Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 918: Qijingtang Green Tea

Ruan Xihe only visited their training place once. Victoria thought that the boss was very beautiful, but she didn’t look at herself too much, so she didn’t know. It turned out that it was like being watched by the little boss. .

I want to give birth to my boss!

Victoria closed herself in the corner. After all, she is really a professional model. She has been on the show since she was 12 years old, and she was seen blushing, huh~

Ruan Xihe walked over and communicated with the little Russian girl who was hit at close range. The fluent Russian made people feel silly: "It's okay, can you do it again? Your name is Victoria, right?"

Her voice is a little low and hoarse, gentle and with a natural cold texture.

Victoria felt itchy in her ears, and the half of her body that was close to her was soft.


"Come on, do you want me to help you?" Ruan Xihe stretched out his hand.

Victoria's face was bloodshot.

But she still put her hand on Ruan Xihe's hand.

Ruan Xihe's fingers are very long, with delicate bones and green onions like water.

Victoria's little heart was pounding.

"I want to see Victoria take another good walk, okay?"

The more gentle and gentle she is, the more exciting she is.

Victoria nodded quickly.

I have to walk again, she wants to see it, she can't be ashamed!

Next, Victoria was just like opening and hanging, and the tablecloth walked rustlely and steadily. It was originally one of the best in this group, but now the gap has been drawn.

Sometimes the catfish effect is like this. After Victoria played this supernormally, the other eleven were not to be outdone. They all wanted to perform well in front of Ruan Xihe.

"Da! Da! Da!" The high-heeled shoes murmured.

Wearing clothes that are not too gorgeous, standing for the original desire.

Get stuck, one after another, with indifferent eyes and raised neck, being chased crazily by people, high above, not stained and dusty.

Ruan Xihe became more satisfied as he watched, and his ambition was completely ignited at this moment.

During the intermission, Victoria boldly walked to Ruan Xihe's side and said to follow her on Twitter.

Few people play Twitter in China.

She didn't need to, so she taught her to download WeChat and became the first friend of this little Russian girl.

With Victoria taking the lead, everyone came over and asked Ruan Xihe for contact information.

Then they discovered that the boss could not only speak Russian, but also French, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean...

There is even one from Congo.

The boss even dabbles in such a niche language.

The staff of the Deep Sea Mermaid was also shocked, thinking of the six translators the big boss had hired at a high price, suddenly felt that the money was wasted, how much money the little boss’s language talent would save the Deep Sea Mermaid.

No wonder the big boss said last night that the translator does not have to come over today.

In addition to watching their steps today, there is another important thing to let them try on their clothes.

The clothes drawn by Ruan Xi and his hands are ready.

It was delivered here last night.

Every diamond inlaid on it is real.

These twelve pieces of clothes were made with so much money, and they will definitely be sold later.

Ruan Xihe never does useless work.

Even these 12 pieces of clothes are all out of print. Her price is 30 million pieces, which is not particularly expensive, but the conditions for buying it are very demanding. You must be a senior member of the deep sea mermaid, and each person can only use an account every year. Buy one.

I still remember that Sister Wen listened to Ruan Xihe's purchase criteria, and was stunned for two seconds. The first sentence she said was: No treacherous, no business.

Ruan Xihe smiled, "Is this a rape?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"Not enough." Ruan Xihe tapped the tabletop lightly and continued to speak.

"If there are two senior VIPs fancy the same dress at the same time."

She paused.

Wen Queyi immediately asked: "So what?"

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