Black Saber's anger suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was suspicious of virginity, but they never thought about Black Jean. After being exposed by Black Saber, they all cast like Black Jean. surprised eyes.

Chapter 678 Chapter 204

"It seems that none of you know her identity yet, what? Are you still planning to protect her now?"

Black Saber's contemptuous ridicule seemed to be about to watch a good show, waiting for Black Joan of Arc and "Merlin" to betray each other.

But what she didn't expect was that her mockery annoyed Lixiang who was still surprised by the fact that "virginity is Joan of Arc". Although it is said that Lixiang and Black Joan's Liangzi have long been forged, but in her opinion, magician S and virgin are the people who came to "follow" her, even though the truth is concealed by magician S and virginity , but they are also the "own people" of Lixiang Hood.

This is about me, Fujimaru Rika. When will it be your turn to be a zombie girl?

For a while, the explosive barrel on the head of Sister Fujimaru was also ignited.

"Shut up, Zombie Girl, I've said it clearly here. Whether it's the magician S or the little Joan of Arc, it's mine. If you want to take it away from me, you have to ask the person who asked me if they are willing."

"my people"? Of course, it was the Servants around him. As for their opinions, of course, it was Mrs. Fujimaru who had the final say.

"Really, since you're going to find your own way, I won't stop you. Merlin, is that what you mean too?"

"..." Magician S can already see that Black Saber has also begun to condense magic power similar to that of Maqiri, which means that Black Saber has begun to use the power of the devil. This is the ultimatum issued by Black Saber to Magician S.

"Lixiang means what I mean."

Magician S said softly, he would never hand over his virginity and a little girl to quell Black Saber's anger, it was really disgusting.

"I see." Saber Hei closed his eyes gently, "Since you don't want to hand her over, let me grab it myself."

Black Saber jumped off the high platform, and the black magic sword was augmented by magic power into a giant blade dozens of meters long.

Get out of the way!

Black Saber's speed is very fast, but the people here have long regarded her as the most powerful enemy. The slash that fell from the sky fell to the ground, creating a huge ravine over thirty meters.

Everyone ducked to both sides, and Saber Hei was in the center of everyone, and when Saber Hei stood on the ground, they swarmed up.

A strange magic power emanated from Barbatos, and something sneaked into everyone, making them feel that their bodies became heavy.


The black magic sword swept over, and the approaching Artoria and Mordred were bounced off. Jeanne blocked her from behind Artoria, and Mordred flew out and hit her. on the far wall.

"Agility dropped a notch."

Magician S observed David's data through a temporary contract and found that his agility had dropped. Barbatos gave up his attack and used his ability to assist Black Saber in the fight.

"My **** is here!"

Joan of Arc has the highest level of anti-magic, making her immune to Barbatos' influence, while others cannot. She knew that this was the time to use the Noble Phantasm, and the power of the gods sheltered everyone, and everyone immediately returned to their original state.

"What do you know?"

Barbatos' whispers sounded in his ears, making people feel powerless, and Magician S felt that he couldn't raise his strength.

"This time it's the strength of the muscles... Can't even Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm be able to resist it?"

"This is not surprising, you should know that Barbatos is a familiar belonging to the king of magic, and the king of magic is the agent of the gods. It is not surprising that using the power of the gods to fight against the agent of the gods does not work. ."

David's voice rang in his ears, he did not join the battle, and as Archer, he couldn't fight Saber in hand-to-hand combat. Arturia, Mordred, and Joan of Arc joined the battlefield, and now only they have the ability to fight Black Saber. Because of the existence of the Demon God Pillar, Matthew can only stay by Lika's side.

It's not that the more people involved in the combined attack, the better. If you can't master the rhythm of your companions and fail to cooperate, even attacking the same enemy will become a hindrance.

Artoria and Mordred used the magic power to release at the same time, and the blood of the red dragon made them stronger, and this part of the power allowed them to cancel out the interference of Barbatos.

A golden magic pattern appeared on Kuro Saber's body, and there was a huge power hidden in the thin body. Each of her swords is irresistible, and the powerful magic is released like substance, forming a solid wall. The closer they get to Black Saber, the more the three of them feel that their bodies become sluggish, as if they are moving under the sea. .


"Don't stand there stupidly, even if we can't participate in the battle here, don't forget that we have another enemy."

David pulled Magician S's hand, and the two looked at the huge black meat column in the distance. Only Barbatos was still here, and his ability would always affect everyone's performance.

"Let's go."

Magician S and David walked to the platform, Virgin and Justeza following behind them. After seeing Magician S and the others in action, Tachika and Mash also followed, and at the same time, the battle between the four Black Saber became more intense.

"Please, you must support us until we destroy Barbatos."

Magician S cried, his words were not answered, but he knew everyone could hear it, but they didn't even have the energy to answer.

The closer Magician S and the others got to Barbatos, the more they were affected by the power of Barbatos. The huge pillar of flesh stretched all the way to the very top of the cave, which may have been reduced due to lack of space. Crimson eyes were embedded in the flesh column, staring closely at the approaching few.

"What are you looking forward to?"

Magician S's movements stopped, and he felt something disappear from his body.

"It's against magic." David reminded him by his side, "Then next, it's an attack on magic."

As if in response to David's guess, Barbatos' eyes suddenly flashed an evil light.

The thick fog condensed in front of the eyes, and the magic fog outside the cave was sucked by Barbatos in front of him, and finally formed a column of purple air.

"Your efforts are pointless."

The air column came with a blasting sound, and whether it was a magical attack or a physical attack, it was not inferior to any Servant that Magician S had seen.


"I see! Imaginary Noble Phantasm: Mimic Development/The Foundation of Humanity!"

An invisible shield appeared in front of everyone, and the purple air column stopped just a short distance away, constantly attacking Mash's Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm continued to roar, and the protected people felt deafening, but in the end, the air column still did not break through Mash's shield, and no one was injured.

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters... Everyone is getting closer and closer to Barbatos. There is no powerful Noble Phantasm at a long distance, and everyone can only attack when they come to Barbatos. Mash's shield and Magician S's Ambrose Cloud Sword were all ready to attack, and Barbatos was also ready at the same time.

The huge meat column has become a terrible container for condensing magic power. No one will doubt that if these magic powers are allowed to erupt, the city will definitely sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Knows everything, so sighs at everything..."

"I have one more..."

Magician S also has the power that belongs to Merlin, so long as he transforms Barbatos' attack into an illusion, he can strike Barbatos with a deadly attack at this moment.

"You can't hurt him, Maqiri."

"..." Barbatos suddenly fell silent. It was obviously a flesh pillar that had lost its human form, but it gave people the illusion of "being stunned by hearing an incredible voice". In fact, it was Justisa's voice that stopped Barbatos, and even the ready attack stopped, and the magic power condensed to the breaking point dissipated in the blink of an eye.

"This is impossible!"

Barbatos made an unbelievable voice, his voice trembling and full of disbelief. The eyes on the entire Demon God Pillar shrank, and the final focus of the eyes was placed on Justisa.

"This is impossible! Justeza? You are Justeza! Why did you appear here! Why did you become like this?"

The huge Demon God Pillar was shaken, and his figure was constantly changing between reality and illusion. In the end, he could no longer maintain the appearance of the Demon God Pillar, and the dark shadow that reached the top of the cave disappeared. After the Demon God Pillar disappeared, standing in the center of the position was a man with short blue hair, who was Maqiri Sorgen whom he saw not long ago.

He stood there, became hesitant, and still couldn't believe his eyes, Justisa would actually appear in front of him.

A long time ago, there was a magician who saw the evil in the world and vowed to "abolish all evil" and eliminate the "karma" cherished by human beings. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find a way to realize this great wish. The magician alone could not eradicate the evil of all mankind. Humans are always human, and the limits of human beings make magicians feel powerless and can only rely on "miracles" in the end.

For magicians, the so-called "miracle" refers to the field that humans and magicians cannot reach, that is, the field of magic. The magician believes that as long as he can touch magic and reach the "root" of the world, he will definitely be able to achieve this wish.

In this way, with the last glimmer of hope, the magician visited Einzbern, an artificial man-made house built by the disciples of the third magician, in 1800. And this is the origin of the Holy Grail War, and the beginning of the three families.

The magician with a great wish to "abolish all evil", his name is "Machary Sorgen".

PS: Successfully added 3000 words. Before this, I owed you 5 chapters (2000 words per chapter), and now I owe 7000 words, which is really gratifying.

Chapter 679 Chapter 205 You can't hurt him, so die?

"Justice, why did you become like this?"

Maqiri looked at Justisa and muttered to herself, unable to believe that the woman in front of her was the Saintess of Winter in her memory.

In memory, Justeza is a saint who combines holiness and compassion, willing to become a living sacrifice in order to eliminate the evil of mankind, and finally disappears in front of Maqiri and Tohsaka.

But the current Justeza has the same face, but the curse on her body can suffocate the magician. She is a witch who runs counter to the Holy Maiden. For this reason, Maqiri couldn't recognize Justisa at the beginning, but just regarded her as a Servant summoned by Magician S.

"Marchili, why did you become like this?"

Justisa questioned Maqiri with the same question, leaving Maqiri speechless for a while.

Countless fragments flashed in his mind, from the beginning of himself as a magician, to the oath of "abolishing all evil", and then the figures of Tohsaka Nagato, Yustisa, and Yusi appeared. The scene of Tiza disappearing with a smile in front of them finally stayed on the figure of a magician.

"The King of Magic..."

Remember, it's the king of magic. After Justisa disappeared, Maqiri still worked hard for his long-cherished wish, but such failures made him feel exhausted and felt that his lifespan was about to end. life. However, the recovery of the body could not stop the decay of the soul, and Maqiri's will appeared empty, and at this time the King of Magic appeared.

Inspired by the king of magic, Maqiri finally succumbed to the power of the king of magic, and made him the king to help him execute the world. Maqiri received the Holy Grail from the King of Magic and was brought back to this era by the King of Magic, and with Charles Babbage and Solomon summoned von Hohenheim Paracelsus to carry out the "Magic Mist Plan" to destroy Britain .

"It's all about you, King of Magic!"

The appearance of Justeza reminded Maqiri of his long-cherished wish when he was young, and also understood that he was bewitched by the King of Magic to carry out the "Magic Mist Plan".

"Pfft" sounded, and Maqiri felt a sharp pain in his chest. He returned to reality from his memories and saw a slender and white arm pierced through his chest. He couldn't feel his own chest. Heart beating.

"Justice, why would you..."

Justeza withdrew her arm, and blood dripped from her arm to the ground. After the arm was pulled away from Maqiri's body, a beating heart appeared in her hand, and blood spurted out of the wound like a fountain, dyeing Justeza's body red.

"You can't hurt him, Maqiri."

Justeza repeated the first sentence she just said, and also answered the reason why Maqiri made her move. Because Magician S and Maqiri were enemies, Justisa didn't allow Maqiri to hurt Maqiri, so he killed him with his own hands.

Without the joy of reuniting after a long absence, without the guilt of her best friend, Maqiri was just an ordinary passerby in Justisa's eyes, and everything she did was for her current master.

- For the sake of my master, please die.

Maqiri read the meaning from Justeza's eyes.


Ma Qili let out an unwilling roar, but the curse that entered the body from the wound spread all over the body. In just a few breaths, Ma Qili lost his vitality. This magician who came to this era with great wishes, just Died so easily.

——Pre-senior, Mr. Marchili is dead!

-Is this sick? This must be sick! I actually saw a really sick girl, she actually gave the magician S the daughter of Joan of Arc? Fortunately, this woman has nothing to do with my father. No, I must keep my father away from the magician S, or who knows if it will hurt innocent people in the future? It's really good that Mona Lisa is not sick... No, does this have something to do with whether Mona Lisa is sick?

It's even more shocking that there is no sensitivity in front of him, especially the sensitivity between Justisa and Maqiri is obviously full of elements such as terror, blood, ethics, etc. The impact on the two little girls is unimaginable.

The two didn't feel sorry for Maqiri's death. The purpose of their coming here was to find a way to kill Maqiri, but Justisa, their partner on the same side, made them feel very uncomfortable.

David looked at Magician S with sympathy... and schadenfreude.

"Is this resolved?"

"Yes, that's it."


After finding out that Magician S had abandoned her, Black Saber's attack became even more violent. But after a fierce attack, Kuro Saber showed a sloppy appearance instead.

She walked in that direction, letting the surrounding enemies attack without any sign of stopping. Black Saber is like a mobile turret. After using the magic power to release, every time the sword is swung, it is like a Noble Phantasm, and no one can resist her attack. The magic power on her body increased as if there was no upper limit, and the aura of the devil became stronger and stronger.

Arturia and Mordred no longer suppressed their strength. The father and son cooperated delicately, and the two swords of kings could shine on Black Saber every time. Knowing that she could not find a way to kill, Joan of Arc cooperated with the British Red Dragon, but even so, Joan of Arc suffered no less attacks than the other two.

Surging waves, towering mountains, Black Saber's attacks always bring unstoppable oppression.

Summoned by the Demon God Barbatos, the cave was filled with the demonic mist outside, and two flashes of light flashed on Black Saber. It was the Noble Phantasm activated by Little Jack, who had been hiding for a long time, the disintegration of the Mother of God.

The three of them clearly felt that there was a momentary stagnation in Black Saber's movements, and they would never give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The king's sword, holy sword, and spear all fell on Hei Saber at the same time, but the whistling sound came at the same time, and several muffled sounds came from the magic fog, and the bodies of several people flew out.

Jack's Noble Phantasm did not affect Saber Black, or even if it did, it did not affect her counterattack against everyone.

"Artoria, Mordred, are you not injured?"

Standing up, Jeanne asked the two companions. She believed that the two companions were not injured either, because both Arturia and Mordred had incredible intuition, which allowed them to avoid the enemy's deadly attack and let the deadly attack appear in insignificant places. , so that the wound that should have appeared fell into the air.

Joan of Arc herself was not injured. At a critical moment, she discovered that Black Saber's flaw was a counterattack that lured the three of them to give up their defense. She planned to kill them all in one fell swoop, but she stopped at the end for some unknown reason.

"Hey, Jeanne, Father is not here."

The anxious voice of Mordred came from beside her, which made Joan feel very strange, because she did see three figures being smashed by the black Saber just now.

"No, Arturia... This is Jack?!"

The magic fog gradually dissipated, and Joan of Arc also saw clearly that the figure not far away was not the expected Artoria, but Jack who had been hiding. And Jack is not good at frontal hand-to-hand combat, and at this time he has fainted.

Arturia is not here, so where exactly is she?

"Is this the woman you're looking for?"

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