When the chief is finished, the question of the successors of the Longa warriors is next.

In the meantime, I will succeed one young man after another who has returned alive as his successor.

The problem is if the successor is not an adult.

13 or 4, you will be recognized as an adult of emergency measures as a successor.

I can't help but make you fight as a critical adult when you're 12.

Of course you can't let them fight on the front line until they're 15.

The territory of this year's great move will be decided by discussion and will end without a battle.

That would be the salvation above all else.

My brother also inherited my father's house. Apparently my brother wanted me to succeed him, but I'm already independent and possessive.

I wish Temsy was convinced, but there are many people who would like me to lead them as a chief deputy, so the tribe shouldn't be broken.

So I inherited and absorbed my father's property, and suddenly it's a problem to grow up.

My brother convinced me to talk about it. It's good to have a smart brother.

It is difficult if under the age of 12 is the successor.

We must fight for our successors and do the work of the entire settlement.

So they have a slave wife, and they acknowledge that their relatives will do his work until they reach the age of 12 as guardians.

The dowry of a woman starts at the age of 12, but even if she were to address a 12-year-old slave wife to a 3-year-old, by the time he turns 15, she will be 24.

It is also problematic to leave it alone for 12 years with the existence of having children with a slave wife.

Therefore, it is forbidden to marry the children of a near-age slave wife.

I am very busy every day with my slave wife's differences.

New adults between the ages of 12 and 14 will have to discriminate against their slave wives and have children.

Me, Temsy, and three of the ob-dies run around and dictate each other every day.

Obudai is also one of those whose stock from around him has risen due to one incident in the Great River.

I spared no time working while I slept and hustled. I managed to catch a breath of succession issues.

What were those who had 15-17 succession problems cleaned up when the three of them were desperately discriminating against their slave wives, partly caring for and training horses as usual and helping us, and partly, heading to Spiritual Mountain to pick up tons of sheep leaves.

It was Uchiran who kept an eye out in it.

Run your horses at 3 round-trip speeds while everyone is 2 round-trips.

The horse on it is the famous horse, but based on that it is fast, the equestrian arm will be on Longa 1 in the future, no, it will already be Longa 1 now.

My kama is also a famous horse, but I am not very confident of speed due to my heavy weight due to my muscle mastery.

It allowed the ritual of martyrdom, which had stopped because of the gathering of sheep leaves that had not been enough, to resume.

My mother, too, was stabbed to death by my father's first wife.

The ritual of martyrdom is over.

It is a sheep leaf only for a woman without the body of her husband.

Those who died in the early battles have been sent back first. I'm sorry I can't bake him with my husband, but I can't help it.

I was struck by loneliness when I saw the flames burning.

I've been busy eating and snacking every day for the past few days, and I'm tired at night. The beginning and end of not hustling and falling asleep.

Today, however, we have one piece.

He told those who were 12-14 new adults and had not received a pre-adult education from their father to bring in a young figure among his father's slave wives at night, if not his slave wife.

Twenty new adults gathered in a wide pao specially made in the middle of the night.

Other than me, Temsy and Ob-dye are collecting the same everywhere else.

I went to Roche's before I went to that place.

"Roche, come here for a second.

"Yes, sir"

Talk to Roche a little further away.

"I'm going to go educate (...) on what's going to be a new adult. Get ready."


Roche understood something in two letters of education.

I already told Lucci to go out to education at night.

"I'm ready.

"Okay. I'm coming.

"Welcome aboard"

Lucci dropped me off.

When I go inside Pao, everyone sees me at the same time.

Some people are happy to know that I do pre-adult education.

Ah! It's my brother... the one I brought... Yumil...

I'm sitting in the top seat and Roche is standing nearby.

"We're about to start pre-adult... no, we're all adults now, well, let's start pre-adult education.

The boys returned "Hi" fine.

"Let's start with the difference between a wife and a slave wife."

Maybe we all know, but I told you the difference between a wife and a slave wife just to make sure.

"Next is a cute maneuver, this can be a wife or a slave wife, but it's a one-night decision, like never forgetting, then come Roche.

That's what I say and slap my knee.

"Oops, this is how you knock on your knees and invite them when you're cute"

Roche sat between my legs.

As I showed everyone the system, I removed the chest part of Roche and untied it.

Polon and chest are exposed.

Is it embarrassing or bright red that Roche's face from behind has already been seen by everyone?

I start to gently rub Roche's chest up.

"Look, this is how you're gonna slow down and adore your breasts, okay, you're gonna be gentle unless a woman wants you to, come on, try it"

Everyone saw the woman next door and slapped her knee.

The woman, who was the father's slave wife, honestly enters between her bodies, but the woman who has just become a slave wife sits only a little shy.

Again, at times like this, I'd rather have a woman I'm used to, but, well, there's something I can't help.

Some can easily untie the front of the chest, while others struggle.

Look at that. I adore Roche's breasts.

I'm sorry, Roche, I can't concentrate on you.

I apologized to Roche in my ear.

Bikun and Roche swung and his breath got a little rough.

Everyone adores the other woman's breasts as they untie and explore by hand.

Some people forget me and treat women's breasts hard.

I make Roche stand up, go under the man and drop his fist bones.

"Calm down a little"

"Oh, I'm sorry.

When I look at the woman, I see tears in my face and I'm afraid.

Yeah, this girl, maybe for the first time.

I go to another runaway man and drop my fist bones.

Then he returned to his original position and sat back down, letting Roche sit between his legs again.

"Look, it's an act only allowed to my wife, but I can bring it straight to the horse from this cute situation.

I weigh in front.

Roche reached forward with his hands intact, not opposed.

"Here's the thing, okay? This means I couldn't stand you because you're a good woman. Well, have a wife and then try it. Then I'll go next for cuteness. Roche."

Roche stood up from his horse and turned to me.

"Look, when the cuteness is over, the husband waits for his wife or slave wife to take it off."

The boys unfortunately take their hands off their chests.

The women slowly stood up and confronted the boys.

When Roche took it off, the women also took it off.

I watched Roche take it off and indulged in the cute nakedness with my eyes and saw the boys.

All the women are pointing towards the boys, so all they see is hindsight and buttocks, but when the buttocks of women line up, they are spectacular.

Some women hesitate to take it off.

I took a deep breath and took off all at once when the woman who was there told me something.

Pretty good ass.

"If a woman takes it off like this, now it's her turn to take it off."

When I took my jacket off, I cheered.

Look at this bicep, the pectoralis major, the rectus abdominis!

The women are looking back at my flesh.

I immediately took it off downstairs as well.

"Wow" with a man's voice from afar. But with a woman's voice, "Fine." I hear voices.

"Look, why don't you take it off?"

With my voice, the boys take off their clothes.

After all, are the boys a little hesitant to take it off in front of everyone? The boys are confused.

Totally sorry the women just took it off better.

I waited for all the boys to take them off and made sure they were all naked.

"First of all, it's the position of a wife, all slave wives, but now it's special. Be in the position of a horse, what you don't know is nearby, just ask the knower."

Let Roche position the horse.

And make him turn around behind Roche and open his legs.

"Look, you can insert your stuff into a woman's crack. Do this and put the child in your vagina, and it's over, try it, the women will lead you well, and the first woman will wait until the other woman is done, and the finished woman will tell you"

I hit Roche's crack and inserted it all at once.

Roche's vagina is wetter and tighter than usual.

For the first time in a long time, I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Ah! Ah, thank you, master, for going with a horse. Oh, intense.

Roche speaks up to my hipster.

But I'm kind of happy with that voice too.

I hit my ass faster and faster.

"Oh, oh, it hurts, but oh, it feels good"

Roche's wet and tightening my stuff. I poured a seed into my vagina.

"Oh, oh, oh, thank you so much for coming, thank you very much.

Was it a little too intense? I have another one...

I'll take a break from Roche and look around.

The other men and women looked at me in a flash.

"Master, you don't have to be so intense, because that is Master Jumka. Yes. That hipster feels good.

A slightly grown woman, who is leading the boy well, talks as she rocks her chest as the boy's hipster moves.

"Ouch, it hurts, my lord"

"Here, no, you have to put up with it properly."


"That's what slave wives are for. Yes, breathe."

"Ahhh, sooo"

"Now. Please pierce him at once.

"Yes, I'll go.

There other slave wives teach virgin slave wives and boys well.

For one thing, it was all over. The atmosphere is full of sweat and sweat.

"Next up is the position of a slave wife, but today's first woman can rest just watching, Roche dog position"


"Look, this is how the position of the slave wife goes in a way that the dog is obedient. Fold your legs, open your arms over your head. All right, then insert them."

Most of the women who just lost their virgins are just trying to lie down, but it's like trying just one.

I also put my body between Roche's legs and grabbed my hips and inserted them all at once.

"Oh, oh, here I come again. Master, oh."

I do the hips movement that tastes so strongly of Roche's vagina.

Probably stuck to my hip movements again around. But I can't wait to feel good about sex for the first time in a really long time.

Roche's vagina wraps my stuff up with a well painted wall to answer that.

I poked and poked and poked around Roche's rear.

"My husband, my husband, oh, I'm happy. Gishi Junjin Well."

As Roche's voice intensified, I ejaculated into Roche's vagina.

You've made it too intense. Roche seems to have taken care of it.

Look around pulling things out of Roche's vagina.

"That's right. Master, you're good. It's deeper. It focuses on poking the back.

"Master, don't imitate Master Jumka, you hurt your back. First of all, you're taking your time, and, uh, please.

You're all doing well, well, let's hope for this time next year

I had Roche wipe my body and put on some clothes.

Furry around those who are tired and sleeping.

Most men are tired and sleep in a woman's chest after the act is over.

Looks like only two pairs are going home properly today, the four of them made sure they all went home and turned off the candle and I went back to my pao.

When I got back to Pao, Lucci, Jesus and Ann were awake.

Five people slept together today.

The sleeper attacked me as soon as I thought I'd hold them from tomorrow until I got the four of them pregnant.

Next day

Other tribal envoys have asked me.

Everything is difficult to navigate to determine the chief, so he wants me to help him, the only great warrior in the meadow.

It bothered me a little, but I immediately replied with an acknowledgement.

It would also be nice to sell favors to other tribes here.

I crossed the cake and lined up the horse (Deep) for the tribal settlement.

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