Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 807: Tian Luo Hunting (4)

According to legend, there is a ghost fire in Changbai Mountain. The ghost fire only appears at night. Curious people will be involuntarily attracted by the orange-red ghost fire, and then these people never appear again.

Well, Lu Shu felt that this version of the story should be very good. On the second day of entering the hinterland of Changbai Mountain, Lu Shu once again killed a wave of overseas monks with his original reverse dark forest law.

If this legend spreads, I am afraid that I can receive a lot of negative emotions?

Wait, won't the legendary ghost fire horse come like this?

It should not be, Lu Shu shook his head, after all, no one else was as good as himself.

However, it is a pity that this legend cannot be spread. After all, there is no living mouth left at this time in order to keep it secret, and also to pit more people later.

Saying that this war is over, Lu Shu can compile a ghost story. It might allow it to exert some residual heat and contribute some negative emotions.

However, even if this is the case, Lu Shu sitting in front of the campfire and thinking about this method may not take long. After all, foreign practitioners come in with communication equipment, and if you do n’t pay attention, you may leak the wind, and you wo n’t be waiting for the fool Come to the door, but be surrounded by people.

The bonfire swayed in the night, the orange-red flame looked very warm and comfortable, and the surrounding ground was dried by the residual temperature of the flame.

The night in the deep mountains is cold and dew. The temperature is low and the humidity is very uncomfortable. It is just that other people dare not to have an open fire in the old forest of the deep mountains. They can only endure even if it is uncomfortable.

Suddenly Lu Shu heard a rustling sound from the forest. He looked up at the darkness in the forest. A combat team from Tianludiwang came out.

Lu Shule laughed and said: "Come on to get warm."

The other party glanced at the body of the overseas monk on the ground and seemed to frown and think about something. Lu Shu didn't care. After all, anyone who saw this scene should be surprised.

Lu Shu took out a map of Changbai Mountain and wrote on it. This mountain range is too large. Even Lu Shu must check his position and the planned route of travel every day.

However, at this moment, the Tianluodiwang team came over, but the other party still didn't speak, and Lu Shu faintly felt that the other party seemed to be surrounding himself!

Lv Shu raised his head in amazement, and at the next moment he sat suddenly with both hands to the ground, and the whole person flew towards the rear like a night owl.

The place where Lu Shu sat before suddenly appeared a huge rock protruding, and the surrounding air seemed to be squeezed by a burst!

Lu Shu slowly stood up and straightened up. At this moment, when he recalled the behavior of the other party, he might find many clues.

This place has begun to penetrate the front lines of major overseas organizations. From yesterday to today, Lv Shu has never seen the combat team of, Ma Youjin, they are the last comrades Lu Shu has seen.

And tonight, even deeper, there was a squad of astronomical nets from the east, which was not normal in itself. Moreover, the energy fluctuations of the other party far exceeded the energy fluctuations of the normal Tianluodi net combat team, but just now Lu Shu did not pay attention to this.

Moreover, although the other party was wearing a uniform of Tian Luo Di Net, they even specially found so many Asians to form a team, but the skin and facial features of the last two people were more like Southeast Asian practitioners.

No wonder the other party didn't speak from the beginning to the end. I was afraid that even the Chinese would be unfavorable so as not to expose it.

Lv Shu's expression is getting cold. If it is not the first time he meets the other party, I am afraid that there will be pitfalls of Tian Luo Di net comrades. After all, this deep mountain and old forest is night. Who can determine whether the other party is his own?

It seems no surprise that the other party failed to strike, because there are already many corpses of overseas practitioners next to the campfire, so everyone is overestimating the strength of the teenager in front of him.

It's just that they are carefully selected elite combat squads, so they are not lack of confidence, even if the opponent is Tian Luo, they can fully cope!

Such a squad that can be disguised as Tian Luo Di Net is full of masters, and it is regarded as a sharp knife by itself. It wants to rely on them to tear a crack from the defense line of Tian Luo Di Net. Lu Shu's expression is very dignified. !

More than half of the world's organizations have gathered in the east of Changbai Mountain. It is not surprising that the other party can form such a team to Lu Shu.

The camouflage squad slowly approached Lu Shu, and Lu Shu did not choose to directly confront them, but slowly retreated into the dark shadow of the forest: "You also wear this uniform?"

Lu Shu turned back and ran towards the forest ~ ~ The early bumpy mountains moved freely, and the camouflage team behind him followed closely.

Lv Shu found that the other party seemed to be battle-hardened warriors. The forest chase was very thrilling from the beginning.

But Lu Shu retreated into the forest not because he was afraid of the other party, but ... he was afraid of the other party running away!

In this kind of forest, if the other party dies and separates and runs away, Lu Shu may not be able to kill everyone.

However, this kind of camouflage team that can pose a threat to other comrades in, Lu Shu doesn't want to let it go!

The camouflage team suddenly found that Lu Shu was not very fast during the chase, but it seems that because Lu Shu came to this forest earlier, Lu Shu should be more familiar with it.

This makes the members of the camouflage team feel tense, and everyone is not weak, so it is very clear that if there is a party in this place who is more familiar with the terrain, there will be a great advantage.

For example, nowadays, they often lose Lu Shu's field of vision. It is necessary to judge the direction of Lu Shu's escape based on the traces on the branches and leaves.

However, at this moment, the rotting leaves on the last floor of the squad's team suddenly burst out, and Lu Shu jumped out of it, and at this moment, his hands clasped the neck of the last person to the ground. .

The member of the camouflage squad fell backwards unpreparedly. Lu Shu's strength was too great, he had no room to struggle!

When the others in the camouflage squad reacted, the awakening abilities were shot, but Lu Shu even killed their teammates on the ground in an instant, and then retreated into the dark forest without any fight!

The moment when Lu Shu retreated into the dark forest, the moonlight and the black shadow of the forest kept interweaving on Lu Shu's body. I don't know why, everyone suddenly felt this moment, the young man was laughing!

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