
Chapter 256 Investigation

On the other hand, Sudan.

Lin Tao is the military attache of the Chinese embassy in Sudan, in charge of military diplomacy, training and cooperation.

He has close contacts with the Sudanese army, and in the past few years, he has also facilitated several small equipment trades.

It can be said that during the period when Sudan was sanctioned, he was almost the only military personnel who still had frequent contacts with Sudanese officials.

This has also greatly improved the trust of Sudanese officials in him. In the face of emergencies, the information he receives is always the most timely.


And this time is no exception.

Before the fighting in Darfur resumed, the Sudanese military had already noticed the unusually frequent activities there and immediately passed the information back to the capital.

Subsequently, this piece of information was passed on to Lin Tao in the form of a "safety notification".

Since two weeks ago, the local embassy and Chinese-funded enterprises have entered a state of full contraction, unnecessary outings have been banned, and projects close to dangerous conflict areas have been suspended.

The response of the embassy was very fast, but the problem is that under the premise that the intelligence is seriously insufficient, no one can predict whether this is an ordinary riot for the purpose of obtaining more benefits, or a real large-scale "rebellion" operation .

This also leads to a lack of preparedness on the ground in the face of conflict.

Therefore, when Lin Tao received the situation analysis and instructions from the country and confirmed that the conflict had a very high risk of expansion, he did not dare to delay even a second, and immediately acted.

He first contacted a representative of the local military to obtain the latest information on the Darfur region, but the other party's answer made him very angry.

For these conservative officials, not to mention the fighting situation and development trend in Darfur, they are even unwilling to disclose whether the local armed forces have any signs of marching towards the capital.

Obviously, they are afraid that the expected deterioration of the situation will affect the investment of various countries in Sudan, and they are also afraid that the whole country will collapse quickly due to the panic caused by the smoke of war.

This is absolutely extremely irresponsible behavior.

What are you going to do if the Sudanese Revolutionary Front in Darfur really comes over?

You yourself can escape in a military plane and go to Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and Egypt. What about the ordinary people who stay here?

Leave them to fend for themselves between gunfire and bullets?

Thinking of this, Lin Tao heaved a long sigh.

It was indeed when he came to Africa that he realized that not all officials in all countries in this world put the safety of people's lives as the top priority.

When capital and nobles are in power, what they care about is only their own interests

"How are the evacuation arrangements going?"

He asked Ma Yu, the secretary of the military attache, who was standing aside.

"Twenty-six Chinese-funded companies have been contacted so far, and twelve of them have stated that they will evacuate as soon as possible. We have already started communicating with major airlines to prioritize flights."

"In addition, other scattered workers and businessmen have also been notified, but most of them are unwilling to evacuate."

"Their worth and lives are all here, and they can't let go."

"We have assigned PetroChina as a fixed receiving point. There are a large number of safe houses in their park. If the subsequent conflicts really spread to the capital, they should be able to accommodate about 600 people."

"600 people?"

Lin Tao scratched his head subconsciously, and continued to ask:

"There are more than six hundred people in Suhua, right? I think there should be more than a thousand people here."

"After the evacuation, there will not be so many. PetroChina will withdraw 90% of the personnel. By then, the remaining Huaxia personnel here should be less than 500."

Hearing this, Lin Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"500 people. How are the materials prepared?"

"All units have been notified to start preparing materials, and several large companies such as PetroChina, ZTE, and Huawei will assist in the purchase and collection."

"In addition, there is a farm, and they expressed their willingness to sell supplies at a low price."

"What is it?"



Lin Tao was dumbfounded.

You know, raising pigs here is really daring.

"How many heads?"

he continued.

"Nearly 20 pigs. The boss is about to evacuate. The pigs can't be taken away. They will be dealt with at a low price. We have notified all demand parties."

"Forget it, don't meddle in this matter, let them handle it themselves."

Lin Tao said speechlessly.

The cloud of war gradually began to cover the land, and keen businessmen also smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air.

Chaos abounded, and the matter of a few pigs was nothing more than a trivial matter.

"Understood, we are not involved."

Ma Yu nodded and replied.

Then, he continued to speak:

"You have already found a suitable candidate for the expedition to the Darfur region that you arranged before."

"He is a reporter from a newspaper stationed in South Sudan. He happened to be interviewing in South Darfur. He said that he could use his local connections to go to North Darfur and get first-hand news."


Lin Tao hesitated a little.

In fact, he prefers to let more professional people do this, such as a personal defense company active in the local area, or an arms broker who sells intelligence for a living.

These people have stronger military qualities and better understanding of local conditions.

The most important thing is that these will not be our own people.

If something happens, don't feel bad.

Ma Yu on the opposite side hummed and explained;

"We have tried to contact local informants, but under the current situation, defense companies are not willing to accept orders at all, and the information given by arms dealers is not credible."

"After searching for a long time, we have not found a trustworthy candidate."

"Now, this person volunteered, I think it can be considered."

Hearing Ma Yu's words, Lin Tao nodded thoughtfully.

Then, he asked:

"How is this person's quality? What about his past experience?"

"Everything is good. He is an experienced war correspondent. He is proficient in Arabic. He has experienced two Gulf Wars. He has been in Russia this year. Moreover, he just came down from Chechnya."

"It should be said that in terms of battlefield experience, he is better than many soldiers who have never been on the battlefield."

"Our initial task of communicating with him is to determine the types of weapons used by local armed groups, make a list of weapons, and identify the parties involved in the conflict."

"If possible, find out how the weapons are circulated."

"These tasks are not difficult for him, and the danger should not be too high."


Lin Tao thought for a while, and said:

"Then let him do it."

"However, you have to explain to him in advance that once we enter the Darfur region, we will not be able to provide him with any help, even through Sudanese officials."

"He's going to be completely alone. Think about it."

"Understood, I will tell him."

Mayu replied.

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, Lin Tao stopped him suddenly.

"What's his name?"

Ma Yu froze for a moment, then replied:

"Liu Guangyu."

South Darfur region.

Liu Guangyu checks his equipment for the last time before boarding the truck to North Darfur.

"GPS, computer, camera, radio, water purification tablet, dagger, passport. Is there anything else missing?"

As he tidied up the messy equipment, he asked the blue helmet beside him.

The blue helmet shook his head with a smile, and replied:

"If you ask me, you still lack an armored vehicle and a 130mm main gun."

"Northern Darfur is no joke. Whether you are in Iran or Chechnya, at least people still recognize your face and your Chinese passport."

"But there. You may not even have time to take out your passport."

"Even if you take it out, it's almost impossible for people to understand the words on it."

Liu Guangyu rolled his eyes and continued to pack his backpack.

"So what? It's better than nothing."

"Besides, the Sudanese Revolutionary Front group is an organized warlord after all, and they are different from the thugs in Marichad. As long as you find a contact person, the danger should not be high."

"After all, they need the media too — I just pretend I'm on their side."

"How do you pretend?"

The blue helmet asked.

"Human rights, children, the environment, three tricks."

"I will play whatever cards Lao Mei plays."

"As soon as the time passes, I will make a round of violent remarks, saying that the official rule in Darfur has seriously violated human rights, that children's rights are not protected, and they are even forced to take up guns to defend their homes. And suffered major damage. How about it, is there any inside flavor of the BBC?"

The blue helmet sighed and replied:

"There is indeed an internal smell—but you'd better not say that you belong to Xinhua News Agency, our country can't interfere in this kind of muddy water."

"I see."

Liu Guangyu nodded solemnly and continued:

"I will enter as a personal reporter. This is very consistent with my past experience, and they will not doubt it."

The blue helmet shook his head, and warned in a serious tone:

"Not necessarily. The current leader of the Revolutionary Front is Hamidi, and his character has always been suspicious. If you want to contact him, you must be careful."

"I know, I don't intend to involve such a high level."

Liu Guangyu closed the zipper of his backpack and extended his right hand to the blue helmet.

"Thank you for your care during this time, this is the last journey."

"If it goes well, I will follow the negotiating team of the Revolutionary Front directly to the capital Khartoum."

"If it doesn't go well, of course, I will try my best to send out news and information."

"Don't be crowed."

Lan Helmet held Liu Guangyu's hand and urged again:

"Remember, you're just going there to find out what happened, there's no need to track down the hidden truth."

"We're just trying to provide evidence for the military watch application, not to fix the problem here."

"Protect yourself first. As for whether you can achieve your goals, you don't have to think so much."

"You are not the only one in this country, and the method is not the only one, understand?"


Liu Guangyu turned over and got into the truck, the engine started roaring.

He waved to the blue helmet, turned and ducked under the canvas.

Outside the truck, the familiar scenery continued to fade away, and Liu Guangyu's expression finally became serious.

In fact, he was not as calm as he showed in front of the blue helmet.

At this moment, even though he was thousands of kilometers away from the core combat zone in North Darfur, his heart was already beating violently.

Before he set off, he had seen a lot of reports about North Darfur.

In those reports, most people used one word to describe the chaotic land:

living hell.

Ordinary people have no way to make a living, and robbery is the only way out.

The warlords plundered everywhere, even children under the age of twelve.

The wild dogs gnawed at the corpses on the roadside, the hungry vultures guarded the people who were about to starve to death, and the eyes of the beasts and the people revealed the deepest despair in the world.

As we all know, the most famous photo of Calvin Kite is from this area.

Obviously, the situation here is much worse than those places he used to stay in.

After all, whether it is Iran-Iraq or Chechnya, their decline is only because of the war.

Suffering is temporary, and difficulties are also temporary. Even the two warring parties still maintain the most basic desire to rebuild.

However, Darfur is different.

It's already a desert here.

To get rid of the fate of death, the only way is to abandon the homeland and march towards a more prosperous capital.

Therefore, in this situation, morality must be a rare term.

If it weren't for gaining the support of the international community and showing their own "justice", I am afraid that the people of the Revolutionary Front would have already torn their faces.

Thinking of this, Liu Guangyu couldn't help but sighed deeply.

He realized that his actions this time would definitely not go smoothly.


Of course, if you just go and have a look, that's fine.

But in my heart, just watching is not enough.

What I really want to do is to reveal to the international community the fig leaf that covers up the crimes, so that everyone can see who the people who caused this series of sufferings are.

Who is sending arms to Darfur?

Who led the division of the North and South Soviet Union?

Who has imposed decades of sanctions on this country?

Who fights against terrorism on the surface, but secretly allows terrorism to brew here?

The answer is actually very clear, but before the evidence is on the table, no one is willing to admit it.

And he is a reporter.

Since you don't admit it, I'll throw the evidence in your face

With this in mind, Liu Guangyu spent six full days on the truck.

At first, there was silence in the wilderness, only the chirping of insects and birds, and the howling of wild animals occasionally echoed in the night sky.

Gradually, there were sporadic crackling sounds in the air.

Those sounds are from AK-47, from M-14, from RPG rocket launcher.

The truck trudged through the area, and at last, amidst the dense gunfire, came another sound.

It was the wailing and screaming of human beings.

After hearing this voice, Liu Guangyu immediately realized that his destination had arrived.

So, after the truck stopped, he turned over and jumped off.

The contact person of the armed organization that I had contacted long ago had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Liu Guangyu, he stepped forward enthusiastically and said:

"Welcome to Sudan."

Behind him, on one side are piles of brand-new weapons and equipment, and on the other side are low, dilapidated houses and civilians with dull eyes.

The road in the middle is like the dividing line between hell and the world.

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