"I can't see the bullet casings and bullet holes, there is no blood on the ground, and there is no water in the cup. Senior, it seems that this place can't provide us with clues. Let's go to other places to find clues. Only by finding local humans can we Understand the situation of the singularity, otherwise we have absolutely no idea where the source of the singularity is."

"Are you going out now?"

Lixiang looked up at the fierce sun in the sky. Although she only glanced at it, Lixiang already felt dizzy, and the poisonous sun was not suitable for going out at all.

"Don't look like a big lady, didn't I already give you sunscreen?" This was Mona Lisa's voice, "The umbrellas are also in the package, hurry up and take them out. You still have to be there. If you live in this singularity, you will not be able to return until the singularity is repaired, and you should get used to this climate.”

"I see, you're so long-winded, it's not my turn to teach you a lesson."

Li Xiang, who is not very friendly to Mona Lisa, took out the sunscreen from the package, but before wiping it off, she cast a murderous look at David: "David, let me go out and watch the door, if I find out that you are stealing If you look at it, I'll gouge your eyes out."

"I think you have misunderstood me, Rika. I'm definitely not the man who did such a beast."

"Believe in you to have a ghost, and the most filthy thing in all of Israel is yours."

Li Xiang kicked David out and closed the door.

One of David's wives, Solomon's mother, Bathsheba, was the one whom David took a peek at and robbed.

"Hey, what are the seniors doing?"

"I'm putting on sunscreen for you, hehe!"

"Don't, don't touch there!"

"Puff, puff, this feels so good, no matter how you play, you won't get tired of it."

"Senior, you must be a big pervert with an uncle's heart!"

"Joan of Arc is also so big, **** it, obviously the European faction is so big, why is the courage so small?"

"Huh? Does this have anything to do with courage? Ah, don't touch this place, it's very sensitive here."

"Damn, why is it so big. Even if Matthew is trained by his father, even Jeanne... Jeanne, what did you eat to become like this?"

"I'm not too sure. It's probably born, it's my physique."

"It's really an enviable question, and it's still a Servant, so you don't have to worry about sagging after death."

The girly communication reverberated in the room, but the only man who heard it not only did not have any fluctuations, but also showed an expression of hating iron.

Thinking of the Mona Lisa's figure in a blink of an eye... It's okay, it seems that some stupid magician has a good vision. He seems to have always liked this type. Otherwise, the Queen of Sheba, who is far away in the kingdom of heaven, will not So easy to reverse the success.

David viciously used clairvoyance to shoot around, killing any males that might approach.

The noise behind him came one after another, and it stopped after a while, and three beautiful girls emerged from the door with ruddy faces.

"Ma Xiu's ability has been replenished, let's go!"

Compared with the unfamiliar father, Li Xiang's performance is much better, especially when she finds the umbrella in her package.

Since it is a large army retreat, it will inevitably leave traces on the road. This is not a desert after all. Although the traces are blurred after a few days, Joan and David both have rich combat experience. Walking along this trace, I believe it will not take long to find the residents who have retreated.

"Beep..." The voice of the communicator sounded, and Olga Marie said, "I found it, there are a lot of life reactions in the northeast, and they are protected by a large barrier under the hills about two kilometers away. Be careful when you approach, so as not to arouse their hostility."

"Northeast? I see." David nodded, then turned to Lixiang and said, "I'll go ahead and see clearly, and you will follow later."

After finishing speaking, David's figure shuttled through the rocks and quickly disappeared.

"Let's follow along."

After looking for the direction, the speed of progress has also accelerated a lot. In about ten minutes, David walked back from the front.

"Quick! David, have you found them?"

"I found it, but I can't see it very clearly. Because there is a powerful Servant on the opposite side as a guard, I don't dare to approach it rashly. It's up to Lixiang to make a decision."

"Haha, David, you're quite right."

Li Xiang laughed heartily, she stood on tiptoe and patted David on the shoulder, a look of "little brother, you have a wink" that made David feel a toothache.

In spite of the kindness, Lixiang took the lead, and everyone approached the opposite camp openly.

Although this camp has been surrounded by people with a barrier, the people here are not ordinary people after all, even Lixiang can see the light refraction of the barrier.

And their approach quickly attracted the attention of the local guards, and a group of soldiers quickly approached, and even a high horn sounded.

"Stop, it's forbidden to move forward here, we'll shoot if we get closer."

"Shoot? Wait a minute, we have no ill intentions." Matthew shouted loudly, hoping to dispel the hostility on the other side. "We are not malicious, we are just passing travelers..."

"No, you are not travelers, and there will be no travelers on this road."

The soldier guarding raised the rifle in his hand and pointed at Tachika and the others. The rhetoric that they thought could relieve the hostility of the other party made them nervous, and there was a possibility of shooting at Magician S at any time.

"Oops, it seems that we can't talk, is the other party's nerves too sensitive?"

They never expected that the two sides would become tense before they could talk a few words, and Lixiang could also see that the other party had no desire to communicate at all.

Before they could move any further, the crowd suddenly parted, and a group of dwarfs like American flags came out from the center. When they noticed Lixiang, they suddenly started charging.

"What's that? It's like... a robot?"

When Lixiang reacted, the robot suddenly began to accelerate. The robot holding an axe was blown into the sky by the jet behind him, and the huge axe was chopped down.

"Attack, you can't be beaten like this, and we'll talk about other things after the fight is over!"

Under Lixiang's order, the battle began immediately. The battle looked very fierce, but it was just a drizzle to Lixiang's side.

These robots are a battlefield army to ordinary people, but the few people here are not ordinary people. Even if Li Xiang stood still, these robots could not cut her skin with weapons. If it weren't for the fact that the dress on her body was not as strong as her skin, maybe Lixiang would have avoided even the movement of dodging.

In the eighteenth century, autonomous robots appeared. This abnormal phenomenon attracted the attention of Chaldea. In particular, these robots seemed to be under unified command, which made people have to suspect that the other party had a kind of "Charles Babbage". The presence.

Whether it was a shooting robot or a melee robot, they were all broken into pieces, and the four of them approached step by step in the mechanical army. These seemingly powerful robots could not stop them at all.

When the last robot was dismantled into pieces and the gears were collected at the request of Mona Lisa, everyone found that the person who had been watching the battle from a distance had disappeared. On the contrary, a figure who had not seen it just now stand in front.

It was a person who was as dazzling as the sun, and from a distance, there was a sense of oppression that could not be seen directly. He was wearing gorgeous golden armor, with a fiery red cloak scattered behind him, and he held a huge triangular spear in his hand, almost twice as long as his own height. The white broken hair is very messy, and the cold eyes are looking at Lixiang and the others, and they are approaching them step by step.

"It's so strong!" Matthew raised the cross shield in his hand to block in front of her, the opponent's powerful aura made her unable to resist taking a defensive stance.

"Director, what kind of Servant is the other party, have you parsed it out?"

"How is it possible to know such a thing? But it can be judged that his job is Lancer, and the strength of the spirit base... has surpassed the Demon God Pillar, reaching the strength of Arturia Lancer. Be careful, the opponent is really strong , cheer me up."

Even if Olga Marie didn't give a warning, they would not take it lightly, and they all took a fighting stance.

But what he didn't expect was that the opponent had no intention of fighting at all, and he came to a stop about fifty meters away.

"Come here, Mrs. Helena wants to see you."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Lancer didn't say anything, glanced at them again, then turned around.

"What does this guy mean?"

Matthew patted her chest in relief, Lancer put too much pressure on her: "But senior, he doesn't seem to be hostile, it's great not to fight."

David looked at Lancer's back and said: "This is to convey goodwill, which means 'we have the power to defeat you, but we are not enemies', and now inviting us in is also to let us put down our hostility. Rika, your What are you going to do?"

David asked Lixiang's opinion, should the answer still be asked?

"Let's go then!"

Aren't they here for this? Following Lancer up, although they had already agreed to the host's invitation, the caution they should have remained undiminished.

After entering the barrier, they discovered that it was not the soldiers guarding who disappeared, but were hidden in a deeper barrier, so that everyone could not see them. Moreover, there are densely packed people here, and it seems that they may rush out to fight at any time.

"You go away and do your own business, they are Mrs. Helena's guests."

"Mrs. Helena's guests? No wonder they are so powerful. Are they also Servants? Could it be that they are reinforcements?"

Lancer's prestige is obviously not small among these people. In just a few words, they put down the gun aimed at Lixiang, and even cheered for their guesses.

"These people... don't seem to be having a good time."

Matthew looked at these people and sighed. They are warriors who have experienced several singularities, but none of them are as embarrassed as they are.

They looked sallow and skinny, and seemed to have been malnourished for a long time. Although they got excited because of Lancer's words, they couldn't hide their exhaustion. This kind of surprise made them look abnormal.

"It's because of war. Although we've had wars at the Roman Singularity, the wars at the Roman Singularity were obviously short-lived, and the wealthy empire was able to support its people. But here's the difference, the War of Independence was The war waged by the United States to escape British colonization is essentially a group of slaves fighting for their freedom, their lives are on the verge of collapse due to the lack of supplies, and more importantly, the climate at the singularity has become abnormal."

PS: Add 2 more, this is a 2k*2 chapter

Chapter 731 Chapter 252 The Servant of the Camp (Part 1)

Joan of Arc once led French soldiers and peasants to fight back against Britain. It is not surprising to see these phenomena. Many people starved to death in the war, and they were lucky to survive.

"It's here." Lancer led everyone close to a huge tent. He stopped in front of the tent, the canvas at the door was lifted, "Go in, Mrs. Helena is waiting for you."

"Aren't you going in?" David asked, his timely questioning preventing Lixiang from entering the tent.

"I also have to act as a guard to prevent the soldiers of the Mad King from invading the barrier."

"Mad King?"

"Karna, come in too, the patrols will be suspended for a while. As the core personnel of the Human Army, you'd better listen to the next arrangement."

The voice of a young girl came from the tent. It sounded like Lixiang was about the same age, and it was difficult for people to associate with the title "Mrs.".

Lancer, after Karna heard it, said, "I see."

After he finished speaking, he entered the tent, followed by everyone.

After entering the tent, everyone saw "Mrs. Helena" in Karna's mouth. She is indeed a girl with the appearance of a girl, but a Servant's age should not be judged by appearance. Maybe it is an old grandmother with a young body. After all, Servants are summoned in the strongest state in their lifetime, but they are not Memory will be modified.

Her body is very petite, a head shorter than Matthew, but she exudes "the majesty of an elder", and it is no wonder that these people are full of respect for this Lady Helena.

He was wearing a sleeveless, open-back short dress, his legs were black stockings of the same color, and his arms were white sleeves. When she saw Lixiang and others entering the tent, she showed a kind smile, but this kind of smile made Lixiang feel a lot of pressure, more pressure than David at some times.

"Hey, you guys are finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't show up again, I really don't know when I'll wait?" She came over enthusiastically, looking impatient, and said herself The introduction said, "I am Helena, Helena Blavatsky, and I am a magician. Although it is the War of Independence now, you are all people from the future, and you must have heard my name."

Li Xiang was taken aback: "Ah? Who is that?"

"..." Li Xiang's words shocked Helena.

"Idiot, don't say it even if you don't know it, it's easy to hit people." Olga Marie felt very helpless that a doctor who didn't understand the atmosphere had a daughter who didn't understand the atmosphere, "Helena Marie Blavatsky, Mrs. Blavatsky was a famous occultist in the 19th century, established the school of Theosophy, and pursued the higher existence 'the great soul'. Soul's pursuit and exploration of the mysterious clock tower, so now I can't find a few magicians who explore the continent of Lemuria and the great soul, I have always suspected that this is a paranoid conjecture of Mrs. Blavatsky ."

"The great soul exists!!!"

As if hitting Helena's pain point, hearing Olga Marie's denial of the continent of Lemuria and the great soul, Helena retorted loudly as if out of control: "It's just that you can't find it, you don't feel it. The existence of the great soul is destined to be a group of mediocre magicians. Yes, it must be because of my ability. Only the genius I can feel the great soul, so I can't get your recognition, because the genius always is lonely."

The atmosphere suddenly froze, and Olga Marie never thought that just telling everyone to Helena would cause such a big reaction, and Helena happened to be very concerned about things related to the great soul.

It seems that Olga Marie is not too smart when it comes to looking at the atmosphere.

At the critical moment, there was still a reliable person who came out to ease the atmosphere.

"That's right, the world of genius is untouchable by mortals. Things that seem absurd to you are easily seen in the eyes of geniuses, so geniuses are geniuses, and mortals are mortals. The Blavatsky Madam, you only need to stick to your own opinions, and you don't need to pay attention to other people's evaluations and opinions."

"Oh? This lady, you must be an elegant lady, and you must be a learned scholar. Yes, you must be an incomprehensible genius like me."

"That's right, I'm the beautiful genius Mona Lisa, a genius among geniuses!"


The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious, which is really gratifying, gratifying.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, Helena would probably hate to meet Mona Lisa late and have a long talk with her.

"Mrs. Blavatsky, this is the first time we meet. In fact, we have just arrived at this singularity, but why have you been waiting for us? And you know that we will definitely come to the singularity."

"This is actually a very absurd reason. In fact, not long ago, we met a king who helped us lead the local humans to retreat. When he left, he said that the Master of Chaldea would definitely come here. The times repair the singularity, I hope we can keep going. Although it sounds incredible, the king has no reason to deceive us, so we stopped fighting back, but chose to build a stronghold to hide and wait for the Master from the future to come. , crazy The king's soldiers have found us several times, but they have been eliminated by us, but they are found more and more frequently, and they can no longer hide in this way. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we will be forced to fight back. , To be honest, now we have no chance of winning, although we have thought about finding a new camp, but doing so is another kind of harm to everyone who is exhausted."

"Wait, I don't understand what you said at all, can you put it in a simpler way? Who is the king who protects you? Who is the mad king? By the way, we should exchange information first. Tell everything you know? It's better to start at the beginning."

"Alright, there's a lot to talk about, we can take it slow."

"The work of exchanging information is temporarily suspended, Mrs. Helena." Karna interrupted everyone's communication, "We have 'guests' coming, if we don't drive them away, we will be in trouble."


"Although it is a guest, it is an unwelcome guest." Helena said helplessly, "I didn't expect Karna to joke sometimes, but it doesn't make people happy at all. This time is the same as before, right. Let the 'guests' be wiped out, it will be troublesome if people escape, I think this camp is still useful now."

"I know."

Karna stepped out of the tent.

Li Xiang looked at Helena strangely, not knowing what they just said.

"It's not that the guests are really here, it's just a small joke. In fact, the enemy is here, the subordinate of the 'mad king' I mentioned earlier. If they find this camp, the next step will be a large army attack , so it is necessary to kill them all one by one, and this kind of thing can only be asked by Karna."

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