"Okay, take me to the girls' dormitory now."

Xiao Shiyi felt helpless, and even felt that three black lines had slipped across his forehead.

"But what about Holly?"

Without seeing Xiao Shiyi, Wang Xiaoya could only rely on his intuition to speak to the empty space.

Of course, she didn't find the exact location of Xiao Shiyi, but it didn't matter.

"I... okay okay."

Xiao Shiyi actually didn't want to care about Xia Dongqing. He was looking forward to Xia Dongqing's female appearance, but after thinking about it, he decided to let him go.

Before Xia Dongqing could react, he saw that he was also enveloped in a cloud of colored light. In the blink of an eye, Wang Xiaoya's side became empty.

"Let's go quickly."

This has solved the main problem, Xiao Shiyi urged.

"Oh, well, you guys, follow me."

Wang Xiaoya nodded and glanced behind him hesitantly. Although she was not sure whether Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing were following, she had nothing to do.

Along the way, Wang Xiaoya was frightened and kept peeking behind him, for fear that Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing's invisibility skills would fail and let others see.

Luckily, no one found out until the girls' dormitory.

There were three girls in the dormitory. One of them was lying on the bed, unconscious. Needless to say, this was Zhou Jie.As for the other two, they sat on the bed and took care of the girl.

"Xiaoya, you..."

When one of them saw Wang Xiaoya coming back, he stood up and asked suspiciously.

However, before she could finish speaking, Wang Xiaoya gave her a shush gesture, and then said to the empty place:

"Okay, you can come out."

When the two girls in the dormitory were still wondering about Wang Xiaoya's strange behavior, Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing suddenly appeared from the void.

Looking at the two big men who suddenly appeared in front of them, the two girls were panic-stricken and about to start shouting when they opened their mouths.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoya's eyes were fast, and he covered one with one hand, and quickly explained:

"Don't, don't shout. These are my friends, Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing. They are here to help."


One of the girls was later introduced by Wang Xiaoya as Xu Li.

"What did you say?"

Wang Xiaoya looked at Xu Li blankly and asked. After asking, she realized that she was covering someone else's mouth, and quickly released it.

"Sorry, Xu Li, I'm afraid you would shout. If the dormitory is called, it will be troublesome."

"It's okay, I, I just wanted to ask, can you really help us, friend?"

Xu Li shook her head and glanced suspiciously at Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing.

It's no wonder that others are suspicious, because at this time Xiao Shiyi was standing there expressionlessly, while Xia Dongqing looked awkward.Putting these two together, no matter who it is, they will doubt it.

"I trust them."

However, before Wang Xiaoya could speak, Zhao Niannian stepped forward and said sincerely:

"Please, you must save Zhou Jie."

Chapter XNUMX The dead Wang Yu

When Xiao Shiyi heard the words, he looked up and down at Zhao Niannian in front of him, with delicate facial features, delicate makeup, and a head of hair draped over his shoulders, but he was considered a beauty embryo, no wonder Wang Yu was tempted.

"Eleventh brother, come and see Zhou Jie, how is she?"

Just as Xiao Shiyi was looking at Zhao Niannian, Wang Xiaoya urged.

Hearing Wang Xiaoya's voice, Xiao Shiyi had no choice but to look away, walked to the bedside, just glanced at it, and found the reason why Zhou Jie's fever persisted.It was nothing more than being overly frightened, coupled with the yin qi of the red-clothed senpai.


Xiao Shiyi said lightly, just as he was about to raise his hand to remove the Yin Qi from Zhou Jie's body, he suddenly felt another very weak Yin Qi coming.

Xiao Shiyi looked at the window subconsciously, only to see a ghost in black with a pale face floating in, and then crouched beside Zhou Jie's bed, looking at her affectionately.

Needless to say, Xiao Shiyi knew that this was Wang Yu who just died.

Xia Dong10qing also saw Wang Yu's ghost, and walked to Xiao Shiyi's side in surprise. When he was about to say something, Xiao Shiyi's action stopped him.

Xu Shi realized that there were still people in the room who could see him, so Wang Yu turned his attention from Zhou Jie to Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing.

After all, it was broad daylight, and because there was a soul ferryman like Xiao Shiyi here, Wang Yu was very weak.

He opened his mouth and only uttered the word "save" for a long time, and this word almost used all his strength.

"I see, I'll save her. But you shouldn't stay here, you should go."

Xiao Shi nodded and said mercilessly.

Zhou Jie, he will definitely save him, no matter if Wang Yu's death is because she hired Senior Sister Red, she is still a big living person after all.As for Wang Yu, who died in vain, he no longer belongs to this world. This is a matter of principle.

Seeing Xiao Shiyi agree, Wang Yu nodded weakly, showed a smile, took a deep look at Zhou Jie, and floated out of the window.

Xiao Shiyi didn't speak, but looked at Zhou Jie, drew a spell in the air with his index and middle fingers, moved his lips slightly, and then touched Zhou Jie's forehead, only to see a golden light penetrating into Zhou Jie's forehead. In the forehead, disappeared.

"You, who was he talking to just now?"

Wang Xiaoya swallowed and asked Xia Dongqing.

"Wang Yu came just now, he wants us to save Zhou Jie."

Xia Dongqing said lightly.

Hearing this, the faces of the three girls immediately changed, and they leaned against each other in horror.Seeing this, Xia Dongqing quickly explained:

"Oh, it's all right now, he's gone, really, gone, don't be afraid."

"Okay, Zhou Jie's fever should be gone now, but if you want to fully recover, you still have to go to meet that red-clothed senior."

At this moment, Xiao Shiyi said.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Niannian summoned the courage to move to the bedside and probed with his hand. Sure enough, Zhou Jie, who had a high fever just now, had dropped the temperature at this time.

Just now, Xiao Shiyi used the stealth technique to enter the girls' dormitory, and then suddenly appeared again, which had already surprised Zhao Niannian and Xu Li, and now, Xiao Shiyi has made Zhou Jie, who has been running a high fever, successfully subside.

This time, the hearts of these two girls were completely subdued. The eyes they looked at Xiao Shiyi had completely changed, full of admiration.

"By the way, Brother Eleven, Wang Yu, is he really here? What did he say?"

Wang Xiaoya looked at Xiao Shiyi and asked strangely.

Although she was also afraid, after all she had stayed in the convenience store No. 444 for so long, she had never seen anything, and now Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing were still here, so she was just a little nervous. scared.

Xiao Shiyi glanced at Gao Jie lying on the bed and sighed:

"What else can he say? It's nothing more than asking me to save Gao Jie. I really don't understand you young people, you obviously still have feelings, so you have to break up. If Wang Yu had been like this earlier, he wouldn't have ended up like this. "

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoya pouted, but did not speak, but Zhao Niannian looked a little bad, so he lowered his head and stopped looking at Xiao Shiyi.

Xiao Shiyi also sensed Zhao Niannian's emotions. In fact, he didn't mean anything else when he said this, he just wanted to sigh and didn't want to say Zhao Niannian at all.But since she insisted on putting it on herself, Xiao Shiyi had nothing to do.

"Okay, let's go first. Although Zhou Jie's fever has subsided, she won't get better if she doesn't get rid of the senior in red."

The purpose of Xiao Shiyi's visit this time was to meet that red-clothed senior, and he came to the girls' dormitory for a visit. Now that there is nothing to do here, he naturally has to leave.

But who knows, it is precisely because Xiao Shiyi has restrained Zhao Niannian and Xu Li, and Wang Yu's visit just now, makes them even more afraid, and insists on dragging Xiao Shiyi to stay in the dormitory.

"Eleventh brother, otherwise, you and Dongqing will stay here for a while. Anyway, it's still early, and there's nothing to do. I'll invite you to dinner in the afternoon."

Wang Xiaoya had no choice but to persuade.

Xiao Shiyi frowned, his face full of reluctance, it was nothing to do, what would it be like to stay in the girls' dormitory, in case others saw it, it wouldn't ruin his reputation.

"Holly, what do you think?"

But Xiao Shiyi was really not good at rejecting the girl directly, so he looked at Xia Dongqing.According to what he knew about Xia Dongqing, he probably didn't want to stay here either.

But who knows, Xiao Shiyi still doesn't know much about Xia Dongqing, he is a good man, how could he refuse Wang Xiaoya.

"Eleventh brother, why don't we stay here for a while. They are all girls, in case..."

Xia Dongqing said cautiously to Xiao Shiyi.

Since Xia Dongqing had said so, there were three of them, and both of them said they wanted to stay. Xiao Shiyi didn't know what to say, so he nodded in agreement.

This stay was for the whole afternoon, and it was not until after six o'clock in the afternoon that Zhao Niannian and Xu Li had to go to Senior Sister Red because of Xiao Shiyi and let them leave.

"Really, I'm suffocating. Xiaoya, let me tell you, you must invite me for today's meal."

As soon as he walked out of the dormitory door, Xiao Shiyi took a deep breath before speaking to Wang Xiaoya.

"Sure, no problem. The school cafeteria is enough."

Wang Xiaoya didn't say anything. Instead, she looked very grand, but it's just the place to eat. It's a bit...

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing are not picky people, as long as they can eat enough, so the two followed Wang Xiaoya to the cafeteria of their school.

Chapter XNUMX Rescue Xia Dongqing


As soon as he was in the dining hall, Wang Xiaoya seemed to have found something, and made a strange snort.

"what happened?"

"That, isn't it Professor Hu?"

She pointed to a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses and said, "I tell you, when we went to 404 last time, we almost couldn't get out, but fortunately it was discovered by Professor Hu. However, this point, he Why don't you go home, you will appear in the cafeteria."

"Maybe something happened."

Xiao Shiyi glanced meaningfully at Professor Hu's figure and said.

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