
Chapter 250 Blackmailing them for a sum of money

On the other side, the island country, the headquarters of Kawasaki Corporation.

Mizutani Falcon inspected the production workshop while listening to the report of the assistant beside him.

".We have already contacted other colleagues in the industry. This time, Huaxia's willingness to introduce a carbon fiber production line should be real."

"They sent out requests for quotations to more than 15 companies, all for the latest generation of the line."

"According to the information we have, there are only four companies that are willing to participate in this project. Apart from us, Mitsubishi, and Hanyuta, the only one is KR from the UK."

"But the possibility of them choosing KR is very small, because KR's technology is more than a generation behind ours."

"Such a production line can be built by Huaxia people after some time, and there is not much need to import it."

"So, really, their options this time around are pretty small"

"No, not very small."

Mizutani Hayabusa interrupted the assistant, and corrected:

"They don't have a choice at all."

Hearing this, the assistant was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he reacted.

"You mean, the three of us should unite to form a community of interests?"


Mizutani Hayabusa replied without thinking.

"This is the way to maximize profits."

"You have to remember that although we are in different companies, we all belong to the same country and are loyal to the same emperor no matter what."

"In the current situation where the world is in a major crisis and we cannot protect ourselves, confrontation and competition will only make the situation worse."

"Unity is the most effective way to survive the crisis."

This passage was so high-sounding that even the assistant was a little embarrassed to hear it.

However, Mizutani Falcon quickly skipped these hypocritical "oaths" and started talking about real interests instead.

"On the other hand, although we have a technical advantage, it is clear that this advantage is short-lived."

"Judging from the situation in recent years, Huaxia has achieved breakthroughs in various fields one after another. In many fields where we were originally dominant, they have come from behind."

"The high-speed rail is a heavy, typical lesson."

"In less than three years, they started from nothing and built their first high-speed railway, while at the same time making us a big loser by playing around with some arrogant companies."

"Such ability is terrifying, and the lessons are profound."

"Our failure at the beginning was because they broke the alliance."

"Now, the same situation is happening again, and we can't make the mistake again anyway."


The assistant nodded solemnly, and then asked:

"If this is the case, then I will immediately contact the heads of other clubs and make an appointment with them, and the three parties will sit together and chat?"

Mizutani Falcon hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

"Go on a date now."

"The sooner the time, the better."

"The economic downturn is getting faster and faster, and we need such orders to maintain profits."

"It's almost September now and the last quarter is coming up."

"If we can complete the delivery and collect the payment before December, then our operation this year will become a domestic benchmark."

"This will be very beneficial to our future development."


The assistant bowed suddenly, then turned and left the workshop.

Mizutani Falcon, who stayed in the workshop, continued his inspection work.

It's just that the places his eyes swept over were somewhat unusual.

He is indeed looking at the most advanced machine tools in the world, but what he really pays attention to is not just the machine tools themselves.

How can we get those Huaxia people to pay more?

Maybe, I should really think about it myself.

That night, in a private club in Shinjuku.

Mizutani Hayabusa poured a full amount of sake for the two people in front of him, clinked glasses and drank it all, and then asked with a flushed face:

"Everyone, how are you doing? Is everything going well?"

Hearing his question, Harada Hiroki who was sitting on the right had a bitter smile on his face.

He glanced at Shuichi Itou on the opposite side, and replied:

"My situation is probably similar to that of Yitang-kun, right?"

"Profits have fallen sharply, and sales have also been cut in half."

"There is no way around this. After the economic crisis, the real economy of the world has been greatly affected, the purchasing power of the people has dropped sharply, and manufacturers have closed down one by one."

"Naturally, our machine tools cannot be sold."

"This is not a commercial secret. After all, even if I don't tell you, you should be able to guess it."

Yi Tangxiu nodded and said helplessly:


"However, the situation of Mr. Harada and Mitsubishi should be better than ours. Your business scope is wider and your ability to resist risks is stronger."

"It's not like this --- the business is extensive, and the impact is also extensive. You can ask Mizutani-kun for this."

Harada Hiroki quickly denied it, but Itou Shuichi did not really go to verify with Mizutani Hayabusa.

After all, he knows very well that no one is having a hard time now, so why does he have to distinguish who is more difficult?

Seeing the reaction of the two, Mizutani Hayabusa secretly laughed.

Even before the formal conversation started, they couldn't wait to show their misery in front of themselves.

Obviously, they all know their purpose, and they don't want to give up the life-saving order from Huaxia.

Saying this now is nothing more than laying the groundwork and conveying to themselves their determination to participate in the competition.


Although this kind of determination is a bit out of date, it can at least prove that they are indeed aggressive.

I am not afraid of ambitious opponents, but those pig teammates who want to make money while lying down.

Thinking of this, he said:

"It seems that everyone's life is not easy. However, the two of you should have received the inquiry email from Huaxia, right?"

Hiroki Harada and Osamu Itou looked at each other and nodded one after another.

Now, since Mizutani Falcon has brought up this topic, it means that formal discussions are about to begin.

"In this case, there is no need for me to introduce the situation to the two of you."

"We can see that the expectations of the Huaxia people are very urgent --- they are in urgent need of this machine tool."

"As for where to buy it from, they don't really care."

"Here, I would like to tell you my suggestion frankly."

"Huaxia people have no choice other than us. Since this is the case, if we want to earn the maximum profit, we should not compete or confront, but should cooperate closely."

"I think the two of you can understand this, right?"

The two people on the opposite side were silent for a moment, then nodded tacitly.

"Yes, we should unite."

"Yes, this is the most effective solution. Huaxia is a huge market, and none of our companies can completely swallow their market."

"This inquiry is obviously just testing the waters. Afterwards, their procurement scale should far exceed our imagination."

"We must rush to export as much of our equipment as possible to China before they complete the reverse engineering of our equipment, and completely destroy their local enterprises."

"It is absolutely impossible for one company alone to accomplish such a thing. We should be united."

"Only in unity can we seek more long-term benefits. Only in unity can we avoid potential risks"

Hearing the speeches of the two, Mizutani Falcon let out a long sigh of relief.

In fact, before going to the appointment, he had already planned a lot in his heart.

He worried that the representatives of the other two companies would want to monopolize the profits and monopolize the market.

He worries that Mitsubishi will rely on its technological superiority in the three companies to compete hard.

He also worries that Hanyuda will refuse to cooperate because its business scale is too small.

But fortunately, the current situation proves that such worries are unnecessary.

Just like myself, the other two companies not only saw the immediate benefits, but through Huaxia's "fantasy" inquiry this time, they have already deduced more things.

That is:

Their attitude toward America is changing.

They are no longer willing to cower under the shadow of technological blockade. On the contrary, they are looking for all possibilities to break this blockade.

Since this is the case, it means that they are ready to bear the consequences.

The entire country's market has been opened, and whoever can occupy this blue ocean depends on who has the courage.

A smile appeared on Mizutani Hayabusa's face.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Heroes see the same thing. It seems that our views coincide."

"Since this is the case, we don't need to discuss the issue of 'union' itself."

"We should talk about how we can deal with them after the alliance."

The voice fell, and the two people on the opposite side fell silent.

After thinking for a few seconds, Harada Hiroki spoke first:

"The other party suddenly launched such a large-scale procurement activity. I judge that they should have some large-scale projects that require the use of carbon fiber materials, and such needs are urgent."

"Although I don't know the specific situation, it is obvious that this should be related to the military industry."

"After all, they have been developing new aircraft on a large scale since a few years ago, which is the most likely answer"

"I also agree with Harada-kun."

Yi Tangxiu at the side agreed.

Harada Hiroki nodded at him politely, and continued:

"So, based on this premise, I think that the other party's purchase this time is a kind of 'rigid demand'."

"That is, they are less price sensitive."

"They only care about whether they can get it, not how much it costs."

"Since this is the case, should our asking price be slightly higher?"

Hearing his words, Mizutani Hayabusa showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"That's exactly what I suggest!"

His tone revealed the appreciation among "confidantes". After a pause, he continued:

"I've sorted out some plans. Here, I'll discuss them with you two first."

"Trust me, it's all very interesting proposals"

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