Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 939: Wangcheng Bloody Day

[Title: King of mercy 939, King City bloodshed Day (third more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The red Soviet holy rug Snow Eagle Lord remembers the legend of the eternal dragon king, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peak of the five elements, the door of the heavenly realm, the choice of the sky Everyone was boiling. It turned out that the strength of the Wuwei Army was so strong, even the Black Feather Army did n’t dare to catch the big offering like this?

Moreover, the most critical issue is that this matter makes everyone think that the major casinos have nothing to do with the Wu Weijun. After all, no casino will lose its reputation for money.

Therefore, the Wu Weijun is innocent, so that the handicap is clean, and the gambling house has no controllable wins or losses, so that it can attract more people to bet!

This farce allowed everyone to see the strength of the Wuwei Army and dare to bet ...

At this time, Song Ji Casino opened: whether the Wu Wei Army dared to give up the terrain advantage to harass the Black Feathers in a week.

Many people laughed. Although the Wuwei Army is very strong, the total number of black feathers in Weibeiguan is more than 20 times that of the Wuwei Army. It is better to rely on terrain to fight. Let the Wuwei Army come out and try?

This handicap clearly shows the opportunity for everyone to make money, as long as the Wu Weijun is not stupid, he will not come out of the mountain!

As a result, after three days, the Wuwei Army rushed to Yunan City. A black feather army of 3,000 men stationed in Yunan City was destroyed ...

All the people in Wangcheng who didn't dare to come out of the martial arts guard were ignorant. Is this okay? What are you doing here? What are the benefits for you to attack a Yunan City? You guys don't play cards according to common sense!

A week later, more than one hundred sets of magic armor were shipped to Lu Wangshan, and Lu Xiaoyu received them all.

Lv Shu glanced at the color, these magical armor is similar to the bronze torrent. When he talked to Zhao Shuai before, he said that he wanted armor and weapons, but Zhao Shuai only gave armor because the weapons are more expensive. Sorry.

This is not the same as Lu Shu's perception. Generally speaking, the cost of armor should be many times that of a weapon.

As a result, Zhao Shuai explained to Lu Shu that he understood that the weapon needed to have a higher resonance with spiritual power, and the armor only needed to be tough, able to resist spells, and so on.

There are not many mineral deposits that can resonate with spiritual power in Lu Zhou, and some are controlled by the Sifang Heavenly Emperor and God King, so the price of good weapons is more expensive now!

At this time, Zhao Shuai took out his long sword to show Lu Shu, meaning that even if he could only use this mid-range weapon.

Lv Shu froze for a moment, and so on, depending on Zhao Shuai's knife, the quality is similar to the spear beneath the ruins of Beigong. Can this be regarded as medium?

What about tridents better than spears? Why are these weapons that are even scarce even Lu Zhou hiding on the depleted earth?

Did someone deliberately do it or is it a coincidence?

However, Lu Shu did not force him to get the armor first, so that the survival rate of the Wuwei Army would be greatly improved.

The strength of the Wuwei Army was already higher than that of the Black Feather Army, and now it is even more difficult to die with a magical armor ... it is just doing whatever you want!

Zhao Shuai said with a smile: "Song Ji Casino is sincere in cooperating with you, and I hope everyone can cooperate happily!"

"Yes, yes," Lu Shu said: "Happy cooperation!"

After another three days, Song Ji Casino re-incorporated a lot of new markets into a high odds market: within a week, the Wuwei Army would attack the Black Feathers several times.

The higher the number of times, the higher the odds. This time the geniuses, noble children, noble daughters, and gamblers of the city have learned to be smart, and they began to study the odds carefully, hoping to hedge risks.

Of course, this hedging is also within the feasible range of everyone's estimate. For example, some people have pressed all the markets of the Wuwei Army's rushing 1 to 7 times this week.

Everyone is full of confidence this time, so even if you hedge the risk, you wo n’t lose too much, right? Maybe there is hope to make big money!

As a result ... Wu Weijun raided 21 times in a week, and on average three times a day, it was almost as crazy as going out of the hole. No matter where it was, it was a one-click away, never stay, and it did not even pursue whether to kill.

It made the Black Feathers so dumbfounded that the scouts had just notified that the Wuwei Army was coming, and the back foot informed the Wuwei Army that they had killed two scouts and left.

What are you doing? !

The commander of the Black Feather Army was sitting in the camp account, and his face was black. This military guard is too arrogant! But he dared not chase it out. Now that the Grand Master cannot participate in the war, the Wuwei Army has four first-grade products, plus a group of third-grade and second-grade long-distance raids. It is like opening an invincible. No one can really treat them.

Moreover, the Wu Weijun did not know where to get more than 100 sets of magical armor. After the soldiers wearing the magical armor were left behind, even if they were attacked hard, it would n’t matter ...

The people who bet over Wangcheng collectively became angry. What are your military guards doing? 21 times a week? Are you crazy?

In the war history of the Luzhou world, no army has ever done such a thing, okay?

It is said that this week, beside the Longyin River outside Wangcheng, a lot of gamblers stood, and they could jump at any time ...

This time, Song Ji brought more than 800 sets of armor to Lu Wangshan in one breath, showing that the amount of money made is far beyond imagination. What makes Lv Shu more happy is that although Wu Weijun has now suspended the source of negative emotions for literacy, he has so many negative emotions for betting in Wangcheng ...

Zhao Shuai was also very happy this time, because he and the Wu Weijun joined forces to make the Zhuang proposal that he gave the Song nobleman. Now everyone has money to make, and he has also replaced himself with a better weapon ...

Then, Song Ji opened a new handicap: Now that the Wuwei Army is attacking everywhere, sooner or later it will face the Black Feather Army head-on. Will they win or lose?

This time, other casinos have figured out a bit of flavor. They all followed the Song Ji casino in unison. Each casino put a big slave at the door of Song Ji, trying to adjust their odds every time in Song Ji. At the same time, it also adjusted.

For a time, the entire Wangcheng casino was faintly led by Song Ji Casino. Song Ji ’s big shopkeeper is now laughing with happy eyes every day. This business is a good deal!

However, he has to talk to various casinos. One family makes money, and everyone makes money, but you all learn from us and will definitely divide our income. If you want to make money together, then make a profit out of points! We also need to share with the Wu Weijun!

The shopkeepers of the major casinos went back and considered a few hours before agreeing, because if Song Ji is really joining forces with the Wu Weijun to make Zhuang, then Song Ji deliberately putting everyone together is also an easy task, so, make peace with wealth!

Now the whole Wangcheng feels that the Wuwei Army is really powerful, so, as soon as this new market comes out, there will be a large number of people who will defeat the Wuwei Army, and there is no suspense! After all, the Wuwei Army is so powerful!

The odds of both sides of this handicap are very low. The gamblers found that it seems that the dealer also agrees that the Wu Weijun and the Black Feather Army are about the same strength, one with high strength and one with a large number of people. The mawty banker can't make much money ~ ~ As a result, the next day, the Wu Weijun went to the door to fight with the defender of the black feather army stationed in Nangeng City. There are more than 10,000 people in the place with the most troops outside Yangyang Pass!

This time, Song Jida enshrined Zhao Shuai and fed back the battle situation in real time. All the gamblers came to the spirit. It is rare that the casino is so open once.

Just when the Wu Weijun and the Black Feather were inseparable, the casino suddenly opened a new hand: How many people will die in the Wuwei Jun?

This time it is another big odds market, with 0 odds for death, 1 to 100 for odds, and so on ...

This time, all the Wangcheng casinos are playing. The whole Wangcheng is as crazy as everyone seems to bet on two bets. The big nobles also bet, regardless of winning or losing, the big guys are playing Yaxing!

When the fundraising was about the same, the Wuwei Army suddenly began to retreat, and then everyone began to pay attention to how many people died in the Wuwei Army.

The result is ... one is not dead ...

Everyone was stunned, and there were people betting on all odds, but few people who had killed 0 people.

Why? Swords have no eyes, how can there be an undead war? Your special military guards fought so fiercely, but in the end no one died like that? Can you tell us how you did it?

In fact, except for Liu Yizhao's fight with the other party to command the envoy, Lu Xiaoyu, Lu Shu, Anthony, Jia Sanyi, and Bishop did nothing, but were busy saving people ...

Later, someone called this day the Wangcheng Bloody Day. It is said that on this day, beside the Longyin River, the gamblers jumped in like dumplings ...

At this time, everyone only hoped that one day he would see Lu Shu in the Wangcheng, and then kill him.


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