"Huh? What kind of word is this?" Zeng Keqiang pointed to one of the words. "Hi, the cabinet of the cabinet."

Huang Tao from the southern province of Guangxi said, "Don't know me? This is a traditional Chinese character." "Traditional Chinese character?" Zeng Keqiang was happy.

"That guy is quite literate! He still uses traditional Chinese characters these days."

"But is this traditional Chinese character written by him on purpose to mislead our investigation direction?" "It's not like." Qin Feng shook his head.

"This word, as well as other words, is a bit ugly, but there is no trace of intentional writing."

... 0 "This should be his usual handwriting."

"Also, his education level should be really good." "In addition..."

Carefully search for the relevant knowledge in your mind.

Qin Feng said slowly, "The person who wrote this word is a little paranoid."

"Combining with the description of him by the staff just now, this should be a single man over the age of [-]." "There is a high probability that it will not be someone like a teacher that we thought."

"His economic situation is not very good, and it is very likely that he does not have any fixed income." "I seem to know how we should investigate this guy." Qin Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch. "No no no! Let's not talk about this."

Zeng Keqiang waved his hand.

Look at the note in Qin Feng's hand.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Feng again. "You still understand handwriting identification?"

"Dazeng didn't say it, I haven't found it yet." Bai Ling rolled his eyes, "Brother Qin Feng, how did you see that he didn't write it on purpose, and that he was a paranoid personality?" Learn this!"

"Excuse me! Qin Feng, you are an all-rounder!" Others say what you say, and what I say.



And compliments!

However, these are not what Qin Feng wants!

Qin Feng looked around depressedly for a week.

what the hell?


Is your focus off track?

"What I said is that I know where to check this person's handwriting, and then lock his identity. Shouldn't you be more curious about how to check it?" Qin Feng emphasized.

"Okay, then you say, how to check, I will listen to you." Bai Ling was the first to express his position.Xi.

Chapter 128 Found the robber


"Although it's a bit perfunctory." Qin Feng shrugged.

Perfunctory is perfunctory.

no way.

If you don't say these words, you will feel uncomfortable.

So ever.

Qin Feng said slowly.

"The robber is a man in his thirties with a good level of education, but his economy is not very good." "But..."

"According to the bank staff, even if the economic situation is not very good, he still maintains the habit of wearing a suit." "Such a person must have a habit!" Qin Feng stretched out the index finger of his right hand.

"Submit to various magazines! Publishers."

"It can satisfy the pride of one's own cultural person, and also make some money to subsidize life."

"So, we might as well check the letters sent by Dongcheng District to various publishing houses and magazines in Guangzhou in recent months. The post office should leave a mailing list to see if there are any letters with similar handwriting." "If not If you find something similar, then expand the scope to the letters sent to the national publishing house!" "[-]" "I think, at this stage, you can almost find it." "Why?"

Bai Ling frowned in confusion.

His fingers touched the tip of his nose subconsciously. "Brother Qin Feng."

"The letter sent from Dongcheng District is understandable. After all, the bank where the case occurred is located in Dongcheng District." "Why do you have to check the letter sent to Guang Province first?"

"I don't know?" Huang Tao smiled, "I guess it's because of the traditional Chinese characters?" "Well, yes." Qin Feng nodded.

"This is just a small guess of mine. If I can't find it out and expand the scope, it won't be wrong."

"My apprentice's proposal, I am the first to agree!" Ji Jie raised her hand. "Well, you can give it a try." "But I think..."

Zeng Keqiang changed the conversation, "The banknote number still has to be issued first. This is a normal procedure." "Let's do it, Jiang Han, you can do it."

"Let's go to the post office to see the rest. Check the writing! We must dig out the murderer!"

post office.

Find out about the staff.

They will keep the mailing list for three months.

"Okay, three months is fine. Help us find out the mailing list for letters sent to Guangzhou." "Ah..."

The post office workers were about to cry. "This is too difficult." "At least five or six thousand copies..." "I have to find out for you next year."

"You don't need to check!" Zeng Keqiang smiled and shook his head. "Let's be honest, even if you are willing to help us find it, we won't do it! We also need to check the handwriting." "That's it! Come with me." He didn't need to look for it.

The face of the post office staff looked better.

Turn around and walk back.

The crowd immediately followed.

Came to a warehouse behind the post office. "That's it!"

The post office worker pointed.

"There are two cabinets on No. [-] and No. [-]. Everything you are looking for is here." "Has the ones sent to the publishing house been classified?" Huang Tao asked curiously. "This is..."

The post office staff looked embarrassed and shook his head helplessly, "You have to find it from inside." "Okay, thank you!"

Nodding at the other party, Zeng Keqiang made a shoulder-spreading motion, and looked around for a week, his eyes passing over the faces of everyone. "Let's start work, this is a big project, it's a waste of eyes and people."

"No matter how big the project is, it has to be done! Otherwise, how to catch the murderer? There is no chair here, can we move these back?" Ji Jie looked around and asked. "Hey, it's so troublesome! We have free office here, so you can use it first." "Thank you so much!" Next.

Everyone moved the mailing list to an empty office.

Make a few copies of the note left by the robber.

One by one, they began to search through the vast mailing list.

"Brother Qin Feng, don't you see this? It looks quite similar." Bai Ling handed Qin Feng a mailing list. "Well, it's very similar, the writing is just as bad. Unfortunately, the details are different, no!" "What about this?" "No."

"Hey, you haven't answered my previous question." Zeng Keqiang said while comparing, "Where did you learn this handwriting identification?" "Self-taught." Qin Feng responded casually. "Huh! Then you have learned a lot by yourself." Zeng Keqiang squinted at Qin Feng.Full of suspicion.

"Honestly explain, how could it be? Did Ji Jie and I worship other masters behind my back!" "You're really welcome!"

Ji Jie rolled her eyes speechlessly, "What do you mean by worshipping other masters behind my back? It should be behind my back! But I don't mind." "Hey, a couple of hundred days a day..."

"That's not right, it's just right, that's called being a teacher for one day, and a father for life!" "It seems like it's only half a day, right??"

Ji Jie said casually, and directly left Zeng Keqiang speechless.After a long pause, he stammered, "It's half a day!" "Okay, don't talk about this! I've already found the murderer." Qin Feng took out a mailing list and slapped it on the table. "I didn't expect it!"

"Not bad luck."

"On this mailing list, the handwriting spacing, size, and details are exactly the same as the murderer's..." "You're not trying to change the subject, are you?" Zeng Keqiang was a little unconvinced. "No, how could I possibly be joking about this kind of thing?" "It's this person, Zhang Weili, whose address is—"

"Dongcheng District, Pingyuan Road Street, No. 426, the printing factory belongs to the community, 4, Unit 2, Building 201." Knocked on the door of Zhang Weili's house.

What appeared was a man of about [-] meters.

Look up and down.

Oily head.


Also wearing a pair of cheap leather shoes.

"You are Zhang Weili?" Zeng Keqiang showed his credentials and said sharply. "It's me! What are you doing to me?"

"What are you looking for? Don't you know yourself? Come, come with us."

trial room.

Or the combination of Qin Feng, Ji Jie and Keqiang.

Once in.

Zeng Keqiang slapped the note left by the murderer on the table in front of Zhang Weili. "The handwriting is exactly the same as yours. Did you write it?" "No!"

"Then where are you at nine o'clock this morning?" Qin Feng took over and asked.

At the time of questioning, the deterrent skill has also been automatically used.

It actually made Zhang Weili tremble. "I……"

"I don't call that a robbery!"

"Oh? Admit that you robbed the bank this morning?" Qin Feng was amused.

This guy looks like the kind of guy who doesn't communicate with others very much.

People who stay at home every day and devote themselves to their own works.

Confused thinking.

Qin Feng is doing all kinds of calculations, and he didn't expect Zhang Weili to admit it so quickly!


Zhang 5.1 Weili's next reason was that Qin Feng didn't even think of it. "Can that be called a robbery?" "It's a scholar's business." "Stealing a book is not called stealing."

"I'm robbing a little money to publish a book for myself!" "Can that be considered a robbery?"

"Don't be eloquent here!" Zeng Keqiang was so angry that he slapped the table, "Be honest, where did the money go?" "Yes!"

Zhang Weili straightened his waist.

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