ejected from the top of the device, thereby improving the leading edge separation flow under large-angle maneuvering."

"In this process, the discharge frequency and intensity are the most important factors affecting the flight control."

"So, the most important problem for us to manufacture this kind of device is to determine the electrode material and determine the power supply."

"According to my design, the plasma device should use an asymmetric layout, the insulating medium is polyimide film, the discharge electrode is copper foil, the width of the embedded electrode is 5mm, the rear edge of the embedded electrode and the front of the exposed electrical appliance connected by edge."

"For the power supply, use a microsecond pulse power supply, set the half pulse width at 25 microseconds, and the pulse peak power must reach more than 4.5MW."

"For the force measuring device, you can use a rod-type six-component balance, and the response frequency should be greater than 80Hz"

Listening to Chen Nian's words, Tang Changhong nodded repeatedly while recording.

When he first saw Chen Nian's design, he thought that the other party would only provide directional guidance, at most explaining the principle clearly and clarifying the key points, just like the basic technical guidance he provided for the H-20 before.

But I didn't expect that what he provided this time is actually a technology that is complete to the parameter level!

Finally, I can enjoy the legendary nanny service once.

You know, during the manufacturing process of J-22, he had heard many legends about Chen Nian from Lei Gang.

He has always been amazed at how such an "individual" can complete the work that took hundreds or even thousands of people to complete for several years, and he has always wanted to have the opportunity to see it.

And now, I finally realized it.

Although it is only a small plasma jet excitation device.

However, although the device is small, it does not affect its "user experience" at all.

And this experience is really cool

I don't even need to think about it, everything is just in front of me.

The only thing to do is to create things according to the guidelines of the documentation and parameters.

Can't you do this little thing well?


Of course, during this process, Tang Changhong was not without doubts.

Regarding the discharge frequency, he repeatedly confirmed with Chen Nian many times.

But no matter how tricky and detailed his own questions were, Chen Nian could answer them without hesitation, and even provided some explanations of the principles.

".So generally speaking, when the discharge frequency is less than 70Hz, the lift coefficient of the whole machine increases with the increase of the discharge frequency after the excitation is applied at a large angle of attack, and the lift coefficient of the whole machine decreases with the increase of the discharge frequency when the discharge frequency is greater than 70Hz. When the discharge frequency is 70Hz, the lift coefficient of the aircraft increases the most.”

"In this case, we also need to establish an additional control system, combined with the flight control sensor device, so as to realize the control of the plasma device."

Chen Nian finally finished explaining the entire content of the plasma device, while Tang Changhong's face on the opposite side was already filled with a sincere expression.

"Too awesome!"

He said sincerely.

"Chen Gong, your technical and knowledge reserves are truly unprecedented."

"I've been in this industry for so long, and I've never met someone as exaggerated as you."

Hearing his words, Chen Nian smiled shyly, and then replied:

"It's really nothing to me. It's really amazing that you can build H-20 empty-handed."

"After all, for such a large and complex aircraft, the process from zero to one is the most difficult"

"That's really no problem!"

Tang Changhong quickly waved his hands.

It's a joke, you have all the key technologies, and you still say that our job is the most difficult, isn't that embarrassing us?

"Actually, it's just some practical work, it doesn't matter whoever does it."

"The biggest contribution is from your side, Mr. Chen"

"It's better not to call him Chen Gong, but to call him Xiao Chen."

Chen Nian interrupted.

He was really not used to Tang Changhong calling him. After all, in his heart, Tang Changhong was still the "father of Kunpeng".

Aside from the bonuses of the system, people of this generation like Tang Changhong are always unquestionable mountains in their hearts.

"Forget about Xiao Chen, I'm the same as Lao Yang, let's call him Xiao Nian."

Tang Changhong laughed and continued:

"Xiao Nian, how long are you planning to stay here this time? Are you going to intervene in the whole process of the follow-up work?"

Chen Nian nodded and replied:


"From today until the successful test flight of the H-20, I have been staying in 603."

"Of course, it's not because you didn't do well. It's because of some other reasons. We must ensure that the H-20 completes the test flight as soon as possible and becomes combat-ready."

"So, I want to help you eliminate some possible risks in the process by intervening myself."


Tang Changhong tapped the table lightly with her fingers. After thinking for a moment, she said:

"It has indeed reached a period of high risks and problems when it has progressed to this stage."

"For the flight control, with the plasma jet device, the robustness of the entire system will be greatly improved, and there will basically be no problems in the future."

"The main thing we can think of is probably the problem of the cabin structure."

"As for the radar and electronics, you may still have to check with the 14th Institute. We plan to equip the H-20 with a digital array radar. It is said that they have optimized the performance."

"Then the last and most difficult thing is the variable cycle engine. The 606 Institute is making rapid progress, so it is estimated that the problem will not be too big - after all, they have experience."

After Tang Changhong finished speaking, Chen Nian pondered for a few seconds, then asked:

"What about the stealth coating? Is there any problem with this one?"

"The feedback from the Materials Research Institute is no problem—didn't a small amount of graphene material be used on the J-22 before? Now it has basically achieved mass production, and it will be used on the H-20."

"That's all right."

Chen Nian let out a long sigh of relief.

If what Tang Changhong said is correct, then the follow-up, the progress of the H-20 project, will really not have too much difficulty.

What you have to do is to keep an eye on the process to avoid uncontrollable risks in the future.

After leaving Tang Changhong's office, Chen Nian returned to his own residence in No. 603.

In the room, he double-checked the accumulation of source points in the system.

The plasma jet excitation device didn't consume him many source points, so far, he has accumulated 27 source points.

Moreover, the daily new source points are also maintained on the basis of 0.35 points.

In other words, the daily growth of the source point has reached the lower limit.

This is all the result of technological fission of the previously exported technology.

On the other hand, the study of new energy materials has been basically completed, and the next step is to usher in the real practical stage.

One step closer to solving the new energy problem

Chen Nian once again tried to analyze the Amprius lithium battery that he was optimistic about before, but this time, the source consumption of the analysis has dropped to 16 points.

Compared to two months ago, the source point consumption has dropped by 4 points.

There is no doubt that this is his reward for studying hard during this time.

However, the decline of the source point should be close to the upper limit that the system can give. If you want to continue to fight down, you must continue to deepen your own learning.

But that kind of method is not worth the candle - spend thousands of hours on research, in exchange for the result of reducing the consumption of source points by another 10 points?

Then I might as well build the Amprius lithium battery directly.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian subconsciously started to analyze, but suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.


If the Amprius lithium battery lithium battery drops to 16 points, what about the metal hydrogen battery?

This thing has always existed only in science fiction, and even after more than ten years, no one can make a conclusion on whether it exists.

However, now Chen Nian has a simple method to confirm the possibility of its realization.

That is, use the system to try to parse.

As the words "metal hydrogen battery" were input into the system through Chen Nian's consciousness, the system's feedback also appeared immediately.

[Metal hydrogen battery: This is a battery with extremely high energy density, and at the same time, its technical complexity is also extremely high]

[Analysis source point consumption: 1192 points. 】

1192 points!

Chen Nian subconsciously widened his eyes.

However, he was not surprised by the huge amount of source points consumed by metal hydrogen batteries.

On the contrary, the consumption of this source, in his opinion, seems a bit too low!

Leaving aside how to realize the metal hydrogen battery, the material of "metal hydrogen" alone is amazing enough.

You know, metallic hydrogen is known as the "holy grail of high-pressure physics"!

Hydrogen is the lightest element, the weight of hydrogen per cubic meter is less than 90 grams, and the density of water is more than 9000 times greater than it.

But 1 cubic centimeter of metallic hydrogen weighs a full gram, which is several orders of magnitude different from hydrogen density.

To change hydrogen from a gaseous state to a metallic state, it is very simple to say, that is to pressurize.

But in fact, to pressurize hydrogen to a metallic state, a pressure of at least 500Gpa is required.

The pressure at the center of the earth's core is only 360Gpa.

In contrast, the pressure generated by the explosion of TNT explosives is equivalent to 100,000 atmospheres, which is only more than 10Gpa.

So it is conceivable how difficult it is to prepare metal hydrogen.


Even if its principle is actually not complicated.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian suddenly realized.

It is precisely because the principle is not complicated that the analysis consumption of this thing is not as high as I imagined.

It is estimated that a large number of sources are still consumed in the step of turning metal hydrogen into a battery.

Therefore, he re-selected the analysis target and removed the word "battery".

Sure enough, the parsing consumption popped up by the system this time is only a "mere" 340 points

It's still a lot, but compared to the number 1192, it's a lot smaller.

However, Chen Nian still doesn't plan to invest his source points in this so-called manufacturing process - even if he has enough sources, he won't squander so recklessly.

The reason is very simple. The "metal hydrogen" mentioned here is obviously only metal hydrogen produced in the laboratory state.

Its technological process is not complicated, and after ten years, it has been realized successively.

The real difficulty is how to take metal hydrogen out of the laboratory and realize mass production.

As for how to achieve mass production.

That's more of a problem.

Manufacture of ultra-high pressure environment, high-strength materials, such as man-made diamonds, carbon nanotubes used to accommodate quasi-one-dimensional hydrogen.

Only when all these problems are solved can the mass production of metal hydrogen be realized.


Or to change the way of thinking, if the physical method is not enough, use the chemical method to try.

But obviously, in the era when Chen Nian traveled back, chemical methods hadn't been explored enough at all, so he didn't have any clue.

After thinking about it again and again, Chen Nian still decided to spend the source point in his hand.

And the first technology he wants to realize is carbon nanotubes!

This thing does not only have the advantage of high structural strength.

In fact, it is still an important optimization direction for the development of lithium batteries at this stage.

Carbon nanotubes have excellent electrical conductivity. At the same time, because of their small depth and short stroke when deintercalating lithium, as a negative electrode material, the polarization effect is small during high-rate charge and discharge, which can greatly improve the high-rate charge and discharge performance of the battery.

In addition, carbon nanotubes can also be combined with other negative electrode materials, and use its unique hollow structure, high conductivity, and large specific surface area as a carrier to improve the electrical properties of other negative electrode materials.

That is to say, if Chen Nian gives a mature carbon nanotube manufacturing method, he can not only lay the foundation for the development of metal-hydrogen batteries in the future, but even now, he can make great strides in the development of lithium battery technology.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Chen Nian didn't hesitate any more.

He looked at the source consumption of carbon nanotube resolution in the system - only 12 points were needed.

It can be called high quality and low price.

"Start parsing!"

He silently read it in his heart.

After a brief silence, a gentle stream of data began to enter his brain.

After spending a full two hours, he has fully grasped all the technical principles related to carbon nanotubes.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Nian's mouth.

Before that, all the technologies he analyzed were mature technologies that had already appeared in his own world.

Now, the analysis of carbon nanotubes is to make his technical analysis boundary cross the boundary of "near future".

Starting today, the entire Huaxia technology will officially move towards the future.

Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh of relief.

No one can stop our progress, not even the overlord of this world.

Things in Africa must be settled quickly. Only in this way can our technology truly have the soil for barbaric growth.

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