Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 688: Immersive experience

"Old Director, did you see that there was a problem with the picture just now?" Huang Tianci asked somewhat puzzled.

"It's a bit stuck, something else..." Director Zhai hesitated, "Xiao Huang, what do you want to say?"

"No, no, I also feel a bit stuck." Huang Tianci felt that he was staring at the screen for a long time, his eyes were long, and there was a transient hallucination.

"The operation is really clean." Director Lao Zhai praised, "You all do minimally invasive surgery now, unlike my time, all of which were craniotomy. From the previous six hours, the bleeding had to stop three or four. point."

"We have a headache to stop the bleeding now," Huang Tianci said, "Minimally invasive surgery without bleeding is the best, bleeding is a major issue. Even if there is bleeding, you have to carefully adjust the lens angle and find the position. Professor Chu My heart is so careful, Wu Mian is also the best assistant, and the operation was done cleanly."

Huang Tianci did not hesitate to praise, and gave a fair evaluation.

The labbé vein and its draining vein on the occipital lobe gradually appeared in the operation field, and the anatomy was still clean.

Bipolar coagulation cut, explore the notch along the midcranial fossa to the tentorium cerebellum, open the arachnoid ring of the cisterna, and cut the distal end of the communicating artery with a double silver clip after the posterior cerebral artery branches.

Huang Tianci watched the operation intently, forgetting the passage of time.

The operation was very clean, but a lot of time was "wasted". Huang Tianci didn't think it was necessary, especially if there was a top surgeon like Wu Mian as an assistant, he could increase the speed appropriately so that he would not be so careful to free the blood vessels to the level of a general teacher of local anatomy.

"Xiao Huang, I'm going to have a meal." Director Lao Zhai said.

"Huh?" Huang Tianci was startled, why did he start eating? He took out his phone and glanced at the time. It was already half past eleven noon. I go! How can time pass so fast!

Unknowingly, the operation has been performed for two and a half hours.

How can time pass so fast!

Director Zhai stood up slowly and walked out of the meeting room to have a meal with his hands behind his back. There are too many things for people his age to be careful about. Two more years of living are more important than anything else. The operation seems to have to take at least 3-5 hours anyway.

Huang Tianci was awakened. The meticulous operation on the screen could no longer attract his attention. He tried hard to think about a question-what he was looking at just now.

Only when you are immersed in the operation will you forget the passage of time.

But such a simple operation can only be said to be very detailed? How can I feel an immersive experience?

Thinking about it? Huang Tianci unknowingly was once again attracted by the "simple" to straightforward operation, and immediately forgot his doubts.

The operation has reached a critical step? Chu Zhixi retracted the hemisphere along the longitudinal fissure of the brain? Exposing the corpus callosum, cutting back from the mouth and knees of the corpus callosum to the indentation.

The passage of the corpus callosum is opened, and then into the lateral ventricle above the caudate nucleus, the central white matter of the brain is incised until the inferior horn, and the hippocampus and hook gyrus on the medial temporal lobe are resected.

The excision was very ingenious. The pliers in Chu Zhixi's hand extended all the way along the gray matter, and almost all the white matter was preserved.

The human brain is located in front of the brainstem, and the dorsal side is divided into the left and right hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure of the brain.

The surface of the cerebral hemisphere is covered with a layer of gray matter, commonly known as the cerebral cortex, which is uneven on the surface to form the sulci and gyrus.

The deep layer of the cortex is white matter, composed of various nerve fibers, and each hemisphere has an inner cavity, that is, the lateral ventricle and the cerebral cortex are the highest center of the nervous system to regulate body movement. At the same time, it also has a regulatory effect on visceral activity.

There is no clear distinction between gray matter and white matter in the brain. This section is complicated in structure. A little carelessness will damage the white matter composed of nerve fibers. This leads to severe dysfunction in patients after surgery.

But Chu Zhixi started from the corpus callosum, and moved and removed along the gap between gray matter and white matter bit by bit.

If there is any problem, it is that it is too slow? Sometimes you can't advance a millimeter in ten minutes.

Huang Tianci's eyes no longer squinted, but round and round? Like two quail eggs. He seems to have entered a mysterious realm? Everything around him no longer exists? He seems to be standing on the operating table, supporting Chu Zhixi.

Every step seemed very ordinary, but Huang Tianci, who "entered" the operation, saw the subtleties.

There is a blending part between gray matter and white matter, and the surgeon is not afraid of "wasting" time at all, doing a meticulous and patient separation.

Huang Tianci felt in a daze that he was an assistant, and always wanted to help the surgeon to separate. But every time he understood the operator's intention, a pair of microscopic pliers appeared in the operation field a little earlier, which made Huang Tianci feel extremely uncomfortable.

He knows that the cooperation between the surgeon and the assistant has reached the level of understanding ~ But... it's just an operation, as for it!

Huang Tianci was not convinced, he naturally refused to convince.

He has never seen Chu Zhixi, a neurosurgery professional, in his eyes. His opponent is Wu Mian. This is Huang Tianci's subconscious cognition.

And he didn't think that there was something wrong with Wu Mian not being the chief sword but an assistant. The top assistants could not be met, and even a certain moment was more important than the surgeon. If Chu Zhixi is qualified for surgery, Wu Mian will naturally be an assistant and take charge of the overall situation.

What disappointed Huang Tianci finally happened. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep up with Chu Zhixi's rhythm. The assistant's microscopic forceps always appeared in the position where they should appear a little bit faster than their own, not only accurate, but also obviously reducing the difficulty of the operation.

Huang Tianci, who was immersed in the operation, had forgotten everything around him. He only felt that his chest was stuffy. Wu Mian's pliers were so annoying, he was always a little faster than him!

Suddenly, the pliers in Huang Tianci's fantasy landed where he wanted to drop, but the pliers operated by Wu Mian in the picture deviated from the position.

Huang Tianci unknowingly makes a fist with excitement, yes! Wu Mian's attention finally began to lose concentration, and he was already tired!

But when his fist was just clenched, Huang Tianci noticed that Chu Zhixi's next operation followed Wu Mian's microscopic pliers, avoided the gray matter groove and returned to the next hidden white matter, and cleanly handled this section. The tissue frees up.

How did he see it? Huang Tianci stared at the screen blankly, Wu Mian's surgical field was right in front of him, but he didn't understand that his vision was blocked just now, but Wu Mian was able to bypass the hidden white matter like a perspective eye.

This kind of operation... unscientific!

Countless question marks and occasional exclamation marks floated on Huang Tianci's head.

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