It can be said that David's actions have almost reached the level of watertightness.

About twenty minutes later, Matthew announced that the battle was over.

And David found the protection of the guardian for the first time, and found a small box with some props that he didn't use but was not bad for a magician.

"...It's really barren and bad giants. I also hope that they can hoard more treasures. From this point of view, it is good to eliminate the heroic spirits of dragons...because dragons are basically large banks that hoard treasures."

"Did I say you're like a robber? Don't teach me bad about these two children. Rika, Matthew, don't listen to him."

"Really? I think what David said makes sense." "Senior..."

"It's over, Li Xiang actually... It's all your fault!"

"Don't always say 'you guy' and 'you guy', it should be called big brother or grandpa."

"You're really thick-skinned, I'll teach you big brother, are you too embarrassed to come down?"

"Of course. No matter how old I am, I'm proud of being young."

David, this guy is completely helpless. However, being thick-skinned is not a form of contempt. On the contrary, for a king, such a thing as a face is like an army, the more the better.

At this point, Roman is ashamed of himself. In terms of morality... Forget it, it is already something that is gradually collapsing, and it is not worth mentioning.

After David took out the treasures in the treasure chest, the alarm was raised again from Chaldea.

"The enemies of the second group are approaching you! Suspicious, there are more than just now!"

"I also have this feeling. This number is indeed a lot. It is already an army of giants. Is it a reappearance of the myth?"

"Indeed, there is a deliberate feeling. David, do you know anything?"

"Hmm. Is that what the broken pot has its own broken lid for? No, subtly not right, it's an eye for an eye. All in all, both are reasonable prices. Because I'm 'one of the giants' people', then 'beings regarded as giants' cannot fail to gather in this world. They gather here to be hit by me, and I have to fight hard to hit them!"

"You are really... popular with giants. No, it should be said to be annoying, even when they are far apart, they will come to you."

"That's it. What's the use of having a relationship with a giant? I'm a little bit taller than myself... To be honest, it's not my type at all..."

"Damn, you lo*ic*n, you should have found an old woman to take care of you in the first place."

"Don't say such terrifying words, the golem is here, get ready for battle! I heard that giants also have intelligence, so you also have the right to change your evil ways. Before I finish throwing stones 4 times, we still have room for negotiation. Once, twice, three times, four times—well, then there's no way. Although it's not as strong as a man, it's the right request to hit the giant alone. I'll prove it to you with this little stone!"

It was still an extremely boring battle. This time, it was not the guardian who came out, but the giant golem, which was far worse than the guardian. However, the advantage is that there are a lot of them. If they are surrounded by a group, it will probably be very troublesome. Of course, even if there were only two Servants here, it would definitely not be a problem to deal with mere golems, especially if Lixiang could also hit golems.

But what I didn't expect was that after the golem, even more powerful enemies appeared.

"It seems that this is the boss of the enemy. Based on your heroic performance, the singularity is gradually being repaired, and this land has returned to its original state. Appearing here, the giant army that rushed to us, trying to show the gods. The real culprit of this majestic land destroying existence is—"

David's words stopped suddenly, as if he was waiting for someone else to continue. For some unknown reason, Lixiang felt that she had an obligation to cooperate with David: "That seems to be called... Goliath?"

"That's right, Goliath. Or Goliath, a giant warrior against the kingdom of Israel."

"That's impossible! How could Goliath be here, that giant couldn't have lived into the thirteenth century. Sure enough, something must have gone wrong here. Can you tell me what happened, David?"

Even if the human principle is burned down, this transformation is too much, and the giant Goliath cannot live to this era.

"Of course it's not the real Goliath, and if it were, it might be more troublesome. It's a re-enactment of a legend, more like a symbol, that's why I'm here. Not the real, living Founding King of Israel Me. Goliath here is just a similar fake."

The problem is, this giant doesn't seem like the giants we all know, because it, or they, are simply giant ghosts, giant demon pigs, and giant dragons. So, David, what are your criteria for judging giants?

"I finally know why you are extremely good at overall defense. I have always thought that these skills are for protecting the sheep."

You must know that these monsters are powerful monsters whose normal attacks are equal to all attacks and can attack twice.

This time the battle was a little more intense, but only a little. Having gone through five singularities, Lixiang and Matthew are not what they used to be. As long as they are serious, these large monsters can still be captured.

However, in comparison, David is still relaxed, and he is very good at dealing with these giant monsters.

"Even though it's not enough for the reproduction of a myth, the mission is finally completed. This way, the revision of this era will proceed smoothly, ah~, I'm exhausted."

You can't see any signs of being tired at all, you're completely over-easy. Although I don't want to admit it, David is really handsome at this time.

"If you're tired, come back quickly, I also really want to have a good night's sleep." Roman couldn't help complaining, he's also very tired now and hasn't had a good rest for a week, "While listening to Magic☆Merry's Good Night CD, I put my feet to sleep sweetly and warmly..."

"Let's do it like this. Then please start the spirit transfer, doctor. We will talk about the construction of the temple later. The purpose of this time is to show you my handsome side. Not as a king, but as a heroic spirit. The heroic image of David who fought back the giants. If this can be your memory, that's enough."


After David finished speaking, everything around him fell into peace, and Roman over there didn't say a word.

The good boy Matthew felt that the atmosphere was not right, and asked cautiously: "...King David?"

David smiled softly and shook his head. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Matthew showed a proud expression in the sadness on the man's face: "No, it's nothing, this is not something that should be said now."

The spirit transfer device was activated, and the three of Lixiang quickly returned to Chaldea. After the cage was opened, Roman was standing in front of them.

"Thank you for your hard work. Thanks to your help this time. Otherwise, I really don't know that the sixth singularity has this kind of monster residue. Although it doesn't matter if you leave it alone, thank you for your contribution to humanism."

Half business, half meaningless smile, as if everything was business as usual.

Chapter 839 Chapter 353: The Broken Body

The analysis of the last singularity is more complicated than one might imagine.

This is the era when Goetia personally sent the Holy Grail, and it is also Goetia's last line of defense. Everyone can imagine how difficult it is to restore the seventh singularity.

Where should it be an age older than King Solomon, the real age of gods, the age of gods walking on the earth. Even with the assistance of Chaldeas, the parsing work is very difficult. Looking at it in the form of a progress bar, the parsing work is about 0.5% per second. No one knows how long it will take to analyze the seventh singularity, because the speed of analysis cannot be smooth, and maybe it will not be able to continue to analyze at a certain point. The world of the Age of God and the modern world is almost the same as the other world, trying to use the current technology to analyze the Age of God. , this work is beyond the ability of ordinary people.

But there is no reason to give up is there? Roman, Mona Lisa, Olga Marie, and El-Melloi II, the four of them kept changing shifts, just to unlock the secret of the seventh singularity faster.

It is worth mentioning that everyone's work order is "Romain - Mona Lisa - Olga Marie - El-Melloi II - Roman", which means that Roman and Olga Marie are perfect separated.

It's good for both Roman and Olga Marie, it's just too embarrassing for the two to meet at this stage.

Roman had heard Mona Lisa complain about the job more than once. After all, the two had just established a relationship, but they separated within two days. Obviously living in the same unit, but it feels no different from a long-distance relationship. Of course, everyone also knows that this is an extraordinary period, and it is impossible to have free personal time at such a time.

It's just that the resentment towards Getia is even heavier.

Perhaps because this is the last singularity, everyone has the illusion that "victory is at hand" and forgets many things.

On the twentieth day of analyzing the singularity, Roman was interrupted by someone in the control room, and Tachika rushed in from the outside in a panic.

"Oops, Dad, something happened!"

"What happened, Lixiang?"

"Something happened, Matthew... Matthew is injured!"


There was no time to think about other things at all, Roman put down all the work that was injured, and then ran out with Lixiang.

Not even knowing what happened, Roman didn't ask, and the two quickly came to the consultation room. Matthew was lying on the bed in the consulting room, and Joan of Arc stood by the bed to take care of her.

Matthew was in a coma. In a coma, her face was as pale as paper, and her uniform was soaked with sweat, but no more sweat was leaking out now. Her forehead was covered with a white wet towel. Although she was in an abnormal coma, there was no pain on her face. Instead, it looked like ordinary sleep.

At this moment, Roman's face lost the same color as Mash, and the whole person stood there, unable to move.

"Dad, what are you doing! Come and see what happened to Matthew!"


Roman seemed to have just remembered what he should do. He raised his feet and legs stiffly to the side of the bed, then stretched out his fingers to lift Matthew's eyelids, and said to Jeanne.

"Joan of Arc, please take Matthew to the isolation room, there is no equipment that can treat Matthew."

The crowd moved towards the isolation room. On the way, Roman said to Lixiang: "Lixiang, please tell the director, that I want to treat Matthew, and the singularity analysis work cannot be performed."

Lixiang looked at Roman, and then at Mash in Jeanne's arms, she nodded and ran towards the director's office.

Roman and Joan of Arc entered the isolation room silently. Under Roman's knowledge, Joan of Arc put Lixiang into the large nutrition warehouse. It didn't take long for the red alkaline solution to fill the nutrition warehouse.

Roman stared closely at the monitor, looking at the various data displayed on it. Joan of Arc was also watching, but the data above was as difficult to understand as a book from heaven to her, and in the end she could only silently wait for the result that Roman got.

The situation is more serious than everyone imagined. Mash's physical data has reached a critical point where it is difficult to maintain movement, so Mash will suddenly collapse. The body does not see any difference in appearance, it is a shock phenomenon, the body falls into a deep sleep in order to protect itself, reducing unnecessary wear and tear. If this continues, Matthew's condition will get worse, but even so, Roman can't make the situation better, and the life support device can only slow down the deterioration of the body.

Maybe Matthew herself didn't know that things would turn out like this. She might feel tired after moving all the time, but she couldn't find her body breaking down faster. This is also caused by Roman's negligence. After returning to Chaldea, he was first consumed by Mona Lisa and the director's side, and then took away most of the time because of singularity analysis, plus Matthew's The body has not been abnormal all the time, so he is ignorant of the deterioration of Mash's body.

He couldn't help thinking of the last battle at the singularity in the Middle East. After Matthew learned Galahad's real name, the Noble Phantasm was also sublimated, and he took the holy spear of the Lion King for nearly ten seconds. That battle was probably the reason why Mash's body deteriorated. Although he blocked the Lion King's Noble Phantasm unscathed, it was difficult to observe the excessive use of the magic circuit.

- It's all my fault...

"Roman, is Matthew's body bad? Your face is ugly, is that really okay? I used the Noble Phantasm just now, but it didn't seem to work at all."

She really observed the change in Roman's expression, and she knew that this was a difficult matter. Of course, she also thought of a bad possibility, and her face gradually became nervous.


"I'm listening, Joan of Arc... Matthew's physical condition is not optimistic, it has stopped getting worse now, but there is no cure yet. We are short of medicine and lack of equipment, except to make Matthew's body 'stop' Other than that, nothing can be done.”

Roman said frustratedly, and a sad look appeared on his face. But he was not surprised by this result. This natural emotional change made Jeanne feel cold all over, and she suddenly remembered the birth of Matthew.

Mash is not a child born naturally, but a test-tube baby created for Chaldea's "Subservient Project", and her body is full of defects. Thinking that Roman always conducts a routine check on Matthew's body after the singularity is repaired, and adjusts Matthew's body before departure, shouldn't it be——

"Roman, didn't you know early on that Mash's body couldn't hold up?"

"It's not that it can't last, Joan of Arc, it's the normal growth of Matthew's body." Roman didn't intend to hide it from Joan of Arc. This matter was obvious to the Servant at a glance. Completely exposed, probably only Lixiang, a new magician, will not understand the situation.

"Until there is no way to prolong her life, Matthew's physical condition can't stop it from getting worse, as long as Matthew is still alive. It is true that I can keep Matthew in the life support device and let her stay where she is now. The state of her, just like the magician's seal designation remains the same. But we need Mash's power now, and more importantly, Mash himself chose to fight. None of us can stop her... We can only watch Her health continued to deteriorate."

Jeanne moved her lips, but didn't know what to say.

Granted, leaving Mash on life support was the best option, but in this whole thing, Mash was the only one who really had a choice. If Matthew chooses to fight, nothing can stop her from doing so. Joan of Arc and Matthew had fought side by side for a long time, and she could not find any reluctance in Matthew. It was Matthew who took the initiative to fight and chose to protect Lixiang.

"Could it be that this time..."

"This time, I will persuade Mash to stay. As long as she doesn't leave the life support device, Mash's body will stop deteriorating. After the human body is repaired, using the power of the Animusfia family, you may be able to find a cure for Mash. The way to repair the body."

——"Please don't do this, Doctor Roman." The voice suddenly came from a player. It was an electronically synthesized sound that could make one's scalp tingle. It was a product that was originally unpleasant.

But Roman knew exactly where the owner of this voice came from.

"Matthew? Are you awake?"

Roman returned to the nutrition warehouse. He looked at the people in the nutrition warehouse. In the red and transparent alkaline solution, there was a girl with short cherry-colored hair floating.

She was slender and looked fragile, as if she could break her limbs with a single fold. It is unimaginable that such a girl has been fighting at the forefront of the burning of human law, wielding a huge cross shield, protecting and resisting powerful enemies and protecting everyone.

But in addition to surprise, there is also deep guilt, they actually want a child to protect.

There is no thought of underestimating Matthew. Heroic spirits are protected by subservients, and heroes who have made great achievements in their lifetimes can only hide behind a girl who was born not long ago, a kind of deep shame.

Matthew has opened his eyes. The alkaline solution in the nutrition tank will not cause any discomfort to the people on the opposite side. Combining the techniques of magic and technology, Roman recreates the technique of the doctor who "can save life as long as he doesn't die".

——It was the result of hard work dedicated to Matthew.

It is not difficult to see from Matthew's words that Matthew has always heard Roman's conversation. Her face looked reluctant, and she tried very hard to open her eyes.

"I can always hear your voices, Dr. Roman."

"I see, Matthew, take a good rest. You should come in at this time to reduce your physical consumption, and wait until your body recovers."

"..." Matthew didn't speak. She looked at Roman's eyes and was about to close them, but she still tried to open them, "Sorry, I can't promise you, Dr. Roman, before I fall asleep, I have to ask Dr. Roman to promise. I have one thing."

"..." Even if Mash didn't say it, Roman knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"I want to keep fighting, Dr. Roman. I want to protect my seniors, I want to go to the seventh singularity, I want...please, Dr. Roman. I don't want to stay here, I don't want to sleep in the nutrition chamber in the isolation room, I don't want to be alone. When you wake up, it's over."

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and when she finished the last words, it seemed that all her strength was used up.

Matthew rarely asks anyone. She doesn't want to trouble people because of her own wishes. Even from her birth, Roman, who has watched her grow up, has a hard time hearing the requesting word "please".

How pitiful is this, even the hard-hearted person will be shaken at this time, let alone Roman who has been watching her grow up?

Even if she knew that this was not good for her and would only make her body worse and worse, Roman couldn't refuse.

"...I promise you, Matthew. After the singularity is resolved, I will wake you up, and you will be able to transfer to the singularity together with Rika."

"...I trust you, Doctor Roman."

After speaking, Matthew closed his eyes again. This time, she really fell into a deep sleep.

"Roman!" Joan of Arc came over, "Matthew is..."

Roman shook his head: "Mash has already fallen asleep, and now nothing will be heard..."

Joan of Arc looked at Roman's expression, and she immediately understood Roman's choice: "Don't you really plan to wake her up at that time?"

"That's right, I have promised her." Roman closed his eyes gently, then turned around, he could already predict what Joan of Arc would do next.

"Are you crazy? You know that Mash's body is no longer suitable for fighting. If she continues, she... will die. The magic circuit of human beings, using the power of heroic spirits, has long been beyond her tolerance. A fight will consume her life faster."

"Of course I know, I know better than anyone, and who knows Matthew's body better than me? She was born from my hands, raised by me, and adjusted by me after every action. I remember a change clearly... But, but, what can I do? This is her request, and I agree to her."

"...You can actually..."

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