Friendly training match is over.

The audience in Lingnan was amazed.

After the arrival of Long Yan and Liuchuan Feng, Xiangbei has simply undergone earth-shaking changes.

Only now, Xiangbei is enough to be on an equal footing with the top four teams in the county like Lingnan.

This year’s Xiangbei is really different!

Saiko and the others suddenly jumped up from the bench and raised their hands excitedly.

“Win! We won! ”

Akagi walked off the court with some relief, his gaze sweeping towards Ryuhiko and Rukawa Kaede.

“This year finally waited for good teammates.”

Akagi stood alone in place, looking at the clear and bright red score on the scoreboard, and he felt that he would never forget.

This feeling of victory, he has not felt for a long time.

“Both teammates shake hands!”

Lingnan and all the players from Xiangbei walked onto the court one by one to line up and shake hands.

“Thank you for your advice!”

The surrounding reporters had an extremely sensitive sense of smell and stepped forward to photograph this historic scene.

And this moment has also become the beginning of the future legend of northern Xiangbei.

Sendo was still the sunny and hearty teenager, he grinned.

“Nice job! Hopefully, in the county competition, your performance will be the same as it is now. ”

Ryuhiko smiled and stretched out his right hand.

“You guys have to come on, don’t want the county competition to be out of the round.”

Immortal Dao and Long Yan were not affected by the outside world, and their hands were held heavily.

But the Usumi and the others next to him had a dark face.

Long Yan, this guy, is really ruthless.

Kaede Rukawa and Sakuragi on the side cast resentful glances at the two.

“What two stinky farts guys!”

Akagi walked up to Usumi’s side, looked proud, and patted Usumi’s shoulder heavily.

“I have to continue to work hard, look forward to your performance in the county competition, and remember not to drag the backwards in the team.”

Usumi’s face darkened, and he threw Akagi’s hand on his shoulder.

“Akagi, you finally have a good teammate, but don’t think that we only have this strength.”

“How many more times, you can’t win me, Yusu.”

“What do you say? Akagi! Look down on people less, and when the time comes for the official competition, I won’t show mercy to my subordinates. ”

Akagi and Usumi got together, but looking at the reactions of the people around them, it was obvious that it was not the first time that the two had been scaring each other.

And on the other side.

Coach Tian Gang held Coach Anzai’s hands tightly, and squeezed an ugly smile on his face.

“Coach Anzai, congratulations, you have met good players, and we look forward to meeting again in our county competition.”

Coach Anzai still looked like a smiling Buddha and replied with a smile.

“Looking forward to it.”

After Lingnan chatted with Xiangbei for a while, Coach Anxi took the Xiangbei players and set off to return to Xiangbei High School.

On the school bus, Akagi, who had fought the whole battle, closed his eyes a little tiredly.

“I can’t believe that we actually won Lingnan, the county finalist,” Kuwata’s voice broke the silence on the school bus.

“That’s not normal, with this genius here, defeating Lingnan is just a trivial matter.”

Sakuragi patted Kuwata’s shoulder with a stinking fart.

“In the future, Xiangbei will dominate the whole country under the leadership of this genius!”

“You guy, do you really understand what it means to dominate the country?”

Akagi slammed his punch on Sakuragi’s head.

“And, don’t interfere with Coach Anzai’s rest, bastard!”

“It’s okay, Akagi-san.”

Coach Anzai was also in a good mood, and he looked at the players in the whole car with a smile.

“The idiot who left the scene with five offenders can also say such big things.”

Liuchuan Kaede wore a walkman on his ear and said softly.

“What do you say! Dead fox! ”


“Do you dare to say it again, dead fox!”


Sakuragi was furious, what he disliked the most was Rukawa Kaede, this guy Rukawa Kaede is even more smelly fart than Ryuhiko!

“Shut up, you two!”

Akagi punched and smashed heavily on the heads of Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi.

“Wow, gorilla, you’re too heavy.”

Mu Twilight’s face turned pale, and she looked at Akagi, whose face was getting darker and darker.

“It’s over, it’s forbidden.”

Unlike the noise of everyone, Long Yan sat quietly in the back seat of the school bus, closing his eyes and recuperating.

In the second half of this match, when Lingnan used the bag clip tactic many times, Ryuhiko’s physical exertion was also extremely huge.

Long Yan opened his eyes, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes, and squeezed his fist.

“It seems that we have to strengthen my physical training.”

The Lingnan basketball team, looking at Xiangbei and the others who had left by car, showed a hint of embarrassment on their faces.

Immortal Dao looked at the school bus that had gone away, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“That guy Long Yan is really a bastard.”

“What’s wrong, Sendao?”

Usumi looked at Sendo suspiciously.

Immortal Dao raised his right hand, and the entire right hand was completely swollen.

“But speaking of which, that kid’s hand strength is really big enough.”

“Immortal Dao! Where’s the run!”

Coach Tian Gang’s roar came.

“Ah, Usumi senior, I’m going to go first, if the coach asks you, you say you haven’t seen me.”

As soon as the words fell, Immortal Dao had already disappeared in front of Yusu.

Panting, Coach Taoka stood in front of Usumi with his knees on his knees.

“Immortal Dao, this bastard, runs really fast!”

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