Asmodeus family territory, Slps.

Silps, located in the central area of ​​the Nicholas Empire, is not only one of the central cities for the collection and distribution of large and small caravans from all over, but also a prosperous and unusual city that never sleeps.

The scale of the city is almost comparable to that of the capital, Wayne, with caravans coming from other cities constantly, and the whole city is full of people. Although not as overcrowded as the Wayne City, the traffic is tight and orderly, but because there is no cluster caravan management, the interface between the city’s pedestrian streets and the roads is not so entirely different. This also makes this The city streets appear more vibrant on both sides.

This city, in addition to the name Silpus, has another more resounding name-Silver City.

As the territory of the Asmodeus family, one of the seven Great Families of Blood Race, the biggest feature of this city is that it has a large number of female vampires-due to the extremely uncoordinated male-to-female ratio of the Asmodeus family, which makes this city The descendants of the Asmodeus family, and even the newly embraced humans under their Asmodeus family all have the same uncoordinated male-to-female ratio.

As everyone knows, the Asmodeus family has an extraordinary Illusion Technique innate talent, and the Illusion Technique of Blood Race uses the interference of spirit strength to control the opponent’s perception of the false and the true. ability, therefore, those who are proficient in Illusion Technique must first have strong spirit strength and control ability.

Silver, as well as the rarer Mithril, has extremely strong plasticity, and has excellent affinity with various magical powers. Since the Asmodeus family has many mithril mines in the territory, the Early-Stage developed in the Asmodeus family is the most basic training course for every clansman through the practice of sculpting silver or mithril blocks, and selling the finished products for practice is only Just adhering to the idea of ​​waste utilization.

However, what surprised the patriarch of Asmodeus at the time was that after these exquisite sculptures, jewelry and magic weapons entered the market, their popularity was far beyond everyone’s imagination, and the market continued to expand. There was a situation where stocks were out of stock or even in short supply.

So almost all Blood Race and its attendants of the Asmodeus family, and even the human blood attendants under the sect, have more or less participated in this industry. The sideline of the handicraft industry became the second industry of the Asmodeus family, and the name of Silver City of Silpus also followed.

And here, we have to mention the defected patriarch, Jolman Gund, whom George once encountered and killed in the temple of heresy.

The business of hallucinogens was once the first main business of the Asmodeus family. Especially under the promotion and leadership of the defected patriarch Jörman Gund of the previous generation, the business of hallucinations was a sensation and glorious moment. This Slops territory has also expanded several times. However, in the case of Jolman Gund being jointly sanctioned by various camps, the Asmodeus family has also been affected. In addition to the necessary few pharmaceutical manufacturers that produce low side effects, The production chain of countless hallucinogens has been suspended, which has also caused a large number of people to lose their jobs. The secondary industry of silverware processing almost occupies most of the family’s income, which prevents the Asmodeus family from falling apart.

And the other half of the income that is difficult to tell is forcibly solved the problem of unemployment of the lowest-level members of the family…

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