When I came back from mediation, there was a lot of fuss in the settlement.

Temsy rushed over when I rushed into the settlement.

"Brother-in-law, actually, the devil is here. There are more than 30 children already attached to the devil."

I shuddered when I heard the words.


What we call demons is a disease that pandemics every ten years in a cycle. Strangely, it only takes children up to the age of 6.

If it develops, it almost certainly dies.

It is such a terrible disease.

It's just that salvation has a special effect, which is to process a herb called Damaya and dissolve it in water and drink it.

During the Devil's Epidemic more than 100 years ago, an old man called the Wise Man in the Kingdom lamented the people of the meadows who were halfway through in the Devil's Epidemic and is said to have taught the Meadows how to make this special effect. From the name of this wise man it is said that the name of the herb was named Damaya.

Most southern humans are told as objects of fear, but only the wise Damaya is told in the meadows as a respectable figure.

But it's not like there's nothing wrong with being called a special effect.

Of course I'll die if I'm late to give him some medicinal water.

But that's not the real problem.

Damaya herbs grow in the meadows, but there are still very few that can be made into medicinal water.

Whether or not you can save 30% of your children by removing Damaya grass from your territory in the meadow, and considering the following, you can't take it.

This means that less than 20% of children can be saved.

I pulled Temsy and took her to Pao next to Pao in Wolge.

You must have heard me come home. Wolge came right into Pao.

"Hey! Brother-in-law, what's wrong?

"Try opening this."

Inside was a crate made of Wolge's magic.

When I opened one of those, it was packed with damaya inside.

"This is!

I laugh and talk to Temsy.

"Me and Wolge spent five years raising and storing this damaya."

"Shh, wow!

Temsy carefully opens the box one by one.

All of that is packed with Damaya herbs.

"Hand this out in your name."


Temsy looked strange in one of my words.

"You bet, if I'd handed out this damaya, you wouldn't have to think about what would happen.

Temsy agrees with me.

Again and again, the way Longa powers today has not been singled out for distortion.

It is desperately supported by me, Temzi, Lucci and Borche, who are about to collapse soon.

If you hand this out in my name, it could collapse all at once.

Nowhere is it laughable that I saved my child but my tribe fell apart.

"Okay. Then let me carry this crate to the fighters in my house and distribute it to everyone from there."

"Oh, nice to meet you"

Thus, Damaya was secretly transported to Pao in Temsy while everyone was sobering up.

Ten years ago, two of my brothers and four of my sisters were transferred to the devil.

At that time I was 9 years old and the devil had nothing to do with it.

But the six of them were transferred to another Pao, and the adults were running around making Damaya.

I also ran horses, collected Damaya, and helped make medicine.

Medicines are divided by class.

There was only one potion of water handed over to my family, and if I asked my father about that time, there were four chiefs, three great warriors, one medium warrior and one warrior, and no fighter.

My father let one of his younger brothers drink without hesitation.

The other brother is the son of a slave wife, and his sister, hasn't thought about it since.

That is the idea of the meadow.

Ten years ago, I lost one brother and four sisters.

There was that remorse. The feeling of helplessness at that time still reminds me occasionally.

Damaya thrives every year, but naturally withers if it falls out.

The turning point was seven years ago.

When I was 12 and Wolge was 11.

The magic of the plant has been made complete and the magic of the metal can also be used in the crowd.

Wolge has grown to the realm where we can call him the Wizard.

And then I took Urji to the swarm of Damaya and started experimenting.

The first year saw the adoption of Damaya by boosting growth, but not until then.

In the following year he grew the magic of the plant, until the more roots he left, the more he sprouted anew.

He finally succeeded in the magic of long-term preservation in the following year.

Except for the snow season from 5 years ago. In the spring and summer season, I made and stored Damaya in Wolj with me.

Of course, if I grew up in the same place many times, the land would be weaker, so I let the place to grow fall.

The day has come when the efforts made so far will be rewarded.

As soon as I broke up with Temsy, I went back to my pao.

Wolge's kid apparently didn't originate.

When I ran into Pao, Lucci immediately noticed and took me to the kids.

Six of my 13 kids.

He is six of Lucci's second sons, Ann's eldest son, Roche's eldest daughter, his eldest son, Jesus' second daughter, and three daughters.

Roche's eldest son and three women, Jesus, are still babies. We need to hurry up and make some potion water...

Damaya, which was kept for five years in the name of Temsy, was opened.

That came out of Temsy's house, but those who know do not think it belongs to Temsy. But the guy who can see that knows why Temsy put it out. It won't be a problem there.

Make medicinal water throughout Longa.

Noel, the wizard of water and fire, worked great when he boiled Damaya, but even if he did any more where he was exercising his magic, he was held back by Lucci and brought back to Pao as touching both the child and the mother.

Urji, the plant wizard, instantly crushed the magically boiled Damaya.

It was two days after my return that all the potion was made, and this is distributed within the tribe at the discretion of Temsy.

Something in the tribe that can use plant magic works to dissolve the last drug in water.

Because if you use magic, the medicine can be mixed without any unevenness.

Urji came into Pao.

"Then Master Jumka, we have medicinal water for four. Who will you give you a drink?

What? Weird?

Five years worth of Damaya, Longa. There should have been enough to save all the children as well as give them to the tribes around them!

Four of them?

"Hey, four? Is that our share?

"Yes, in the declaration of the chief, there were four chiefs, four great warriors, a maximum of three medium warriors and warriors, and two fighters. So who do you give it to?

Urji has asked seriously.

My wives are staring at me seriously, too.

Don't be ridiculous. Choosing a child to live means I have to choose a child to kill!

Why, I was desperate to get rid of the nagging 10 years ago...

I saw the kids.

All six are about to suffer.

There will no longer be a moment of respite.

You have to decide.

I don't like it. Why would I have to choose my own child to kill him?

I stared at the children many times.


"Your husband."

The moment Lucci tried to say something, Jesus uttered the word.

"Please don't pick two of my daughters"

Jesus said as he embraced the daughter he had given birth to.

"What do you mean, yes?"

"Aren't you the one who needs the most daughter of a woman who can only have a woman, right?

I couldn't answer Jesus' question.

I guess so in the meadows. But I... can't. It has nothing to do with my daughter or my son. It's all my kid.

I calmed down a little to Jesus' sober words.

There's still something wrong with the numbers.

I got up and headed under Temsy.

I was in the middle of putting up exactly the medicinal water in Pao, Temzi.


I grabbed Temsy's chest and screamed.

The women shouted a little surprised.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong?

"Why for four, Damaya should have had enough for all the longas!

"Yes, but I gave less Longa's share to the tribes around me"


"Only a tribe nearby to give and make it, but nevertheless the thankful messenger came. I'm still here. Do you want to see me?

"No... fine..."

"Really, the tribes around us could owe Longa for this one. A further increase in voice is imperative for Longa to make further leaps. So I multiplied the profits of Longa by the balance of the number of children that would survive to make it just the right number."

What did Temsy say with a straight face?

This word is utterly the statement of those who guide Longa.

A small amount of damage secured massive longa profits.

"Lack of men in the meadows is a problem. Even Longa can't handle wolves in time, with less damage. Now with fewer boys from other tribes and more wolves, there's even the ruin of the meadows."

Though he did attribute the man of the Patriarchate, the Lady of the Meadows is not very, less than a man is serious.

There are limits to being a chief, medium warrior, or great warrior who can hold as many slave wives as he wants.

Last year's simultaneous bar mitzvah also took the lead in targeting older people of marriageable age.

Maybe even a little less women in Temsy's head want more men in the future.

"Besides, it wasn't on my brother-in-law who taught me to share rather than take away from each other in a crisis!

In one word, yes! shall be

Indeed, during the retreat battle from the Empire, I could still rub it when deciding to which tribe to distribute how much food.

Things were stopping at that time even though I had to run away early.

So I divided it equally between Au, Ag, Siu and Longa all without any preferential treatment.

There was defiance, of course, but it made me keep that decision, not treat it favourably, and use my position as a great warrior to acknowledge it.

In the Council of Chiefs that followed, I ruled the territory equally according to the size of the tribe.

Surely we cannot increase the wealth of horses and sheep. But still, all the tribes were able to live a year of inaction safely.

During the battle against the Patriarchate, the chiefs of Au, Ag, and Siu were given the status of roles, but I did not follow the strengths and weaknesses of other tribes because of what was necessary to successfully move the people of the meadows.

In other words, I kept planting the idea of equal division into the crisis on the meadows.

If anyone was older than me, I wouldn't have sprouted that idea. But now the only one older than me in this meadow is a fighter or a woman engaged in production.

Temzie has spoken slowly.

"We have heard that six people in the house above my brother-in-law have been transferred to the devil. I'm sorry about my brother-in-law who adores my kids. But all you have to do is have the baby again."

The true face of Temsy remains unchanged.

I took my hand off Temsy.

There is nothing to say in my heart.

"Oh, that Master Temsy"

Bolche has spoken to us in a rough way.

"What is it, Bolche?

"I'm done giving you medicine water"

"Well, here's the kid I couldn't give you."


Twelve children are feverish and say it is cold.

Thamzy lifted and hugged one of them.

"I'm sorry."

He let go of the child, lifted up the next child, and embraced him.

"I'm sorry."

Embrace each and every one of you, apologize Temsy, that face is not the true face you just had. I was filled with grief.

Me and I went back to Pao ourselves.

We have to decide on four people quickly.

I went into Pao without power.

Pao only had Jesus and two daughters.

"Is that it? What about Wolge? Everybody?"

"Master Urji went to: You are all in the process of seeing your children in another Pao."

Huh? Huh?

"My lord, I'm sorry. I took the liberty of deciding to take some medicinal water. That's what I was forced to insist on and decide. So you get as much punishment as you want. But at least let these children die in my hands before I punish them."

"What do you mean?

"I couldn't watch Mr. Roche's child seem to suffer even now. So I took the liberty."

Jesus just lowered his head and didn't say any more.

"Why, yes..."

"Didn't I just tell you, you don't need a daughter of a woman who can only have a woman!

With that one word I was cut and waving up my hand.

I could have stopped my hand on the brink.

Maybe if I did it for real, I'd kill Jesus. I stopped the tension with reason.

What am I doing, the hardest part is supposed to be yes...

I took my hand straight behind Jesus and held him straight.

"Sorry, Jesus. Sorry."

"Master, why are you apologizing... please don't apologize. Please."

Jesus uttered the word in tears.

When I leave Jesus, Jesus gives up the two of them singing a meadow song.

I sing a lullaby to my two suffering daughters and rock my body.

Three newborn women took their breath away to sleep during this time.

Two days later, his second daughter also took her breath away quietly.

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