Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 800: Dusty past

Genius remember this site's address for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lu Shu suddenly found out that in fact Lu Xiaoyu's idea is much simpler than himself, he has been thinking about what the other party may have trapped, the other party will What kind of strength is there, what method will the opponent use to deal with them, and what is the other party planning?

And Lu Xiaoyu did not think about all this, but simply considered: Li Xianyi may be in danger.

He must be unwilling to let Lu Shu go to selfless dedication. What he had been thinking about before was that the sky collapsed and there was a high head. Everything has Nie Ting. Isn't the most powerful shot finished?

At that time, Lu Shu had never known that Nie Ting had already shot, so he never had too much worry, just as if his C-position had clearly developed, let the C-position be called out. Lv Shu just wanted to be safe. Quietly be a salted fish and earn negative emotions.

At that time, he didn't even know that Nie Ting couldn't shoot. He didn't even think that Tian Luo Di Wang would die. After all, there was a big boss in the realm of God. He had no pressure.

Yu Mingyu's blame made Lu Shu a little overwhelmed. The most crucial point of this matter is that he didn't know that Nie Ting couldn't shoot!

Before Lu Shu, seemed to be as stable as Mount Tai. Whether he accepted Tianluo ’s position or not was irrelevant. If someone invaded, would n’t it be Nie Ting ’s attack even if there were tens of thousands of people?

Of course, the actual number may be a little more than a few hundred thousand, but is n’t that how much Nie Ting cut?

Of course, people who know that Nie Ting ca n’t shoot will be anxious. Why did n’t Lu Shu stand up at this critical moment? It is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Shu is now the third combat power of, and may even be second. After all, Lu Shu has A-level chaos.

But Lu Shu didn't know that he was silent yesterday because he didn't expect that tomorrow Luodiwang will crush the world, why are they still dead?

This is the result of unequal information, so Lu Shu is thinking today and is very silent.

Now, Lu Xiaoyu simplifies everything.

Lv Xiaoyu is a little girl, she is not so mature, and there are not too many mortals, she is thinking that Li Xianyi is so good to them, and now looking at each other also means to the foundation, they should help.

I hate whoever I hate, whoever I like, I do n’t look back, I do n’t want to care who I do n’t care about, and I do n’t have to think about what this person can bring to myself. This is the world of children.

"Lu Shu, shall we go?" Lu Xiaoyu asked seriously.

Lv Shu smiled: "Maybe you can get an A-level soul to play with?"

"Just like the bishop of the Faith Theory Department, did he want to kill you before?" Lu Xiaoyu said seriously.

She didn't seem to think about whether she could beat each other, so she wouldn't even think about whether the other party was willing or not.

That night, Lv Shu replaced the negative emotion value with his promotion to Lv Xiaoyu. Lv Xiaoyu lit the first star of the fourth nebula, and Lv Shu lit the third, sparrow. The dark gray line doubled again and became 144.


After Lu Shu went to Luoshen Academy of Practice in the morning, he held a meeting for more than an hour. The meeting was organized by the dean of education and passed on to everyone. For example, although the students are excited, the teacher must be stable.

Lv Shu didn't even think about it, just like the veteran cadres with the lecture notes, he was going to continue to prepare lessons.

Before going to class in the afternoon, the Academic Affairs Director was not at ease and went to Lu Shu specifically. Zhong Yutang also told him in front of Tianluodiwang's Yuzhou headquarters. Be sure to stare at Lu Shu.

The Dean of Academic Affairs considered the tone and said, "That ... Lv Shu, you must remember what I just said, don't mess with lectures ..."

To be honest, the dean of education does not worry about other teachers, but Lu Shu.

Now that Zhong Yutang was busy with other things, he also felt the mood of Zhong Yutang. No wonder Zhong Yutang had been pulling her hair a while ago ...

Lv Shule laughed and said: "You don't have to worry about me all day long, I'll go to another class today and leave."

After listening to this, the Academic Affairs Director felt guilty. What happened, Master Lu Wang did not want to be a teacher? That feeling is good, so do n’t you have to worry about it? It was just that he suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait a moment ... where are you going to go?"

"Changbai Mountain!" Lü Shu went to class like a veteran cadre with the lecture notes.

The Director of Academic Affairs stared back at Lu Shu's back, what a special ...

They have always been worried about the chaos in the college. For example, if they secretly ran to Changbai Mountain unorganized and undisciplined, not only may they not play any role, but they may also help.

After all, such a thing as war is really not a student that can control the situation, so now the priority is to stabilize the students first.

As a result, they discussed for a long time all about how to prevent students from running to Changbai Mountain, but they didn't expect that the students hadn't run yet. This teacher ran first ...?

When such a big thing happened, he could not bear this pot as a dean of academic affairs. The dean of education quickly called Zhong Yutang: "Lu Shu is going to Changbai Mountain!"

As a result, Zhong Yutang unexpectedly confirmed with delight: "Really? I'm going back to Luocheng now!"

Then the Academic Affairs Director heard Zhong Yutang shouting happily over the phone: "Hurry and prepare a car for me ~ ~ I want to return to Los Angeles now, and finally I have to wait!"

The dean of the school affairs twitched his teeth and hung up the phone, and the principal was crazy.

When Lu Shu came to the training ground, tens of thousands of students from Luoshen Practice College had already sat there, and even students from other major practice schools gathered where they were preparing to listen to Master Lu Wang ’s actual combat lessons.

The students of other major practice colleges originally planned to return today. As a result, students heard that there was Master Lu Wang's class today and asked to listen again and then leave.

At this time, Lu Shu ’s prestige within had already reached a new height through the practice of the college, and the strength of the species research profession has long been remembered by everyone.

Suddenly, a more active student suddenly smiled in the front row and asked, "Mr. Lu Shu, what are you talking about today?"

Lu Shu thought for a while and smiled: "Today is the last lesson. I will talk about those things in Shenji, and there is a hero who likes to eat fried noodles."

The last lesson? God set? what's the situation?

The students were stunned after listening to it. This was a dusty past, and it has been listed as one of the top secrets of Tian Luo Di.

Few people know that Lu Shu has been to Shenji, and no one even knows where he went or what he did during that time.

In the past, Lu Shu never mentioned Shenji, on the one hand, because the matter could not be told, on the other hand, the ninth Tianluo portrait in the corridor.

Lu Shu always feels that as long as he tells the past, he is no longer a student of the Academy of Practice, and he is no longer just a common practical teacher.

It's the ninth Tian Luo in Tian Luo Di Wang who has never met but has killed a pseudo-A level.

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