The heretical trial temple, secretly escaped in the passage.

“It was so risky just now…damn it!”

Jolman Gund leaned on the wall, and walked quickly through the emergency escape secret road in the Garden of Eden with an expression of pain.

It is true that Jolman Gund used the Illusion Technique innate talent to successfully escape from the hands of the god crossbowman Matt Damon, but not all he saw were fake, at least that The strip was long and deep, and the wound from the lower abdomen to the right eye did exist on Joelman Gund’s body.

“Dracula hasn’t been injured in such a long time. It seems that after becoming the Vice Palace Lord, I am really lazy!”

With vampire With powerful recovery ability, this terrifying wound is healing quickly at a speed visible to naked eye. At the same time, with the help of blood control, Jolman Gund did not let any precious blood flow out of the wound.

In spite of this, being shot through by a crossbow containing Holy Light Power while in the form of blood mist, the damage to Jorman Gund is not ordinary.


Because of the rush of walking, the wound on Joelman Gund’s body was torn apart again. Although vampire has a strong self-healing ability, the feedback of pain to the brain is actually similar to that of humans. The pain from the wound made Jorman Gund take a deep breath. Due to excessive blood loss, his pale skin now looks paler, and with his indistinguishable sex, it is now even more painful. With the twisted facial features, the whole face is like a dough that hasn’t been blended evenly.

“This group of bastards dare to ruin everything I have worked so hard to manage. I must find a chance to kill them, especially the kid from the Lucifer family, the blood race traitor, I want him After tasting all the punishments alive, I will send him to hell personally!”

Recalling everything tonight, Jolman Gund hated gnashing teeth.

As the Vice Palace Lord, the secret of Jolman Gund’s ability to control all the prisoners in the temple of heresy, in addition to his powerful Illusion Technique innate talent and cruel and bloody methods, is the most The important thing is that he used hallucinogenic potions to control all the prisoners who have powerful strength and are willing to participate in the gladiator.

As one of the seven Great Families of Blood Race, the Asmodeus family has financial resources and battle strength that other ordinary families can’t match. If you trace the roots to the original starting point of the Asmodeus family, that is, the first patriarch, Mary Asmodeus, before Dracula was transformed into a Blood Race, she was an outstanding master of botany and an excellent pharmacist. After transforming into Blood Race, she even used her own advantages and innate talent to compile a special potion guide as a patriarch token based on the botany of this plane.

Even, she took a very strange name for this medicine guide-“Requiem”.

In this book, the production methods of countless special medicines are recorded. Although the constituents of these medicines have nothing common with each other, they all have the same effect-hallucinogenic.

Although utility have nothing common with each other, according to the strength of hallucinations, this book divides hallucinogenic effects from low to high, divided into five levels-low level, high level, expert level, Grandmaster Rank, Grandmaster Level. At first, these hallucinogenic agents were only circulated as leisure and entertainment products between civilians and nobles, but soon, due to the very addictive nature of hallucinogenic agents, they spread like a plague and gave them to the Asmodeus family. While bringing immense wealth, it also made the Asmodeus family countless enemies.

After wealth, there is power.

This is how historians commented on the Asmodeus family in the Peak period: “If the Asmodeus family hopes, as long as they rely on limiting the supply of hallucinogenic potions, they will be able to control almost half of the power in the entire continent at that time. “

Of course, with such a potential threat of terrifying, which camp can sit still?

So, headed by vampire’s own camp, the death camp, after the first battle on the plane, the six camps once again formed a short-lived alliance. As a result of the alliance, almost all the pharmaceutical industry of the Asmodeus family was wiped out, and the raw material supply of almost all hallucinogens was destroyed, and only the two least addictive beneficial hallucinogens, the laughter potion and the invigorating potion were retained. ——This is still considering that the formula of the potion has been fully leaked, ensuring the basic economic income of the Asmodeus family, and the battle strength bonus provided by these two hallucinogenic potions to the army, and so on.

As the patriarch at the time, Jolman Gund, who widely promoted hallucinogenic drugs as a commodity, should have been tried and obliterated by the Allied Court as the culprit and political victim. However, the cunning Jolman Gund had long foreseen his end and defected from the Asmodeus family and the Nicholas Empire ahead of time with the patriarch token “Requiem”.

It is no coincidence that a book is made. On the road to escape, Joelman Gund accidentally killed a black clothed guard who was good at using death spell, and mixed black with black under the guise of the bad luck egg. clothed in the guard. Although it didn’t take long for him to be seen through by the Palace Lord, the Palace Lord of the Heretic Judgment Temple regarded him as a treasure and allowed him to stay in the Heretic Judgment Temple.

With the powerful battle strength of Blood Race patriarch, excellent Illusion Technique innate talent and cruel methods, Jolman Gund was promoted from the officer to the Vice Palace Lord at an unprecedented speed and quickly controlled him The place where the heresy judgment temple is located becomes the actual leader of the heresy judgment temple.

After becoming the Vice Palace Lord, he borrowed from the tradition of Blood Race since ancient times “Blood Heaven Feast”, created a paradise of sin—the Garden of Eden in the backyard of the Temple of Heresy, and made use of hallucinogenic potions. Addictive, controlled a large number of prisoners, let them fight for the wallet of Joelman Gund and the wallet of the temple of heresy.

In other words, the Heresy Judgment Temple can have today, this Blood Race defected to the patriarch, and Joelman Gund has taken great credit for it. Even so, what Jorman Gund cherishes most is his life.

In the game with the chief god crossbowman of the Empire, Matt Damon, when his Illusion Technique innate talent successfully interfered with Matt Damon, he should have had the opportunity to counter Kill the opponent, but he chose to use that gap to escape from the battlefield.

“Damn it, as long as you save your life, one day you can make a comeback! But why…why is my hallucinogenic potion useless for these humans? The hallucinogenic potion I gave them is from Grandmaster Level Ah!”

Think of Barbarian Tekes who was supposed to be in the dungeon leisurely smoking hallucinogenic potions, as well as the god crossbowman Matt Damon, and the knight group experts in the dungeon. , If even the hallucinogenic potion can’t suppress them, then there is really nothing to do.

Originally, Jorman Gund stayed in the Temple of Heresy Judgment was just a stopgap measure. From the bottom of his heart, he did not want to work hard for others. Even more how, even if you desperately kill one or two powerful miscellaneous fish, it can’t stop the long-planned counterattack of these rebels, so it’s not as good as 36 Stratagems, fleeing is the best!

“Jorman Gund, my compatriot, are you planning to leave like this?”

A familiar voice sounded behind Jolman Gund, At the same time, there is also the full strength attack of the voice master-George’s strongest killer in close combat: top elbow!

The right foot slams on the ground, and through the rotation of the waist, the huge force transmitted from the sole of the foot penetrates to the tip of the elbow. If this blow is hard, it will be enough to penetrate the stubborn stone, broken gold and jade. !

However, this seemingly killer blow did not bring the expected effect. The second after George launched the attack, Jolman Gund’s silhouette disappeared from his eyes without warning! After only half a second of the initial physical contact, the elbow came out of the touch of the entity. Then, the elbow hit seemed to hit the air, and everything in front of George’s eyes became distorted again.

Illusion Technique! Illusion Technique again!

“Stupid, I want to assassinate me with such a large-scale attack, it is ten thousand years ago! Traitor, your blood, I will accept it!”

From Yorman Gund appeared again behind George. The two fangs at the corners of his mouth had already aimed at George’s neck, which was exposed outside of the Wizard’s Battle Armor. Before George’s elbow movement was retracted, Yorman Gund De quickly bit down!

What makes Jolman Gund puzzled is why, this traitor who has been hit by the Illusion Technique does not have any panic, but there is an undisguised smile on his face. ?

“James Talis…the king of nightmare beasts…Archangel Michael…Arthur Pandagon…the Spirit King…this is! Atome, the king of Phoenix! Damn it, it is. Mutated blood!”

Through the art of reading blood, while Jolman Gund greedily sucks blood, George’s memory is also consciously extracted by Jolman Gund like a flashback slide. come out.

Compared to an epic experience, the fate entanglement with countless Legendary characters has made Jolman Gund stunned, and when the silhouette like a burning mountain appeared in George’s memory At mid-point, Jolman Gund finally realized the problem!

George’s blood was transformed by Phoenix’s blood, mutant blood! And what he just sucked into his body was not so much blood, as deadly lava!

“The Art of Burning Blood!”

When Jolman Gund realized the problem, it was too late. The elbow of the assassination was just a cover, and George’s real The back hand is this long-established blood burning technique, which ignites all the Fire Elements in his blood, whether in his body or those inhaled by Jörman Gund. !


After the blood burning technique was launched, Joelman Gund fell to the ground in pain and rolled, his fingers scratching his body vigorously. I want to take out all the blood I just sucked into my body!

It’s a pity that it is too late. At this time, the blood in his body is heating up continuously and continuously, just like a pool being heated by a soldering iron!

It was just a while, and countless steam came out of Joelman Gund’s mouth, arms, ears, and eyes, and his body was continuously shrinking, and in the end only one piece of shriveled ground remained. Bones!

At the same time, a mysterious energy also emerged from Joelman Gund’s body, and quickly hit the unsuspecting George at lightning speed!

“This is… the power of the patriarch of the Asmodeus family?!”

When the mysterious power hits and transmits to George’s limbs, it makes George Feeling restlessness also rose in his heart.

Different from the unawareness of absorbing the power of the Leviathan family patriarch when he solved the old vampire Christopher Leviathan on Earth, this time, George clearly felt that the Asmodeus family patriarch was constantly flowing in his body With the power of this energy, George finally realized the patriarch power of the Leviathan family that had been ambushing in him for a long time!

“Doesn’t these Dracula’s “fire seeds” seem to give me an increase in strength… Is it necessary to kill the patriarch of the Seven Great Family, gather the power of the seven clans, and finally summon Divine Dragon, fulfilling the wish…what?”

“Wait, Blood Race Seven Great Family has patriarch on Earth, and there is also patriarch in this foreign world, that is 14 patriarch, if you can really summon Divine Dragon, isn’t that… double happiness?”

When George tried to use the Illusion Technique innate talent that Joelman Gund is proud of, nothing unexpected happened. After it happened, he began to make various malicious conjectures.

But this lasted for a while, George knew that this is not a place to stay for long, he still has a lot to do!

“Farewell, my countryman!”

Looking at the body of Joelman Gund, George’s face is unemotional, this is George’s last battle following Earth, That is, the crusade against the Leviathan family patriarch, after Christopher Leviathan, killed the second Blood Race patriarch. The kill at this time was largely due to Matt Damon’s attack and the obstruction of Jolman Gund’s news.

In a sense, George has to thank the Pope’s heir Rex. Louis in his black clothed recommendation letter, which does not describe in detail George’s ability to control fire, which makes Jorman Gund this Without precautions, the blood burning technique can be successfully deployed in his body.

Turning the shriveled bones upside down, George found the kiss of vampire hidden behind Joelman Gund. Fortunately, the kiss of vampire still contains George’s own blood so that he can Rely on the uniqueness of mutated blood to track the exact location of Joelman Gund.

In addition to the kiss of vampire, George also found a book-“Requiem” in the body of Joelman Gund. However, just as he was about to touch the book, a dark spell spewed out from the book of the undead, and rushed in front of George, wrapped and sucked the book.

“The Book of the Dead…what’s the situation?”

George was also confused by the sudden attack on the Book of the Dead behind him. After meeting Michael for the first time, the whispers of the Book of the Dead have not sounded in George’s ear for a long time, but at this moment, the Book of the Dead each minding their own business put away this “Requiem” first , What is your intention? !

“Forget it…when you are free in the future, let’s study what is going on!” After weighing the priorities, George decided to temporarily put down the mutation of the book of the dead and put Jolman Gund’s After the head was cut off, he looked towards the Garden of Eden and walked straight.

After all, his apparent ally, James Rex, is still waiting for him, or the king of his nightmare beasts!

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