Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 818: Flying disaster

The Tiger's Back Camp is east of Tianchi. If he didn't come here to take a look in person, Lu Shu could hardly believe that this was a forward base for a war.

For example, the Saints and Bishops are still in the outer periphery of Artyom Port. Although the tiger back can actually only be ranked second in the important level, the problem is that the chaos here makes Lu Shu too shocked.

The loose awakeners are scattered around the camp like mercenaries, and there are wine bottles everywhere on the ground, even the people of major organizations don't care about this kind of thing.

A large number of women gathered here, and even business trips such as tobacco and alcohol came over, because these awakeners spend money.

Overseas major organizations are not too binding on loose repairs. After all, if major organizations treat them as slaves, these hundreds of thousands of loose repairs will become troublesome.

This is like a mixed-brand coalition, who wants to win by relying on the number of people.

Or in fact, the major organizations do not care much about their life and death. Lv Shu walked and even found that these overseas repairs were like brainwashing. They believed that as long as Nie Ting did not shoot, the victory of this war must belong to them, because they seemed Everyone knows that Tian Luo Di Net's camp in Changbai Mountain has only 40,000 monks, and there are a total of 300,000 people plus Artem Harbor.

Lu Shu realized that when everyone knew the number, someone must be spreading the news.

Later, he discovered that many of the teams led by the major camps returned from the Tiger Camp without even fighting. This was the result of his careful observation.

In other words, there are a lot of loose repairs every day, just go out and hang around and come back. Those who come back after loose repairs will boast that there is no danger at all, or when drinking and bragging together, they say how they are when they face Tianluodi. Majestic, how unbearable is Tian Luo Di Wang.

It seems that the major organizations are creating a laid-back illusion for the Buddhism, and then tricked some of these Buddhism into going to die, consuming the power of the Celestial Net.

I have to say that this method has worked. Lu Shu estimated that he said that Tian Luo Di Wang intends to kill the piece of their armor. Now many people will treat it as a joke.

Those deceased casual practitioners could not tell others what happened to them, so it seemed that they had never died at all.

Lu Shu was a little puzzled. Did n’t there be friends who thought about them in the camp when they died in the casual repair?

However, he suddenly discovered that these loose repairs were not very familiar with each other and particularly liked to hold groups to keep warm. The familiar ones were basically in a team, or they would be destroyed. The group of people they knew would be wiped out.

And there are too many people in this camp. Every day's life excretion causes the camp to be stinky, but everyone seems to be used to this ...

It was here that Lu Shu felt how important the city ’s sewage and sewage projects were. Otherwise, millions of people would excrete in the same city every day. What kind of smell ...

And the first thing after these casual repairs come back every day is to drink alcohol, and the second thing is to find female awakeners who depend on other people's inventory.

Not only are women awakening, there are also some who come here specifically to do business.

Free drinking, provided by major organizations.

And those women who come here to do business are probably also found by major organizations, and there will even be dances and other activities every night, just like heaven on earth.

Lu Shu walked in the Tiger's Back camp frowning. This group of people was simply stupid. He just tried to tell someone how terrifying the, and the other party didn't believe it. Everything about killing is almost forgotten.

"This special organization is a fake bar for this group of mentally handicapped ..." Lu Shu was speechless. He even suspected that the major organizations mixed more terrible things into the wine, such as those addictive drugs. The tree is just skeptical, and there is no evidence.

Because many of these loose repairs seem to have alcohol addiction, but there is no mania symptoms like addicts, is it because the dose is small?

What should I do? Lu Shu came here to find out the player behind the scenes, or lurking here, at the most critical time to give a major blow to major overseas organizations.

As a result, he found the other party's clue at all, and all of them were in a mess.

However, Lu Shu also found people from many major organizations. They are different from other freelancers. They do n’t drunk on weekdays, but they especially like to join people and chat, and they can always seize the right to talk Talking.

Lu Shu stared at them tightly and decided to lurk down first, and then the thief to capture the king first. He felt that he must be able to find an important opportunity.

Late at night, Lu Shu set up his tent on the edge of the camp closest to the hinterland of the forest. This location is convenient for him to escape into the forest immediately if he is found. This is the closest location to the Tianluodiwang camp.

However, the chance of being discovered is really small. He now walks around with a hood, and no one recognizes him at all. It seems that even the major organizations are not very popular with the "Ninth Tianluo" .

Lu Shu was a little bit dissatisfied. Was n’t he Tianlu? Why did n’t he advertise himself? !

However, he had just set up his tent, and suddenly he heard a thunderous noise from the mountain forest. Lv Shu froze for a moment. What happened to this loud noise, is it the beast that fled? Wrong, isn't the beast in Changbai Mountain running away?

And ... this rumbling sound is a bit familiar, Lu Shu feels like he has heard it.

At the next moment, Lu Shu looked at the edge of the wood growing slowly, and the bronze armor was hiding from the wood ~ ~ The face armor had been pulled down, they were like killing from the abyss **** Grim Reaper.

The bronze armored soldiers formed a battle, forming a mountain and sea-like impact torrent, not afraid to die!

Lu Shu couldn't get more familiar with this scene. Wasn't he the bronze torrent that he personally worked out, and it was he who formed the bronze torrent to let Nie Ting and they know how terrible this bronze armor is when fighting in the group, But now 20,000 Jiashi are approaching, and the rumbling footsteps seem as if the Jiashi are crying wildly.

Lv Shu's heart was touched for a while, and now Tianluodi ......

Before waiting for his thoughts to end, suddenly a bronze armor sword at the front pointed to Lu Shu: "Those who break into the border die!"

"Beware of disguise, non-bronze armor, kill without amnesty!"

Lu Shu: "???

"What's so special!" Lu Shu was in pain at the time. Nima himself was injured by mistake, but now he doesn't know whether it is useless to shout that he is the ninth day Luo in this chaos.

Lu Shu turned around and ran away without even a tent. There was a scourge of flying. This is what happened. This time, he has n’t collapsed yet. Can he still lurking once!


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