Skynet Architect

Vol 4 Chapter 135: Clever nerd

"Don't you really want benefits? Is this what your Majesty's Academy taught you?" Si Fan looked at them seriously.

His Majesty's School has always taught the elites, and what they teach is proportional to labor and dedication.

Now they actually give up so many benefits, just to be famous, but they need to know that they still have to live, and they have to wait for their lives to reach another peak slowly, even if they are given funds now, once they ca n’t study what How about it?

Therefore, Si Fan is rare and severe. After all, this is His Majesty's Academy. They must raise their posture.

Because they use the resources of His Majesty's Palace, if the students do not have a good profit, why should they use such excellent resources of His Majesty's Palace?

It was just in His Majesty's Palace, using His Majesty's Palace's equipment, and taking advantage of His Majesty's Palace's inspiration, this required a lot of remuneration, and now they want an empty glove White Wolf.

Sorry, Si Fan is absolutely not allowed.

He looked at these students very severely.

The student laughed with a smile on his face: "Yeah, principal, it's just tens of millions of investment. We can spend it in less than a month, and the ultimate benefit they can get depends on the total investment cost. . "

This time, it was Si Fan's turn, and it turned out that the world was all pits, and accidentally fell into the pits.

In the end, there must be a large amount of funds into this investment, so the financing required is very large, so many funds have entered into it, or he has to make additional investments, or he will have to watch his funds being invested. Ahh, the contracts are made by other students.

"The students and nerds are indeed the best protection colors. Who can think of what your guys think in their hearts?" Si Fan looked at them helplessly.

"You don't have to be so troublesome for me, you can tell the true conditions for cooperation. I hope to be sincere and want to cooperate with me!" Si Fan said seriously.

The opposite students finally put down their computers and looked at Si Fan and the two princes around him.

The leading teenager said honestly: "Principal, we really don't want to cooperate with you, because we respect you, so we need to explain something you didn't say."

They were very sincere at this time, and the image of the nerd just disappeared.

Just before they said it, the two princes looked at them inconceivably, wondering what to say about them.

But Si Fan already has the following.

"Your skin monkeys, don't I know what you think? Just the development funds for this project are billions or even tens of billions of dollars. This is still in our palace."

In a word, they stared straight at Sifana.

"Principal, do you also know this secret?" They seemed to believe that Si Fan knew their biggest secret.

Si Fan nodded: "This is a school I built. I built it brick by brick. The monitoring system here is spread all over the school. Do you suspect that I don't know what your skin monkeys do?"

Several students looked around nervously, then looked at the sky.

Sure enough, over people, in the corner of the stadium there, they seemed to feel a flash of light passing by.

But they all know that there must be countless cameras here, but they can't find them, don't even try to find them.

This is the technology of Skynet.

Several students looked tremblingly at the surrounding walls, and Si Fan who looked cautiously was funny.

"Don't be too nervous. The school's monitoring guarantees that it will not be found by others. They are automatically stored and recorded, and then nobody visits them. They do not investigate the file until an accident occurs."

"So you can rest assured that privacy will never be leaked. Now I want to see your real plan, and then there is a formal contract. Do n’t you just want to catch some goodies? I ’m not. You used the school If the school is not profitable and you are not profitable, why is it cheap for outsiders? "Si Fan said absolutely. This is his bottom line. The construction of his own school is to cultivate talents, but it is not a tool for others to make profits.

If you want to become a tool for others to make money, Si Fan is the first one not to agree.

A few students suddenly trembled and said to Si Fan with their heads down: "I know, principal, we will not play such a trick in the future, but now we have to find too few people willing to cooperate with us."

They are also hidden. There is no way, who makes them just ordinary students, has no real reputation, nor can they stand on the world stage.

So they need a chance.

As if today, someone who succeeded invested in them.

It is very difficult. Because out of Si Fan, the two princes are slightly interested

Others were too lazy to look at it.

How can they get ahead in this environment?

Take a look at the file, carefully read the above records and commitments and the terms of guarantees and liabilities ~ ~ then he nodded slightly.

‘This is what you should do. It ’s something like this. You should apply early for things that are good for yourself and the school. The school will help you, and my manager will support it. "Si Fan said repeatedly.

A group of students nodded excitedly: "Yes! You are right, principal, you are right."

Of course, they have to agree. Si Fan supports them. That's the best. Don't look at them now that they have big and small gods of wealth.

The best support is Sifan's support.

Followed by Si Fan, watching Si Fan call the company's financial department and legal department to contact, and the investment company conducted this investment review.

Everything is on the right track. Nowadays, what a real tyrant wants to do must have a large group of professionals to work.

Si Fan has reached this stage.

When he decides, it all starts.

Several young people were also very happy and said in front of Si Fan: "In fact, we still have results, and we will show them immediately. The cars produced in our school are fully independent. The materials of several important parts of the car are our experiments. The team provided. "

They said to Si Fan.

This attracted Si Fan's interest in manufacturing cars, which cannot be made on the road in China's private manufacturing. Only in His Majesty's Palace can he ride freely.

That's enough. There are professional racing tracks, professional racing drivers, and professional maintenance personnel. Their cars will be tested here.

After the car is actually manufactured, they can also lease professional equipment for commissioning.

Now they finally come up with their own products.

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