Chapter 62: Dieter VS Aria. 【Ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket, ask for a reward】

Inside the Phantom Lord guild.

Natsu has already played against Totomaru of the Four Elements.

Gray and Elfman also act separately, the former encountering Juvia and the latter encountering Sol.

Dieter came inside and sensed the enemy by seeing, seeing, and smelling.

Instead of helping Natsu and the others, he went straight to the other enemies.

Came to a room soon.


As soon as a strong wind blew in, Dieter immediately retreated.

“It’s really sad.”

The green robe in front of him wrapped his sturdy body, with a hat on his head, and cloth strips covering his eyes on his face.

It is Aria, the first of the four elements!

“The Dingtianzhu is about to decay and fall away, leaving only broken limbs and leaves.”

The wind blew the robes on Aria’s body, and the magic was restrained in her body, singing Wen Qing’s poems.

“Yeah, Ding Tianzhu is about to die, I don’t know what Jose will look like when you die.” Dieter sighed.

He could sense the terrifying magic power of Jose above his head.

But it would obviously be impossible for Aria, who is the first of the four elements, to fight Jose, but he didn’t feel any regrets, and Aria’s magic was also very interesting.

It made Dieter want to try it out.

“My name is Aria, and I am the highest among the four elements. Now I have come here to hunt the pillar of Fairy Tail.”

Aria posed.

Tears flowed from his eyes, which were covered with white cloth.

He seemed to be crying for Dieter who was about to fall, and he seemed to be so excited that he could destroy Dieter with his own hands.

“The magic is not very good, but the tone is not small.”

Dieter sneered, charging towards Aria to warm up first.

“Airspace Absolute—!!”

Aria’s palm was aimed at Dieter, a magic circle emerged, and a powerful shock wave popped out.

The attack is invisible.

Either take the damage and rush to progress, or choose to retreat to find other opportunities. For many people, facing this kind of move, there are only these two results.

But it wasn’t much of a problem for Dieter.

“See the color smell!”

The red light in his eyes flickered slightly, and within the powerful perception range, he could clearly know where those shock waves were.

“Paper painting!”

Seeing, hearing, and smelling combined with the six naval stances, the forward posture of the body did not change, but the upper body changed direction again and again.

The seemingly powerful magic of Aria had nowhere to hide under Dieter’s eyes.

“Rubber Bullets—!!”

Dieter flashed his body to Aria’s face, swung his arm back and twisted it for more force.

“Armed Color!”

Domineering covers the fist of the arm and retracts it quickly, and the rapid rotation of the arm increases both the power and the destructive power exponentially.


Hit Aria instantly.

clap clap!

Stab it–!

Aria couldn’t dodge as well as get hit from the front.

Under the action of that powerful force, the body was slapped back and slid a constant distance.

Both feet pear out two traces on the ground inside the castle.

“Really powerful.”

Aria rubbed her stomach and sighed heavily.

He had already been beaten somewhat unexpectedly by Dieter’s punch, and he also understood that if he wanted to defeat Dieter, he couldn’t have any reservations.

“Haha, it hasn’t started yet.”

Dieter rushed out again with a smile, his arms flexibly using the properties of the rubber fruit to keep attacking Aria.

The latter can only passively defend.

The magic used was easily evaded every time, as if it had been perceived in advance.

“Your strength is not enough in front of me. If you have this strength, you will fall!” Dieter quipped.

Both hands quickly hit Aria.

“Armed Color!”

“Rubber Machine Gun!”

The fists slammed at the opponent quickly, and the fists turned into afterimages and aimed at Aria’s body and frantically output.

That punch-to-the-meat attack might not be strong in a single shot.

But dozens of punches or even hundreds of punches slammed down, even if Aria is strong and strong enough, he can’t stand it.

“Looks like I can’t get you down here without showing some real skills!” Aria said.

Reach out and remove the eye strap from your face.


That moment.

The room where Dieter and Aria were fighting had been blowing violently, blowing the clothes of both sides.

The magic within Aria is rising steadily!

A powerful magic power filled his body, and the magic power appeared in front of the naked eye.

Dieter couldn’t help but be a little more serious.

“Second gear!”

With both hands on the knees, the blood flow in the body is accelerated like a pump.

For a while, Dieter’s skin turned red, a lot of steam came out of his body, and his body’s strength and speed were greatly improved.

“You’re not the only one who can suppress strength, I can too, then let me see if you are stronger or I am stronger!” Dieter said.

Whoosh-! !

Instantly the body disappeared in place.

The speed increased to a new stage, and he came behind Aria in an instant.

“Rubber jet pistol——!!”

With palm on Aria, right punch.

There was no movement in the arm, and a shot of air hit Aria.


Aria was hit in the back, and her body couldn’t help moving forward. Fortunately, it was stopped in time, but she was also caught off guard by this sudden move and groaned.

“Momentary success or failure is not enough,” Aria said.

He turned slowly to look at Dieter, the four-lobed eyes looking dangerous.

“Dead Airspace Zero—!!”

The wind was blowing, and Aria’s magic was venting.

“This airspace will devour all life.”


The wind was still whistling.

The whole room was surrounded by this gust of wind, and it even affected the view.

“It’s life-consuming magic.”

Erza from the rear rushed in from the outside, holding a sharp sword in his hand and pointing at Aria, “Why do you dare to take someone’s life so easily, you bastards.”

Dieter was stunned, turning his head to Erza reluctantly.

What is this for, is it going to rob people?

PS: Ask for support, ask for a reward, the author’s younger brother can’t afford to eat anymore. *

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