Chapter 72: Accept the beatings of society, Lagosas! (For flowers)



Dieter’s fist hit Jellal’s throat, and he heard something split in that instant.

At the same time, the dark paradise above Jellal’s hands slowly disappeared.

“Cough cough~

Jellal held his throat and looked at Dieter in disbelief.


The legs are weak and the body is constantly retreating.

It was attached to a huge magic crystal, and the magic crystal seemed to be conscious and devoured it towards Jellal.

rumbling —

At this time, the Tower of Heaven was shaking.

“It’s time to withdraw, the magic of the Tower of Heaven is too strong, so the tower can’t hold on, just let Jellal become a container and disappear together.” Dieter said.

Come to Erza’s side and take her out of the Tower of Heaven.


The Tower of Heaven, which was about to explode, disliked the monstrous waves and overturned the Natsu people who were just waiting to get on the ship.

Dieter and Erza, who were also about to flee in the air, were also overturned.

Tower of Heaven is shrouded in light.

The magic power that looked at it spewed towards the sky.

Tower of Heaven is slowly disappearing.

In the distance on the sea, Dieter followed Erza in mid-air, looking at the original Tower of Heaven.

No one spoke first.

Dieter wouldn’t talk nonsense at this time either, just waiting for Erza to look away.

“Brother Dieter!

“Dieter! Erza!” “Two-nine-three”

“You are all right!

Not far away, a huge water polo was moving towards them on the sea. Juvia, Natsu and the others were all waving to Dieter and Erza in the air.

“Come on down,” Erza said.

Dieter took Erza into Juvia’s water polo and chatted with a few people.

“Jellal he…… Lucy asked.

Everyone else looked at Dieter and Erza curiously. Judging from the explosion just now, Jellal didn’t appear, did he just say something?

“The last blow hit his throat, it should have ruptured, but it was absorbed and fused together by the magic crystal. It is not clear whether he died or not.” Dieter said.

The final blow did hit Jellal in the throat.

But the possibility of Jellal’s survival is still very high, as long as it is not directly killed, it is possible to live.

“Let’s go back!”

Erza withdrew his gaze towards the Tower of Heaven, sighed and put on a smile as he spoke to the crowd.

Fairy Tail Guild.

The rebuilt guild is incomparably brilliant, and the brand-new house is very gorgeous.

Dieter and others who came back were amazed.

“Wow~ the new guild is really cool, this guild took a lot of effort.” Lucy was surprised.

Erza also nodded: “I didn’t expect the new guilds to be built in the blink of an eye, let’s go in and have a look.

“Um… not right… Natsu muttered.

Walking in, there is also a special place to sell items.

The waiter is a member of the guild.

Dieter, “Miss Erza, Miss Lucy, and Gray Natsu and “Happy” are all back,” greeted the guild members.

Several people walked over and looked at the placed things and were surprised.

“It’s Lucy’s model.”

“Happy” pulls out a puppet identical to Lucy from the counter.

Lucy is ashamed: “Ah, why did you make such a product without authorization, it’s very embarrassing.

all the way.

After pushing the door of the guild, you can see the interior of the expanded guild.

The neat and tidy tables were arranged neatly and orderly, and the guild members were all laughing and drinking fine wine and chatting about obscure topics among men.

“So beautiful.” Lucy was surprised.

Gray and Erza also smiled and looked at the neat guild.

The one next to him looked at the guild in front of him with his arms crossed, and continued to remain silent.

“What’s wrong with you? Natsu.” Gray asked.

“It’s not the same as before,” Natsu muttered.

“Little Lu, welcome back.” Levy greeted.

Lucy responded quickly with surprise.

Great “huh?” Levy said: “There’s a swimming pool behind the pub.”

“Why a swimming pool?” Lucy grumbled.

“It’s different,” Natsu said.

Levy continued to introduce: “There is a playground downstairs. The biggest change is the second floor. Now anyone can go up to the second floor.”

Dieter yawned and swept across the guild toward a lonely person in a corner.

Natsu over there continued to complain: “It’s different.”

Levy explained: “Of course, if you want to take an S-rank mission, you still have to have an S-rank magician child star.”

Lucy and the others all looked around the newly created guild.

The joy in his eyes could not be concealed, and he was very satisfied with the current situation of the guild.

“You guys are back, a bunch of little bastards.”

President Makarov greeted him, and then introduced the girl standing beside him, saying, “She’s a new member Juvia, isn’t she cute?”

Juvia saluted with her skirt: “Please advise.”

Hahaha, “I really joined.” Gray replied with a smile.

Erza also politely took the initiative to thank you: “Thank you for your help when you were in Arcane.”

Makarov continued: “There’s another new member joining, won’t you say hello to everyone?”

“Anyone else?”


Several people looked around the guild curiously, and quickly locked in Dieter’s direction.

Or lock on to the man opposite Dieter.

“Hey! Just kidding.”

“How could it be him, Gajeel of the Spectre.”


Lucy Natsu and others exclaimed.

A few people looked at Gajeel with hatred and itchy teeth, eager to devour him alive.

Gajeel is the one who will destroy the guild.

The others in the guild were also silent.

They didn’t speak, but from their attitude, it was obvious that Gajeel was not very welcoming.

“Father, he is the one who destroyed our guild. I don’t agree with his joining.” Natsu retorted.

Gray also said unhappily: “It’s okay if Juvia joins, but Gajeel shouldn’t join.”

Hearing their words, Makarov waved his hand in disapproval.

Maintenance: “It’s okay, it’s not that Dieter is here, Gajeel just has nowhere to go, it doesn’t matter if he stays, anyway, he definitely can’t beat the unique, just let Dieter take care of it!”

Juvia also sincerely said: “Mr. Gajeel was recommended by Juvia, so please forgive me.

Erza said: “With Dieter watching and Juvia’s recommendation, I’m fine.

Levy also said: “I’m… okay.”


Dieter swept over Gajeel without speaking while sipping the drink in front of him.

There is not much impediment to the addition of Gajeel.

To speak of his crimes, there are only two more serious crimes: destroying the guild and ravaging Levy. At other times, he was seriously injured and dying.

Just don’t care.


At this moment, on the stage in the middle of the guild.

Mirajane appeared above with his guitar bare, and the lights in the guild were turned off, leaving only the lights on Mirajane’s side on the stage.

“Mira, we’re back.” Natsu greeted.

Mirajane nodded and smiled and replied: “Welcome back, in order to welcome Dieter and the others back safely, and to celebrate the completion of the new guild, I will sing a song.”

I heard Mira about to sing.

All cheered, whistled and talked enthusiastically,

“Just waiting for you to perform, Mira


The guild members raised their wine glasses to listen to Mira’s singing.

Crisp and bright.

The singing is moving.

Beautiful tone spins reverberate from the plucked guitars.

Everyone in the guild was immersed in the wonderful music, with smiles on their faces, and everyone cheered enthusiastically.

A song falls.

Everyone laughed and laughed.

They will continue to sing to each other with the companion next to them.

At this time.

Gajeel put on a white suit and took the stage.

“I’ll sing one next,” Gajeel said.

This made many people present reluctantly, clamoring for him to roll down towards the large amount of food and items on the stage.

Gajeel disapproved and sang to himself.

The moment he opened his mouth, everyone in the guild was stunned.

“What the hell are you singing, hurry down, don’t be ashamed!!!”

“Ah, ah, it’s so ugly!”

“My God, did I offend you and let you insult my ears, please shut up.”

The guild was full of wailing and begging for mercy.

Dieter smiled at the happy scene.

There was a thud in the side.

The originally clean and tidy guild was instantly messed up.

outside the guild.

Dieter lay in the tree listening to the hum below.

“Call me to a place like this, what do you want to do, I’m going out to work now.” Gajeel asked.

Jade said: “Don’t think that we will agree with you if you join the guild. We are looking for you today for a showdown.”

“Yeah! We want pay.” Droy reconsidered.

“Hehe!” Gajeel sneered.

This made the two angry, and immediately used magic to attack Gajeel.

Gajeel didn’t fight back to endure those attacks.

“Is this more bullying?”

At this time.

Lagosas approached from behind.

Several people turned their heads and looked at Lagosas strangely.

Gajeel looked at Lagosas with sweat on his forehead. He knew Lagosas’ strength, which should not be underestimated.

“Is this guy just asking my guild to trouble that kid?” Lagosas muttered, walking towards Gajeel: “That stinky old man, because he didn’t get killed, he just took people as his accomplices?

1.1 insulted with a hideous face: “It’s always like this that people will look down on it.”



The arc jumped towards Gajeel and was ready to attack.


Applause sounded.

Dieter gave people applause from the tree: “In terms of hindsight skills, I, Dieter, call you the strongest.”


Thunder and lightning danced around Lagosus.

Looking gloomily at Dieter on the tree trunk, he asked, “Are you going to stop me?”

He had a grim face.

His tone was unmistakably cold.

Dieter shook his head: “You didn’t help fight, and you didn’t tear down the ghost branch like Mystogan. I can’t think of any qualifications as an afterthought as you.”

Then he put on an expression of sudden realization and said quickly: “Hey~ you are the grandson of the old man, you are indeed qualified, you continue!



Lightning rages around Lagosas’ body.

Holes were burned by the electric arc on the ground, and the dark face swept the unique glances viciously.

Take a deep breath: “Enough, such a guild is not what I want.

Said and left the scene.

Dieter didn’t say much, but he knew the Fairy Tail civil war was about to begin!!!

“Finally got a chance to teach Lagosas to be human!”

“Prepare to be beaten up by society!!!”

Muttering words, Dieter also left.

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