Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 823: No one wants to move her

Lv Xiaoyu left after listening to Lv Shu's words, and did not continue to follow him to Artem. In fact, Lv Shuyu was the least wishing to go to Artem with him, because the behind-the-scenes messenger even shot Lv Xiaoyu Everything about the soul was done, maybe the other party's plan was to count Lu Xiaoyu as well.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly heard the noise coming from behind him, and he turned his head to look. It was a few strong scattered corrections that pressed another loose repair on the ground to search for something on the other side, and was pressed on the ground for the loose repair. Rebellion, however, the loose repairs of these gangs seem to be relatively strong, and the loose repair on the ground does not even have the ability to resist.

"You even robbed your comrades' things!" The roar on the ground, but it was helpless.

"What comrades are not comrades, everyone is here to make money, major organizations have not taken our lives seriously, do you really take yourself seriously?"

That being said, the few casual repairers retrieved a few chocolates from the other party: "There are chocolates still hidden. If I had you, you should take the initiative."

After searching for chocolates, these individual repairs began to turn their attention to other casual repairs, and their eyes were full of aggression.

Lv Shu Leng watched all of this. In this chaotic era, there are people who are not bad-hearted. Under normal social order, they still converge. However, in this chaotic world, especially in the world, regardless of the world, only the weak and strong food world , These people are even more scrupulous.

Now there is no moral restraint in the casual repair team, whoever has the most fists is the truth.

Lu Shu didn't plan to intervene in this kind of idle business, he usually wouldn't care, not to mention that these people all came to invade Changbai Mountain, Lu Shuba could not help this group of people kill each other.

The group of loose repairs are far away from him, and Lv Shu is not worried that the other party will provoke things to himself. The only thing he now expects is to wait for the loose repair crowd to rush towards Artem, and then he lurks in the crowd. .

At this time, the few strong sectarians were scolding and scolding the sectarians next to them, but no one dared to fight back. They seemed to enjoy the feeling and laughed.

I have to say that Lu Shu is very lamented that human beings are really weird. They can kill a few of them by working together, but no one dares to do it.

There was a casual repairman who was about to search for something on his body and suddenly turned around and ran, but was chased by the opponent without a few steps and hit the back of the head with a punch. The escaped person lay on the ground and twitched a few times.

The beaten casual repairer was stunned for a moment, and he turned the other person over and sniffed: "It's dead!"

The casual repair of this person seemed to be a little flustered, like the first murder, he just wanted to bully others, but he didn't expect to actually kill someone.

As a result, at that moment, their group of strong and detached people laughed and said, "Kill it well, he is struggling to save. Look at what is on him."

Human life is like a mustard, the murderer was originally a little flustered, but this fluster slowly turned into some kind of excitement.

Lu Shu sneered, probably this is human nature.

Suddenly Lv Shu froze for a moment. He even saw Yun Yi in the crowd. The other party was still behind him, maintaining the makeup they had seen before.

Lv Shu also observed it specifically during the day's march yesterday, and found that Yun Yi was gone, but today the other party returned to the team and re-painted the makeup again?

But Lu Shu came a little anticipating, and Yun Yi was next to the group of beating people. The group of people could not be attracted by Yun Yi ’s beauty, even if Yun Yi had already put on makeup to hide himself. Face.

Sure enough, one of the casual repairers was surprised when he saw Yun Yi, and then he laughed, trying to reach out and pull Yun Yi.

It's a blessing to be able to meet such a beautiful female casual repairer on the escape road!

Lü Shu is happily plagued. On the one hand, the puppet masters of gloating and misfortunes will still encounter this kind of thing. On the other hand, the casual training of gloating and misfortune must be finished. Do puppet masters want to make fun of it? Ah.

I don't know if Yun Yi will endure or kill people directly? Lu Shu thinks that according to the character of the other party, it should be a direct killing. The villain must have the awareness of the villain. It is too inconsistent to safeguard the world ’s **** of peace. Killing talents should be the puppet master ’s job.

Then ... Lv Shu even saw Yun Yi suddenly turned her head and smiled strangely at him. That smile was so bright that she almost shook Lv Shu's eyes ...

Then ... Yun Yi actually stood up and ran to Lu Shu's hand when the loose repaired hand was about to touch herself, and tightly embraced Lu Shu's arm in his arms and said pitifully, "Save me!"

Lu Shu: "???

Lu Shu stagnated and thought about your elder sister. Are you serious? You just kill him and you're done. Why do you have to let me lie down?

Saying that Lu Shu is like an ordinary melon-eating crowd watching people fighting ~ ~ While the left hand is watermelon and soda, a group of people suddenly turned to look at him and shouted: beat him!

What's the matter with Guan Laozi!

The few casual repairers approached Lu Shu with a sneer. Lu Shu looked at the situation and just wanted to say nothing to me. He only listened to Yun Yi whispered: "How did you recognize me? Know what to do ?"

Lv Shu turned his head and said to the Sanxiu: "Don't want to move her."

It's just that Lu Shu didn't see Yun Yi suddenly froze when he said this. She recalled a long time ago, when she was a child, the figure of Wei An was also said in front of her, Then she followed the other party's countless hours and killed countless people until the other party died.

Yun Yi never thought that a man like a father would fall, and no one would say this for her after countless hours. It was like a reincarnation, maybe it was fate.

When Lu Shugang finished talking, he found that Yun Yi beside him actually leaned on him. He seemed to breathe his breath greedily, obviously as strong as a puppet master, but now he was attached to him like a kitten.

Lu Shu was stiff at that time, don't be like this, elder sister, I'm a little flustered like you ...

This is really panic, who knows what this puppet master really wants to do?

The few casual repairers saw Lu Shu, and they also noticed that Lu Shu's strength knew that this might be a hard stubble, but if they closed their hands at this time, how would they start with other casual repair? Other loose repairs are not afraid of them.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly saw a person appearing behind the group of scattered repairs. A red sword passed through behind the scattered repairs led by that person. Lu Shu knew this young man, but he was not a puppet master in Xiangdao. Is the blood demon encountered in the ruins?


Adjust for another day and resume normal update tomorrow

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