This is very useful news to turn the tide of the battle.

Although there is no sword in the stone caliburn, but the powerful Noble Phantasm is not only caliburn, as long as you find a Noble Phantasm comparable to it. At a critical moment, consuming Hercules' Noble Phantasm in one go can kill him completely.

So now there is one more choice:

1. Gather enough Servants and use different Noble Phantasms to kill Hercules eleven times.

2. Find a Servant with a powerful Noble Phantasm and let him give Hercules a fatal blow at a critical moment.

"Your intelligence is very useful to us. I will make it clear to them and find a new battle plan."

Magician S nodded and planned to return to the cave to exchange information with David and Atalanta, but El-Melloi II had something to say.

"Magician S, you wait..."

"Is something wrong, El-Melloi II?"

"Perhaps you should give King David a little more credit." El-Melloi II's tone sounded uncertain, "He should be of the same type as King Arthur - Artolis."

"……I know."

Magician S wasn't quite sure what El-Melloi II meant by "same type", but he would trust David. If even David didn't believe it, who else could he believe?

Magician S returned to the cave along the way he came, and found that David was already waiting for him at the entrance of the cave. He looked very serious.

"You're back at last. If you don't come back, I'm going to find you."

"Did something happen?"

Magician S didn't leave for less than an hour. This time was long or short, but David actually planned to go out to find him. It seemed that a very serious accident had occurred.

David did not speak, but took out the ark of the covenant.

Unlike in the daytime, the Ark of the Covenant was originally just a dead object, but now it is constantly shining with holy brilliance, as if it wants to say something to everyone.

"What happened, what is the reaction?"

Magician S has never seen this happen, and certainly doesn't know what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.

But David was the owner of the ark—

"Yes, the Ark is telling that there are gods around here."

"God? How is this..."

how can that be?

How is this impossible?

Spirits will appear. Under normal circumstances, the gods would not appear in this world. But the human body burns disturbed the laws of the world, and the gods may also be summoned, such as Steno in the magician S body.

No wonder David is so serious. The appearance of unreasonable things like gods, whether it is a friend or an enemy, is not a good thing. If it is an "evil" god, it is simply a natural enemy to the "good" David and Atalanta.

- But this is not a good opportunity.

Originally, I was still worried about where to find a Servant with a powerful Noble Phantasm, but now a **** has appeared. Isn't this the rain in time?

If this **** is really an "evil" god, they may not be able to escape. It is better to seize the opportunity and wipe the other party from the threat. Although this is a bit unreasonable, Magician S's rich experience has told him that negotiating with "evil" gods is a matter of asking for trouble.

But don't really do that, I haven't done Campione for many years.

Chapter 610 Chapter 140: Yuri Ellie

With the "God Radar" of the Ark, David pinpointed the direction of the god, and the three of them moved forward cautiously.

They climbed over a hill and saw a bare plain with strange stone walls. The stone wall surrounds the inside. From the outside, only a thick layer of fog can be seen, and it is impossible to see what is hidden inside.

Magician S has seen things of this type, and Zhuge Kongming's "Eight Arrays of Stone Soldiers" has the same effect, which is a labyrinth-type Noble Phantasm.

After informing David and Atalanta of the situation, the three of them couldn't help thinking about whether or not to break in.

It is not a rational thing to rush to find a god, but after Magician S told them how to defeat Hercules, everyone was reluctant to give up this opportunity.

It is rare to reach an agreement, so there is no need to back down.

"But it's strange, where did this maze seem to be seen?"

When approaching the labyrinth, Atalanta looked at the labyrinth in front of her suspiciously.

"Have you seen this labyrinth? Could it be that you have been to this deserted island? Or have you seen a Servant who uses this Noble Phantasm?"

"No, when I was alive."

while alive? This statement becomes very interesting.

Since Atalanta was still alive, it means that this is a labyrinth that appeared in Greek mythology. In the entire Greek mythology, the most famous is the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, which is the labyrinth where the tauren is imprisoned.

Speaking of this maze, Magician S is not untouched. A certain "Black Prince" who claims to be "reasonable" and "wise" once won this power from a tauren, and can change the terrain to create a battle against himself. environment.

However, Magician S doesn't need to be so troublesome, and the maze in front of him is not that powerful. Compared with breaking into the enemy's home field, Magician S has a more convenient method.

"Ready? I'm going to start."

After being affirmed by David and Atalanta, Magician S pulled out a Japanese-style dagger and stabbed it into the wall of the labyrinth.

Just then, the labyrinth began to blur, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the "treasure" in the labyrinth is also exposed.

A tall tauren stood at the front, holding a giant axe in each hand, with a mask covering his face on his head. When the labyrinth disappeared, the tauren turned his head to look at Magician S and the others, and a violent breath emanated from him.

But at this time, Magician S paid more attention to the little girl who was protected by the tauren behind him.

She looked only eight or nine years old, wearing a long white dress in Greek style, and her long purple hair was tied into double ponytails and fell to the ground. She has the holiness of the gods and the charm of a monster, but the magician S knew the moment he saw her that the **** they were looking for was this girl.

The reason is very simple, she is exactly the same as Steno in Magician S, both in appearance and spirit base.

"Another Steno?"

Magician S had such doubts, and while he was wondering, a voice suddenly sounded.

"It's me! Roman, this is me! No matter what, you must protect me!"

The sound was like a heavy hammer hitting Magician S's head, making him feel dizzy, but Magician S could feel Steno's impatience.

"Go get her..."


Magician S pointed his finger at the girl. Before he could finish speaking, the tauren suddenly roared and charged towards Magician S.

Although the body is huge, it is not slow at all, and the ground begins to shake because of his charge.

Atalanta tilted her head in confusion and said, "It's the Minotaur and Gorgon, what kind of strange combination is this?"

Is it still time to say this?

However, neither Atalanta nor David planned to take the Minotaur in their eyes. Bows and arrows and stones were aimed at the Minotaur and shot out. There would be no other results in the unfair two-on-one battle, especially the Minotaur. Taurus' Noble Phantasm has been taken away by Magician S.

Minotaur swung the giant axe in his hand to block the bow, arrows and stones. However, when the two sides were only twenty meters away, Atalanta hit Minotaur in the shoulder, causing his arm to be too late to swing. David's stone hit him in the knee.

The Minotaur fell to the ground as a whole, and his inertia was that his body slid on the flat ground, and finally slipped in front of the three magician S.

Before he could stand up, David had raised his shepherd's staff and struck the head of the Minotaur, the giant bull's head lightly stunned, and then fainted weakly to the ground. much muscle does it take to knock out a Berserker?


Little girl - Gorgon seems to have rushed over after the Minotaur fell, ignoring that there were two Servants here.

She walked to the Minotaur and called in a tender voice, "All you are looking for is, just let the calf go."

An eight- or nine-year-old girl even called a tauren with a body three meters high as a "calf". It seems a very funny thing, but in Greek mythology, the three Gorgon sisters are more famous than the Minotaurs. Ross is higher.

"I think there are a lot of misunderstandings here. We didn't come to you specifically... Let me ask, which one of the Gorgons are you?"

The girl took a deep breath and said, "I'm Yuri Ellie."

The moment she said her name, Yurielle pulled out a small short bow out of nowhere, and pulled the short bow to face the magician S in front of her. However, the three people on the opposite side moved faster. Magician S's sword, Atalanta's bow, and David's shepherd's staff had all pointed at Yurielle's vital points.




"Why, why didn't it work?"

Yuri Ellie looked at the three of them in disbelief, she was about to cry, but no one was touched by her tenderness—

"Abisag, you must be Abishag!"

- I kick fly ah ah ah ah! ! !

"Show me clearly, this is a god, a banshee with divine nature. Didn't you hear her calling herself Yuri Ellie? Are you not only having problems with your brain, but also with your ears?"

Magician S now has the urge to use the dagger in his hand to stab David with three knives and six holes. He really can't afford to lose this man. I had never heard of him having this problem before, how could he be so embarrassed after becoming a Servant?

"Because she really looks like Abishag. You see here, the same small body and beautiful face, and this pitiful expression, who else can be except Abishag? Yes, you must be Yabisha. Compete!"

"No, I'm Yuri Ellie!"

Yuri Ellie's firm denial was like a sharp sword piercing David's heart. But the cheeky man recovered in the next second, as if nothing had happened.

Magician S thinks that Yurielle is doing the right thing. If she really admits that she is Abishag, then something very bad will happen, such as being stuck on some green brownie candy.

Panic finally appeared on Yurielle's face.

To be honest, existences like gods should be high above, but there will always be a group of them. Just like Steno and Uriel, they can use their charm to control the opposite sex, and even **** may not be able to escape their charm.

But a few people here are not on that list right now. I have already heard that Atalanta, the three Gorgon sisters, has been wary of Yurielle's power from the very beginning, and the magician S, who hides Steno in his body, is already a skilled man. As for David This cheeky man was a man favored by God in the first place, and he even had a bit of divinity in him.

Having lost her charm, Yurielle, who is not good at fighting, felt an unprecedented crisis, especially when she saw David.

"Don't worry, we're not here to trouble you, do you remember Steno? Or, 'I'?"



Joan of Arc chanted this title in a vicious tone like a curse, and the flames of vengeance around her made her look like a sinister witch.


Seeing that someone was approaching, Black Joan glared at him with fierce eyes, and then saw a black saber in a black short coat.

"You are too slow, Joan of Arc, to discover me only now."

The distance between the two was only ten meters, which was a very dangerous distance, enough for Saber Black to kill her twice.

"If you dare to do it, I will definitely burn you into a meat skewer."

"Ha? Have you eaten gunpowder? It should be said that your gunpowder keg is finally going to explode? You explosive girl."

"Shut up, zombie girl, as expected, I'll make you a charcoal zombie, because if you burn it to charcoal, you won't be able to say such nonsense."

"You want to fight with me?... Forget it, I have no interest at all." Black Saber waved his hands very dashingly, and her relaxed look made her look very forgiving, "I won't be angry with children, because this will make her look very tolerant. I became childish."

"What did you say?!"

Joan of Arc stared at Black Saber's eyes almost burst into flames, the flame of revenge beating constantly beside him.

"Is it not just your brain, but also your ears? Or is it that your brain can't even understand my words? I mean, I'm not interested in playing with you. Compared to this, I'd better talk about It's your own, it's enough to make it like this, shouldn't it be rushing into the Servant pile?"

"..." She was suddenly stabbed in the sore spot, and Black Joan's momentum dropped instantly. She didn't want to tell her experience of making a fool of herself, because she would definitely be caught by Black Saber, and she could only stare fiercely in the end. She, "you don't need to worry about it, this matter has nothing to do with you."

What a mess, is this guy's brain a one-liner?

Black Saber was not surprised by Black Joan's answer. She was surprised that Black Joan didn't notice that she was changing the subject.

Was this woman so stupid in the first place, or did something go wrong when she transformed into a demon?

Although it has nothing to do with this woman's brain problems, if the two are collaborators, their brains are too stupid and they will become pig teammates in minutes. It seems that it is necessary to find new teammates in the future. If it is not possible, just act separately, otherwise there will be a **** of a situation of 1+1<1.

"You should have seen King David, right? Did you find the Ark?"

Joan of Arc frowned: "I found King David, but the Ark of the Covenant doesn't seem to be with him. Could that little devil Medea be deceiving us?"

Medea had said that the Ark of the Covenant was on King David, and she also provided her with the direction of King David's retreat. Joan of Arc finally found King David, but because of his attention was taken away by magician S, he was eventually plotted against.

But Joan of Arc also noticed that the Ark of the Covenant was not on King David. According to the king, the Ark of the Covenant could not be hidden like a spiritual item, but could only be carried around like a real object.

"Even if you can't find it."

"What's the meaning?"

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