Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1480: Kaihua Longding

It wasn't until the camera lens was removed that the intense and surging emotions slowly cooled down a little bit.

Ruan Xihe was full of excitement, she even wanted to go back to see He Nanxian, give him a hug, tell him, brother you are so handsome, tell him, brother I am really touched.

But reason restrained her.

He Nanxian should still be in a meeting now, and it is never too late to go back to celebrate at night.

Today is a great day, all the girls who benefited from this change will remember him forever!

"Sister and sister, shall we go directly to the high-level office?" Feng Xu's voice sounded in his ears.

She calmed down and said slowly.

"No, let's take a look at the service attitudes of these merchants, and by the way, understand the quality of the products. This mall has financial problems, and there must be something wrong with it."

Ruan Xihe is more attentive to all profitable projects. Although the purchase of this furniture city is just to bury the bait, it is his own industry in the end.


There are seven floors. The first floor is all tiled bathroom, the second floor is decorations, paintings, curtains, etc., the third floor is panel furniture, the fourth floor sells solid wood, the fifth floor sells mahogany, and the sixth floor sells metal. , Door sets and the like, the seventh floor is the office area.

Entering the door is the biggest one made by a few.

The brand hall occupies a large area. As soon as Ruan Xihe walked by, a beautiful shopping guide came to entertain him.

The more first-tier cities are, the younger and more beautiful the shopping guides are. On the contrary, in some backward small cities, furniture shopping guides are generally 40 or 50-year-old aunts.

Those who sell sanitary wares are generally in a minimalist style with a sense of coldness.

After all, the focus of others is to show you her products.

It is completely gray, white and black, with almost no bright colors.

"Hello, has the house been renovated recently? How big is it? I like this kind of independent shower or this kind of integrated bathtub." The young lady was very enthusiastic.

Ruan Xihe smiled when he looked at her: "The house is under renovation. It is more than two hundred square meters. I like to have a bathtub."

"More than two hundred flats! The beauty is a rich woman!" The young lady joked half-jokingly, in order to get in touch with the guests.

Ruan Xihe has never selected things by himself from start to finish. Generally, he directly locks in a few stores and contacts them for home delivery, or directly packs them to the decoration team to do it.

"No no." She just waved her hand and walked inside.

Anyone who can be a shopping guide here has a pair of glaring eyes.

The major brands of luxury goods, they are very familiar.

Nowadays, many engineering orders directly cover the bathroom decoration. Therefore, fewer and fewer customers can enter the store to select by themselves.

The young lady is very caring about them, and she smiles all the way without being impatient.

"Is it convenient for me to ask which housing estate you are in?"

"Emperor of the Pearl River."

"This is a well-known wealthy community in Beijing."

"How much is this set." Ruan Xihe didn't answer that sentence, and asked her how much the accessories of a suite would cost.

"This set is 185,000, mainly because the fully intelligent bathtub is more expensive, but the bathtub costs more than 80,000."

"This thing in your house is too expensive. A bathtub costs more than 80,000 yuan. It's like stealing money!" Feng Xu felt that this thing was sold as rat poison, and it was too expensive.

"The bathtub in our house has a shoulder and neck spa, which has both massage and spa functions..."

This young lady is very professional and her mouth is sweet. If it weren't for Ruan Xihe's current house to be renovated, she might really have to contribute some achievements to her.

Ruan Xihe saw that she looked good, her lips were also neat, and her attitude was good, so she suddenly wanted to pry the corner.

So when she passed the corner in front, she suddenly turned around and looked at her seriously.

Ruan Xi is tall and looks at people like this.

Rub nm, absolutely!

The shopping guide girl blushed.

"Are there any gifts for these things?"

"You, what gift do you want?" She was taken aback for a moment, a little unclear.

"I want you." Ruan Xihe bends slightly, his voice is slightly low and hoarse, looking at her intently, this is an infinite illusion of affection.

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