
Chapter 254 The Eye of Chaos in Africa

After listening to Chen Nian's explanation, Wang Jiancheng finally let go of his obsession, and began to seriously think about how to build a "practical" mechanical exoskeleton.

This is not an easy decision to make.

You know, before that, he really wanted to make Thor's Hammer similar to Master Chief, or Astartes MK3.

"So our main goal now is to make it practical, right?"

"Do not pursue speed, do not pursue agility, but pursue 'effort saving'."

"But in this case, we will return to our original question."

"Energy has become the most critical and core issue."

"After all, if there is no battery life, everything will be bullshit."

"That's true"

Chen Nian nodded in agreement, and then said:

"I have been studying energy materials recently, wait for me for a while, maybe there will be a breakthrough."

"Energy materials?"

Wang Jiancheng was shocked.

This span. Although he had indeed heard that the courses that the seniors took in the special class were very complicated, he never imagined that a person majoring in aircraft manufacturing would go deep into the bottom layer to learn materials.

But Qiao Mai was not surprised by this.

Compared with Wang Jiancheng, she is more aware of the importance of materials when she is engaged in electromechanical.

It can even be said that all the problems of modern industry, traced back to the end, are all problems of materials.

Therefore, it is not particularly strange that Chen Nian turned to material science after learning a certain level.

But. Does he really have that much energy?

I have read a saying in a book before that different people may have different talents, but in the end it is the individual's physical endowment that determines the level of achievement.

To put it bluntly, the more people who can survive, the higher the achievements.

This sounds cruel, but it is also true.

And what about Chen Nian?

He is not only talented, but also able to endure.

I'm really envious.

Just when she was thinking of asking Chen Nian for advice on how to stay "energetic", the conversation between the two people on the other side was over.

".So in the final analysis, it is still the problem of lithium dendrites. You can't understand this when I tell you, so let's leave it alone."

"If there's nothing else, let's go eat first."

"By the way, your project is progressing so fast, don't you plan to apply for a special project?"

While leading the two of them out, Chen Nian asked curiously.

In fact, the progress of the mechanical exoskeleton project in Wang Jiancheng's hands is indeed much faster than he expected, especially after Qiao Mai joined, the preliminary practice of mechatronic-hydraulic integration has also started, and the maturity is higher than that of Wang Jiancheng's initial project. The passive mecha has really improved by more than a little.

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Wang Jiancheng couldn't help saying with a bitter face:

"I thought about it too, but I mentioned it to the school, and they didn't like my project at all"

Chen Nian couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

What a joke, let alone Xigong University, even the military, it is impossible to start the exoskeleton project at this time.

How poor is the army today.

Although several batches of equipment were sold, that amount of money was a drop in the bucket compared to the huge military expenditure.

The 99A has not yet been produced, and the synthetic brigade has not yet taken shape. Where can I find money for you to build an exoskeleton?

Not bad for a new uniform!

If I really want to start this project, I have to develop it in the direction of civilian use.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"Your thinking is wrong."

"Although the ultimate purpose of the exoskeleton is to go to the military, in fact, in the civilian field, its role is definitely not small."

"All walks of life, especially jobs that require high physical strength, have the need to use exoskeletons, which can greatly improve work efficiency."

"In this case, capital is willing to pay for new equipment -- as long as you give them a strong reason."

Wang Jiancheng on the side nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"Won't that lead to the displacement of ordinary people's jobs?"

"...Of course it will. Technological progress comes at a price. However, it cannot be stopped for this reason."

"If there are no jobs, we should go grab the land, grab the market, and create more jobs, instead of shrinking and not making progress."

"In that case, how is it different from slow death?"

"Understood, then I will talk to my tutor next week."

Chen Nian thought for a moment, but did not answer right away.

He originally wanted to say, otherwise he would go to Chen Guo himself and arrange through the Civil Affairs Office.

But after thinking about it, among the three people here, I am not the only one who can get in touch with the Minfa Office.

Qiao Mai, through the previous Yishan project, should be said to have established a relationship.

Just leave it to her to handle this kind of thing.

Sure enough, before he could speak, Qiao Mai said:

"Let me solve it - I can find a relationship with the Minfa Office through my mentor."

"This newly established department has a strong relationship and a lot of authority. Maybe they will have intentions."

Chen Nian nodded in satisfaction, thinking to himself:

Sure enough, we still have to let go. After all, they are all capable people. Sometimes, they should learn to solve problems by themselves.

"That's great!"

Wang Jiancheng said in surprise.

"If this project can be negotiated and mass-produced in the future, we will share the patent income equally!"

"No, the three of you can't share seniors equally, you can account for 40%!"

Wang Jiancheng's idea is very simple. In his opinion, Chen Nian didn't actually get much profit from the original Yujing 01 project, and he has always felt very sorry about it.

Now, if the exoskeleton project can be successful, it should also give him some compensation from here.


But what he didn't know was that what Chen Nian didn't care about the most was the so-called "money gain".

At this stage, his concept of money has almost completely disappeared.

Except for going out to eat and occasionally spending some money, Xinghuo's logistics department can take care of everything else.

To him, money is no longer even a number.

Therefore, his attitude towards Wang Jiancheng's proposal was very indifferent.

"It's good for the two of you to share, I really don't need this stuff."

"Ah? Yes, yes. But I still want to share it with you. Whether you want it is one thing, but whether I will give it to you is another. Sister Mai, are you okay?"

"I'm OK."

Qiao Mai replied immediately.

Seeing the resolute attitude of the two, Chen Nian didn't say any more.

After all, he also knew that for Wang Jiancheng, doing this was also for his own peace of mind.

Only after giving this money, can he truly "enlighten his mind" in his future work.

The three of them chatted all the way to the campus, the cafeteria was still crowded, and finally found an empty table, and the three of them quickly sat down and took their seats.

The international news was being broadcast on TV, and Chen Nian watched it with gusto.


Although he already knew most of the things, looking at it from another perspective gave another feeling.

"...The United States has really suffered this time. The economy has collapsed like this, and the military operations in Iraq have not stopped yet."

Wang Jiancheng said slightly mockingly.

The reason why he chose Xigong University can be said to be because of the US military operations in Iraq at that time. Now that he sees the relevant news, he will naturally feel emotional.

"The law and order war is not so easy to fight. Iraq is a puddle of mud. If you step into it, it will be difficult to get out."

"Coupled with the anti-terrorism operations in the surrounding areas, they need Iraq as their core stronghold."

"No matter how much money you have, you have to survive. If you admit it now, all the hard work they have done before will be completely in vain."

Chen Nian explained while eating.

He naturally knows the final result of this so-called "security war", but now, it is not so easy to explain the significance of this war.

Fortunately, neither Wang Jiancheng nor Qiao Mai paid much attention to it.

One of them is full of exoskeletons, and the other doesn't understand war at all

"If they have exoskeletons, the security battle shouldn't be so difficult, right?"

Sure enough, Wang Jiancheng immediately brought up the topic again.

"It's useless to have an exoskeleton. The environment of security warfare is very complicated, and it's not something that can be solved simply by increasing the density of individual firepower."

"Of course, if the exoskeleton you're talking about is the iron can in Warhammer, then pretend I didn't say it."

"Well, that's all I'll say."

Wang Jiancheng smiled embarrassingly, then continued:

"But from what you've said, I think exoskeletons have potential in a low-tech environment."

"For example, in Africa, if there is no heavy weapon, the benefits brought by an exoskeleton should be at the crushing level?"

"Not necessarily."

Chen Nian shook his head. At this time, the conflict in the Darfur region of Africa happened to be on TV, so he took it as an example and explained:

"You see, the conflicts in the African region are typical low-tech environment conflicts, but you can find that their pursuit of protective equipment is actually extremely low."

"If you have money to buy exoskeletons, it is better to spend the same money to buy more money."

"How much is an exoskeleton, and how much is an AK? In a low-tech environment, it is generally the case that people are the least valuable thing."

While talking, Chen Nian's voice suddenly dropped slowly.

From the descriptions in the news, he keenly caught something different.

Fighting again in the Darfur region?

Darfur is an area in the west of Sudan, a major African country. For a long time, there have been constant armed conflicts between tribes here, resulting in anarchy and extreme turmoil in many places in the area.

In addition, Sudan’s national boundaries were artificially demarcated by European powers in the 19th century when Africa was divided up. Many tribes in this area were once divided into different countries. Therefore, the tribes in this area are generally inextricably linked with neighboring countries. connect.

Almost every conflict has the shadow of games among neighboring countries.

Combining these conditions, Darfur has almost never been stable.

Since 2003, the two main armed forces here have been constantly confronting local officials and seeking autonomy.

Naturally, there were various sieges and armed conflicts in the process.

In just three years, the turmoil here has caused the displacement of at least one million people and tens of thousands of casualties.


However, since 2005, due to the intervention of the United Nations, the situation in this area has achieved relative stability.

Although there is no complete ceasefire, the scale and intensity of the conflict have been reduced to the limit.

As recently as May of this year, the conflicting parties signed a peace agreement in Abuja.

Although Chen Nian knows that it will take at least 16 years for a complete ceasefire in the local area, he is also very clear that in Darfur, not many people want to fight anymore.

Then why, they hit the news again now?

And this time, the scale of the conflict is relatively large, and the level of weapons and equipment seems to be relatively high.

From the flashing pictures, Chen Nian even saw armed men holding M-32 grenade guns in their hands.

What are you kidding?

This thing obviously only began to be distributed on a large scale in the US military in April this year, and the first batch of distribution was all US troops stationed in Iraq.

In Darfur, this is a place far away in the hinterland of Africa, so poor that you can’t even afford a few AKs, where tribal conflicts even occasionally rely on machetes, how can He Dehe use this kind of weapon? ?

If you want to say that it flowed from Saudi Arabia, it is still possible. After all, Sudan is the traditional source of Saudi mercenaries, and there are indeed arms exchanges between the two countries.

But the problem is, even the current Saudi Arabia can't get M-32!

This thing is a little big.

A thought flashed through Chen Nian's mind:

Could it be that these old Americans plan to open up another battlefield in Africa?

But judging from the current clues, the opponent obviously has no intention of directly participating in the war. Perhaps their way of disrupting the situation is simply "arms export".

If so, what is their purpose? What good would it do them?

Or for oil?

Sudan is a traditional major oil-producing country in Africa. It split with South Sudan before. A large part of the reason is the uneven distribution of oil benefits.

Now, if the US does re-enter Darfur

That's not right either.

Theoretically speaking, the more stable the situation, the better for the United States to obtain oil.

After finally promoting the normalization of exchanges between North and South Sudan, is it going to disrupt the situation through Darfur now?

should not.

One after another, mysteries arose in Chen Nian's mind, and he was in no mood to continue eating.

After hastily eating two mouthfuls of rice, he bid farewell to Qiao Mai and Wang Jiancheng, got up and walked outside the school.

Qiao Mai's eyes were a little puzzled, she originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity when Chen Nian "didn't look very busy" to say a few more words to him.

Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, he just left like this

However, at this moment, Chen Nian couldn't care less about guessing her thoughts.

He is keenly aware that the appearance of MK-32 in Darfur is absolutely not an accident.

Nor will it be an ordinary arms sale.

Even, it cannot be regarded as "the United States wants to provoke the situation in Sudan."

The conspiracy behind this should be much bigger than what I can think of now.

You must confirm with Chen Guo immediately.

If the superior does not respond to this matter, then I must remind them well.

Otherwise, by the time the United States completes its deployment there, it will be too late.

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