
Chapter 244 Earn at least 100 billion

"China aids in the construction of the African high-speed rail project, and the investment may exceed 30 billion."

"This is the spirit of internationalism, free aid to build high-speed rail, and promote economic development in Africa!"

"Achievement will benefit the world at the same time, and the Gauteng high-speed rail project reflects the pattern of China."

"Saving money and saving food and clothing to win the favor of Africa, we can see it from the Gauteng high-speed rail project."

"The largest national charity project in the 21st century, led by China Railway Group."

Not long after Houston issued the order, there were overwhelming reports on the Gauteng high-speed rail project on the Huaxia Internet and various news media.

This should have been a victory, or in other words, an important step for our infrastructure forces to go abroad and start earning foreign exchange for the country.

However, under the deliberate distortion of the media, the situation has changed a little.

On the surface, the media praised Huaxia's so-called "internationalist spirit", China Railway's "willingness to help others without asking for anything in return", and the "deep friendship between the Chinese and African peoples".

But in fact, anyone with a brain can see the yin and yang behind these reports.

What a skill, just throw 30 billion in Africa?

Is the domestic economy in place? Have all the people in the country eaten?

You don’t care about those workers who have worked hard on the construction site for a year and still can’t get paid. You don’t care about those farmers who have been farming all their lives and can barely make ends meet. You don’t care about those children who can’t afford to go to school in the mountainous areas. If you don’t care about the rural elderly who commit suicide by drinking drugs on a large scale, you go to deal with those niggers?

Is the nigger your daddy?

For a time, there were only two key words left in the mainstream public opinion.

questioning, anger.

"Measure China's material strength, and form a bond with the country. It's so awesome, it's 2006, and you can still see this kind of news. The Qing Dynasty hasn't died yet, right?"

"Hehe, the favor of the Qing Dynasty and the country is at least forced. If you don't give money, you will be beaten. Now? We even want to please a country like South Africa?"

"It's really ironic. In the past few years, there have been fighter jets and missiles. I thought we stood up. In the end, a piece of news went straight back to the prototype."

"It goes without saying that the one upstairs is so absolute. Maybe the official has other plans?"

"Layout? What is the layout? Interest-free loans, technical assistance, what do you get in return? I heard that the biggest gain is a mine that doesn't shit. South Africa doesn't want that kind of thing. Isn't this charity?"

"It's purely adding the conditions of the mine, it seems that we are not so rushing."

"It's really catching up. I really don't know what the above thinks. If 30 billion is invested in China, how many people in the country can benefit? Not to mention anything else, as long as the medical insurance is implemented, there will be more people in this country. Do so many people look down on sickness?"

"Seeing a doctor? It's still a problem to eat! 30 billion, enough to provide for millions of orphans and widows in rural areas!"

Comments gradually shifted from the project itself to the domestic environment, and as if to echo the discussions of netizens, social news one by one was exposed.

And these news directly point to the most painful problems in the country.

Bearing the brunt is the issue of elderly care in rural areas. According to a survey by a special reporter, the suicide rate of rural elderly people has reached a historical peak in recent years. Even in one of the villages he sampled, the suicide rate of elderly people over 70 years old reached a staggering 80%.

It’s an exaggeration to say that the pesticides in the agricultural machinery shop near the village were all sold out. The hemp rope hanging on the tree had an old man’s body hanging on it the day before. Because it hadn’t time to destroy it, it was hung again that afternoon. another.

This kind of thing was exposed naked in front of everyone, and "shocking" is not enough to describe the horror.


Admittedly, everyone knows that this is a complex social issue.

Low income in rural areas, insufficient social security, and outflow of rural population are among the reasons for the problem. To solve it, it is not as simple as simply increasing capital investment in rural areas.

But at a time like this, who cares?

If you throw 30 billion to Africa, can't you use 3 billion to solve this problem?

After emotions take the leading role, there is no room for any rational discussion.

Although besides the official, there are still a large number of *** who spontaneously popularize science and explain the significance of foreign investment, explaining that this is definitely not a charity project, but a layout for greater benefits, but no one listens at all.

To make matters worse, starting with this question, a new round of questions popped up.

In a certain place, several elementary school students fell off a cliff on their way to school, killing two and injuring three.

In a certain place, hundreds of migrant workers lived on the streets because they were not paid, slept under a bridge, and were driven away by local law enforcement agencies, and eventually became completely homeless.

In a certain place, a couple chose to give up treatment because they could not afford the high medical expenses. After the wife died of illness, the husband also died suddenly due to overwork, leaving behind a three-year-old daughter, who was only three years old, begging for food on the street.

One piece of news after another washed away everyone's perception.

On the one hand, it was the mere tens of thousands of yuan in medical expenses that drove the family of three to a dead end.

On the other hand, 30 billion RMB was just thrown into the water.

In this contrast, it is impossible not to be angry.

And even Chen Nian himself, after seeing such news, could only express his understanding to the anger of the people.

Because the facts are indeed as discussed on the Internet.

We still have a lot of problems to be solved. If the Gauteng High Speed ​​Rail project is really a complete "aid construction" and "charity" project as the media claims, how can we explain to our own people who are still suffering? ? ——

Fortunately it is not.

In the near future, the results of this project will become apparent.

It will earn us more foreign exchange, bring more resources, and even one day, it will become a milestone of "all-out attack".

By that time, the so-called "charity" will become a joke.

We do charity?

Stop it.

We just want to use another way to obtain the resources of that vast and fertile continent to support our own people.

This is a strategy that is not easy to understand because it takes too long.

From the perspective of an ordinary person, maybe 10 years is the limit they can see, which is human nature.

Chen Nian sighed and withdrew the chaotic thoughts in his head.

I really have no way to prove anything --- this is not my job.

To prove it, it's official.

But whether it is China Railway or MCC, they still need more time

Meanwhile, the Avonde region of South Africa.

Li Jing stood nervously on the side of the drilling machine, waiting for the drill bit to go deep into the rock formation and extract the first batch of samples from the Baihe mining area.

The original termite nest has been destroyed, and there are homeless termites everywhere in the air and on the ground, making people feel scalp numb at a glance.

But she just stared at the drill closely, for fear of any accidents in the process.

Even if termites crawled onto her body, she just slapped them casually without any other action.

Hu Wanyou on the side also followed the progress of the first drilling, but compared to Li Jing, he was much calmer.

Seeing Li Jing's expression, he said comfortingly:

"Don't be so nervous. Now that everything is settled and the boots have landed, no matter how much you worry, you can't change the result."

"And, judging by the current situation, the situation should be much better than we had previously expected."

"Although the content of gold powder in termite excrement is not much, it is the result of 'screening'."

"Based on the topography, these termites probably built their nests all the way down the rock cracks to the inner sandstone layer."

"Among them, most of the gold powder brought out should have been consumed in the lower nests, and maybe less than 20% of them successfully reached the surface."

"In other words, the grade of the gold mine below should not be too bad."

Hearing his words, Li Jing straightened up, sighed and said:

"The current situation really makes me not nervous."

"Have you read the domestic reports? Do you know what they said?"

Hu Wanyou was taken aback, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he finally nodded.


"I didn't want to tell you these things, for fear of giving you psychological pressure."

"I didn't expect you to watch it yourself---you are usually so busy with work, do you still have time to watch the news?"

Li Jing shook her head with a wry smile, and replied:

"It's such a big deal, no matter how dull I am, it's impossible not to know."

"Exchanging the Evande-Baihe area for the high-speed rail project has already aroused many people's doubts. Now, with the addition of some people who are deliberately promoting the situation in China, the rationality of our project is even more distrustful."

"The only way to reverse public opinion is to determine the value of the Baihe Gold Mine and let the public know that we are not in a loss-making business."

"But the problem is... hey."

Li Jing didn't say any more, but Hu Wanyou had already guessed what she was thinking.

After all, it's not that she has no confidence in the gold mine itself, but that her confidence in herself has been destroyed by the turbulent public opinion on the Internet.

Now, what she is worried about is not whether the gold mine exists, how much is the reserve, and how high is the grade.

What she is worried about is that even if this gold mine proves to be able to fully make up for the losses of the high-speed rail project, it will still not be able to convince the public and restore their confidence in the country's decision-making.

In the end, this project became an eternal stain in the history of China's development.

Thinking of this, Hu Wanyou patted Li Jing on the shoulder, and said:

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward."

"Think about it for yourself, how many things in our country can really be fully understood?"

"From the very beginning, the birth of this country has been in a storm of doubt and hostility."

"Afterwards, we will fight the northern peninsula, engage in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, implement reforms, develop fighter jets, and engage in high-speed rail. Which one of the things will really go smoothly?"


"All we can do is do the job well."

"As for the rest, someone will take care of it for us."

Hearing Hu Wanyou's words, Li Jing nodded heavily.

At this time, the depth of the drilling machine has reached the predetermined depth, and after a short pause, the drill bit starts to move upwards.

The two turned their heads at the same time, staring at the small hole with a diameter of less than five centimeters that the drill drilled into.

There is no trace of groundwater seepage, and the underground sandstone should not have been eroded by flowing water.

Such signs are even more puzzling.

Because, the situation has started to develop towards polarization.

Or, the gold deposits under the mountain are much lower than expected.

Or, under their feet is a large gold mine that has never been truly discovered, and its reserves may even be comparable to the large and small mines on the main vein of Rand.

The time to reveal the answer is coming.

Li Jing couldn't help holding her breath.

When the drill bit was completely raised to drill the hole, she couldn't wait to pounce on it and began to check the sand and gravel that had been punched out.

Her fingers trembled slightly, and she even adjusted the lens several times in a row before finally adjusting the lens.

And when the gravel lay on her hands, her nervousness reached its peak in an instant.

The heartbeat seemed to miss a beat at this moment.

Her pupils narrowed suddenly, because she saw something unbelievable in the field of view of the lens.

Eyes full of gold.

She slowly raised her head to look at Hu Wanyou, and stammered:

"We seem to have dug up a big guy"

A few days later, Evander-White River's first exploration results came out.

Judging from the results of multiple exploration and test mining, the total gold reserves of the Avande-Baihe Gold Mine are more than 400 tons, and the gold ore grade has reached an astonishing 9.6 grams per ton.

This number far exceeds the average grade of domestic gold mines, and even in the Rand mine in South Africa, it is at a high-quality level.

After receiving the report, Li Jing flipped through the more than 100-page report page by page, remaining silent the whole time.

Hu Wanyou was talking on the phone beside him with a happy smile, reporting the situation to the country.

"...Yes, the grade is around 9.6, of course, it may be higher."

"After all, our exploration is not complete yet. It's impossible to get lower. The lower limit is here."

"This mine is the right one, we made a lot of money!"

"If we consider the full-cycle income, as long as the policy in South Africa remains unchanged, we estimate that we can earn more than 100 billion from this gold mine alone!"

"Oh, those Canadians are probably so regretful that their stomachs are green—no, they have nothing to regret, after all, they didn't set their sights on this land from the very beginning."

"How else can you say they are stupid."

"Oh, it's not our credit. The main reason is that the direction given by the superior is correct."

"It's not flattery this time, I really don't know where their information comes from."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, I have a lot of things here, you can report according to the report I sent in the past."

Putting down the phone, Hu Wanyou turned to Li Jing and asked cheerfully:

"Don't worry about it now, do you?"

Li Jing nodded, then shook her head again.

"Worried or worried."

"The difficulty of mining here is much more difficult than we expected, in terms of mine infrastructure."

"Stop talking."

Hu Wan waved his hand and interrupted her.

"In terms of infrastructure, what else can stop us?"

The state is not very good recently, people are not feeling well, let's post a chapter first.

I will make up for what I owe in the past few days.

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