Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1183: Inch grass does not stay

Lv Shu thought about trying to wipe out all the creatures in the forbidden land. In fact, he felt that he might not be able to do it. After all, he was really struggling to meet the white python. In case of encountering some other horrible creatures again, it might not be possible I have to overturn the boat in the gutter.

The relics in the forbidden area do not know how long they have grown freely. Probably the most terrifying species in the world have all been collected here, so as to avoid some hidden dangers of the outside world.

But the relics are powerful and powerful, which does not stop Lu Shu's footsteps ...

The flaming cloud horse roared happily in the planets of the fifth nebula. Lu Shu found that they were very fond of the power of the stars, and every breath in the star map could be incorporated into the power of the stars.

As Lv Shu's cultivation method, the star map itself is the place where the power of the stars is the strongest, and it is like a galaxy.

However, this does not affect the use of Lu Shu's own power of stars. After all, at his current Grand Master level, the speed of recovery of the power of stars has been difficult to estimate with simple numbers.

Lv Shu searched the plants in the ruins, and one of them was all transplanted into his own star map. The plants grew very fast in the star map, and the growth was gratifying.

The ruins of the forbidden area are very barren, and I don't know how far to walk to meet a plant.

After Lu Shu passed by, all plants were gone ...

Where Lu Shu walked, there was originally a place where plants grew. When Lu Shu walked by, there was only one pit left. If there are creatures in the forbidden area that take plants as food, it is estimated that after the ruins are opened, they will have to eat meat to survive.

If you ca n’t eat meat, you can only eat dirt ...

Just now, Lu Shu was not only a plant, but even cut off a small river. It was the only river that Lu Shu had seen in the ruins and disappeared.

After all, it is too slow to extract water from the ruins by the power of the water system, and it is still faster to intercept the river directly.

Looking at the gradually enriched species and resources in the star map, Lu Shu suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction in growing up, just like creating a world from scratch.

He began to explore the boundary of the forbidden area of ​​the whole ruin. Lv Shu suddenly found that the relic was so unimaginable that even the forbidden area was so large that even if he ran wildly, he could not see the end day and night.

Lu Shu realized that the reason why they had seen the Thunder Barrier for a long time before was because they were at a certain end of the forbidden area.

On this way, Lu Shu was not idle. When he saw the creatures in the ruins, he was stuffed into the star chart. When he saw a level of white python, he hid away.

At this time, Lu Shu's star map can be lively ...

Hey, Lu Shu suddenly thought about a problem, the area of ​​the ruins is from small to large, and the nebula in his star map is also the same. The first layer of the nebula is the smallest, the seventh layer of the nebula is the largest, and there is one in each layer of the nebula. The stars and the six planets have different sizes, arranged in order from small to large.

Does the larger and larger area of ​​the ruins have anything to do with the star chart?

Lu Shu had never thought about it before, but when he realized that the relic itself had something to do with him, he had to think about it.

At this moment, he even had a bolder guess, but what puzzled him was that he had not felt the presence of the power of stars in the ruins ... Is his guess wrong?

Along the way, Lu Shu has seen a lot of camps in the forbidden area of ​​the ruins. They are mixed residences of practitioners and ordinary people. However, Lu Shu has just passed by and has no intersection with them.

Those in the camp watched Lu Shu drive away the souls, passing by all the plants, leaving a big pit ...

Unlike Israel's camp, the people in these camps realized that this was the ninth Tianluo when they saw Lu Shu driving their souls.

No one can be sure whether Luo Ji is doing something good or bad in the ninth day. After all, if all the creatures are captured, then everyone will be much safer.

But thinking the other way around, on the ninth day, Luo captured the souls, no matter how strong or weak, they had all been taken away, and there was nothing left for the Grand Master level.

All the creatures have been captured ... what are you eating! ?

After Lu Shu passed by, he didn't wait for everyone to figure out what was going on, and the Nordic God Lord came after him.

Lv Shu was almost taken off by the front foot, and Carol was ushered in the back foot.

Then almost half of the remnants of the practitioner camps hiding in the forbidden ground knew that the Nordic **** was looking for the ninth day ...

This is really touching ...

Everyone is still struggling to survive. Everyone has staged love scenes. Why is the gap between people so big?

"If I want to say that we don't have to worry about people's gossip first," someone said sadly: "Ninth Tian Luo is now trying to catch us to a dead end. Do you understand?"

"How to say?"

"What did we eat yesterday?" Someone said ~ ~ Yesterday, no creatures were hunted, so the grass roots were eaten, "the other thought and thought.

"Can you still find grass roots now?"

"Not found ..."

Yes, on the ninth day, Luo passed through without crossing the grass. Now I do n’t even have any grass roots to eat!

One day later, Lu Shu saw a thunder barrier again. Lu Shu walked not a straight line, not a straight line from north to south, so he still could not measure the size of the forbidden area with time and speed, but Lu Shu looked When I get to the Thunder Barrier, I want to try the strength of the barrier myself.

The reason why he stayed in the forbidden area before that time was really because every time he wanted to go directly to the barrier, he would encounter creatures that could be captured.

This is very uncomfortable, this is simply a delay in breaking down barriers!

Standing in front of the Thunder Barrier, Lu Shu carefully looked at the transparent barrier. If you do n’t look carefully, you ca n’t find it. When no creatures try to break it, this barrier is like a twisted air wall. The quiet people and animals are harmless.

But when the soul tries to break into the past, it becomes particularly terrifying.

Lu Shu held the swallowing thief in his hand, and the blazing flame lingered on the swallowing thief's sword.

He carried a heavy sword and cut it on the Thunder Barrier. As a result, the Thunder Barrier suddenly resisted the flame with a strong white Thunder, and even his big master's blow was resisted!

The thunder contained in the barrier is extremely terrifying. The white arc is like a force that destroys the world and destroys the earth. This does not exist against his Lu tree, but to trap all the creatures in this forbidden land, so as not to go out to ruin the world ! ) Book friends, pay attention!

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