Soul Painter

Chapter 359: Divine painting

Although a deliberate taste was read from the master skill of 'focus'.

But when Gao Fan uses 'focus' alone, his works will not pollute reality, which proves that 'focus' has nothing to do with the silver key?

"It shouldn't matter, right?" Gao Fan comforted himself.

At this time, the studio door was opened.

Anna and Lawrence came in.

Lawrence is brisk, which may be good news.

Govan looked at them.

"Well, Curator Hollein and art advisors appreciate your innovation," Lawrence says verbatim. "They think you're back on a modernist creative path, and you've opened a new path for modernism, It’s a form of expression that’s never been seen before, and while it’s not as deeply rooted as your earlier work, it’s clearly groundbreaking, and they think that, sometimes, groundbreaking is more important than the quality of the painting.”

"In other words, they think my new work is average?" Gao Fan asked.

"Um..." Lawrence pondered again.

"Please, say it, be true, say it." Gao Fan said word by word, "I can bear it."

"Little Junior Brother, your current style of work, in terms of expressiveness and form of expression, is not as good as that of "Mask" and "The Bostonian", you should be very clear about this." Lawrence said.

I am certain. The 'gods' who painted at that time are now 'people'. Govan nodded.

“But like I said before, the curators and art advisors expressed appreciation because you are actively pioneering new paths for modern art, and they are very willing to acquire and collect your new work,” Lawrence said.


Govan laughed.

"It's good that they are satisfied~" Gao Fan turned his armchair, which is very good, which means that as a 'human' Gao Fan, some works have been displayed in the Metropolitan Museum, and he was still in Tianmei five years ago. For Gao Fan, who was eating and waiting to die, this was a future he couldn't even dream of.

When it comes to the expressive power of works, Gao Fan's 'focus' is of course not as good as Degas' 'life' and 'contrast', but groundbreaking is groundbreaking. In terms of artistry, works of art are indistinguishable from superiors and inferiors. Lu Guoying's circle The branch of fusion classicism, once it came out, can also be called a master, standing side by side with Degas and Picasso.

In addition, Gao Fan can copy Degas, can Degas imitate Gao Fan? Of course not, in the art world, dead artists are more valuable, but living artists have more right to speak.

Now that it is satisfied, the Metropolitan Museum will acquire this work by Govan.

In the end, this work was named "Portrait of Ana Armas", and will be collected in the Metropolitan Museum together with "Blind" and "Crazy" in Goff's "Mask" group as part of Goff's creative career. style witness.

As for Gaofan, he continued to copy the famous masterpieces in the museum in the studio that the Metropolitan Museum extended for him. This time, of course, it was not Degas, but Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso, and all well-known masters. This will help his 'focus' skills improve.

In less than half a month, Gao Fan's 'focus' skill has been improved to 10/100.

It filled him with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

His happiness is clearly visible in his demeanor, like a layer of oil that is too full, so that everyone around him can feel it.

Of course, Anna also quickly mastered 'focus'. When it comes to learning ability, Anna is unparalleled in the world, but God (not referring to the black cat) also closed a window on her, she can't create her own master skills , she can only follow.

When she was an assistant to George Baselitz, her skills had surpassed the master, but she still chose to perfectly imitate the style of George Baselitz's work to create, she was accustomed to such a role and used to follow.

When Gao Fan practiced 'concentration', he found that Anna seemed to catch up with him again in this skill.

So two people modeled each other, and when they drew a work that was completely different from the two people, but it was exactly the same when compared with themselves, they laughed and then began to look for various small details to improve their skills, which is very interesting. Also useful mini-games.

A theme oil painting created using the 'focus' technique took a long time. Gao Fan spent nearly half a month on Anna's portrait. If you paint a scene, you need long-term observation. With the improvement of skill value, the creation speed It will also increase, but in any case, it will not be like a 'distortion'. It may be possible to create super-fast creations by accurately grasping the target soul trait.

Another month has passed.

Anna's "Portrait of Govan" created with the technique of "focusing" has finally been completed.

She scrutinized this work. It was different from "distortion", which bombarded with information and emotions, making the person depicted accept the baptism of reason, but Anna's paintings at the moment are ordinary and real.

There is magic in the real, a kind of superficially different, but in fact, there are countless details proving that this is the magic of Govan.

"AA, sometimes I am really jealous of your talent." Gao Fan sighed as he looked at the painting.

Ana Armas' talent is terrifying.

Gao Fan worked hard, spent fifteen months, and almost forced herself to death to create the skills, she simply learned.

"I would adore your groundbreaking, high, and you've created a great technique," Anna said.

"Ha~ The business exchange is over, let's continue~"

Gao Fan seems to be a child who got a new toy. Although he has only slept for a few hours these days and has no impression of what he has eaten, he feels that he can continue to draw for another ten days and ten nights. No problem.

"Let's go next..."

Gao Fan didn't finish his words.

Suddenly there was a loud bang outside the window.

The huge explosion made the glass of the studio tremble and collided, and there was a buzzing sound in the ears of Gao Fan and Anna. They looked at each other and were stunned for a while. What happened? Immediately, they ran out of the studio and out of the Metropolitan Museum, standing on the street in front of the museum with countless panicked tourists, looking up at the sky.

Over there, there was black smoke in the sky, a huge plume of smoke shot straight into the sky, and a lot of flames were wrapped in the thick smoke, like the fangs that the devil occasionally showed.

"Gosh, that's the Empire State Building!" someone screamed.

"Another 911?!" A second scream rang out.

911...Empire Building...Gao Fan connected everything through these two and then understood what was going on, was it an airplane? Is it a terrorist attack?

But inexplicably, Gao Fan remembered the curse of the Angel of Doom on his art exhibition a year ago, 'Meteor Falls', is it late?

At this time, Gao Fan saw a small and thin young man on the side of the road. He suddenly ran towards this side frantically, unbuttoning his clothes while running, and at the same time shouting loudly: "Stop your treatment of us. Interfere! Otherwise the Buddha will punish you!"

What... Gao Fan saw at a glance that the thin young man's open clothes were tied with a row of square-shaped objects. The investigator with a high of 79 points was not cursed and sealed. He immediately thought of the explosives in the movie...

"Let's go!" Gao Fan shouted at the crowd. He pulled Anna back and shouted, "Go!"

No one knew what Gao Fan was yelling at.

After Gao Fan pulled Anna for more than ten meters, he felt another violent explosion from behind, followed by a huge shock wave hitting his back. The force was so great that he felt as if Hit by a truck, he and Anna flew up...

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