Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 802: Walnut tree

Before the portrait of Lu Shu hung in the corridor, too many people had guessed who the shadowy shadow was. On the ninth day, Luo was mentioned more than once, because he had killed the pseudo-class Takashima Pingjin.

It was also the appearance of the ninth Tian Luo that caused Shenji to fall from the first-class organization to rest and recuperate.

It is not easy to make a large organization fall. First of all, it is necessary to kill its highest-end combat power and lose its leader, and then destroy its mid-level cornerstone. It is simply impossible to return to the world stage.

And the most important thing is that I do n’t know why. Although Shenji was killed like this by the ninth day, of course, a large part of the reason is attributed to Shenji himself. For example, Takashima Pingjin killed more people than Lu Shu himself. More.

But even so, the two sides are deadly enemies.

However, after the Shenji was reconstructed by the girl named Sakurai Yayoko, what surprised everyone was that the other party received the support of all parties of the Shenji, but did not mention the hatred of the ninth Tian Luo.

Even the voice of the ninth Tian Luo who was going to reward the Dark Kingdom within the Shenji was suppressed by Sakurai Yayoko. Some people in the Conservative Party have questioned Yayoi Sakurai, who is Ninth Tian Luo?

Because many things can show that in fact, Yayoi Sakurai is informed. She has been to the fortress and even spent a short time with the Nordic god.

However, Sakurai Yayoko is always ignorant from beginning to end, never answering anything about the ninth day Luo.

But after that war, some confidants of Sakurai Yayoko knew that Sakurai Yayoko always had hundreds of thousands of yen in the wallet, but never spent it.

You need to know that Yayoi Sakurai doesn't have to spend money anywhere, and her wallet has no meaning to her. Later, Yayoi Sakurai did not even bring a bank card, but the money was still in the wallet.

No one knows that it was Lu Shu ’s salary commission for Yayoi Sakurai. Yayoi Sakurai felt that the hundreds of thousands of yen was the cleanest money he had earned in his life.

Sakurai Yayoko sometimes feels that she is more suitable to be an assassin killer than a leader of an organization. This kind of life may not be what she wants. So if she wants to leave Shenji one day, she won't take away everything, but only the pitiful "salary".

That is a unique meaning.

In fact, everyone can understand the fact that the Shenji Yanqi has ceased. After all, the high-end combat power has been lost. At this time, it is not sensible to provoke the Tianluo Diwang ... but when did the Shenji sensible?

Anyway, the ninth Tianluo of Tian Luo Di Wang is like a mystery in the whole world of spiritual practice, as if the world evaporated after the epiphany of Shenji, even the people inside Tian Luo Di Wang do not know who this ninth Tian Luo is .

But just today, the mystery is unraveled.

Everyone knows that Lord Lu Wang is very powerful before. After all, Lord Lu Wang is so determined that he was beaten to death early.

Moreover, the fierce record is displayed there. I ca n’t accept it. I did n’t look at the other six teams of the whole practice school. I hope that the lottery wo n’t be drawn to Luoshen Practice Academy.

At this time Lu Shu had quietly left the Luoshen Academy of Practice, but the discussion about him could not be settled for a long time.

The other party came to class calmly, and did not admit that he was the ninth Tian Luo, but the facts described in the calm had proved everything.

Chen Zuan and Cheng Qiuqiao did not know that Lu Shu had been to Shenji before, but anyone familiar with Lu Shu had speculated, especially Liu Li.

When a bunch of people went to Lu Shu's door to send flowers and light candles, it is worth pondering where Lu Shu went during his fake death.

It was just that everyone didn't quite believe that Lu Shu was the ninth day Luo, after all, Lu Shu killed in the **** set is a pseudo-a!

Lu Shu left this time and did not bring Chen Zuan and Cheng Qiuqiao with them, because ... this time is too dangerous.

The chess player behind the scene stared staringly at the chessboard as if he already had a calculation in mind. Lv Shu took everyone to Kunlun because the risk there was basically controllable. It would be great to run the road. However, this time he could not run. What should he do if he ran other Tianluodi members?

Lu Shu has no commanding talent, he is not a military genius and has not received training. The only team action is probably the record of the bronze torrent, so Lu Shu believes that he can play chess on these loose repairs, major organizations, and behind the scenes The way in which the person causes the most damage is not to fight like a soldier, but to hunt.

He cannot reveal his whereabouts, even when he reveals his whereabouts, people around him may be in danger.

So completely hiding is what Lu Shu should do now.

Lu Shu disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

It seems that Lu Shu knew from the beginning that if the latter could not control his whereabouts, the first thing to do was to evaporate the world.

Once the other party was in the dark and he was in the bright, now everyone walks into the darkness together to see who can kill who in the end!


The courtyard house in the bangs alley of Kyoto has been rebuilt. The courtyard house that was full of vicissitudes is now renewed. Shi Xuejin stood in the courtyard with a melancholy face: "What my father left is the walnut tree."

Shi Xuejin said that he was very uncomfortable. Although the hardware facilities of the Siheyuan are all up to the next level, the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as their old nests.

Now the whole yard has been replaced with something new. I do n’t know why I always feel something is missing ~ ~ Shi Xuejin patted the trunk of the walnut tree for a long time: "Walnut tree, walnut tree, you ’re left with you Look at me, can't you be as unconscionable as someone, old things say ruin ... ruin it, walnut tree? "

Nie Ting turned black next to him: "Keep off."

Shi Xuejin, who was originally a book reader, suddenly shouted: "Nie Ting, if you really cut the walnut tree today, I will not cook for you for a year!"

Hao Zhichao and the others waiting next to him looked embarrassed. Usually Shi Tianluo would be like this. Whenever he was as gentle as a scholar.

To be honest, they are also a little curious. Why didn't Nie Tianluo cut down this walnut tree, didn't it grow well? Last year Shi Tianluo gave everyone walnuts to eat.

Just after the walnuts bear a layer of green skin, you need to manually brush off the layer of green skin and dry it before eating.

Every year when the walnut tree bears fruit, it is Shi Xuejin's busiest time. He doesn't read any books.

Hao Zhichao couldn't bear to see Shi Xuejin's sadness: "If you don't, let's not cut it ..."

Nie Ting said coldly: "Pull him away and cut the tree!"

Shi Xuejin, the ghost and the crying wolf, were pulled away: "Nie Ting, we both have this end!"

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