
Chapter 154: Kawasaki Heavy Industries Survives Breakthrough, The Landscape Changes!

"What? They really kicked Kawasaki out? Why?"

In a hotel in the Imperial City, Alstom's business representatives sat in a meeting room, shocked by the information they had just received.

"Is the source of the news credible? Could it be that they deliberately released it to confuse us?"

Adrian, the chief negotiator, frowned and asked.

He still held a notebook in his hand, which recorded all his negotiation strategies and ideas, which should have been applied one by one in the next negotiation, but now...

If the news is true, then his notebook will be completely reduced to waste paper.

Because, all the above content is based on the premise of "synchronous pressure from three parties"!

He can't accept the plan of a complete transfer of technology, and he is unwilling to cooperate with Huaxia's company, so he has been trying to use the common interests of the three parties to force Huaxia to make concessions.

In his view, the toughness shown by the Ministry of Railways in the early stage is just a negotiation strategy, and they should not really tear their faces.

But I didn't expect that they actually did it, and they did it so thoroughly.

It's not delaying negotiations, not asking for a change of negotiators, but directly putting the Japanese high-speed rail consortium on the bidding list.

This is really incredible.

Don't they know the consequences of doing so? Don't they understand what losing a potential supplier would mean to their already weak HSR system?

On the other side of him, his assistant Alfred gave a definite answer after repeated confirmation:

"Yes, the news is credible."

"We have noticed that the Japanese side is still working hard, but they have tried to visit many times, but they have been turned away."

"And, it's definitely not a 'negotiation tactic.'"

"Through our internal line, we overheard a conversation between Kawasaki Heavy Industries and lower-level officials of the Ministry of Railways."

"The latter did not show any attitude of mediation, but said bluntly that there was no room for it."

"That wording is extremely rare, or rather, they've never been used."

"So, we judge that the consortium represented by Kawasaki Heavy Industries must really be out."

Hearing this, Adrian nodded solemnly.

"Things are a little bit out of our expectation. It's not a good thing for us."

"Why? Losing a competitor, isn't our monopoly even greater?"

In the conference room, someone asked suspiciously.

Adrian looked in the direction of the man, and cursed bitterly:

"Idiot, what does this have to do with monopoly?!"

"Do you think this is an ordinary negotiation? Do you think we are facing an ordinary opponent? Do you think this business is the same as the business we have done in small European countries before?"

"They are Huaxia! They are the third largest country in the world!"

"No matter how far behind they are now, their potential is obvious to all!"

"The high-speed rail is only a temporary difficulty for them. If necessary, they can even achieve technological breakthroughs at any time!"

"This is their hole card, and now, kicking out Kawasaki Heavy Industries just wants to tell us that they have the ability to turn the table!"

"Are we really going to let them flip the table? Even if we agree, the board of directors will not agree!"

A series of words with guns and cannons made the person who spoke speechless, but he still seemed to be dissatisfied, so he continued to speak:

"But I don't think they have the ability to turn the tables, at least not now."

"High-speed rail technology is a systematic technology, how can they achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time?"

"It's incredible."

"It's not okay for others, but it's okay for them!"

Adrian said firmly.

"We must assess our opponents with the utmost vigilance, knowing that they can do anything."

"Gentlemen, widen your horizons and go read the news."

"Just a year ago, they only had a few dilapidated second-generation aircraft, but now? Their fourth-generation aircraft can already fight independently!"

"And, I heard that not long ago, they got an EC-130H, which is the largest and most advanced electronic warfare aircraft in the world!"

"This can almost be said to be a miracle——can our country accomplish such a miracle?"


"But they can!"

"Isn't that enough to explain the problem?"

After hearing his words, everyone fell silent.

After a long time, the assistant Alfred asked:

"So, what's our strategy now?"

Adrian thought for a moment, sighed and said:

"Maybe, it's time for us to make some concessions."

"Postpone the reservation negotiations first. I need a little time to visit them privately."

"I suspect they've achieved some kind of technological breakthrough, but to what extent I have no idea."

"In short, things have changed."

On the other side, the hotel where the Siemens representative is located.

The situation is completely different from Alstom, and everyone is immersed in joy.

"What a stupid move! But the enemy's stupidity is our opportunity!"

"Obviously, they have been coerced by populism, and they have been forced to give up their real interests for the sake of face."

"We must seize this opportunity and continue to put pressure on them. They have less room to choose, and one supplier is definitely not enough. It can be said that we have already won this order!"

"Yes, we must stay strong! It's a complete seller's market now, why should they compete with us?"

"The price must continue to increase! The price of a high-speed rail train should be increased to 350 million euros!"

"They have to accept this price, and we can even threaten to withdraw. Yes, we need to contact Alstom. Now there are only two of us left. We should form an alliance of interests!"

There was a joyful atmosphere in the entire meeting room. In their eyes, this order seemed to have become a bag.

They don't yet know that they have made a huge mistake.

In fact, if Chen Nian was standing here, he would definitely not be able to hold back his forehead.

Because he knew that in the last life, Siemens lost the bidding opportunity for the high-speed rail project because of a major misjudgment.

It never occurred to them that they would make the same mistake again once again.


But it seems that this is not surprising.

After all, the people are still those people. Even with the variable that Kawasaki Heavy Industries was kicked out of the bidding, their judgment basis has not changed, and it is not surprising that they come to exactly the same conclusion.

In the final analysis, their own judgments about Huaxia and the Ministry of Railways were biased.

They don't seem to have learned to look at their opponents with a more humble attitude like Alstom.

And this will eventually cause them to eat the same bitter fruit as in the previous life

In the hotel where Kawasaki Heavy Industries is located.

Hetian Yingsong listened to the interrogation meeting with a numb face. At this time, he no longer knew what kind of attitude he should use to face what was about to happen.

As the main person in charge of this negotiation, he has completely screwed up.

This is not just as simple as losing an order. In fact, Kawasaki Heavy Industries lost the entire Chinese market.

The reason is simple, there is only one chance to enter the market.

If you can't seize this opportunity to establish your own technical standards and your own process flow, then if you want to replace it later, it will be pure nonsense.

How else can I say that the most difficult thing to do in most large-scale infrastructure projects is "relocation"?

To remove other people's equipment and technology and replace them with your own, the difficulty is not only doubled, but may even be tripled or quadrupled.

Therefore, once the cooperative relationship is solidified, almost no one will choose to replace it.

It's all over.

It's not that he didn't try hard, he even tried to stop Zhang Shuguang, the main person in charge of the other party, and knelt down in front of him.

At that time, he acted like a ridiculous clown. One day he was arrogant, and the next day he was humbled into the dust.

However, people don't like him at all.

There is only one sentence left:

"If you want to change the status quo, it may be useful for your leaders to kneel in front of the Nanjing Memorial Hall."

For a moment, Wada Yingsong felt that what he said made sense.

He even really wanted to "persuade him".

But soon he realized how ridiculous he was.

After all, he is just a businessman.

What right can a businessman have?

It's not the kind of chaebol next door.

Still trying to save the situation?

Stop it.

Still think about how to apologize.

It's definitely not enough to get off the seat, maybe those adults will really let themselves kill themselves

Thinking of this, Wada Yingsong couldn't help but fight a cold war.

He touched his lower abdomen subconsciously, and after confirming that it was still loose and smooth as usual, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to die, especially not here.

Back in the office, his assistant had been waiting for a long time. Seeing him walk in, the assistant stood up quickly and wanted to speak, but in the end he didn't speak.

"Takeda-san, sit down."

Takeda sat down obediently, then handed over a stack of documents and said:

"These are inquiry letters sent from the headquarters, and the words are very... intense."

"I think you should take the time to reply and explain the whole story in a formal tone."

"We all know that the failure of this bidding actually has nothing to do with us."

"The other party should have been planning for a long time, and they never thought of using us."

"No, they thought about it."

Wada Hidematsu shook his head and replied.

"If they weren't going to use us, they wouldn't have put us in the tender in the first place."

"Something should have happened that suddenly gave them more cards."

"The benefits brought by this hole card have exceeded the possible benefits of cooperating with us, so they are so determined."

"This is still our mistake. We didn't even get such important information."

"But what is it?"

Takeda asked suspiciously.

"Technology can only be technology."

"I had this idea. But I can't figure it out. Where did their technology come from? That experimental passenger line?"

"It's not impossible that we should pay more attention to that special line in the early stage. It's too late to say anything now."

Wada Hidematsu let out a long sigh and leaned back on the chair.

After a long silence, he asked:

"Have you booked your flight ticket yet?"

"It's fixed, the plane tomorrow morning."

"But, are we really going to stop trying?"

Takeda asked tentatively.

"Work hard? How much more hard work?"

"Where do we have a chance? If they really master the technology, then our entrance will be completely blocked. Even if it is given to them for nothing, they may not want it."

"—Okay, this is a bit exaggerated."

"I think if it's free, they will still."

Wada Yingsong froze in place suddenly.


And Takeda also reacted, he and Tian Yingsong exchanged a glance, and suddenly sat up straight.

That's right, free gift!

The reason why the opponent ruled out Kawasaki Heavy Industries so forcefully is 90% likely because of a technological breakthrough.

In this case, whether in negotiations with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, or with Siemens, Alstom, and Bombardier, they will definitely try their best to lower the price.

So the question is, how low will the price go? !

The answer is simple, lower to the cost price, even lower than the cost price!

As a veteran of vertical and horizontal shopping malls for many years, Wada Yingsong is keenly aware that the nature of things has changed!

Although it is still the same project and the same bidding, Huaxia's purpose has completely changed!

They don't want technology anymore!

They just need an "executor"!

Since this is the case, for our own side, the plan to make a fortune through technology should be completely abandoned.

To be a construction party honestly, or in their words, to be a contractor is the way out!

Moreover, not everyone can be a contractor. Go grab it!

Wada Hidematsu's expression suddenly became agitated, he had no time to think, and immediately said loudly to Takeda:

"Get me through the headquarters!"

"Our strategy has changed! We can still make money!"

"It's going to be a big gamble. We don't have to make money right away!"

"As long as Siemens and Alstom are defeated, it is a victory!"

Two days later, in a conference room of a certain hotel, the third round of negotiations on the high-speed rail project kicked off.

What everyone couldn't believe was that Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which had already been kicked out, appeared in the venue again.

Their business representative, Hetian Yingsong, had a confident smile on his face, as if the previous failures and setbacks hadn't affected him in any way.

The representatives of Alstom and Siemens were very puzzled, they could not understand what was going on.

But they can vaguely feel that some things seem to be different.

This bidding may not go well.

What they don't know is that today's meeting may completely change the pattern of railway technology distribution in the entire world

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