Sky War God

Chapter 324: tease

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"Thirty-five thousand middle-grade yuan stones, this young man must be crazy, he is a little-known person, how can he get so many yuan stones? I think he is deliberately making trouble!"

A strong man opened his mouth and said that he did not believe that Ye Feng was able to produce such a variety of stones. You must know that the prince of Liang State Liang Bupo was forced to abandon the bid because he could not pay such a huge amount of yuan. With his identity background, it is impossible to have such financial resources.

Therefore, no one believes that Ye Feng can really produce so many rough stones.

Zhao Yang's gaze froze slightly, and fell on Ye Feng's body, and briefly looked at him. As the prince of the Kingdom of Zhao, one of the four great figures of Qingyunyu, what kind of genius has not been seen?

Only very strange to Ye Feng. Never seen it before, indicating that the other party is not a person with an extraordinary identity.

Since he is not an extraordinary person, where does the courage come from asking for the price of 35,000 middle-grade rough stones?

"But you must fight with me?"

Zhao Yang was in the VIP seat, looking down at Ye Feng, and asked, that expression was extremely proud.

"Everyone at the auction has the right to bid? Why, do you still have the right to prevent me from bidding?"

Ye Feng raised his brow, disgusting Zhao Yang's arrogant expression.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Zhao Yang smiled with a bit of contempt, and said: "Where does the prince prevent others from bidding, but the prince has some doubts about whether you can really get 35,000 yuan. The bid price of the stone!"

"You don't need to worry about this. When other people bid, no one has ever proved whether his financial resources are sufficient."

Ye Feng smiled faintly and said.

"A mere unknown person, dare to make a strong argument in front of the prince? If you can't prove your financial resources, then your bid will be invalid. The 10,000-year-old fruit belongs to the prince."

Zhao Yang's expression sank, and he said coldly, with domineering expression in his words. As if his words could determine the belonging of Wannian Zhu Guo.

"Senior, let me ask you, can the auction held by your chamber of commerce participate in the auction casually?"

Ye Feng ignored Zhao Yang, and directly asked the host of the Celestial Chamber of Commerce.

"Yes, provided that you have enough primordial stones."

The old man's eyes flashed, and he didn't expect that Ye Feng would come out halfway through.

"Your Excellency is very unfamiliar with my Tianji Chamber of Commerce. If you don't mind, you can prove your financial resources to the old man. If you have sufficient financial resources, you can naturally bid at will."

After pondering for a moment, the old man continued, and he didn't believe in the price that Ye Feng called. If Ye Feng is really an unreasonable lunatic, wouldn't it disturb the overall order of the auction?

"A Zhenwu duo's waste, really considered himself a big man? Where can there be so many multi-stones to participate in the auction? I think he came here deliberately to make trouble!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, an ironic voice sounded in the crowd, and the contempt was not concealed.

The speaker was Chen Song, and Chen Song couldn't bear to see Ye Feng's participation in Wannian Zhu Kingdom's auction without his own ability.

In his opinion, if Ye Feng does not have a friend like Quan Tiezhu, and does not even have the qualifications to enter the auction house, where would he be qualified to participate in the auction?

"Thirty-five thousand middle-grade yuan stones, what's a joke? With so many yuan stones, my expenses for one year are no more than that. How can a person with dual real martial arts have so many yuan stones? , It’s better to blast him out directly to avoid making any jokes."

Jingya on the side also satirically opened her mouth to Ye Feng. She and Chen Song would not believe that Ye Feng could really take out such a huge amount of primordial stone.

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

Ye Feng's eyes swept across Chen Song Jingya's body, and he made a sarcasm, and then his eyes fell on the host elder.

The light in front of him was shining, and he threw the ring that was not in the hands of the host. Before throwing it to the host, Ye Feng had used his spiritual sense to untie part of the storage ring so that the host's spiritual sense could penetrate Enter the ring and check the items stored in the ring.

Before participating in the auction, Ye Feng had counted all the Yuan Stones on his body and put them in different storage rings.

In this way, the storage ring thrown into the hands of the host elder contained a hundred high-grade primordial stones.

Calculated in terms of value, the value of one hundred high-grade yuan stones is equivalent to 10,000 middle-grade yuan stones.

But nowadays, the mainland is scarce and extremely precious. Refining high-grade pill, magical tools, and carving high-level gods all require high-grade essence stones as support.

Therefore, the price of high-grade yuan stones has risen rapidly. In the general large-scale trading market, the exchange price of a high-grade yuan stone has risen from the previous 100 middle-grade yuan stones to 300 middle-grade yuan stones, and some are even in urgent need of high-grade yuan stones. The people of Yuanshi even exchanged for the high-grade Yuanshi at the price of 500 yuan.

Therefore, the price of one hundred top-grade rough stones in Ye Feng's storage ring can basically match the price of 35,000 middle-grade stones.

The moment the old man drove his spiritual sense into Ye Feng's storage ring, a shocked expression immediately appeared on his face. Somewhat incredulously he glanced at Ye Feng.

But the old man didn't have much to say, he just announced indifferently: "This young man has the financial resources to participate in the Wannian Zhuguo auction."

This is the professional ethics of the elderly, and it is not easy to disclose the privacy of customers to outsiders.

The old man also understood that the wealth of a young man who was able to take out a hundred high-grade essence stones at once was definitely not just as simple as this one hundred high-grade essence stones.

"How is it possible? How could this young man have so much financial resources? You can actually get 35,000 middle-grade yuan stones, I haven't heard of it!"

However, as soon as the old man's words were spoken, everyone's eyes were immediately frozen, and his expression was unbelievable.

Especially the two Chensong Jingya's faces were blue and white, and only felt that their faces were hot, as if they were slapped in the face by others.

The expression on Zhao Yang's face changed for a while, and he also didn't expect Ye Feng to have such financial resources.

"Thirty-five thousand middle-grade yuan stones, now, it's your turn!"

Ye Feng didn't care about the complicated gazes the crowd looked at him, and looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

"Thirty-six thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and said that this price made him very painful, but if he gave up the bid now, it would obviously damage his face.

"Thirty-seven thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Ye Feng calmly increased the price.

"Thirty-eight thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Zhao Yang's look is not very good-looking, if he fails the bidding, he will definitely lose face.

"Boy, the grade of the Wannian Zhu Guo can only be regarded as ordinary. You don't want to spend 40,000 middle-grade yuan stones to buy this thing."

Seeing that Ye Feng kept increasing the price, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Sovereign couldn't stand it anymore. He had asked Ye Feng to take the Wannian Zhu Guo before, and his intention was that no more than 30,000 middle-grade Yuanshi was very cost-effective.

Now, with Zhao Yang and Ye Feng's bidding, the price is already close to the 40,000 middle-grade yuan stone mark. The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor felt a little unaware, and then reminded Ye Feng.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of freedom."

Ye Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and he said to the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor.

"Forty thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and said that the 40,000 middle-grade Yuanshi was infinitely close to the bottom line he could bear.

"Forty-two thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Ye Feng spoke lightly, the expression still calm. With his strong mental power, Ye Feng can keenly observe the change in the expression on Zhao Yang's face, knowing that the price just now has not reached the opponent's final bottom line.

"Forty-five thousand middle-grade yuan stones!"

Zhao Yang continued to speak, and his heart was dripping blood as he bid such a price. Even tens of thousands of years of Zhu Guo are far less worth the price!

Zhao Yang thought secretly in his heart, with a faint regret in his heart, but he had already said what had been said, there was no reason to take it back.

"you win!"

When Zhao Yang's voice just fell, Ye Feng said these three words without hesitation.

Everyone was shocked at such a price, but ignored Ye Feng's performance at the moment.

Only Zhao Yang, when Ye Feng said the three words "you won", the expression on his face became ugly like never before. There was no success in shooting the joy of Wannian Zhuguo.

"You've been asking me before? Raising the price on purpose, right?"

Zhao Yang's expression was extremely cold, he hadn't tried the feeling of being teased for a long time.

Ye Feng smiled faintly, and said, "The prices at the auction are voluntary. I have never forced you to bid with me."

Ye Feng smiled coldly and said sarcastically that he didn't want to provoke Zhao Yang again, but he had a three-point temper to provoke the clay figurines again and again, not to mention the fact that he was a young and frivolous Ye Feng.


Ye Feng's words immediately gritted Zhao Yang's teeth, but there was no way to refute it. From the beginning to the end, Ye Feng was forced to do anything. Whoever provokes him will provoke him. This time is a lesson for Zhao Yang.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhao for the ten thousand years of Zhu Guo!"

Liang Bupo on the side naturally saw that Zhao Yang was teased by Ye Feng, and his heart was really relieved, and he couldn't help but sneered at Zhao Yang.

How could Zhao Yang not know that Liang Bupo was not so kind, so he coldly snorted at the other party, and was not talking.

Seeing Zhao Yang's miserable situation, Liang Bupo smiled triumphantly and ignored Zhao Yang.

At this moment, Zhao Yang hated Ye Feng who had changed his appearance. If Zhao Yang knew that Ye Feng was teasing others, he would not know if he would die on the spot.

Wei Zhentian and Huang Yanming in the VIP table also showed surprises on their faces. They couldn't help but take a deep look at Ye Feng. The young man who was able to bid for tens of thousands of middle-grade yuan stones at once could not be simple. No wonder Ye Feng didn't care about the provocation of Wei Guoqiang.

Everyone had different looks and thoughts in their hearts, but Zhao Yang and Wei Zhentian hated Ye Feng, and they were full of **** Ye Feng.

"Elder Shen, what do you see in the young man's storage ring?"

Suddenly a voice came from the head of the host elder on the auction It was Huang Yanming who was speaking to him.

"One hundred high-grade yuan stones!"

Huang Yanming is the son of the city lord of the sky city, and also the young lord of this old man. Therefore, the old man dare not hide anything.

"One hundred high-grade yuan stones? Are you sure?"

After hearing the host's words, Huang Yanming's face suddenly appeared extremely shocked. He knew what a hundred high-grade essence stones meant, so he couldn't believe it, so he confirmed and asked the host.

"It's true, I don't dare to deceive His Royal Highness with the courage of the old man!"

The old man explained the sound transmission.

"Really rich!"

After listening to the old man's confirmation, Huang Yanming's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he seemed to have some determination.

Soon, there were several more rounds of auctions, and many people were still paying attention to the auction items. Many of them were paying attention to Ye Feng's movements and knew what would happen if Ye Feng were out of control.

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