
Chapter 219 Octagon Excavator

At the same time that XCMG received the task of WK-75 and the building machine, on the other hand, China Construction Group also began to sort out the project plan.

Compared with XCMG, CSCEC has a heavier task. They are not only responsible for the shield machine, but also responsible for the bridge erecting machine, and even the gantry crane that Sany is in charge of. CSCEC is also involved.

Of course, this is a decision made after fully considering the size and resources of the three major companies. Although it seems unreasonable, it is the choice to maximize efficiency.

At the same time, countless subsidiary companies and suppliers attached to Sany, XCMG and China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. also began to operate, making preparations for this huge project.

Materials and resources are given priority, and the working hours plan is also done in units of hours.

Most marginal companies don't know what they are going to do, they only know that something big is going to happen.

If he can seize this opportunity, then his company will be able to rise to heaven with those giants.


In Changshun County Sanyang Machinery Factory, Wang Qing followed Wang Limin, a staff member of the county party committee office, into the factory director's office.

The purpose of their visit this time is very simple, just to see if Sanyang Factory has the ability to provide machinery and equipment that can support the road construction project in Luojiao Village.

In fact, this is not the first time Wang Qing has come here.

The first two times, he didn't see the factory manager. This time, he was smart enough to directly recruit the receptionist of the county party committee office.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate.

The factory director, who was either in a meeting or patrolling the factory area, went directly to the door of the factory area to greet him.

And after seeing Wang Qing, his attitude was extremely enthusiastic.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome again, let's have a sip of tea first, let's sit down and chat slowly."

Wang Qing politely took the tea handed over by the factory manager, and then put it on the tea table aside.

"Director Liu, I really didn't come here to embarrass you, but there is really nothing we can do."

"In our county, you are the only manufacturer capable of producing machinery. If you search for it, you can only find it on your head."

Hearing Wang Qing's words, factory director Liu Maocai sighed helplessly.

He first glanced at Wang Limin who was sitting on the side, and after thinking for a long time, he said:

"Cunchang Wang, in fact, my secretary also reported to me about you looking for me."

"I didn't meet each other twice before, it was indeed because I was busy with work."

"But I didn't take the initiative to contact you afterwards, that was my subjective wish."

"Your purpose and ideas, the secretary told me very clearly."

"You just want to see if we can improve the existing excavator equipment and provide one or two small excavators to Luojiao Village for road construction, right?"

Wang Qing nodded and replied:

"That's right. I have investigated various products before, but after searching around, I couldn't find a suitable product that can be used in mountainous terrain."

"Either it's so expensive that we can't even afford the rent, or it's too big to go up the mountain."

"After much deliberation, it turned out that the small eight-claw excavator manufactured by Sanyang Factory a few years ago is the most suitable."

"So, I came to you."

Hearing Wang Qing's words, Liu Maocai couldn't help frowning. He turned to Wang Limin and said:

"Wang Ke, look, this matter is also very clear."

"It's not that I don't cooperate with the work of the county. Yes, I know that we are now fighting the battle to get rid of poverty and become rich. I also know that as long as the road in Luojiao Village can be repaired, it will be a major achievement."

"But the question is, tell yourself, is this request reasonable?"

"Our Sanyang factory is just a small factory, and the small excavators produced are basically old technology and old craftsmanship."

"To put it bluntly, those are leftovers from other people's games more than ten years ago. We picked them up and mixed them with the bones left over from big companies."

"It's not easy to maintain a break-even balance."

"Now, we are asked to develop new products, such as octopus excavators, do you think it is reasonable?"

"Let's not talk about us, our largest factory in China, Sany, XCMG, if you go to them to do it, can they do it for you?"

Wang Limin nodded silently.

In fact, from the moment he promised Wang Qing to come with him, he never really had any hope for this matter.

Because he knows that this matter cannot be moved by a word from himself, or even from the county.

If you want to develop new products, you need research and development funds, new production lines, and scientific researchers.

But does Sanyang Machinery Factory have these things?

Obviously, no.

If not, there is no way to force it.

So, he just came to try his luck.


In other words, he wanted to take this opportunity to make Wang Qing give up.

However, Wang Qing on the other side didn't seem to think so.

He pondered for a moment, and asked:

"Director Liu, I want to ask, that is, why did you suddenly stop working on that octopus excavator?"

Liu Maocai couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and he answered:

"That thing is not a mature product, it's just a temporary assembly in our factory according to our own needs."

"You have also seen that we built two sets at the beginning, but now they have been dismantled and left there. No one wants to sell scrap iron."

"No way, there are too few application scenarios for this thing, and the market is so small that it can't be sold at all."

"In addition, our own factory's technical level is poor, and the things we make are not easy to use. Even if someone wants it, they still have to return it in the end."

"Then tell me, why do we make him?"

"So, if the technology can keep up, you can actually make it?"

Wang Qing keenly grasped the key point and interrupted to ask.

"...With the technology, of course it can be made, not just us, anyone can make it."

"But the question is, do we have the technology?"

"Now there is the Internet, you can go online and have a look. This kind of octopus excavator is a patented product."

"Foreigners can make it, Hitachi can make it, Caterpillar can make it, but will they give it to us?"

"We can only watch, Village Chief Wang, I advise you, don't even think about it."

"Instead of building this kind of excavator, you might as well spend money to hire more people. As long as there are enough people, the road can be opened by the high and low."

Wang Qing shook his head dejectedly, and replied:

"It's not a problem of people, the problem is that we can't invite people."

"The section at the top of the kiln is too dangerous. If there is no mechanical equipment and it is filled by people alone, accidents are easy to happen."

"Just two days ago, two people in our village had their legs broken by stones, and they are still lying in the county hospital."

"Then there's no way."

Liu Maocai spread his hands and continued:

"If you can get the technology right, I'll help you figure out a way to see if it can be built."

"Otherwise, really, don't embarrass us."

"What you want is not the same concept as what we made before, it's really not that simple"

"What kind of technical problem is that?"

"Hydraulic pressure, bearings, electric control... You don't understand even if I tell you."

Liu Maocai waved his hands impatiently, and then drank tea on his own.

With this posture, there is no doubt that he is going to see off the guests.

Wang Qing stood up tactfully, and showed an apologetic smile to Wang Limin who was beside him.

Afterwards, the two bid farewell to Liu Maocai and walked out of Sanyang Machinery Factory.

On the side of the road outside the factory, the two waited for the car while chatting with each other.

"Ah Qing, I really did my best this time."

"It's not just me, the county has really thought of a way."

"However, if there is no way, there is no way. There is a problem that our entire country has not solved. If you want to solve it, how can it be so easy?"

Wang Qing lowered his eyes, thinking over and over again the three words that Liu Maocai mentioned just now.

Hydraulic, bearing, electric control.

Are these problems solved, and the kind of excavator I want can be built?

For a moment, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

He didn't react until Wang Limin called his name again.

"What are you thinking? So obsessed?"

Wang Qing let out a long sigh of relief and replied:

"I was wondering if there is any way to help Sanyang Factory solve this technical problem."

Hearing his answer, Wang Limin said with both irony and laughter:

"If you really have that great ability!"

"If you really solve the technical problem and help Sanyang Factory make a new product, let alone the county, I will publicize it for you in the city!"

"But the question is, how do you solve this kind of problem?"

"You are studying literature, not theory. Is it possible that you still draw pictures and do research by yourself?"

Wang Qing shook his head and replied:

"I'm sure I can't"

"But, didn't Jiancheng study at Xigong University?"

"I heard that he studied very well there, and even participated in scientific research projects in the school."

"What if you ask him? He might have a solution."

"You should stop making trouble."

Wang Limin interrupted him, and then poured cold water on him.

"The one who studied Jiancheng is aviation, and I know that."

"A plane builder, you asked him to build an excavator? Are you kidding me?"

"Then you have to try."

Wang Qing raised his head and looked at the distant sky fascinatedly.

At this moment, his heart was full of powerlessness.

He also knew that what Wang Limin said was right.

No matter how good Wang Jiancheng is, the major he has studied is completely inconsistent with the problems he wants to solve.

I am also a college student, and on this point, I actually know it well.

However, somewhere in the dark, I just had a premonition.

Or rather, some kind of expectation.

What if?

What if he really has a way?

You have to try it. After all, this can be said to be the only hope for Luojiao Village.

It is too difficult to open the way by manpower.

Someone got hurt this time, what about next time?

If lives are lost, the task of building roads will no longer be possible.

An hour later, Wang Jiancheng, who was far away at Xigong University, received a call from Wang Qing.

On the phone, Wang Qing described to him the difficulty of building roads in Luojiao Village, and at the same time expressed his thoughts.

This idea surprised Wang Jiancheng.

"Why not rent a mature product? Can't it be transferred?"

Wang Qing on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then replied:

"There is no such product in China."

"If you want to buy it, you have to import it from abroad. We really can't afford it."

"However, if the Sanyang factory can be built, we can make do with it. Our village raises its own funds, and with a little support from the county, it can barely do it."


Wang Jiancheng nodded subconsciously.

In fact, he couldn't understand the village where he was born.

Although he moved to live in the county after primary school, every year when he went home to worship his ancestors, the steep mountain road and the poor and backward village at the end of the mountain road still deepened his understanding of the place time and time again. memory.

He also thought about changing everything there, but he always felt that he was not capable enough.

Now, Wang Qing is doing something that he has never done before, maybe he should really do his part

Thinking of this, he said:

"Then let me help you figure out a way."

"I can't guarantee that it will be successful, and you don't have too much hope."

"Okay, just ask me!"

Wang Qing on the other side of the phone obviously ignored the last sentence, and his tone changed accordingly.

Wang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, but in the end he didn't say anything more frustrating.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jiancheng fell into deep thought.

Who is this thing looking for?

None of the classmates and teachers around me seem to be doing research in this area.


Except Qiao Mai.

She seems to be barely connected.

But can she understand?

Or ask Li Xiang for help.

Although he is not very good professionally, he has a terrifyingly wide network of contacts. Even if he can't help himself, he should be able to find someone who can.

Thinking of this, Wang Jiancheng immediately called Li Xiang.

After Li Xiang heard his question, he gave the answer almost without thinking.

"For this matter, you are right to seek Qiao Mai."

"She just recently took a construction machinery program and there are some resources on that."

"If the project goes well, maybe it can help you solve the problem along the way."

"However, my personal suggestion is that when you are looking for Qiao Mai, call Chen Nian."

"Senior? Why are you looking for him?"

Wang Jiancheng asked suspiciously.

In his opinion, Chen Nian's field of research has nothing to do with excavators, so asking him for help is not the right major.

However, Li Xiang did not answer his question directly, but said ambiguously:

"If you want to solve a problem, you need to find a smart person."

"Among us, Chen Nian is obviously the smartest one."

"If you believe me, you will go to him."

"If you can't solve it, then think of other solutions."


Wang Jiancheng nodded solemnly.

After thanking Li Xiang, he called Qiao Mai and Chen Nian respectively.

And Chen Nian's first reaction when he received the call was not surprise, but surprise.

Holy crap, have township enterprises started to generate endogenous power for technological innovation?

It's not just an Octopus—or a new addition to all-terrain excavators.

This means that the impact of rapid technology iterations has gradually sunk to the underlying areas.

Once the scale is formed, the development of domestic technology will be healthier in the future.

Therefore, this "demonstration project" really has to be done with his help.

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