Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 69: Daoyuan class aloof status

The first lesson, English.

Second lesson, mathematics.

The third lesson, Chinese.

The fourth class, Geography.

This is the class schedule of the morning of the third grade of high school,

In the morning class, Lu Shu suddenly found a more interesting thing. Originally, there were 4 Daoyuan students in the third grade of high school. He, Yuan Lingqi, Li Qingyu and Liu Li, and Li Qingyu was dismissed.

The 11 newly transferred students are all students of Daoyuan class.

Although the Daoyuan class said at the beginning of the class, the culture class still has to take the exam with the class. As a result, except for him and Jiang Shuyi, everyone is practicing with closed eyes.

The two-instrument agreement is different from his star chart and can be practiced during the day, so these people are also making progress during the day.

According to Liu Li's personal test, the one-day practice that Xiwei said was actually half a day, not counting the time of daytime classes, so there was a saying to hurry.

According to Liu Li's idea, everyone else completed the B-level only for a small week. As a result, he completed two in one day. Isn't it to let Xibard look at each other?

In fact, most people think so ...

Liu Li realized the practical benefits, so he knew what he was eating, and he was holding a breath in his heart: In the morning, he broke his wrist and was hung up by Lv Shu for a fight, or left and right doubles, so Liu Li now has only early in his heart Break through the big weekday, quickly break through the obsession of E-level!

And those with low qualifications are envious of the strength of the B-level students now, and they want to have the same strength earlier.

Lv Shu looked at the income record behind, and looked at Liu Li with his eyes closed all the way to practice. Even his backstage still accepted the negative emotional value income from Liu Li + 10 + 7 + 8 ... The eyes looked at all morning With more than 6000 income, it has just broken 7000 now!

Really cultivate and don't forget to help classmates, good people!

But ... you really do n’t get into trouble like this, Lu Shu is a bit crying and laughing.

Lü Shu really admires the person who has developed this technique. There is no legendary need to practice in a quiet room. It only needs to guide the spiritual force through the sea wheel. It is simple and convenient.

The last section is the class teacher Shi Qingyan's Geography class. Shi Qingyan discovered this phenomenon after entering the class. Those students who were selected to the Daoyuan class practiced with their eyes closed, even if the class teacher came in and did not pay attention.

Shi Qingyan suddenly thought that fortunately, the Luocheng Foreign Language School had no tradition of shouting "teacher is good" and "standing up" during class, otherwise the students of the Daoyuan class would sit there steadily and continue to practice. I'm afraid the teacher's Dignity and majesty suffer even more.

Lv Shu has been observing Shi Qingyan's expression and found that Shi Qingyan did not intend to interrupt Daoyuan class students' cultivation in the end. He has realized that Daoyuan class is now really transcendental in society.

He saw on the forum that Daoyuan Class was also set up in the university, and now some girls who are not self-love will know if there is a boy in Daoyuan Class around them, and they will take the initiative.

This kind of girl is a minority, just like some boys go to the nightclub to make a quack to make money.

It's just that before this kind of girl was concentrated outside various famous aviation schools, they thought that the boys in the aviation school would all be pilots in the future, and it wouldn't be a dream to have hundreds of thousands of annual salary upon graduation.

Is now focusing on students in Daoyuan class. Of course, it does not include students in the two levels of EF, just like the students in these two levels do not belong to Daoyuan class.

Lü Shu is a normal male. I was very happy when I saw this post. Will these girls come to me?

As a result, after seeing the special notes on EF students, he huh, why is there so much discrimination in the society! Are we EF-rated?

Su Shu suddenly asked Jiang Shuyi a little curiously: "Why don't you practice, don't you have to make progress? This Yuan class is obviously to divide up a place where one, two, three, etc., surely the more advanced the practice results, later said Uncertain allocation of resources such as weapons will result in more. "

Jiang Shuyi glanced at him and leaned over and whispered, "Although the aura is now recovering, the aura of each side of the world is limited. After using it, the aura of this place also needs time to recover, so practice it. There is a wealthy man who says that it is very important to practice somewhere. Just like you are an F-level qualification, practice in a place with plenty of aura, and another B-level qualification practice in a place with poor aura, maybe in the end Everyone ’s spiritual progress is the same. "

Lv Shu thought about it, as if it was really the case. Jiang Shuyi said nothing wrong. Although the aura is now recovering, the aura in a place is not like air. You can fill it in immediately after you run out.

Is like a piece of cheese, but after you eat this piece, you will have no more.

Wait until the chef brings you another piece before you can continue to eat.

So ... Is there really a place in this world where the aura is particularly abundant, and can reach many times other places ... even dozens of times and hundreds of times? Not impossible!

If the big family controls these places ~ ~ I am afraid that even a fool can fix something.

Lu Shu will not naively think that the big families in this world disdain the practice, there will always be a few who are very interested in the practice, in case one day the awakener becomes the most important resource in the world, I am afraid all The predators will frantically grab all available resources, just like doing business now.

So ... qualification is really not the only factor that determines the speed of spiritual practice.

Also, everything in this world is totally negated by one factor. In fact, with poor qualifications, you can also repair things!

I know a lot about myself at the same table, Lu Shu curiously said: "What does this have to do with my problem."

He asked, why didn't Jiang Shuyi practice in a hurry in class?

Jiang Shuyi leaned over and whispered, "Twelve people are practicing in a class now. There are such students in the next class and every class. Everyone needs aura. Our school is not a blessing. How can there be so many? Is the spiritual energy for so many people to practice? "

Ao, Lu Shu understood the meaning of Jiang Shuyi, it is better to save some energy than to compete with so many people for limited aura.

Yeah, there are thousands of awakeners practicing in a school, and the level of aura is barren.

This is why Jiang Shuyi did not intend to practice in school at all, and it is also the reason why Xiwei said "no need to try in school, go home to practice"!

Jiang Shuyi's remarks made Lv Shu even more impressive. This thing really has no family origin. When other people are still stupidly cultivating Reiki, he has already understood this truth.

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