Soul Painter

Chapter 291: Buddha and Demon

The matter of Gao Fan becoming a monk indeed caused a sensation.

At least it is the sensation in the domestic cultural circle. As for foreign artists, there are more and more mavericks, but this is not bad. It is just that the trend of'inverted heights' driven by capital in art critics has gradually subsided. After all, Gao Fan has been temporarily'retired'.

Then the media began to promote the new “leader” of the Demon School, the talented artist Miss Anna Armas. Compared with Gao Fan’s rebellious and always causing trouble, this female painter is very quiet and her life is pure. There are only two things, living and painting, which are the "creative machines" that capitalists admire very much.

In less than half a month, Anna’s work "Landscape at MIT" received a price of 23 million U.S. dollars at an auction. This is a good market price for hello, me, and everyone. Compared with Anna’s skills, It's not expensive. Compared with the lofty Gaofan, there is considerable room for growth, which is very satisfying.

   Anna Armas is being touted abroad.

Coupled with the matter of Gao Fan becoming a monk, the domestic press can not help but diverge their thinking. The plots of martial arts novels such as'disciples' betrayal caused the demon sect's suzerain to be wounded and escaped' have emerged. Netizens love conspiracy theories. So the news gets hotter and hotter.

  This directly led to the officials in charge of the cultural industry in Liao Province, especially instructing Master Miao Zen to treat Gao Fan well, and don’t have any accidents, regardless of his young age, this is a famous Chinese and foreign artist. An accident is a big event.

   "I must treat him well." Miao Chan said, "It's about granting funds to rebuild the Great Hall of the Great Heroes...?"

   "We will study at the meeting. Besides, don't Gao Fan's agent want to donate money to build the palace?" the official asked.

   "The money donated by Mr. Lawrence can be used to build a pagoda, and the reconstruction of the Great Hall of the Great Hall of the Great Hall of the Lord will not trouble others anymore." Miao Chan said.

   "Master Miaoxiang, you have got a treasure, do you have a construction plan for several years?" The official asked with a smile.

   "This is all the care of the motherland, and the kindness of good men and women." Miao Chan said with a smile.


   Many reporters joined the fun to interview Gao Fan.

   Of course they were all blocked one by one.

   Gao Fan did not want to talk more about his ‘renunciation’.

   Because he didn't really want to become a monk, but just to fool the Buddha in inspiration.

   Ever since he shaved his head, Gao Fan looked at the bugs on the head of the flesh-and-blood Buddha, and stopped gnawing at him. Obviously, it was a big improvement.

   So Gao Fan didn't want to talk too much. He thought that if he said too much, he would be heard by the Buddha of Inspiration.

   Then it won't work.

   Although this is a bit deceitful, Gao Fan himself thinks that sincerity is the spirit. When the heart is not sincere, at least his mouth should be stricter.

   But there is one person, Gao Fan can't help but see.


   Xin Wei looked at Gao Fan's bald head.

   was stunned for a while.

   Then he ‘pushed’ a laugh, and said with a smile, "Your head is quite round."

   "Female donor, look and see, smile and laugh, just go back." Gao Fan said helplessly, in order to pretend, he still held a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, which came from Miao Chan.

   "You are a monk now, do you have a dharma name?" Xin Wei asked curiously.

   "I haven't received the precepts yet, and the abbot has not given me a dharma title. The apprentices of Miao Chan are all family members. I think I should be called Qin Gao or Qin Fan." Gao Fan said.

"Kinfan is very good, you can pudu sentient beings as soon as you hear it." Xin Wei looked around. In this meditation room, the sun was shining in, and the dust in the air was visible. Such a rough soul always has a bit of Zen, which makes Xin Wei a bit anxious.

   "When will it be vulgar?" Xin Wei asked.

   "The female donor is joking, it is a lifetime thing to become a monk." Gao Fan replied, the inspiration Buddha is listening.

"I'm just joking." Xin Wei bit her lower lip, but she was really afraid that it was true. "I shouldn't care about you, but you are really capable of doing it, really! There are so many artists at home and abroad, ancient and modern, There are more talented than you, but better than you can do. I searched through the history of the world last night and couldn't find it!"

   Listening to Xin Wei's increasingly fierce tone, Gao Fan remained silent.

"Why are you really or not? If it is for creation, you just say that for creation, I still have a thought. No matter what, I will wait for you, and forgive you for not telling me, you came to become a monk. Okay?" Xin Wei's tone softened again.

   Gao Fan continued to remain silent, not just to deceive the inspiration Buddha, but also to not deceive Xin Wei.

"You, I know you won't really become a monk, but I'm afraid you will really become a monk." Xin Wei shook his head and said, "If you are really a monk for the sake of creation, and you don't even want to explain to me, then take it. You will definitely suffer more and more suffering. How can I help you? If I can't help you, what use is there for you?"

   Gao Fan lowered his head and only turned the beads in his hand, like a mistaken but willful and stubborn child.

"I've been chasing you, I'm really tired, I can't catch up." Xin Wei sighed, she tucked off her hair, "I'll give you a choice, or you can go with me to the civil affairs office now." The bureau will get the certificate, or else, starting from today, don't come to me again!"

   Gao Fan suddenly raised his head, staring at Xin Wei blankly, forgetting to turn the Buddhist beads in his hand.

   Choosing this time, Xin Wei took the step that would never yield results.

   She crossed the Lei Pond.

   will inevitably be blown to pieces.

   The difference is only that Ling Chi died, or killed completely.

At this moment, the dust is floating in the air. There is obviously no wind, but the sunlight gives the dust enough impetus to make them dance and spin between Gao Fan and Xin Wei. Both of them let them go. Breathing lightly, it seems that even a light breath will push the situation that has reached the edge of the cliff into the bottomless abyss.

   However, Xin Wei has already thrown all his chips.

   and then doomed to lose.

   "...Amituo Buddha." Gao Fan said with his head down.

A drop of tears flowed from Xin Wei’s eyes, and she suddenly stood up, put her arms around Gao Fan’s new bald head, and kissed Gao Fan with the strength between kiss and bite. After that, she suddenly turned around and her shoes stepped on. On the stone road of the Zen Temple, she gradually walked away with her petite body.

   Gao Fan kept his head down.

   There was also a drop of tears gently falling on the floor of the meditation room.

  The Buddha in the inspiration, suddenly, at this moment, the head overgrown with flesh and insects changed into a sorrowful and compassionate smile.


   Gao Fan sat idly for a long time, then suddenly had to pick up the drawing board and began to draw the Buddha's head in inspiration.

He scribbled very quickly, and quickly painted the Buddha head completely. At the moment when the Buddha head was painted, the bell of the Great Ku Temple suddenly rang without wind. Surrounded by curiosity, I can't figure out what happened.


   Gao Fan was looking at the Buddha's head on his drawing board. The voice of ‘Amituo Buddha’ in his ears became clearer. He suddenly had a ridiculous thought, is he lying to the Buddha or the Buddha?

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