"Could it be that you protected them?"

"Of course not, I don't have this power yet. In fact, I was surprised when I first saw it. The Holy City in the Middle East actually protects the refugees. Because they are all Holy Knights of the Holy City, they avoided it. The other knights of righteousness were checked, because no one would believe that the knights of the round table ordered the knights of righteousness to protect them."

"Excuse me?" Bedwell asked solemnly, "Who is this Knight of the Round Table?"

"Heh heh, mustn't you think of it? Think about it again, this is not a very easy answer. Think about it, a knight who can go against the will of the Lion King and do things like betrayal, isn't the answer obvious? "

"You mean, Lancelot?"

Although it is true that the person who killed King Arthur himself was Mordred, but to say King Arthur's lifelong enemy, it is definitely Lancelot. This rebellious knight who is more competent than Mordred not only seduced King Arthur's queen Guinevere (this crazy black history can definitely be said for a lifetime), but also caused the knights of the round table to split, and all the contradictions broke out in an instant , Mordred will have the opportunity to take advantage of it after this.

But Lancelot would never help the Mona Lisa for no reason, unless...

"Mona Lisa, the Lancelot you're talking about can't be... she?"

Mona Lisa nodded slightly.


Bedwell caught the word keenly. "He" and "she" are two different pronunciations and two different pronouns. Using "she" to refer to Lancelot is something that no one can imagine.

An indescribable feeling flooded into my heart. Although it was said that they had met not long ago, when they had the opportunity to meet again, Roman was as moved as he was at that time, and had a feeling of "meeting a stranger in a foreign land".

He didn't think about it from the beginning, because he knew the structure of the world better than anyone, just like Arturia and Artolis, this Lancelot and that Lancelot could change at any time , being able to meet her again is actually close to impossible odds.

If it was her, the possibility of counterattacking the Holy City would appear. Only she, the Mona Lisa, will survive, and will all stay in the wilderness without returning to the Holy City. Maybe she had been waiting for this opportunity from the beginning, and after knowing that Roman appeared, she never thought about going back.

Just thinking about it, there was a regular vibration in the distance, and it could be heard that it was the sound of soldiers marching. But since it is here, it must be the solemn knight who is approaching.

"Roman, there is a Servant approaching, a Knight of the Round Table."

At the same time, Roman also felt a powerful spiritual foundation approaching. Roman found that this spiritual base was not blessed by the Holy Grail, but he understood why Olga Marie thought that Lancelot was a Knight of the Round Table who was blessed by the Holy Grail, because Lancelot's spiritual base and the Servant of this world had obvious difference, and Chaldeas was apparently unable to discern the difference.

About ten minutes later, Lancelot and the solemn knights she led finally returned to the camp. She seemed to have learned about Roman's arrival from an unknown channel, so she walked towards the center of the camp and met Roman halfway there. met on the road.

She was wearing silver-white metal armor, and the helmet wrapped tightly around her head, not showing any skin at all. Judging from Bedwell's reaction, Lancelot seems to have not shown her true colors so far. By the way, she seems to have chosen to compromise because of the restraint of this world and is active in this world as a male. Even, in order not to change the established history of the world, finally act according to the trajectory of "Lancelot".

"Long time no see..." Roman didn't know how to say it. He only met Lancelot a few months ago, but Servants have no concept of time. The re-summoned Servant will not have the memory of the previous Servant. .

Roman will inevitably feel sad that his former friend has become like this, and what makes him even more sad is that the person who caused this result turned out to be him.

"Long time no see? Roman, have you forgotten? We only met in a few months." Lancelot took off his helmet and looked at Roman suspiciously, "Isn't the timeline wrong again?"

Roman looked at her in astonishment: "Do you remember?"

"—of course, you know, I'm not like them."

That's right, Lancelot is different from other Servants. She is truly the only individual and a special individual. Like a **** of disobedience, even if the summoned body disappears, the next time it appears, it will still carry the memory of the past.

A voice as clear as winter lake water became even more pleasant after taking off the helmet. The golden hair is as bright as the sun, and the blue eyes are pure and unsullied, and those who are staring at will feel a sense of peace from the heart. The beautiful face is holy and inviolable, the nobleness of the goddess makes people unable to help worship, and the faint smile on the face makes people's troubles disappear.

The real face of Lancelot suddenly caused a sensation, because among these people, apart from Roman and Mona Lisa, no one had ever seen Lancelot's true face, let alone Lancelot. Such a beautiful woman.

Bedwell looked at her in disbelief and asked, "Are you... Lord Lancelot?"

"Long time no see, Lord Bedwell, we meet again." Lancelot smiled and nodded to Bedwell, "I knew you would definitely come, but I didn't expect it to be this time, it's a little late , but not to the point of being irreversible.”

"How could you...?" Bedwell said with a wry smile, "Yes, you never took off your armor, and you never said your gender, but we took you for granted as a male, and you It has never been refuted, so this misunderstanding is caused. This is similar to Wang's situation."

Lancelot doesn't mind that others see her as a man, because her first identity is a warrior, and under this premise, gender is sometimes irrelevant, and more importantly, Lancelot doesn't care about them. This kind of gender discrimination still existed in Britain at that time, or as long as it was still in the age of cold weapons, this kind of discrimination would definitely exist. Men’s overall status and overall contribution were greater than women’s, so it was not conducive for women to lead the way. Therefore, Artoria needs Merlin to use magic to disguise, and everyone will regard Lancelot, who has no gender, as a male.

Men's clothing, the tradition of the Knights of the Round Table?

"I never cared about my gender judgment from the Knights of the Round Table. Of course, I had to do it. This is the request of the Fairy of the Lake. During my time in Britain, I can only act as a male."

This is probably also part of the restraint. The requirement that "Lancelot of the Knights of the Round Table must be male" must meet the historical conditions, otherwise the next "Lancelot and Guinevere elopement" will not be achieved. .

Bedwell smiled wryly and shook his head: "Even if I know you have difficulties, but... I still can't accept it, and I believe other people are the same. If you clarify your gender from the beginning, the Knights of the Round Table will not be divided, Britain Not going to perish."

From the point of view of all the knights of the round table, however, it is precisely because of this that she is forbidden by the fairy of the lake to do so.

"I've been wanting to apologize to Arturia, but when I feel Kamran, the war is over. I long for this opportunity 'after death', but unfortunately, Arturia doesn't want to see I don't even want to hear my voice. Since I was summoned by The Lion King, I saw her only when I was called, and I never saw her again."

Lancelot regretted that. She is very sorry for her being the cause of the split between Britain and the Knights of the Round Table, even if it was not the result she wanted, and she had to do it, but as the executor, she also needed to take responsibility for her actions.

"Mr. Lancelot, when did you meet Mr. Roman?"


"I met the summoned Lancelot at another singularity a few months ago."

Roman replied to Bedwell's words with simple and clear words, like a fraudster. Judging from the state of his blushing and heartbeat, this man was obviously a repeat offender.

"Let's talk somewhere else, Lancelot, I might need your help this time."

"Happy to serve."

In order to prevent everyone from continuing to pursue this topic, Roman resolutely changed the topic, while Lancelot agreed with a heart-to-heart.

PS: I originally planned to let the editor give me close to the function of sending pictures, but the editor ruthlessly told me: Driving is a capital crime.

The whole person suddenly felt dull.

Chapter 814 Chapter 330: Go to the Desert

Because a group of people were worried about the situation in the village, they finally returned to the village before dark with all their strength. During this period, there was no battle in the village, and the Lion King's light cannon did not appear again.

Although Arash blew himself up, Hassan's clone is still alive. After knowing that Nishinomura had been exposed, the clone began to move the villagers.

The village layout of the people of the mountain seems to have been prepared for a long time, and I don't know the reason. When the village was established, they had already prepared a retreat for themselves, so they retreated to the secret residence on the other side without any risk. Although it is a little narrow, it is barely usable, but it is enough to carry food.

However, this is nothing to Hundred Majestic Hassan. After all, he is a Servant with a split Noble Phantasm, and mere food is not a problem at all.

It took a whole night to finally successfully transfer the West Village to a safe location, and then took a nap, and soon it was dawn.

"Senior, don't you take a break? You only slept for three hours, and you were tired all day yesterday. Maybe it would be better to take a rest today."

Matthew found out the first time Lixiang woke up, and let Lixiang open his eyes to see Matthew's sweet face.

The physical and mental fatigue was instantly swept away, and after replenishing Mash's energy, Lika felt that she could kill a few chimeras now.

"Don't underestimate me, Matthew, I'm not an ordinary person, even if I don't rest for a few days and nights, it's not a problem at all. However, my life has always been very regular, and suddenly being busy late at night makes people very uncomfortable. In that case, staying up late is not good for your health, and if this happens in the future, you can just stay up all night."

"Senior, I don't think that's what Dr. Roman meant."

No, if Roman finds out Rika, he will definitely agree with him and seriously criticize Rika for doing something that only adults can do.

- Really dirty adults.

"What about Mash? Why don't you take a break?"

"Because my life is very regular, the biological clock is very punctual, and when the time is up, I will wake up, and I can't continue to sleep at this time."

At this time, even if Matthew turned back and lay on the bed, the whole person would be in high spirits.

The sun had already risen, and judging by the height of the sun, it was about seven in the morning. Now there are faint voices of communication in the village, it seems that everyone has woken up and started a new day's work.

Even if the Lion King could destroy the village at any time, they still have hope of living and work hard for it.

"By the way, what's going on with Dad? Are you listening, Director?"

"The director has rested, and now I will be on duty."

The person who responded to Lixiang was El-Melloi II, but he didn't expect to be replaced just a day later.

"It turned out to be you, I don't want to be the director at all. She shouldn't be holding the control room. If it wasn't for the conditions, she would probably live in the control room. Why did she change after a day? ?"

Olga Marie's desire to control Chaldea has reached an outrageous level. If it is not really unbearable, she will never allow anyone to touch the control room. But this is understandable, now Olga Marie only has Chaldea left, and if she doesn't catch it, the last property of the Animusfia family will flow away from Olga Marie's hands.

"Her views are facing a great test."

"What's the meaning?"

"You will know, but it's impossible to say it in a few words now. By the way, there is one thing I need to tell you, Mona Lisa is not dead, and has now reunited with Dr. Roman."

"What happened? When did it happen?" "Mona Lisa is still alive? That would be great!"

This explosive news is really surprising, and both Lixiang and Mash have expressions of astonishment.

"Roman met on the return trip yesterday, because the director is also digesting the news, and you are on your way. In order to avoid your distraction, the director decided to keep it secret for the time being."

To put it simply, Olga Marie was stunned by the fact that Lancelot was a woman, and coupled with Lancelot's constant revelations, she was completely confused. Fortunately, she still remembered to ask El-Melloi II to come over to change shifts, otherwise Lixiang would not be able to contact Chaldea right now.

"Mona Lisa is still alive?" After getting this news, even Lixiang, who always felt that she hated Mona Lisa, was very happy. First, because the Mona Lisa has always belonged to Chaldea, belonging to the category of "own people". Second, on the two days that Mona Lisa "died", Lixiang has been worried about Roman's state.

Suddenly, Lixiang thought of another thing: "By the way, how is Joan of Arc's state now?"

"Very stable, and nothing unusual happened."

El-Melloi II's reply made Tachika heave a sigh of relief. Although Joan's temperament has always been gentle, it is difficult to predict what changes will occur at this time. You must know that Lixiang supported Joan of Arc with all her strength this time, but Mona Lisa pushed the coffin board away and ran back when she was at the door. Lixiang felt that Joan of Arc turned into a black Joan at this time. Not surprisingly.

Matthew, who had no idea what the two of them were talking about, wondered, "Senior, what are you talking about? Is there any problem with Jeanne?"

Li Xiang's plan has never been mentioned to Matthew. After all, Matthew and Mona Lisa have a very good relationship. If she is told, it will easily be leaked by this little spy. Of course, Lixiang didn't know that Mona Lisa was careful about her.

"Don't care about this kind of thing, Mash, don't be sullied by the filth of the adults."

It seems that you also know that your behavior has reached the point of filth.

"That is to say, after the life and death, the bastard's father stayed out with that woman for one night?" Li Xiang, who had come to this conclusion, suddenly became annoyed, "What on earth did this idiot think about Joan of Arc? Do you feel confused? After Na Lisa dies, is she guaranteed to win? Look, she was killed at the last minute, damn, don't you understand that this kind of thing can't be considered a win until she runs into a bed? No? , it's better to get a certificate than to run into a bed, it would be better if you can have a child. Damn, Servant can't have a child, I don't know if the Holy Grail can do it."

Mash vaguely understood something, but her only remaining reason told her not to think about it, because it was a very dangerous area. If it continued, the pure Mash would probably disappear.

The pure Matthew will keep her pure all the time.

"Is Dad awake now?"

"It's already been there, and now it's helping the refugees in the Lancelot camp."

"The... refugees in the Lancelot Barracks?"

"That's right." Next, El-Melloi II described to the two what happened to Roman yesterday. In fact, he just fast-forwarded after changing shifts, but he could still understand the actual situation.

"Lancelot...I remember him as..."

"That's right, it's him. Maybe it's because of him that he did such a rebellious thing. If all the Knights of the Round Table are loyal to the Lion King, then they are really invulnerable. Even now , who could have imagined that Lancelot would surrender to the enemy?"

If the knights of the round table summoned by the lion king all obey the lion king, it would be a terrible thing. The old man in the first generation of Yamanaka had promised to deal with Gawain at that time, but the remaining knights of the round table... To be honest, you can see the whole panther at a glance, and the hope of victory is really slim. But after Lancelot joined it, it was a different situation. Not only was there one less enemy, but Lancelot was able to deal with one of the Knights of the Round Table. Even the solemn knights led by Lancelot can open the way for everyone.

"However, how much did Dad hide from me! He even ran into the singularity when I didn't know it?!"

Although the singularity of Fuyuki City 20 years ago was recorded in Chaldeas, it was deliberately hidden by Roman and Olga Marie, so Rika knew nothing about it.

"After I go back, I must check the records carefully. Damn, wouldn't Dad think that if you hide it, you can pretend that nothing happened?"

"That kind of thing will wait for you to repair the singularity point. Now let's talk about the next plan."

"What's the plan next? Don't you join up with Dad?"

"No, I have discussed it with Dr. Roman just now, and the next step is to split up. The refugees taken in by Lancelot need to be resettled, and Dr. Roman is temporarily unavailable. Unfortunately, there is only one regular doctor there, Dr. Roman. The work ethic keeps him from leaving. As for you guys, I hope you can go to the desert once."

"Is it because of Wang Hassan's words?"

"That's right, it's about the Atlas Institute." El-Melloi II paused and said, "As one of the three major magic organizations in the world, the Atlas Institute has different characteristics from the Clock Tower. , Unfortunately, there is little communication between the Magic Association, and the director is very concerned about this news."

Olga Marie, who was born in the Clock Tower, can be said to be a real orthodox family. Of course, El-Melloi II also knew that, of course, they also knew about the Atlas Academy and the Wandering Sea, but the three organizations did not interfere with each other. To maintain the mystery of magic, the three major magic organizations communicate less and less. If there is an opportunity to learn the secrets of other organizations unconditionally, no one will miss such a good opportunity.

Choose between family, humans, and magic, and a true magician would choose the latter without hesitation. Besides, if you can get the secrets of the Atlas Academy, it is also a great gain for a magician family, and it is the basis for increasing the magic family's heritage.

As for the refugees who are still in dire straits, Olga Marie said that they are all people with singularity. As long as the singularity is repaired, everything will return to normal.

"Wang Hassan also said that there is a place where you can learn the truth about the burning of human resources, and you can also know the purpose of the Lion King. Based on these two points, the Atlas Academy has become imperative. This matter is too early. It's late, get ready."

"Okay, I get it... By the way, did Dad plan to avoid me, so he didn't rush back to the West Village?"

The answer is unknown. There are too many factors that prevent Roman from returning to the West Village. Rather than letting Roman come back to see Tachika, it is better for Tachisaka to find her in person.

The "other world in the desert" that Wang Hasan said is in the desert, Lixiang is unknown, and the enemy still needs to lead the way. She needs to know if the old man in the mountain has any clues. If the old man in the mountain does not know, she needs to find the Sun King of Egypt.

She found the curse wrist, but the curse wrist seems to have no information in this regard: "I rarely go to the desert, the East Village is on the other side of the mountain, and I rarely have the opportunity to leave. Maybe you should find Bai Mong, she often dispatches Clone to the desert to explore, maybe it can help you."

More than that, Hundred Majestic Hassan personally led people to the desert to infiltrate the Grand Shrine of Radiance, and almost kidnapped Nitocris.

Lixiang takes Ma Xiu to find Bai Miao. At this time, Bai Maung was fetching water, and the five clones fetched water at the same time, filling the water tank all at once. Seeing Lixiang approaching, she stopped what she was doing.

"Why did you get up so early? Didn't I already tell you not to disturb you? There's nothing important to do now, so just take a rest."

Faced with Hassan's sudden concern, Lixiang was stunned, but she still spoke the human's own intentions.

"The other world that the first generation of adults said?" Baimao Hassan was stunned for a moment, and then fell into thinking, "I seem to have encountered such a place, because it is too weird, so I didn't get close. In fact, I don't recommend you to go. , But since it is the first generation, then I will tell you. The place you are looking for is a ruin that Osmandis likes, but it is a ruin that Osmandis' power cannot cover, so it seems that the guy can't investigate. This issue A suspicious person can be seen frequently near the ruins. It is said to be a Westerner with a hood on his head and a black cloak. If you can find this person, it may become your signpost. Wait a moment. …”

Baimao Hassan left, and Lixiang could vaguely see Baimao Hasan found a certain location, and then dug up the soil on the ground and took out a piece of oil paper from it.

"Let's look for the specific location based on this map. Don't worry, this map is already very clear, you just need to find a familiar person to lead the way."

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